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Джордж и Патти

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Pattie Boyd (Патти Бойд)

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Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Матильда Карповна   Дата: 19.03.02 23:35:41   
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To SereGa:
В последнее время (i.e уже несколько лет сряду) не доверяю публикациям "Ровесника", в том числе переводным. И вам не советую!
Там сейчас такие "спецы" что в истории рок-музыки, что в английском нашем языке задействованы :-)
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 20.03.02 12:36:35   
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Абсолютно согласна с вышесказанным о Ровеснике. Интервью дано в сильно урезанном варианте и с большими неточностями. Я где-то на форуме это писала и дала английскую версию этого интервью.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 20.03.02 12:47:58   
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Полностью согласен, в последнее время Ровесник деградирует : безумные переводы и ни одной толковой статьи.
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 23.03.02 21:18:08   
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Я тоже хочу бросить камень в Ровесник -- таких импровизаций на тему не выдаю даже я в своих переводах с санскртиа! ;)
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 08.06.02 12:36:36   
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Наткнулась на линк в поисках совершенно другого материала (к экзамену по исламу, не поверите ;), и после некоторых размышлений решила-таки поделиться; правда, рекомендую воспринимать с некоторой долей скопсиса: есть неточности ("Лейлу и Маджнуна" Эрику дал почитать не кто-то, а Джордж) и не-вполне-проверенная информация (большинство всё-таки сходится на том, что никакой гитарной дуэли не было; фраза же об усилке и гитаре похуже кажется мне попросту смехотворной).
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 08.06.02 13:18:44   
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Уважаемый JLKYN! А в своей книге Марианна Фэйсфул ничего не пишет про Алена Делона?
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Green_N2   Дата: 08.06.02 15:33:43   
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Хочется сказать по поводу Джорджа, Патти и
Ерика. Джордж по молодости был человеком,
котодый если чем то увлекался, то увлекался
до фанатизма и благотеорил то (или кого) чем
он увлекался. Это типо любви-страсти (по-
Стендалю).Сначало он благотворил Джона, затем Ерика, а затем влюбился в Патти и ей в голову
вбил, что Ерик-бог в музыке. Ну а Патти, по
большому счету, никогда не любила Джорджа
(Ей просто лстило,что ее полюбил один из Битлов) и Джордж знал об этом. Ну, а когда случилось то, что случилось, Джордж пожертвовал своей любовью ради любимых им
людей. Джордж ,вообще, всю жизнь жертвовал все
ради других (но это отдельная тема).
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 09.06.02 23:07:11   
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Версия неоднократно упомянутого Джеффри Джулиано (я сижу одна, кормлю сканнер, мне одиноко).

By late 1971, Harrison's home at Friar Park was beginning to seriously unravel. After seven years of reasonably happy co-existence with Pattie, their relationship was now in trouble. Ironically, at the hub of their estrangement was their mutual interest in Hindu culture and philosophy. While intensely interested in yoga and all things Indian, Pattie was admittedly not as committed to the faith as George. The accouterments of the Eastern lifestyle were one thing. For years now, Pattie had sporadically meditated, was largely vegetarian, studied Indian dance, read volumes by George s favorite gurus, accompanied her husband on pilgrimages to India's holy places and even occasionally chanted Hare Krishna on the prayer beads presented to her by Srila Prabhupada. However, she fell short of actually calling herself a devotee of Krishna. Harrison, on the other hand, was intensely dedicated. Rumor has it that he even offered to "surrender" himself at the feet of Prabhupada by formally joining ISKCON. "No," his beloved master and friend was quoted as saying, "you can do far more for Krishna right where you are." By all accounts, Harrison took those words firmly to heart, even to the eventual detriment of his marriage.
To Pattie, one of the most troublesome tenets of Prabhupada's teachings was his strict ban on sex for pleasure. She just couldn't reconcile such an unyieldingly rigid attitude with the deep feelings of love she had for her husband. George, however, was convinced, at least philosophically, that until an individual had conquered the pleasures of the flesh, attaining true spiritual gnosis would remain just a distant dream. "No illicit sex means that you're not raving around knocking up everybody," explained George in 1969. "That then becomes a bit of discipline, as all these emotions like lust, anger and greed have got to be curbed."
