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Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2005 (The 'US' Tour)

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Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 08.10.05 15:06:33   
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>2Nicky de Gree:
>А у кого скачан?

А честно говоря, не помню.
Скачан был .flac — в mp3 я пережимал
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 08.10.05 19:15:12   
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Dakota, как здорово! :))

Все, на следующий концерт Пола в Росии беру какого-нибудь игрушечного Винни Пуха ;)
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 09.10.05 00:42:46   
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a vot i druzia iz savetskava saiuza..

vnezapna ia tam vstretil dvux gruzin i adnavo ruskava parnia (sasha) iz pitera, k sazhileiu nekto iz forumchan ne atazvalis na moiu prosbu vstretitsa v new york... ani navrnae slishkom zanetie ludi :)
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 09.10.05 00:44:34   
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a vot i fotka srazu posle kancertaa vot i fotka srazu posle kancerta
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 09.10.05 00:46:39   
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a eta fotka pered kancertam a eta fotka pered kancertam
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 09.10.05 01:02:14   
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>a vot i fotka srazu posle kancerta

А кто из них ты?
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 09.10.05 04:15:53   
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sleva, tozhe posle kancertasleva, tozhe posle kancerta
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: CMB   Дата: 09.10.05 14:10:04   
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When I'm 64 Пол поёт или нет?
Добрый профессор  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 09.10.05 14:16:33   
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>When I'm 64 Пол поёт или нет?
>> ещё рано, но скоро запоёт :-))
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: CMB   Дата: 10.10.05 11:58:57   
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Так была же уже в сет-листе, вроде пел на первых концертах.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 10.10.05 12:49:21   
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>a eta fotka pered kancertam

А у вас не возникало желание сорвать эту "маленькую" афишку и привезти ее домой? ;)
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 11.10.05 05:57:50   
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zamanchivaia idea.. :)
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Fatima   Дата: 11.10.05 10:50:31   
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Это круто!
Жаль только, что Пол так мало говорил о Джоне, Джордже, Ринго.
Но я думаю, он их любит больше всех на свете.
Чего стоит смотреть как Пол пел песню Джону Here Today в Санкт-Петербурге. (Как он, наверное, сдерживался, чтобы не заплакать).
И хотя я люблю Джона, может быть даже больше, чем остальных (даже не знаю, ведь я так их четверых люблю!), но я думаю, что Пол - это самая настоящая живая легенда. Они все четверо - легенда! И это навсегда!
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 11.10.05 21:29:37   
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>Это круто!
>Жаль только, что Пол так мало говорил о Джоне,
>Джордже, Ринго.
>Но я думаю, он их любит больше всех на свете.

navernae eta to kak dalzhno bit, posli stolkix let savmesnava tvarenia, a na samam dele on vspaminaet beatles tolka patamu shto publika vstaiot nanogi kagda on upaminaet John ili george, vi dalzhni pasmatret video rolik katoraia nazivaetsa pamoimu tak; "reaction of paul on John lennon's death" posli etava trudno paverit shto paul tolka shto saabshili o gibeli john-a... intiresna kto stanet sporit???

Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: BlueBerd   Дата: 11.10.05 23:14:36   
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хорошие слова! :))))))))
я с ними солидарна %)
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 12.10.05 19:57:17   
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Пресса пишет о концерте Маккартни в ТоронтоПресса пишет о концерте Маккартни в Торонто


McCartney reaches into the past to feature Beatle tunes

By JANE STEVENSON -- Toronto Sun

Expect two-and-a-half-hours of classic rock 'n' roll tonight when Paul McCartney and his band take the stage for a sold-out show at the Air Canada Centre.

The 63-year-old one-time Beatle is ostensibly touring in support of his critically acclaimed new solo album, Chaos And Creation In The Backyard. But a peek at his set list, which has basically remained unchanged since Macca launched his latest trek on Sept. 16 in Miami, shows that 27 of 37 songs are Beatles tunes. It seems in his advancing years, McCartney is embracing the Fab Four's songbook more than ever before.

