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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 05:02:03   
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04.07.05 Ник Мэйсон хочет повторить04.07.05 Ник Мэйсон хочет повторить
Израильская газета “Yedioth Ahronoth” привела слова ударника Pink Floyd Ника Мэйсона. Он заявил, что группа готова воссоединиться еще раз для концерта, если он будет организован с целью укрепления мирных инициатив в решении палестино-израильского конфликта. Отвечая на вопрос корреспондента газеты Шарона Молдави (Sharon Moldavi), Ник сказал следующе: «Если подобный концерт будет организован, я буду там на следующее утро.» Ник извинился перед израильскими поклонниками группы за то, что они никогда не выступали в Израиле, как и в странах Южной Америки.

На вопрос, не последует за одноразовым воссоединением чего-то большего, Ник ответил, что пока этот вопрос не обсуждается. «С другой стороны, если бы вы меня 20 лет назад спросили, объединимся ли мы когда-нибудь, я бы ответил с уверенностью “нет”, сегодня я уже не могу так говорить.»

Роджер Уотерс в прошлом году также выразил свой протест против дальнейшего нагнетания обстановки на Ближнем Востоке и строительства стены между израильскими и палестинскими территориями.

По материалам: Yedioth Ahronoth

Источник :
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 05:07:08   
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Roger Waters plays at the 1977 Day on the Green concert at the Oakland Coliseum.  Roger Waters plays at the 1977 Day on the Green concert at the Oakland Coliseum.

May 7, 1977
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 04.07.05 05:36:51   
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ихних мирных инициатив нам и даром не надо, а вот концертов бы, да побольше.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 05:41:03   
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>ихних мирных инициатив нам и даром не надо, а
>вот концертов бы, да побольше.

без этого пока никак;)))

ps По МТВ сейчас повтор некотрых моментов Live8. Так Флойд там показали сразу после Робби Уильямса и сократили аж до одной Breathe (!).
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 06:46:11   
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После того, как они покинули сцену, радио станция WXRT взяла интервью у Дэвида Гилмора, и он сказал: "Позвольте уточнить, это был только концерт по особому случаю. Умирающие от голода дети намного важнее наших мелких неурядиц."
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 06:58:22   
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Ещё репортажЕщё репортаж


Pink Floyd at Live 8
July 2nd, 2005
Hopefully many of you managed to catch at least the majority of Pink Floyd's amazing set at the London Hyde Park Live 8 concert last night.

With the concert overrunning two and a half hours over its extended finish, the band didn't manage to hit the stage until around 11pm, but it was worth the wait. Many reports in the media attested to the fact that the Floyd, reunited for this one, special occasion with Roger Waters, were one of the bands that stole the show at Live 8.

Despite the late running of the show (which was to eventually finish at midnight last night), the band performed their complete rehearsed set of Breathe/Breathe Reprise, Money, Wish You Were Here, and Comfortably Numb. And what a performance!

The band were stripped back down to a basic line-up, with only the addition of Tim Renwick on guitar, lurking in the shadows, Dick Parry on sax for Money, and a backing singer during Comfortably Numb. To see and hear the band back to their core unit was a sheer joy, and got even the non-Floyd fans in the audience applauding for more.

In one touching moment, during the introductory guitar work of Wish You Were Here, Roger said: "It's actually quite emotional, standing up here with these three guys after all these years. Standing to be counted with the rest of you. Anyway, we're doing this for everyone who's not here, particularly, of course for Syd."

A full report of the show will follow as soon as we've caught up on our sleep - the very late ending of the show caught out a lot of people, with public transport links home having finished, and your Brain Damage crew were no exception! We'll also be including some of the comments that have been made by Brain Damage visitors about the show.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 06:59:53   
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Finally, we hear that the US MTV coverage, and Canadian coverage, of the Floyd section was sadly lacking - in the case of MTV, cutting away from London right in the middle of Comfortably Numb, and in Canada's case, not even showing that song. We've received a lot of angry emails from viewers dismayed at this terrible handling of their performance.Finally, we hear that the US MTV coverage, and Canadian coverage, of the Floyd section was sadly lacking - in the case of MTV, cutting away from London right in the middle of Comfortably Numb, and in Canada's case, not even showing that song. We've received a lot of angry emails from viewers dismayed at this terrible handling of their performance.

