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О Rolling Stones замолвим слово

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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.10.07 09:27:12   
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10 Questions for Ron Wood 10 Questions for Ron Wood
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007

He has been the Rolling Stones' hard-living guitarist for more than three decades. Now he is telling it all in his autobiography, Ronnie. Ron Wood will now take your questions

You were often the mediator between Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. How do you feel about your role in keeping the band together? —Kathy Lenard, Broomall, Pa.

It is an institution that is well worth keeping together. So I took it upon myself to stop the arguing as best I could. It wasn't just the songwriting. It was having to go through life, day to day. Sometimes that is really hard, and things get misread. I tried to heal the wounds and am proud of myself for that.

I hear that in the book you say Keith once pointed a gun at you and cut you with a broken bottle. Were you ever afraid he might actually kill you? —Andy Baker, Des Moines, Iowa

It was just part of living with Keith at the time. It was like, "You are going to kill me. Go ahead." Then he would say, "I would, but look at all the mess me and your wife would have to clean up afterwards." It was like brothers arguing, and it could turn bad, or we could have a laugh. Our sense of humor pulled us over those dodgy times.

Is it true that Mick and Keith often forget how to play your greatest hits? —George Rosenburg, Ithaca, N.Y.

It is true that sometimes they do forget. [Laughs.] As it says in my book, "Just because I wrote it doesn't necessarily mean I know it." I need prompting too, but I am ahead of the game as far as remembering what they should know.

Was your music affected by drugs for better or for worse? —Aaron Muller, Kansas City, Kans.

Sometimes it was affected for the good. Cocaine used to make you come out with these incredible ideas. We would have a line and go, "Yeah, that is a great song." I can only think of the good items that came out of it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anybody starting out.

You have made comments about Amy Winehouse's alleged drug and alcohol abuse. Do you have any advice for her? —Mike Moll, Bethlehem, Pa.

I think Amy should hang out with winners more than dealers. Sometimes when you are that talented, you are the last one to realize it. So you tend to hide your talent behind getting high. I have been there.

Do you think modern recording techniques have a bad effect on musicians? —M.S. Freedman, Los Angeles

No, I think it is a good thing. Nowadays you can record on your laptop with Pro Tools, which I do quite often. Within one hour I can go in, play my guitar and walk away knowing they can mix it any way they wish. I can't work [the technology] myself. It is quite frustrating. But if I can sit and play and it gets done in five minutes, then it is great!

Are you really broke? How is that possible? —Angie Silverstein, Salt Lake City

I have been rich, and I have been broke. Some of it is my fault for choosing bad management and making bad investments. But that is life — we all take risks. At the moment, I am on a good upswing financially. But that could all change in a minute.

You have a second career as a painter. Has any particular style influenced you? —Edward Romero, Madrid

I am a big fan of the Impressionists, and in my school days, I was inspired by Caravaggio, Velằuez and Rembrandt. All the early influences are still there, but I tried to take my painting in a different way — towards an Expressionist form. I love to get into a landscape and paint my horses. When I come to London, I go to the Royal Opera House and paint the ballerinas. I love the human form, and I like to capture movement in everything that I paint.

Do you have an iPod? If so, what's on it? —Meghan Wieckowski, Boston

Oh, yeah — 5,000 songs loaded straight away. I have anything from Mozart to Marley.

Why did you turn down a guest appearance on CSI? —Kristen Taylor, London

I haven't turned it down. It is still an ongoing thing. They said I could play Uncle Ron the safecracker. [Laughs.] I would love to do that, but it would be a challenge to actually pull it off. I am a big fan of CSI: Las Vegas. The programs are quite good fun. But Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is really my favorite. You've got Ice-T. It's fantastic!

Why did you decide to write a tell-all book? —Christopher Mariano, Turin, Italy

It is only "tell-some" — you can only do some things at a time. My eldest son, Jamie, prompted me. He said, 'Come on, Dad. People want to know what makes you tick.' So I said, 'I haven't got no time for this.' But he said, 'Make time.' So over the last three years, I have been jotting things down.

How did you feel about following the legendary Brian Jones and the great Mick Taylor in the guitar spot? —Rich Cervantes, Philadelphia, Pa.

I used to work with Mick Taylor when he was very young. He had no confidence, but I knew he was a damn good player. He is the only one who won't take a solo. That kind of thing annoys me. If someone has talent, they should have faith in themselves and play. Brian Jones set a precedent — swapping between rhythm and lead guitar — which I like to keep going. He was the ultimate rhythm guitar player.

Do you think that vulnerable young fans may have emulated your drug and alcohol saturated lifestyle? —Patti Powell, Murfreesboro, Tenn.