"It's been going really well," says McCartney's lead guitarist Rusty Anderson, down the line from New York City recently where Macca played four shows at Madison Square Garden.

"It feels very loose, in a good way. There's a very large comfort level with the band because we've been doing it for a while now. There's just a lot of trust between everybody."

Leading the charge, of course, is Macca whose energy levels are those of a man half his age.

"It's great," agreed Anderson. "It's supercool. He's got a lot of energy, it's mind-blowing. I think he's just gifted. God sort of said, 'I'm going to throw about 50 people's talents into this one person.' He's just blessed with a lot of things."

Not to mention that McCartney's in an extra good mood given Chaos' overwhelmingly positive reviews.

"He's thrilled that it's doing well and I think that definitely makes him excited about the whole touring thing," said Anderson. "But at the same time, it's just such a great buzz being on stage, and having those great vibes come back at you. It's just all positive."

Anderson, a native of La Hambra, CA, who formed his first band when he was 13 years old, has been playing with McCartney for the last four years.

A veteran studio musician with 20 years experience -- that's his guitar solo you hear on Ricky Martin's Livin' La Vida Loca -- he got his big break when he was brought in for the recording of McCartney's 2001 release, Driving Rain.

"A producer I had worked with (David Kahne) got the gig with Paul and brought me in and then, that was that," said Anderson, who couldn't quite believe it. "I was a big Beatles fan when I was young and they were the reason I started playing music."

An initial case of nerves might have been in order, then?

"It was pretty bizarre," admitted Anderson, whose parents bought him his first record ever, The Beatles' 1965 classic Help!, when he was five years old.

"It's just being in proximity to someone who, all your life, you have heard about and seen hs pictures and movies and heard his records and, all of a sudden, I'm with (him). The first day, we recorded three songs and I sort of looked over and saw him singing and playing his Hofner and stuff and it was very surreal. It took a while to kind of get used to it. You can't stay there, you get nothing done. You get stuff done but it's too stressful. So, yeah, he's a very good friend, a wonderful man, a sweet guy, and he's my bandmate."

Not that McCartney isn't also the boss too.

"Well, yeah, of course," said Anderson. "He's the top of the pinnacle. But ... he's open for ideas and things and it's a working situation. Everybody brings in their bit."

In other words, the old Beatles chestnuts are being given a bit of a new twist.

"I think the hooks are important in songs," said Anderson. "I'm very respectful. (The Beatles) were like a very huge influence on me, along with a lot of other musicians. But at the same time, I'm a living, breathing musician, and I have my own take on it and my own English that I spin on the bits. This band definitely has a personality to it that's different from The Beatles, or whatever."

Still, when it came time to record Chaos with producer Nigel Godrich (Radiohead, Beck), McCartney originally brought his touring band into the studio, including Anderson. But after two weeks, Godrich ordered them to leave and McCartney ended up playing almost all of the instruments on the record, a la his 1970 solo debut, McCartney.

"(Nigel) basically, right or wrong, felt like the band was very close to Paul and we're good friends and we're very much a team and he felt he couldn't challenge Paul on things with the band there," said Anderson. "I think it's sort of his own crazy insecurities."

Anderson said there were no hard feelings, especially since there's still another unfinished McCartney album that the touring band was involved in recording at Abbey Road studios.

"We're all big boys," said Anderson. "We actually did another record with Paul, with David Kahne producing, that's probably about half done, and then Paul decided to finish (Chaos). It was sort of worked on Chaos, worked on the other record. There's a lot of good music on that (one). It's definitely a very different kind of thing."

McCartney also played on one song, Hurt Myself, on Anderson's solo debut album, Undressing Underwater, which came out Sept. 27.

"We were touring and he heard some of my music and wanted to play on it and I said, 'Well, let's see, maybe we should do a brand new song for it?'" said Anderson. "So I pulled it all together really quick and we got in the studio and David Kahne produced and the band played and Paul played bass on it and sang some background vocals.