The Floyd's performance will be on the forthcoming Live 8 DVD, due in November from EMI, and for the next six weeks will be streaming all the shows free of charge. So, whilst no way as good as seeing the performance live, there will still be opportunities to catch Comfortably Numb from the show.

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 07:03:05   
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Our thanks to everyone who has already written with their thoughts of the show - the performance made a big impact on virtually everyone, and has led to thoughts in many minds of what the future might hold for the four musicians.Our thanks to everyone who has already written with their thoughts of the show - the performance made a big impact on virtually everyone, and has led to thoughts in many minds of what the future might hold for the four musicians.

Look for our full show report, and the views of many Brain Damage visitors, in the next few days, along with a load of additional pictures from the event.


Date news posted: 3 July 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 07:04:06   
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2 July  Pink Floyd Light Show during Money2 July

Pink Floyd Light Show during Money
Я тащусь!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 07:33:39   
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Рейтинг выступлений на Live 8 в Лондоне Рейтинг выступлений на Live 8 в Лондоне
Иэн Янгз из БиБиСи даёт оценки многочисленным выступлениям, которые украсили сцену на концерте Live 8 в Лондонском Гайд Парке

Пинк Флойд: Если и был исторический музыкальный момент, то это оно - примирение Роджера Уотерса и Дэвида Гилмора. Они выглядили будто ни разу не рападались и восвысили великолепие своих песен, растянувшуюся сквозь вселенную. 10/10
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 08:08:36   
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Здесь можно скачать wmv файл в размере 78,9 Мб
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 08:12:43   
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Здесь можно проголосовать за полюбившееся выступление в Гайд Парке.

У Пинк Флойд уже 31%!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 08:22:40   
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Ещё про возможное выступление в Израиле. Ещё про возможное выступление в Израиле.

Pink Floyd готов объединиться еще раз ради Израиля и палестинцев

Музыканты легендарного британского рок-ансамбля Pink Floyd, которые собрались впервые за последние 20 [sic] лет на гала-концерт Live 8, предпринятый с целью поддержания беднейших стран мира, заявили, что без колебаний объединяться вновь и дадут концерт в поддержку израильско-палестинских мирных инициатив.

"Если будет организован подобный концерт, я лично появлюсь у вас на следующий день после того, как меня позовут", - так ответил на вопрос журналиста "Едиот Ахронот" барабанщик ансамбля Ник Мейсон.

По словам Мейсона, музыканты считают благотворительные акции и важные события в мире серьезным основанием для проведения совместных концертов
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 09:40:52   
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>Здесь можно скачать wmv файл в размере 78,9 Мб

Взято из - качество потрясное - стерео звук, единственно немного размытое изображение (когда отдаленно показывают).
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 04.07.05 10:55:25   
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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 15:41:47   
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in the flesh

Anyone who is familiar with my work and with the comments I've made during the course of my career will that I have an antipathy towards football stadium rock shows.

These arenas are perfect for sports, political rallies, and Bill Graham-style revival meetings.....I mean, they suit God and football, but I don't think their scale is appropriate for rock'n'roll which allow for a much greater degree of intimacy, and contact, between the performers and their audiences.

There's something about playing before 90,000 people brings out worst in everyone. In the performers, it can't help but encourage and exaggerate the puerile, attention-seeking part of our personality which is more concerned with power and status.

Audiences for their part get sidetracked by the scale of the event, and the last thing to be properly celebrated is the music.

The connection is lost. I particularly felt this loss after the success of Dark Side Of The Moon.

On subsequent tours it felt as if justabout everything human and important - the quality of performances, as well as the fact that relationships between the members of the band had broken down - was ignored or neglected simply because there was suddenly so much money involved, and because our lust for the concomiant acclaim was so great that genuine creative endeavour, and the authentic pleasures that accrue from it, and thus devolve to everyone else, were put on hold. The Wall, which I wrote during that time, is probably still most thorough and articulate statement of these concerns.

My recent American tour, from which the live performances on these CDs have been chosen, was naturally faithful to my present requirements.

