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Новые книги о "Битлз"

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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 29.01.06 22:43:33   
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Теперь Spitz в Москве!Теперь Spitz в Москве!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.02.06 09:12:25   
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John Lennon's GirlJohn Lennon's Girl

PENSACOLA, Fla., Feb. 1, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- It has been twenty-five years since the legendary musician John Lennon was murdered on his way home from work. Since his death, millions of fans around the world dedicatedly remember his legendary works in music and continue to pay countless tributes to him even until now. While fans stick to their memories and idealism of the former Beatle, author Janet Celia Waters shares her personal experiences and unforgettable affair with the legend himself. To relive the magic of the 1970s, readers are encouraged to join Waters as she brings to life the legendary and human side of John Lennon with her compelling new book John Lennon's Girl: Based On A True Story.

John Lennon's Girl tells about the love affair between a rock star and a young girl. Back then, Waters was looking for love until one day, the famous musician came into her life. They met secretly, but out in the open -- in front of the family business. At first, the author couldn't be in love with Lennon because he was married and only came to see her once in a while unannounced. Every time she sees him, she gets advice from him about the other loves in her life. For many years, Lennon pursued the author until she gave in and became his mistress. Together, they watched each other grow, had stimulating conversations and even discussed Lennon's personal beliefs on world peace, space travel, the Bible, the war in Vietnam, and more. Along the way, Waters discovers that behind all the media hype, criticism, and rumors, John was knowledgeable, insightful, and was also a well-read person.

John Lennon's Girl is a lively book that readers will find very enjoyable, as it provides them many new and even surprising details about John Lennon, especially his lively personality and intelligence (which most Beatle books ignore). Told through the eyes of a little girl, a teenager, and a woman, readers and fans alike will learn how the author got involved with the rock star and even find closure concerning his untimely death. Not only that, the book also features an astonishing theory about why the Beatles really broke up. Janet Celia Waters' book is a must-have for readers and music fans. Be sure to get a copy of this book today!

About the Author

Janet Celia Waters was born in Burgaw, North Carolina, in 1955. She then lived in Richmond Hill, Georgia, until she was six years old. Her parents purchased Hutson Hardware and opened up Hutson Surf and Skate in Pensacola, Florida. In 1973, Janet took over running the surf shop. She attended Liberty Bible College, also in Pensacola. She received two educations at the same time. She believes life is an ongoing process and that failure is just as important as success. Her chief interests include sewing, piano, writing, listening to music, cats and dogs, talking to people, and running her shop.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.02.06 13:32:23   
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The Beatles: Illustrated and Updated Edition (Paperback) by Hunter DaviesThe Beatles: Illustrated and Updated Edition (Paperback) by Hunter Davies
Updated edition (April 17, 2006)

From Publishers Weekly
Originally published in 1968, this is a revised and updated edition of the band's authorized biography.

From Library Journal
Since their breakup in 1969, the only band that has managed to become bigger than the Beatles is...the Beatles. Their inestimable number of fans have not been willing to let it be, and the release of the three Anthology double CD sets has put the group right back on top. amazingly, their recordings sell more copies now than at the height of Beatlemania. Written in 1968, this was the only official portrait of the group that was produced with their cooperation. For this revision, Davies has included a new introduction and three updated appendixes of Beatles places, memorabilia, and books. Though works on the band are legion, this remains one of the best.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 10.02.06 22:54:00   
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The Beatles' Shadow: Stuart Sutcliffe and His Lonely Hearts Club (Paperback),The Beatles' Shadow: Stuart Sutcliffe and His Lonely Hearts Club (Paperback),

Editorial Reviews

Daily Mail
“Gripping… the story of forgotten Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe… holds the key to the birth of pop’s greatest group.”

From the Publisher
Stuart Sutcliffe’s strange, sudden death in Hamburg at the age of 21 is now part of Beatles folklore, but his importance to the Beatles—he was one of the founding members and a close friend of John Lennon—has never been fully examined. Now, after 40 years, his sister Pauline, a prominent psychologist, talks openly about her brother’s life and death. Drawing on her own memories, as well as the many letters in her possession, she gives us a candid and insightful portrait of the Beatles’ formative period, including the full truth about Stuart’s relationship with John Lennon and why Lennon was haunted by guilt over her brother’s death. She also reveals her struggle to protect Stuart’s memory against the Beatles’ need to sanitize their early history. This fascinating memoir is, above all, a loving tribute to a brother, whose contribution to the Beatles’ legend lives on.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 14.02.06 21:38:26   
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Сатклифф уже был, Однако!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз" 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.02.06 22:49:58   
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February 15, 2006 February 15, 2006
Hamburg's Heady Days of Rock & Roll
By David Crossland in Hamburg

From Fats Domino's unquenchable thirst to John Lennon's nude performance with a toilet seat: an amusing book by the founder of Hamburg's Star Club recalls how the world's rock stars converged on the northern German port city in the '60s.