"Sex life is meant for having nice children to raise in Krishna consciousness," said the guru, "that is all." Pattie would have loved nothing more than to have those "nice children" with George, but after two childless marriages, she seems unable to conceive. Sources close to Harrison speculate that this unhappy fact alone hammered a sizable wedge between the young couple. "He was a little embarrassed by it all," says an old business associate. "He apparently saw it as some kind of a slight on his manhood." Both of them went to doctors, but to no avail. George said the problem was probably his, but later, of course, he had a son by his second wife. At the time, Harrison's friends figured he was just taking the blame in an effort to shield Pattie from a potentially very embarrassing situation. Feeling those first faint tremors in her marriage, Pattie suggested that they consider adoption, but George apparently steadfastly refused. Pattie was heartbroken.
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 09.06.02 23:09:17   
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When they first got married, George insisted that Pattie give up her budding modeling career so she could shower her full attention upon their life together. Even charity work was out, as it might bring with it some unwanted publicity for George or the band. Consequently, Pattie found herself with little to do but sit at home looking stunning, waiting for her man to grace her with his presence. With George away on Beatle business so much of the time, Pattie did a lot of waiting.
On one occasion, Pattie was so desperate for something constructive to do that she responded to an unsolicited plea from a local do-gooder collecting bundles of used eyeglasses for distribution to the needy in Africa. Thinking it a suitably worthwhile cause, she rummaged through several London junk shops until she had amassed quite a number of the badly needed frames. Pattie then carefully smashed out the lenses with a hammer on her kitchen table, packaged up the glasses and phoned the old man to come and collect them. Within days a story heralding her generosity appeared in the London Daily Mirror — and George was furious. Needless to say, the career of Esher's newest patron saint of the poor was quickly cut short.
All this is not to say that George didn't love Pattie. He did, intensely. But his fairly straitlaced Liverpool upbringing and his espousal of right-wing Hinduism had apparently molded his views on women and family life in some rather peculiar ways.
So forlorn was Pattie about her idle existence that she even consulted a London clairvoyant to find some avocation that would be acceptable to her demanding husband. "Your grandmother, dear, was a very great natural musician," Pattie was told. "She still plays the violin beautifully on the other side. I'm sure she would love you to take it up as she did." Excited by the possibility of finally finding something to occupy and satisfy her, Pattie engaged a teacher to come to the house for lessons. After a few frustrating weeks, however, her enthusiasm began to wane, and the violin was consigned to an upstairs closet along with the forgotten piano exercise books from an earlier, similarly fruitless pursuit. After the Harrisons' Indian phase had begun, Pattie had even attempted to learn the immensely difficult dillrube, hoping that might help draw the two unfulfilled lovers closer together. It did not.
"I just don't want to be the little wife sitting at home," she told Hunter Davies in The Beatles. "I want to do something worthwhile." Around the house, Pattie did far more in the way of domestic chores than the other Beatle wives. Although in Esher the Harrisons retained a live-in
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 09.06.02 23:10:55   
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housekeeper, Pattie did most of the cooking, shopping and tidying up. Still, it wasn't enough. Always extremely close to her sister Jenny, Pattie began making overnight visits to her London flat as her marriage came further apart. By the time the couple moved to Henley, Pattie and George were living fairly separate social lives.
Harrison's problems at home were aggravated by his basic inability to practice consistently what he so readily preached. "Prabhupada tells the story," says a former devotee and longtime friend of Harrison's, "of an elephant who, after taking a nice bath in the sacred Ganges, would dry himself off by rolling around in the soft, sandy dirt along the riverbank. In many ways this was George. Much of the good done by his devotion to chanting was then undone by his often less than spiritual behavior. Of course, it couldn't have been easy for George having so much facility available with which to enjoy the material world."
That, apparently, is one reason Srila Prabhupada didn't want Harri-son initiated into ISKCON. He realized how difficult it would be for someone in Harrison's exalted position to adhere to the strict standards he set for his devotees. To Prabhupada, no sex meant exactly that. It was the same with intoxication of any kind. As long as one was engaged in any so-called illicit activity, there was no question of becoming truly Krishna conscious — which Harrison knew full well. It's one thing for an ordinary man to give up unrestricted sensual gratification; chances are his sphere of enjoyment isn't all that great to begin with. But George's was a different story altogether. Anything — and anyone — was his for the asking, and that was very difficult to give up. That's what Christ meant when He said that it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. To his credit, though, that didn't stop George from trying. "He is perhaps one of the most divinely stubborn men 1 have ever known," says one of his devotee friends.