I would think that I put them off going down the wrong road. Sure, you can have some good times and experiment, but I think most people — once they try it — decide [drugs and alcohol] are not for them.

Many consider the '60s and '70s to be the quintessential time for rock 'n' roll. Has music taken a turn for the worse? —Mark Cowden, Shelbyville Ky.

No. I just hope that some of these new bands can make an imprint like the Stones and the Beatles did in their day.

What's your favorite Stone's Album? —Frank Schieber, Atlanta

I love Beggars Banquet, Exile on Main St. and Some Girls — to name a few.

Who is better to party with: Rod Stewart, Mick Jagger or Keith Richards? ——Fred Nickerson, Brandon, Canada

Oh my God! All I can say is you get them all in the same room and forget about it.,8599,1675240-1,00.html
Я тащусь!  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Alex GB   Дата: 31.10.07 19:34:01   
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Овощами не балуетесь? :))Овощами не балуетесь? :))
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.11.07 14:46:47   
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По словам Ронни с ним связались кинопродюсеры на предмет возможных съемок фильма по его только что вышедшей автобиографии. Думаю, что фильм был бы интересным, - сказал Ронни, а также признался, что подумывает о написании продолжения мемуаров. - Я вспомнил еще кучу всего. По словам Ронни с ним связались кинопродюсеры на предмет возможных съемок фильма по его только что вышедшей автобиографии. "Думаю, что фильм был бы интересным, - сказал Ронни, а также признался, что подумывает о написании продолжения мемуаров. - Я вспомнил еще кучу всего."

А пока Ронни готовит к изданию книгу-альбом со своими изобразительными работами.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 01.11.07 17:28:33   
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Интересно книжку было бы почитать. От первого лица все-таки.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 03.11.07 18:09:43   
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Мик Джаггер в данный момент отдыхает в городе Джодпур, Индия (хотя может быть сейчас уже его там нет). Туда он приехал специально для того, чтобы посмотреть на Международный народный фестиваль Раджастана. 28 октября он дал интервью, в котором сообщил, что в следующем году Stones возможно сыграют в Дели и Калькутте. В рамках азиатского тура также планируются концерты в Японии.,825952
Вот это да!!!  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 06.11.07 19:22:42   
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В кои веков включаю телешизор, а там реклама под песню The Rolling Stones "Она радуга"
Я тащусь!  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 06.11.07 20:30:40   
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от неожиданности начал кричать)
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: leiyah   Дата: 06.11.07 23:27:03   
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та же фигня))
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.11.07 16:07:38   
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Ронни Вуд принял участие в короткой пресс-конференции перед показом его концертного фильма "The First Barbarians: Live From Kilburn" вчера вечером. В одном из ответов он признался, что работает над проектом, связанном с Faces.

Ронни сказал: "Я занимаюсь просмотром 5000 часов съемок Faces. Все, что мы снимали на ручную камеру, как мы дурачимся. Надеюсь, что это выйдет в следующем году."

Слова Вуда только подбросили дров в костер слухов о реформировании Faces в 2008 г. Уже есть планы выпуска ремастированных изданий 4 студийных альбомов группы, и считается, что ныне здравствующие бывшие члены группы (Вуд, Род Стюарт, Иан Маклейган и Кенни Джонс) недавно вели переговоры о совместных концертах в 2008 г.

"The First Barbarians: Live From Kilburn" – концертный фильм, смесь из цветных и черно-белых кадров, снятый в Лондоне в 1974 г., примерно когда Ронни выпустил свою сольную пластинку "I’ve Got My Own Album To Do". В состав вошли Ронни и Кит Ричардс на гитарах, Маклейган на клавишах, сессионный басист Вили Уикс и барабанщик Sly And The Family Stone Энди Ньюарк. Род на бэк-вокале. Съмки взяты из собственного архива Рона и ремастированы его сыном Джесси.

Часовой фильм вышел как CD и DVD в одном флаконе "The Last Barbarians” Live From Kilburn" на лейбле Ронни Wooden.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.11.07 16:09:15   
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Disc: 1 Disc: 1
1. Intro
2. Am I Grooving You
3. Cancel Everything
4. Mystifies Me
5. Take A Look At The Guy
6. Act Together
7. Shirley
8. Forever
9. Sure The One You Need
10. I Can't Stand The Rain
11. Crotch Music
12. I Can Feel The Fire

Disc: 2
1. Intro
2. Am I Grooving You
3. Cancel Everything
4. If You Gotta Make A Fool Out Of Somebody
5. Mystifies Me
6. Take A Look At The Guy
7. Act Together
8. Shirley
9. Forever
10. Sure The One You Need
11. Crotch Music
12. I Can Feel The Fire