<-- With the Beatles: Fascher (center) recalls the heyday of Hamburg's famous Star Club.

It was 1963. Horst Fascher, founder and co-manager of Hamburg's famous Star Club, had booked Fats Domino -- quite a coup. But he was worried because the Rock & Roll legend and his 10-strong band were spending the afternoon drinking vast quantities of beer, whisky and champagne ahead of the gig.

Would they be able to perform well? Boozing at this rate, probably not. Fascher had to do something. Preludin, a laxative sold over the counter, had the side effect of being a powerful stimulant when taken with alcohol. So he grabbed five packets of the pills, "enough to bring a whole family of bears out of hibernation," ground them to powder in an old coffee grinder, and sprinkled them into four bottles of whisky.

As expected, the band started downing the whisky as soon as they arrived for the concert that evening and had guzzled all four bottles by the time they were due to go on stage.

The Preludin worked. Fats delivered the best performance the Star Club had ever seen. In fact he wouldn't stop, and kept on rocking as if in a trance despite Fascher's increasingly desperate neck-cut gestures long after the gig was due to end. "The boys from New Orleans rocked around the stage like Duracell Bunnies gone mad," recalls Fascher, now 70, in his autobiography "Let The Good Times Roll," replete with anecdotes from a youth enviably filled with sex, Preludin and rock & roll.

For Fascher, the 1959 German featherweight boxing champion, the Star Club days were Hamburg's heyday. Cash and the city's reputation for sex attracted top acts to the club in the heart of Hamburg's St. Pauli red light district, just off the famous Reeperbahn, its main street. The Beatles performed there in 1962. Chuck Berry also came, as did Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley, Little Richard, Ray Charles, Cream, the Small Faces and many others.

John Lennon would greet the audience with a cheerful "Heil Hitler," accompanied by a Nazi salute. "He'd pull out a black comb and pretend it was a moustache," Fascher told SPIEGEL ONLINE in an interview. "People laughed."
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз" 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.02.06 22:51:28   
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The Beatles and many other British and US bands who came to Hamburg learned from each other, said Fascher. The bands would sit together in the mornings, exchange tips, show each other different chords. It was a melting pot and everyone got something out of it. In the whole world, there wasn't anything like it before and there hasn't been anything like it since.The Beatles and many other British and US bands who came to Hamburg learned from each other, said Fascher. "The bands would sit together in the mornings, exchange tips, show each other different chords. It was a melting pot and everyone got something out of it. In the whole world, there wasn't anything like it before and there hasn't been anything like it since."

The Beatles were the hardest-working band he hired. "They were constantly telling me they needed the stage to rehearse," said Fascher, who befriended the band in Hamburg in 1960 before Stuart Sutcliffe left. But they played hard as well. In fact his book provides further evidence that they didn't deserve the clean-cut image they nurtured.

Bad boy Lennon

John Lennon especially gave Fascher some major headaches. It wasn't just his tendency to occasionally urinate out of his window onto the street. "John's big mouth, bigger than any musician I ever met, got me into trouble a few times," Fascher remembers. Lennon would get into arguments with members of the audience and become so abusive that they jumped on stage, which was when Fascher, self-appointed head bouncer, had to join the fray.

One night, there were only three Beatles on stage. Lennon was missing. Fascher found him backstage in a lavatory amorously engaged with a woman, so he broke up the tête-à-tête with a shower of cold water and ordered him to get back on stage. A furious Lennon pointed out he was dripping wet. Fascher retorted: "I don't give a shit, you're going onstage and I don't care if you do it naked."

Which Lennon took literally. Minutes later, screeches and laughter erupted from the audience and Fascher ran to see Lennon strumming his guitar wearing nothing but tight underpants and a toilet seat round his neck.

When he first heard the Beatles perform at another Hamburg Club, the "Indra," a couple of years earlier, Fascher had no inkling that they would become one of the most successful pop groups of all time. "I was a bit disappointed. But they looked good, despite their ridiculous purple jackets, that was their advantage."

Not that he was necessarily the best judge. At the Star Club in 1962, when the Beatles were still mainly performing cover songs such as Chuck Berry's "Roll over Beethoven," Paul McCartney asked Fascher to listen to a song he'd just composed with Lennon. He played "Love Me Do." "What do you think? Great, isn't it?" Fascher's verdict was damning: "Paul, forget it. That organ grinder music just isn't it. Stick to good old Rock n' Roll."