Perhaps George's biggest blunder in his attempt to attain that elusive spiritual status was his widely reported on-again, off-again romance with Ringo Starr's artistically talented first wife, Maureen. Such dangerous liaisons were reportedly nothing new for George, who didn't seem particularly troubled that the object of his affections was married to one of his pals. "How could you, with your best friend's wife?" he was asked some time later. "Incest, I guess," he replied, with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
Peter Brown, in his controversial 1983 book Love You Moke: An Insider's Story of the Beatles, suggests that Pattie, too, fell from grace soon
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 09.06.02 23:12:21   
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afterward with soon-to-be Rolling Stone guitarist Ron Wood, though the story remains unsubstantiated. What is clear, however, is that the Harrisons' marriage was by then essentially over. And though it is widely held that George's friend Eric Clapton had been carrying a heavy torch for the wide-eyed Pattie for some time, at least he kept from making any serious moves until he felt that the couple was finished. By that time, though, Clapton was battling some well-known demons of his own.
Clapton's long road to sobriety took the virtuoso rock guitarist on a slippery ride to hell and back for the better part of fifteen years. After becoming fed up with the paranoia and unpredictability of psychedelics and speed, around 1970 he started casually snorting coke with his show-business buddies and before long graduated to heroin. Terrified of needles, Eric preferred sniffing the deadly drug, a daily ritual that would eventually cost the musician as much as £1,000 a week. Toward the final days of Clapton's savage addiction, he even had to sell off one of his vintage guitars as well as a favorite car to help keep him in the devilish white powder. By that point, many of his friends and family doubted he'd live to see another year.
Perhaps George's first indication that Clapton was turned on by Pattie came the night of the London premiere of Kenneth Tynan's Oh, Calcutta in 1970. Peter Brown had taken Pattie to the play and to a VIP cast party later at the home of Robert Stigwood, the show's producer and Clapton's manager. George would have taken her himself, but he was finishing AH Things Must Pass and was busy virtually every night in the studio. Following the late-night session, Harrison jumped into his Ferrari and drove to Stigwood's extravagant estate near Stanmore. At the party, he cornered Brown and asked where his wife was, only to be told that so far as anyone knew, she and Clapton had taken a stroll together some time before. Hopping mad, Harrison stormed back to his car and drove down the long, narrow driveway in search of Pattie. After only about a hundred yards, he came across his wife and Clapton walking arm in arm toward the house. George slammed on his brakes, skidding to a halt. "And just what the fuck is all this?" he screamed. Without waiting for an answer, Harrison grabbed Pattie by the arm and swung her into the car, speeding off toward Henley. Eric was left alone in the middle of the road, sadly watching his dreams disappear into the night. For everything the wealthy Clapton had, Pattie was apparently the one thing beyond his grasp. And it was tearing him apart.
Languishing in his rambling Surrey mansion, Hurtwood Edge,
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 09.06.02 23:14:07   
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Clapton rebounded into a relationship with Lady Alice Ormbsby-Gore, Lord Harlech's stunningly beautiful daughter, and continued to destroy himself with dangerously large doses of pure China White heroin. During this period he wrote the hauntingly beautiful "Layla," a tribute to his secret, unrequited love for Pattie. Based loosely on the Persian poem "Layla and Majnum," by Nazimi, it featured some revealing lyrics along with a memorable piano interlude and searing guitar intro.
Meanwhile, back at Friar Park, the situation wasn't at all improving between George and Pattie. By the fall of 1972, they were at odds with one another so much of the time that one day George, on the spur of the moment, climbed into his BMW and took off to stay with his friend Gary Wright at his home in Albufeira, Portugal. Driving nonstop from Henley, George kept himself awake by loudly chanting Hare Krishna. As it turned out, Portugal provided the perfect break he needed to realign his priorities and gather his thoughts. "I really do love Pattie," he told Wright. "But it's almost as though love alone isn't enough."
