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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 10.07.07 17:08:37   
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2Estoy Sonando:2Estoy Sonando:

>Он чё, женится на ней собрался

Исходя из чего вы сделали такой вывод? Вот на этой фотографии Пол с Йоко, но эито же не значит, что он и на ней собрался женится. :)
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 12.07.07 15:26:08   
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Хизер Миллс пригласили на Британское шоу "Танцы на льду".

HEATHER MILLS has been invited to take part in British reality show DANCING ON ICE - just weeks after she vowed never to take part in another celebrity contest. The estranged wife of Beatles legend Sir Paul MCCartney won over critics on America's Dancing With The Stars earlier this year (07), despite being voted off the contest six weeks into the show. She was rumoured to appear on Britain's Celebrity Big Brother, but denied any involvement in the programme before recently (Jun07) declaring: "(Dancing With The Stars) was a one-off. I'd never do another reality show." However, bosses at U.K. broadcasters ITV are reportedly keen to have the former model take part in Dancing On Ice, because they were so impressed with her star turn on the American show. A source tells British newspaper the Daily Telegraph, "ITV are keen to top last year's show and they see Heather as being the perfect person to fill (English newscaster) Kay Burley's role."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 12.07.07 15:54:55   
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The estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney has said she hopes the press will leave her alone after a photographer was found guilty of assaulting her.

Jay Kaycappa, 32, was convicted after a court heard how the freelance photographer grabbed Heather Mills' right shoulder in order to spin her around and get a shot of her.

During a three day trial at Brighton magistrates' court it emerged that the incident happened as Mills cycled near her home in Hove – a short distance from the East Sussex seaside town.

Her lawyers revealed that the encounter with Kaycappa occurred in a subway after she became separated from a group of friends, including her personal trainer, while trying to avoid the paparazzi.

Kaycappa was also convicted of assaulting Mills' friend Mark Payne the day after the incident on July 5th 2006.

Prior to his conviction, Mills had told the court that she had brought the legal action on behalf of other celebrities who were continually harassed by the media.

The 39-year-old former model has been under intense media scrutiny since the break-up of her marriage to former Beatle Sir Paul, with whom she has a three-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

Commenting following yesterday's court hearing, at which she was not present, Mills' spokesman Phil Hall said: "Heather is delighted that justice has been done and hopes that the photographers who pursue her on a daily basis will now leave her and her daughter alone."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.07.07 20:26:40   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

>Для тех, кому лень перводить
>Пол МакКартни встречается с бывшей подругой принца
>23 марта 2007 13:49
>Легендарный экс-битл, по заявлению британских
>СМИ, стал встречаться с бывшей подругой принца
>Чарльза 52-летней Сабриной Гиннес. Пол МакКартни
>провел с ней на днях "секретную" встречу. Пара
>попыталась избежать внимания представителей прессы,
>однако им это не удалось. После встречи музыкант
>встретился со своей дочерью Стеллой, проведя с
>ней ужин в итальянском ресторане.
>По мнению обозревателей британского издания The
>Sun, данная встреча "весьма расстроит" Хизер Миллс,
>которая в настоящее время принимает участие в
>американском шоу "Танцы со звездами". По словам
>источника из окружения Пола МакКартни, "музыкант
>с честью вынес бракоразводный процесс, в чем ему
>помогла и сабрина Гиннес".
>"Друзья Пола отчаянно пытаются помочь ему выйти
>из депрессивного состояния и начать жить заново.
>сабрина — одна из тех, кто помогает ему в этом
>нелегком деле", — отметил источник.
>В прошлом сабрина Гиннес, кроме британского принца
>Чарльза встречалась с такими голливудскими звездами,
>как Джек Николсон и Майкл Дуглас, однако новая
>избранница Пола МакКартни не была до сих пор замужем
>и в настоящее время живет одна, передает The Sun.
>Среди ее близких друзей также были Мик Джаггер,
>Брайан Ферри и Род Стюарт.

Heiress SABRINA GUINNESS is furious media reports she was having a relationship with former Beatle SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY have ruined her chances of another date with the star. The socialite was linked to MCCartney in March (07) following the breakdown of his marriage to Heather Mills last year (06). The pair sparked a press frenzy when they were spotted hugging outside her London home, even though the clinch was perfectly innocent. Now Guinness fears the intense interest in her relationship with MCCartney has scuppered any chance of meeting him again. She says, "If I could, I would, but I haven't. "I met him a number of times and he seems to be a really nice person. We were actually going out to dinner at the time we were photographed, because I wanted to talk to him about the David Attenborough (charity) project I was working on, but we didn't even get to have dinner. "Suddenly the press were on our tail and the whole idea had to be abandoned. I've always been a huge fan of the Beatles and as I say I have a great respect for Paul and his music, he's a great songwriter and seems to be a very good man."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.07 09:19:29   
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Хеза прикупила домик в деревне в Словении. Аборигены против ее присутствия.Хеза прикупила домик в деревне в Словении. Аборигены против ее присутствия.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 26.07.07 10:54:04   
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Экое неоптимистичное строение.
Paint it black какой-то прямо...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 03.08.07 22:28:24   
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Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney may be going through a divorce, but that doesn't mean that he's an unhappy man these days.

The singer looked very different from the careworn man when he flashed fans a huge, carefree grin near his North-West London home recently.

According to sources, the main reason why Macca is looking very different from last year, is the ceasefire between him and estranged wife Heather Mills.