Fascher freely admits that might have been a rash judgment. "I was wrong. Everyone makes mistakes," Fascher said with a grin. "Love Me Do" became their first Top Twenty hit in the British singles charts.

The Lure of the Reeperbahn

The Star Club was Fascher's brainchild. He won the backing of a local investor to transform a cinema into a music concert venue and equipped it with a large stage, state-of-the-art sound system, bar, tables and chairs.

Fascher arranged the acts, entertained and protected them when they were off stage, and kept order in the club. When trouble began, Fascher's fists finished it quickly. At 70, he still looks as if he packs a punch. In his thick Hamburg brogue, he clear enjoys telling anecdotes -- some X-rated -- about the nights when he introduced rock stars to the attractions of Hamburg's St. Pauli district, a more sexually liberated place than most of them had ever experienced.

A pet joke of his was to recommend they try the Monika Bar next to the Star Club, saying it was famous for beautiful women who only offered oral gratification. Some returned satisfied, only to be told it was staffed exclusively by highly skilled transvestites.

The Star Club's days ended with the 1960s. It fell into financial trouble, closed in 1969 and the building later burned down. Fascher had left a few years earlier to serve a prison sentence for grievous bodily harm after some Star Club guests sued him for beating them up. He went on to manage bands for the US Army in Vietnam during the war there, and later became a music manager in Germany.

These days, Fascher doesn't go back to St. Pauli much, even though the place is full of memories. Or maybe because of that. As far as he is concerned, the whole area has been in decline since the club's demise.

"When the Star Club opened the Reeperbahn started to boom. The stars came and they were close enough to touch, not like these days where they're so far away they're just tiny figures on the stage," said Fascher. "When it closed it down in 1969 a light went out in St. Pauli.",1518,400870,00.html
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 19.02.06 20:56:16   
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Некоторые предварительные впечатления о книге Кристофера Сэнфорда, опубликованные в англо-версии газеты "Правда": "Сэр Маккартни, Сэр Бабник".

Sir Paul McCartney, Sir womanizer

These days Sir Paul McCartney is well known not only for his impressive music career, he also has the reputation of a model family man who lived a long and happy life with his first wife Linda. However, those who knew him in the time of his youth paint a different picture. They say McCartney was a junkie and a womanizer. John Lennon suspected McCartney of sleeping with both his wives. Lennon called his band mate a sex gladiator. In the spring of 1989 a young woman confronted the 46-year-old pop icon as he was leaving his London office in Soho. The woman started yelling in McCartney's face: ''Why don't you recognize me? Why don't you recognize me?'' The Beatle looked pale and embarrassed. He was just a step away from a big scandal while the fans and onlookers were watching. Eventually, McCartney's bodyguards pushed the woman aside and carried the musician into a car that sped away before the exhaust fumes vanished in thin air. It is unknown who that woman was and what kind of recognition she was after. According to Christopher Sanford, author of a new biography of the famous musician, the unfortunate incident is a reminder of a time when the Beatles bass player was one of the sex symbols of his generation.

In his book, Sanford says that McCartney developed a penchant for sex when he was 16. He would always spend some time with his first girlfriend July Arthur after running away from school to write songs with Lennon.

The number of his female fans went up sharply after the Beatles took shape in the late ‘50s. McCartney took advantage of the situation. He was especially popular with girls in Hamburg where the group went to play in clubs. According to Sanford’s calculations, during the next ten years Paul had sex with 500-600 women. Several flings might have ended up in a very bad way as his former sweethearts were keen to get money for children born out of wedlock. In April 1962, McCartney had an affair with Erica Hubers, a waitress at a nigh club in Hamburg. In December the same year, Erica gave birth to a daughter called Bettina. Erica claimed McCartney got her pregnant. She filed a suit in court seeking alimony. McCartney categorically denied his parenthood but eventually paid Erica about $5,000 in child support. He never acknowledged his parenthood, though.

McCartney continued his amorous exploits after coming back to Liverpool. His father would drop by The Cavern, a club where the Beatles played frequently, and he would say: “The birds are beginning to flock”, a reference to numerous young girls hanging around the stage. Then one day Paul fell in love with a young actress. Her name was Jane Asher, she was upper middle class, lived with her parents in a big house in central London. McCartney lived with Jane in that house for three years. He penned I Want to Hold Your Hand, one of his best songs in a basement of the house.