Two disc (CD + NTSC/Region 0 DVD) set recorded and filmed live in London in 1974 at a concert in support of Ronnie Wood's first solo album, 'I've Got My Own Album To Do' Ronnie Wood was, at the time, a member of the Faces as well as a solo artist, and he was soon to become the 'new boy' in the Rolling Stones. Wood's band on this live outing featured many of the musicians who helped him on the album, including Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, Small Faces/Faces keyboardist Ian McLagan and the exceptional talents of session musicians Willie Weeks (bass) and Andy Newmark (drums). Also features a guest appearance from the Faces' vocalist Rod Stewart. Both the CD and DVD feature an exclusive track with digitally remastered audio and video from Ronnies personal archive. The release includes an eight-page booklet with hand written liner notes by Ronnie Wood and previously unseen photos.
Я тащусь!  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 24.11.07 02:11:38   
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Я, возможно, торможу - если так, то извиняюсь. Но кто-нибудь обновленный Rolled Gold брал? Я знал, что можно извратиться при упаковке дисков. Но чтобы так.... Письмо с фронта домой напоминает :))
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.12.07 13:33:17   
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Delia on the road with JaggerDelia on the road with Jagger
Posted by Christopher Howse on 04 Dec 2007 at 19:34

Tremendously good news on the Delia Smith urban myth question. Did she or didn’t she bake the cake on the sleeve of Let It Bleed?

My learned colleague Iain Martin comes up with the conclusive evidence.

“It was definitely Delia Smith who baked that cake,” he says. “It is no urban myth, as Bill Wyman reveals in his brilliant if rather trainspotterish doorstop of a book Rolling with the Stones.”

He then quotes Delia Smith herself: “I was working then as a jobbing home economist with a food photographer who shot for commercials and magazines. I'd cook anything they needed. One day they said they wanted a cake for a Rolling Stones record cover, it was just another job at the time. They wanted it to be very over-the-top and as gaudy as I could make it.”

Iain Martin takes it a step further. “Just think how different history might have been if Delia had delivered the cake herself and fallen in with the Stones,” he says. “Tempted by Jagger on the road, to take care of the catering, she would have displaced Marianne Faithful as his muse. The formidable Delia would have got Mick in to line in quick order. I don’t see him being brave enough to cheat on her and she would have vetoed his dreadful attempts at a solo career. She could also have restored order at Altamont, which took place only weeks after the album’s release. The Hell’s Angels would not have dared to beat up the hippies with her around.”

Ah, so it might have been.

One more stroke of brilliance from Mr Martin, on the oft-cited fact of Nanette Newman featuring on Let It Bleed. It wasn’t THE Nanette Newman. It was a Canadian singer called Nanette Workman who did not have a work permit. So, for reasons I do not understand, changed her second name to get the gig.

I haven’t learned so much in one afternoon for many a long year.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.12.07 10:16:21   
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Ronnie Wood Set To Collaborate With Band Of HorsesRonnie Wood Set To Collaborate With Band Of Horses
Rolling Stone met with the band...

Band Of Horses and Ronnie are reportedly in talks to collaborate after the Rolling Stone heard the South Carolina trio recording a performance for Jools Holland.

The band perform a cover of Wood’s solo track ‘Act Together’ in their live set and after seeing them at the BBC, Wood introduced himself.

Band Of Horses PR told Gigwise: “Afterwards his PA called me and said that Ronnie was listening to the cover and he’d like to talk to one of the band.

“He spoke with Ryan Monroe the keyboardist of the band for 5 minutes. Ronnie said he loved the band and the song and that he wants to play the song with them in the future...”

Plans are apparently in the works for this to happen, so watch this Gigwise space and we’ll bring you more news when we can.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.12.07 10:26:01   
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ROLLING STONES drummer CHARLIE WATTS is often on edge when he's performing with the supergroup - because frontman SIR MICK JAGGER expects perfection from his bandmates. Watts reveals he desperately tries to avoid making mistakes, because there's nothing worse than a glare from a disappointed Jagger. He tells Britain's The Word magazine, "My mind doesn't usually wander off to trivial things, even when I'm playing a song I know backwards. "The minute you (do), a mistake happens. And bloody hell, Mick will turn around and give you a dirty look - he's got eyes everywhere, even when he's leaping about." But his singer's stares never ruin the live experience for the drummer - he still prefers the stage to the recording studio. Watts says, "Playing live has always been the thing we've done best. Studio stuff is something I've learned to do over the years. For me it's a bit of an interruption between playing live."