"It was really fun," continued Anderson. "(Paul) was very endearing when he would make a mistake when I was teaching him the song and stuff and he was cursing himself. It was really, really cool. Very surreal. Just fun. He's so musical, it was a really great experience. It was just fun doing it together."
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: oleg-9-20-05   Дата: 13.10.05 00:20:46   
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Для Вад

Part1 концерта в Philly 9.23.05 на месте и качается. Вдобавок Jorge всё разбил по песням и кусочкам и двинул туда же:


2-Magical Mystery Tour:

3-Flaming Pie:


5-I'll Get You:

6-Drive My Car:

7-Till There Was You:

8-Let Me Roll It:

9-Got To Get You Into My Life:

10-Fine Line:

11-Maybe I'm Amazed:

12-The Long and Winding Road:

13-In Spite of All The Danger:

14-I Will:

15-Jenny Wren:

16-For No One:

17-Fixing A Hole:

18-English Tea:

19-I'll Follow The Sun:

20-Follow Me:

21-An Old Story:


23-Eleanor Rigby:

24-Too Many People:

25-She Came In Through The Bathroom Window:

26-Good Day Sunshine:

27-Band on the Run:

28-Penny Lane:

29-I've Got A Feeling:

30-Back in the USSR:

31-Hey Jude:

32-Live and Let Die:

33-Encore 1:


35-Get Back:

36-Helter Skelter:

37-Encore 2:

38-Please Please Me:

39-Piano Trouble:

40-Let It Be:


42-Sgt. Pepper's Reprise / Abbey Road Jam / The End:
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 13.10.05 01:12:20   
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Саундчек в Торонто был таков:

Mull of Kintyre (without pipe band then with pipe band)
Honey Don't
Coming Up
Old Ma Levin (an old Jewish song) All My Loving
Midnight Special
I've Just Seen A Face
Friends To Go
Fun in Toronto Town (impromoto jam Paul explains)
Massage Song
Lady Madonna
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 13.10.05 01:16:56   
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>Вдобавок Jorge всё разбил по песням и кусочкам
>и двинул туда же:

А не от 22-го ли числа это концерт, что в попесенных ссылках Вы представили?

Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 13.10.05 01:39:52   
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А вот и выяснилось, как Пол отметил день рождения Джона.

На концерте в Вашингтноне он спел а-капелла (но при поддержке аудитории) песенку… “Happy Birthday”! А камера выхватила из зала и вознесла на экран кого-то из зрителей, стоявшего с плакатиком “Happy Birthday, John!”

А еще моментик был, когда Пол во время небольшого перерыва сказал: «Коль выдалась у нас минутка, давайте используем ее, чтобы вспомнить тех, кого с нами больше нет… Джона, Джорджа, Линду…» Публика эмоционально поддержала Пола, он прикрыл лицо руками, а когда убрал их, стало видно, что по лицу текут слезы…

Впечатления очевидца:
“…Other highlights: Since the next day (today) was to be John's 65th birthday, Paul led the audience on acoustic guitar singing "Happy Birthday" to John. At the same time, the screen captured a person holding up a sign that said "Happy Birthday John" on it. It was a BEAUTIFUL moment. Another BEAUTIFUL moment, (and I'm telling you, it was just touching), was when Paul stopped for a moment and said, "While we have a moment, let's take a moment and remember those who aren't with us anymore....John, George, and Linda." Of course the place went nuts and gave a LOUD ovation that lasted a while. But the REAL important and beautiful moment was, during the ovation, they showed Paul's face close up on the screen and there were TEARS just totally filling his eyes. Macca was totally choked up. In fact, he seemed sentimental throughout the whole show, which my brother and I discussed later on. He brought up John and George, (especially John), ALOT during the show. (We both agreed that although the show was awesome, we felt kinda sad and a little, hmm how should I say it, "uneasy" or a *little* "disturbed" a couple times during the show because it ALMOST felt like this was going to be Paul's last tour or something. OF COURSE we don't know that for SURE, but I'm just going by the vibe we felt last night because Paul was SO nostalgic, and really seemed to be "looking through the backyard of his life", and looking back on his own career. NOT to get anybody down, but that's just the feeling WE got.) …”

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