When he returned to England, George made a concerted effort to try to make things better between the two of them, but it was not to last. Bored with life at the cloistered Friar Park, Pattie defied George's wishes and resumed her modeling career, accepting an assignment from designer Ossie Clark for a Chelsea fashion show. Soon after, Harrison left for India, where he spent several weeks touring various holy places, constantly chanting on his japa mala, beads and visiting with several well-known spiritual masters. Then once again he returned home ready to resume his career and salvage his floundering marriage. But this time it was too late. Pattie, in desperation, had flown to Los Angeles in June 1974 and was staying with her sister, Jenny, and her husband, Mick Fleetwood. Days later she linked up with Clapton in Miami, where he was recording his comeback hit album, 461 Ocean Boulevard. For Pattie, there was no looking back. Maybe at first she had seen Eric's longing for her as a means to lure George back from his often dour, otherworldly pursuits, but now her affection for the sensitive, caring Clapton was real. Their love sprang full-grown from the disappointment and loneliness each had carried with them for so long. With Pattie's support, Clapton was finally able to control his addiction and began work at a furious pace, picking up the pieces of his broken career. By the summer of 1974 he was once again enjoying huge international success with a string of popular albums and a sold-out comeback tour.
For the first time in her life, Pattie Bcyd Harrison had found real

Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 09.06.02 23:16:49   
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purpose in the reclamation of someone she dearly loved. Unlike the largely self-sustained and confident George, Eric needed Pattie desperately. Even the usually jaded Harrison could recognize it once he was able to overcome his initial anger and pain over the sloppy way they had parted. "There comes a time when splitting is for the best," he told reporters in September 1974. "It's no big deal. We've separated many times, but this time I don't know what will happen .... Eric is a fantastic guy. He's always been a close friend of mine; you always hurt the one you love. [Pattie and I] were getting on each other's nerves, and what with the pace of my work, splitting was the easiest thing to do. In this life, there is no time to lose in an uncomfortable situation."
After so many years of marriage, Harrison admittedly "went on a bit of a bender" after the breakup. "I wasn't ready to join Alcoholics Anonymous or anything; I don't think I was that far gone, but I could put back a bottle of brandy occasionally, plus all the other naughty things that fly around." For a time in 1974 he moved in with model Kathy Simmonds, Rod Stewart's former girlfriend, in a cozy villa near St. Georges Bay, on the island of Grenada. As far as Harrison was concerned, though, the affair was just another quick fling, to be enjoyed for the moment and then casually cast away. But Kathy had convinced herself that this was the real thing. Several weeks later, Harrison flew alone to L.A. to begin making plans for his first solo conceit tour, leaving without so much as a decent goodbye for the heartbroken twenty-four-year-old.
Added to the never-ending questions all the Beatles had to endure about whether the group might one day re-form, Harrison now had another big media cross to bear. "What about Pattie and Clapton.?"he was continually asked. Perhaps his most complete answer was published in 1977 in a lengthy interview in Crawdaddy:

We both loved Eric, still do, but there were a few funny things. I pulled his chick once. That's happened, and now you'd think he was trying to get his own back on me .... Pattie and he got together after we'd really split, and actually we'd been splitting up for years. That was a funny thing, you know. I thought that was the best thing to do, for us to split, and we should've done it much sooner. I didn't have any problems about it; Eric had the problem. Every time I'd go and see him he'd really be hung up about it, and I'd be saying, "Fuck it, man, don't be apologizing," and he didn't believe me. I was saying, "I don't care."
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: papan   Дата: 09.06.02 23:42:47   
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Ая,а теперь все это по-русски (с надеждой/шутка)
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 10.06.02 06:15:49   
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А по-русски будет на сайте, когда и если ;)))
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ilen   Дата: 25.06.02 17:30:56   
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Помогите, пожалуйста, найти фотографии Джорджа и Патти!!!
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 25.06.02 17:52:05   
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2Ilen Проверте почту. Я отправила кое-какие ссылки.
Под кайфом  
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Ая   Дата: 26.06.02 12:25:03   
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вообще сайтов, посвящённых Пэтти, воз и маленькая тележка ;) Достаточно в любой искалке набрать её имя ;))))
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 26.06.02 12:30:30   
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Вчера проверила пару лучших, они не работают, возможно временно.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Джордж и Патти
Автор: Охотница за приведениями   Дата: 27.06.02 09:50:59   
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Согласна, что " Ровесник " последние семь лет ничего хорошего из себя не представляет, хотя в школе я читала его с удовольствием. Но я и без " Ровесника " читала кучу интервью, где Джордж говорит, что он не переживает расставание с Патти, что он только думает, что это надо было сделать раньше, он вовсе не держал зла на Эрика. Джордж даже смеялся по этому поводу: мол, Эрик мучается угрызениями совести, что увёл у друга жену, а другу - то этому просто плевать на это дело. Вообще же есть версия, по которой Джордж, будучи женат на Патти, ухлёстывал за многими женщинами,в том числе даже за женой Ринго, Морин.
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