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.07 10:04:48   
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Из Фотографий года от РойтерсИз "Фотографий года от "Ройтерс"

PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2007 - ENTERTAINMENT - Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones performs in front of a capacity crowd during a concert at Valle Hovin Stadium in Oslo August 8, 2007
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.07 10:05:38   
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Из Фотографий года от РойтерсИз "Фотографий года от "Ройтерс"

PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2007 - ENTERTAINMENT - Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones performs onstage during a concert of the band's "A Bigger Bang" European tour in Belgrade July 14, 2007
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.07 10:10:17   
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Memoirs of a Rolling Stone: It's all a blur, with a blind spotMemoirs of a Rolling Stone: It's all a blur, with a blind spot

By Ira Robbins
Published: December 28, 2007

Ronnie The Autobiography By Ronnie Wood Illustrated. 358 pages. $25.95. St. Martin's Press.

In his fourth decade as a Rolling Stone, Ron Wood is still "the new boy" - as close as anyone alive to the band's surviving core, but never an equal member. As he puts it in "Ronnie," his entertaining memoir of a career divided between rocking and painting, he is the "little brother" and "sparring partner" to Keith Richards, which leaves his insider's perspective something of an outsider's tale. He's up there all right, a jolly passenger on the Stones' superstar ride, but he never conveys a substantial sense of steering the ship, or even of being certain where it's headed.

In the generous and sincere tone of a speechmaker at a retirement party, Wood recounts the earning and spending of several fortunes, copious cocaine and alcohol intake, women he's loved, the great musicians and celebrities he's known and farcical scrapes with the law, drug dealers and other nefarious businessmen - none of which he takes too seriously. But what could have been the saddening diary of a dissolute scoundrel finds its charm in his unabashed enthusiasms for his second wife, Jo; snooker; thoroughbreds; the television show "CSI"; and Ireland. The balance of mischief and decency seesaws comfortably until the coda, which lards on the happily-ever-after clichés in praise of sobriety, art and family.

Wood writes extensively about the rigors and comforts of touring, and describes the characters and conflicts of other Stones, but doesn't say much about the music. He runs quickly through prior parts of his rock career, with Rod Stewart in the Jeff Beck Group and the Faces, where he had a much stronger creative voice than in the Stones; his solo albums are ticked off like signposts on a road. Evincing at least as much pride in his artwork as in his music, Wood includes 30 of his own illustrations along with handwritten epigrams.

The stories here are amusing, with some minor revelations. Wood boasts of a fling with George Harrison's wife Pattie Boyd before she ran off with Eric Clapton. He once emptied Tony Curtis's wine cellar, has had to remind Mick Jagger and Richards how to play songs they wrote, and was first considered for membership in the Stones in 1969. In a dubious recollection that contradicts the historical record, Wood says he was asked to join Led Zeppelin before Jimmy Page. (Page instigated the band's creation.) Otherwise, considering the understandably blurred memories of his lengthy fast-lane life, Wood seems to have a detailed and realistic grip on names, events and places. There is one serious omission - the death of his first wife - and a few misapprehensions and typos, but the story feels truthful and carefully observed.

Like any good memoirist, Wood is shamelessly honest and devoted to his own irresponsibility. And like any good addict, he has a huge blind spot.

Today in Culture

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If alcohol has had a "tricky role" in his life, then the Stones are a promising little combo.

Explaining that he thought about cleaning up for a Stones tour in the early 1980s, he writes, "I knew it was dope and drink messing me up and clouding my judgment. . . I'm not sure at that point I even wanted to stop"; he then pivots into a story about stealing cocaine from a dealer sleeping in his house. Much farther down the road, without having mentioned any grave concerns about his physical condition, Wood admits that he "came close to being left out" of a Stones tour in 2002 because of his drug and alcohol use.

Instead, he got sober (temporarily, as it happens). "Now I was taking the music seriously," he exults. Well, it's about bloody time, mate.

Ira Robbins, a music journalist and the editor of, is completing a novel about 1960s radicalism.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 29.12.07 13:59:38   
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млина, мне надо учить английский. До сих пор Уайменскую автобиографию не прочел(
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.01.08 11:22:42   
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Sway (Hardcover) Sway (Hardcover)
by Zachary Lazar (Author)

Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Little Brown and Company (7 Jan 2008)

'Sway' by Zachary Lazar,0,2075424.story?track=rss
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.01.08 19:44:28   
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"Shine A Light" Скорсезе выходит на экраны 4 апреля.

Director Martin Scorsese’s much anticipated film about the Rolling Stones, Shine A Light, is to open in cinemas on April 4th.

The film, which was shot over two days at the Beacon Theatre in New York in 2006, provides a live look at the band through Scorsese’s eyes.

It also includes backstage and rare archived footage, as well as new interviews with the band.

The band’s performances in New York were amongst some of the most intimate dates on their Bigger Bang tour and include guest appearances from Jack White and Christina Aguilera.

The film was originally scheduled for release last October but was postponed by Paramount Classics.
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