The couple, whose separation and the ensuing divorce battle turned extremely nasty, decided to call a truce earlier this year for the sake of their daughter Beatrice, 3.

Since then, they have also reached an interim deal about how much Mills will get as part of the divorce deal.

And, the results have worked wonders on Macca.

"He was low but that depression has lifted," the Mirror quoted the source, as saying.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.08.07 12:49:06   
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McCartney and Mills endure 'family bonding'McCartney and Mills endure 'family bonding'

Warring exes Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills are reportedly having a "family bonding" holiday for the sake of their daughter.

Fans were stunned to see both Sir Paul and Heather in the Hamptons - the New York millionaires seaside resort - at the same time.

And now insiders insist the couple are there on a covert "family bonding" mission for the sake of their daughter, Beatrice, who is almost 4.

Despite having one of the most bitter divorce battles in recent showbiz history, Sir Paul and Heather insist they want to be amicable enough to work together for the best interests of Beatrice.

The Hamptons is ideal because it offers maximum privacy as it is populated by celebrities and millionaires who as a point of pride would leave the McCartneys well alone.

McCartney has had houses there for years, building an estate with maximum privacy.

And it was at the Hamptons where they met again last summer, although for less than an hour, in a bid to smooth relations.

But having them both there at the same time is proving a nightmare for hosts who cannot have them at the same event.

One promoter of an A-list venue said: "We were expecting Paul last weekend, although he didn't show.

"But we were specifically keeping Heather off the guest list in case he came. There is no way those two can be in the same place in public."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sergphil   Дата: 14.08.07 01:19:44   
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Спасибо за фотку!!! И что там пишут? Хотя бы в двух словах....
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.08.07 03:11:07   
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Пишут, что Пол и Хеза проводят каникулы на морском курорте для богатых и знаменитых в Хэмптонс, штат Нью-Йорк. Исключительно ради дочуры. График их выходов в свет при этом не должен совпадать.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.08.07 11:01:04   
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В субботу Пол был на концерте Джеймса Тейлора вместе с американской моделью Кристи Бринкли, тоже только что разведенной. Народ судачит, что между ними что-то есть.В субботу Пол был на концерте Джеймса Тейлора вместе с американской моделью Кристи Бринкли, тоже только что разведенной. Народ судачит, что между ними что-то есть.

В частности, КБ бывшая жена Билли Джоэла. Помните клип к "Uptown Girl"? Это она.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.08.07 11:26:28   
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A Paul McCartney 6 track iTunes Festival EP is set for release on the 21st August! The EP is made up of tracks taken from Paul's sensational show at the ICA in July.

The EP will be exclusive iTunes and will be released worldwide. The tracklisting is to be announced shortly, so look out for more very soon.

This will be followed on the 28th August by a special iTunes Nod Your Head campaign so once again be sure to check the news section.

Paul McCartney – Live at the ICA Festival (iTunes Exclusive)

1. Coming Up 3:45
2. Only Mama Knows 3:49
3. That Was Me 2:59
4. Jet 4:22
5. Nod Your Head 2:40
6. House of Wax 5:17

Total running time 22:58

All tracks performed by Paul McCartney, Brian Ray, Abe Laboriel Jnr., Rusty Anderson, Paul ‘Wix’Wickens

Mixed by: David Kahne
Mastered by: Bob Ludwig
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 14.08.07 12:19:01   
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>>В субботу Пол был на концерте Джеймса Тейлора вместе с американской моделью Кристи Бринкли, тоже только что разведенной.
ну эта по крайней мере не на тыщу лет его моложе))
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 14.08.07 12:24:28   
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я бы сказала, что по крайней мере этой он не на тыщу лет старше ;))
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: MissLennona   Дата: 14.08.07 14:22:52   
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Люди, хватит сплетни собирать!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 14.08.07 14:38:06   
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8 лет разницы. Нормально. К тому же мадемуазель "в девках" около года.
Если что, то у нее будет пятый по счету брак.

"Brinkley has been married 4 times. Her first three marriages were to artist Jean-François Allaux (1973–1981), musician Billy Joel (1985–1994) and developer Richard Taubman (1994–1995). Her fourth husband is Peter Cook, an architect, whom she married in 1996. Brinkley filed for divorce from Cook in the summer of 2006. Brinkley has three children: daughter Alexa Ray (b. January 1, 1986) with Joel, son Jack Paris (b. June 2, 1995) with Taubman, and daughter Sailor Lee (b. July 2, 1998) with Cook".
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 14.08.07 15:33:21   
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Скажите пожалуйста, а это фото г-жи Бринкли - 2007 года?
Очень интересно, как она выглядит сейчас :)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.08.07 15:38:45   
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2Maryless: 2Maryless:

>Скажите пожалуйста, а это фото г-жи Бринкли -
>2007 года?
>Очень интересно, как она выглядит сейчас :)

Примерно так.

Кстати, ее дочь от Билли Джоэла Алекса тоже музыкантша.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: kathy GH   Дата: 14.08.07 15:45:00   
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>В субботу Пол был на концерте Джеймса Тейлора
>вместе с американской моделью Кристи Бринкли,
>тоже только что разведенной. Народ судачит, что
>между ними что-то есть.

Стесняюсь спросить, а если Пол заведет себе маленькую собачку... и придет на чей-нибудь концерт с ней, то... =)
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 14.08.07 15:53:40   
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2kathy GH:

а зачем ему на концерт непременно с маленькой собачкой? или собачка это типа пора уже и о душе подумать? ;)
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