Despite his lengthy relationship with Asher, McCartney never stopped having fun with female fans while on tour. The Beatles’s tour manager Maul Evans said that scores of young women were trying to get inside Paul’s hotel room on the U.S. tour. Some of them eventually succeeded.

McCartney bought himself a home, a three-storey building in St. John’s Wood near the Abbey Road Studios. According to Sanford, a countless number of women of different ages and trades spent nights at McCartney’s place. He would normally forget the name of his one-night-stand girl on the morning after.

McCartney once said that Lennon had warned him after having fallen in love with Yoko Ono:

“Don’t you ever think about it!’ Sure thing, he knew I was a bit of a ladies’ man. That’s true, I always loved girls.”

In May 1967 Paul’s life changed forever after he spotted an attractive blonde with a camera in a Soho night club. The blonde’s name was Linda Eastman. She turned up at Brian Epstein’s apartment at a release party for Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Legend has it that Paul asked Linda to “come to my place and have a look at my paintings” at the end of the party. Paul and Linda spent the next few days together. A few months later, Jane Asher announced that her engagement with Paul McCartney had been canceled at the request of the latter. Linda told Paul that she was pregnant in late December 1968. They got married on March 12, 1969. Linda gave birth to three children: Mary, Stella, and James. Their marriage lasted for 29 years. Linda succumbed to breast cancer and died in December 1998. Paul McCartney is now married to Heather Mills, they have a daughter called Beatrice.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 19.02.06 21:06:32   
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>>John Lennon suspected McCartney of sleeping with both his wives.

Насколько я понял - "Леннон подозревал, что Маккартни спит с двумя его женами" - Ну Синтия еще куда не шло, но Леннон ревновал следом и Йоку. Пусть не спрашивают, почему распались Битлз. Леннон не мог не знать про виды Маккартни на Йоку.

>>Lennon called his band mate a sex gladiator.

Еще один довод по поводу распада Битлз - никто не хотел работать в студии с секс-гладиатором. Чуть что - вызывал на бой.

>>He was especially popular with girls in Hamburg where the group went to play in clubs. According to Sanford’s calculations, during the next ten years Paul had sex with 500-600 women.

Женская половина Гамбурга в начале 60-ых ходила на Маккартни, выступавшего тогда в составе Битлз. Следующие 10 лет он подарил радость 5 или 6 сотням счастливицам. Это стоило автору Кристоферу Сэнфорду такого же количества свечек.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 24.02.06 01:55:54   
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Новые книги о Битлз001
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 24.02.06 01:56:48   
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и еще 002и еще 002
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 24.02.06 10:35:47   
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Вад - ценой, количеством и качеством информации...и ещё - Маус не даёт ничего о бутлегах, только об официальных релизах + поверхностный экскурс в цены на них...
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 11.03.06 12:39:35   
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Дайте инфу, кто сможет по следующему:
1)Paul McCartney автор Christopher Sandford твердая обложка
320стр в основном текстовая,цена 1850 руб;

2)John Lennon"Unseen Archives" твердая обложка 384стр только фотографии цена 2500 руб;

3)John Lennon"Revealed" твердая обложка в основном текстовая 295стр+DVD-диск с последним интервью Леннона и Маккартни цена 2200руб;

4)George Harrison"Here Comes The Sun" твердая обложка в основном текст 320стр цена 1900руб;5)Beatles Magical Mystery Tour твердая обложка в основном текстовая 450стр цена 1850руб.

Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 11.03.06 13:35:02   
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По книге Сэнфорда смогу дать подробнейшую рецензию 18-го числа. (помимо нее еще книжки 3 должно приехать)
А что конкретно интересует относительно Magical Mystery Tour? Эта книга у меня есть и именно в твердом переплете. Свеху белая суперобложка с куколками Битлов. (если, конечно, имеется в виду воспоминаныия Тони Брэмвелла)
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 11.03.06 13:38:22   
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Кстати о книге Спитца. Ребята-издатели пошутили - та картинка, которая выложена в этой теме Дедом Алексом, это второй вариант обложки. Изначально на лицевой части обложки были Джон и Джордж (именно такой вариант у меня). Потом, видать, в издательстве по пьяни чего-то задели и на обложке оказались Пол и Ринго :)
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 11.03.06 20:48:02   
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Давайте выкладывайте и еще выкладывайтй!
Д. и Д.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 11.03.06 23:49:31   
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Ну раз неинтересует - вам же проще
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 11.03.06 23:51:33   
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Сорри, темой ошибся
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 11.03.06 23:53:53   
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Ежели ко мне, чего вкладывать?
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.03.06 23:48:52   
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