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Высказались ещё не все...

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Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:55:58   
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Noel Gallagher:
It's very, very sad. I hope he's found what he spent his life searching for.

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 05.12.01 23:58:07   
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В Манчестере, Нью Хэмпшир 30.11.01 Элтон Джон завершил свой концерт , посвятив погибшему в пятницу от рака Джорджу Харрисону песню Your Song. «Где бы ты ни был сейчас, Джордж, будь счастлив. Бог благословит тебя», - сказал музыкант. Источник: Netcity
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.12.01 11:59:25   
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Разделяем всеобщую печаль.
Джордж Харрисон был для меня человеком, первым показавшим мне путь к Свету, и всем, что я сделал, я в первую очередь обязан ему.
Сам Джордж был безусловно уверен, что расставание с "этим физическим телом" - вещь временная, и он переходит в иное состояние. По словам Джорджа Мартина, до самого конца он шутил и излучал любовь.
Мир ему. Его песни - а значит его душа - навсегда с нами. Думайте о нем с радостью!

(БГ, 30 ноября)

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 06.12.01 13:32:51   
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George Harrison and film

Michael Palin
Sunday December 2, 2001
The Observer

Michael Palin was a writer and actor in BBC's cult comedy Monty Python's Flying Circus. The Pythons' third movie, Life of Brian (1979), was saved by George and launched his move into film production
Back in 1978, EMI had picked up Life of Brian and we had a deal organised. We had our shooting schedules and carpenters had even been sent out to Tunisia. The sets were being built. Then someone at EMI looked at the project at the last minute and said: 'We can't do that.'

It was going to be a big problem getting another company interested at that late stage. Eric Idle had formed quite a close friendship with George, because he was a fan of our TV shows and he had appeared in The Rutles. So Eric said: 'We're in a pickle, can you help?' He went straight to his manager and they came up with a deal. I've heard it said George mortgaged his house to get the money, but that may be apocryphal. At any rate, he must have raised money against his royalties, because it was hard for anyone to come up with £6 million, just like that.

At the time George said he just wanted to see the film, which must make it the highest price paid for a cinema ticket ever. He saved that movie, anyway. It is quite odd that as George faded away last month it has just been named as one of the best films of all time in last weekend's Channel 4 list.

People tend to forget how much protest there was about Brian, but George loved its subversive quality. He and the Beatles had been through this kind of controversy before when Lennon said they were as famous as Jesus. He rather relished it, I think. He was wicked and he had a dry Liverpudlian wit, the kind that quickly pins down what is absurd about something. Amazingly, he kept that even though he had had to get used to living like a member of the royal family, or like a god. After John was shot he didn't go out so much. There was some fear after that, I think, and he had never really enjoyed the star thing - the price he had to pay for fame.

He is actually in Brian, wearing a false beard. It is the moment when Brian's mother turns round from talking to the crowds out of her window and finds the room full of people wanting her son. It was a very discreet performance.

Having created Handmade Films, he went on with it. After Brian, he saved The Long Good Friday - they couldn't find anybody to distribute it. He was never very hands-on as a producer. He visited the set, but didn't like people bowing down or saying thank you.

His love of comedy got him involved, but after that I think he enjoyed the risk. When Terry Gilliam came to him with a plan for the Time Bandits, he just said 'Oh yeah, Terry, That's fine. Horses going through walls, I love what you do.' George helped me with The Missionary too and then he funded Private Function, the only film Alan Bennett has ever done, though he was always rather embarrassed to admit he only got to about page three in the script.

When you look at that Handmade slate, they are really very good films. There was Withnail too. Only with the last few did things begin to slide. Once there were fewer people he knew involved, he got less interested and just did it because he was told there were tax advantages.

He kept up with all of the Pythons and we got over the hero worship, but I never really got over the shock of the fact that a Beatle was a fan of my work. We visited him in Switzerland in August when he was ill. It was difficult to know what to do when someone is having treatment like that, but I think when they are just seeing doctors, they often want to see mates and talk about other things. And he did talk. I always find the idea that he was the quiet Beatle quite funny. He never lost that spark and I will miss him very badly.

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 06.12.01 17:27:11   
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А можно вопрос - почему во всех здешних новостях и рассылках слова Пита Тауншенда: "Goodbye sweet man" переводятся как "Прощай, великий человек"? Совершенно другой тон высказывания получается, пафосный :(
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 12.12.01 20:07:30   
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CINCINNATI 11.12.02(AP) - Peter Frampton paid homage to the late George Harrison at
a concert he organized to raise money for the Sept. 11 relief fund.

During an encore Sunday night, the British guitarist played an emotional
version of ``While My Guitar Gently Weeps'' as a tribute to Harrison
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