I have increasingly found myself directly addressing audiences, reaching out to them, if you like, in ways I hadn't attempted before, or at least certainly hadn't in the bad old days whaen I'd have hidden behind any prop from the responsibilities, and ultimately from the rewards of that relationship. This was not something I'd deliberately planned. It simply began to develop on the '99 In The Flesh tour and went on from there. The size of the venues, and my physical proximity to the audiences which they allowed, obviously encouraged this adjustment, but I also think it indicates some fundamental change in my attitude towards what I do, as well as a change in my attitude towards what I want to get out of it.

Much of this has to do with understanding, or I should rather say, feeling, the truly reciprocal nature of the arrangements between me and my audiences.

There's a bond established between us, one which is very precious, and one from I now derive tremendous pleausure. At best, a kind of communication occures in which all present are equally involved.

On the recent tours we - the band and I - came together every night just before we went on stage to perform a short ritual. It was a bracer really, but also a kind of mantra. We'd from a circle, join hands, and shout "Genuine Love!" I know that may sound a little cony, but all of us meant it.

I fas subsequently occured wasn't about love - mutual affection, respect and trust - then it really wasn't about anything, so it was a pledge that we renewed every night.

That the pledge worked I'm quite certain was reflected in our performances, as well as audiences' warmth and enthusiasm which was often overwhelming.

I hope and believe that the live material on the CDs ably expresses the quality and success of the shows, as well as giving a fresh lick to some old songs.

These fresh licks are provided by a great band whose personnel, except for the addition of a third singer, was the same for both tours.

Familiarity in this case bred a spirit of close co-operation, and a set of relationships secure enough to generate the confidence everyone requires if they to offer input, and to exchange ideas.

Certainly, there's a discpline rooted in the songs themselves, but from within this context everybody was able to bring something of him/herself to them.

The running order for the CDs closely follows the tour's performance programme: my favourite songs, placed alongside one another, on the basis of good they sound together. There are some ommissions of course, most conspicuously from the Dark Side Of The Moon and The Wall. Dark Side Of The Moon has been performed almost ad infitum by another band and a double CD of live performances from The Wall shows was released recently.

It seemed pointless to replicate the bulk of this material. Instead, I chose representative songs from these two works using the above criteria and placed them alongside rather more obscure pices from my back catalogue.

In doing so, it was exciting, though perhaps not entirely surprising since they are all part of my oeuvre, and of my continuing narrative, to discover that the songs sounded homogeneous together no matter what order I placed them in.

It has also been exciting to put out two CDs on which songs from my solo career, especially those from Amused To Death, sit so comfortably alongside better known stuff from my earlier catalogue.

It has always been my view that anyone who owns Dark Side Of The Moon and The Wall needs Amused To Death to complete both the set and the narrative.

"Each Small Candle" the only new song on the CDs, also forms part of the narrative. When I first wrote it, I had an idea that it would be the central piece of a new work, for which I've already written some other songs. Now I'm not quite sure. I seem to be considering even more personal and individual issues although, they all have to do with love in one form or another. It's a work in progress, and as such, subject to change.

Creativity is largely a process of discovery, and whatever I'm trying to get at generally becomes clearer and more defined as I go on.

I'm certain, however, that what evetually emerges will be the next stage in the continuum of which In The Flesh, both the tours, the CDs, and the DVD, are merely most recent.

Roger Waters talking
to Nick Sedgwick

взято из буклета In The Flesh Live
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 16:18:06   
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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 16:47:01   
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Pink Floyd refuses to reform Again!

The four member band, which came together for the first time in 24 years, have said that they will never reunite to perform again as they are too old now.

Mason said, "Why did we reform? It's a damn good way of spending a weekend."

But when asked if the reunion was a once-in-a-lifetime event, Gilmour replied, "Yes."

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 16:48:37   
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2Jools Joyce:

>Вот еще несколько ссылочек (mp3). Качество хорошее
>Wish You Were Here
>Comfortabley Numb

Большой поклон!

В аудио ещё этого нет..
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.05 16:50:17   
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По этой ссылке в ондлайн можно послушать интервью Дэвида Гилмора и Ника Мэйсона Крису Эвансу, данные после выступления -
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