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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Я тащусь!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 01.07.06 10:30:44   
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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 01.07.06 10:32:33   
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Fowler... r u ready? ;)Fowler... r u ready? ;)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: KRblS   Дата: 01.07.06 14:41:10   
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это только мне кажется или у киевлян билеты покрасивше будут?
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 03.07.06 00:26:09   
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>это только мне кажется или у киевлян билеты покрасивше будут?
поярче, да ;)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 03.07.06 16:20:33   
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концерт Уотерса в Киеве переносится. у нас на форуме можно выражаться? ррррр! >8-|
Внимание! Перенос концерта на 21 - 25 июля. Проданные билеты действительны. По желанию возврат денег за билеты будет происходить 8 - 9 июля в кассах Дворца спорта и НСК "Олимпийский". Точная дата концерта будет известна 4 июля. Следите за афишей.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 03.07.06 16:29:38   
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сайт организаторов вдруг "временно" перестал работать...

пожалуй, стоит отредактировать информацию о концерте на главной странице.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 03.07.06 17:53:03   
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а ЭТО еще что такое?!?!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 04.07.06 11:09:55   
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Кто-то прикололся, что ли?
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Jagger   Дата: 04.07.06 11:36:43   
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Официальный сайт молчит!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Lucy In The Sky   Дата: 04.07.06 17:14:10   
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Всё. Концерт отменен.

"Внимание! Концерт Роджера Уотерса в Киеве отменен.

Возврат денег за купленные билеты будет производиться 8, 9, 10 июля в кассах НСК "Олимпийский" с 11:00 до 19:00.
Телефон для справок: 8 (044) 234 33 99"

хоть бы извинились...
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.07.06 21:24:17   
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Не видать мне больше ПиПи Арнольд:'((((

А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 05.07.06 10:40:35   
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Новая книга о Стене и периоде её создания и реализацииНовая книга о Стене и периоде её создания и реализации

An incredibly detailed looking book that concerns itself with Pink Floyd's 1979 masterpiece, The Wall, is officially launched today.

'Comfortably Numb - A History of “The Wall”' is written by acknowledged Floyd experts Vernon Fitch and Richard Mahon. Research for the book has been ongoing for the last ten years, and part of this has involved approaching all those involved in the album and live show - from the band themselves, to designers, to sound engineers. Apart from rich detail, many of these people have also contributed their own, previously unseen pictures, and these are included within the pages. In total there are over 400 pictures in the book.

It includes an insiders look at the making of The Wall album, insights into the Pink Floyd recording process, a song by song analysis of The Wall album, a technical overview of The Wall stage shows, a pictorial on The Wall live in concert, a glimpse into each of the 31 Wall live concerts, and an examination of the making of The Wall Live album.

It also includes a world-wide Wall discography including bootlegs, and an in-depth look at the band’s equipment by Pink Floyd’s own technical experts.

With contributions from Marc Brickman, Brian Christian, Bob Ezrin, Stan Farber, Mark Fisher, David Gilmour, James Guthrie, Rick Hart, Andy Jackson, Jon Joyce, Michael McCarty, Nick Mason, Patrice Quef, Gerald Scarfe, Rick Stratton, Phil Taylor, Toni Tennille, Trevor Veitch, Roger Waters, and numerous others, the book should be the definitive look at the album.

The book is a beautifully presented, full colour deluxe limited numbered edition, hand numbered and signed by the authors. It is published on July 25, 2006, and will cost $39.95 plus shipping. However, if you order it during July (and tell them you saw the deal on the Brain Damage site!) you can get it at a 20% discount ($31.95 plus shipping).

More information on the book, with example pages, can be found at where you can also place your orders for what promises to be an incredible book.
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.07.06 18:23:31   
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Last night, London's Hyde Park (scene of Live8 a year before), saw another great performance from Roger Waters and his band, aided and abetted by Nick Mason, who added his drumming expertise to the performance of Pink Floyd's 1973 classic, Dark Side Of The Moon.Last night, London's Hyde Park (scene of Live8 a year before), saw another great performance from Roger Waters and his band, aided and abetted by Nick Mason, who added his drumming expertise to the performance of Pink Floyd's 1973 classic, Dark Side Of The Moon.
At the show, we found out that Nick is now due to perform at some more shows on Roger's current tour. Whilst this is not necessarily an exhaustive list, as other shows could be added, Nick is now due to perform at the following forthcoming shows:

12 July - Lucca, Italy
14 July - Magny-Cours, Nevers, France
12/13 September - MSG, New York, USA
5/6/8 October - Hollywood Bowl, LA, USA
As part of his tour, Roger is also publicising a new charity initiative. Millennium Promise is an organization co-founded by Dr Jeffrey Sachs dedicated to fighting malaria, and ending extreme povery in the world by the year 2025. Every 10 seconds, a child dies from malaria. 300,000,000 to 500,000,000 people contract malaria each year. The charity aims to get donations of $10 which buys a bed net - which in itself can save two lives.

More details of the charity, and how to donate, can be found at, and details of Roger's own commitment will soon be on his own site -
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 07.07.06 20:46:04   
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In today's Times newspaper in the UK, former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters talks candidly about his past and present career, his thoughts on music in general (with specific comments about Abba, the Swedish pop supergroup of yesteryear, and the release of Pulse on DVD), and reveals how he is providing direct help to a Senegalese village.In today's Times newspaper in the UK, former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters talks candidly about his past and present career, his thoughts on music in general (with specific comments about Abba, the Swedish pop supergroup of yesteryear, and the release of Pulse on DVD), and reveals how he is providing direct help to a Senegalese village.

It is clear from the interview how life is taking a lot of Waters' attention. From his personal life (his divorce a few years ago, and subsequent starting a new relationship), through to how family and friends have changed his perception, and affected the work on his new material, he talks honestly and in a relaxed frame of mind, and also looks back at darker days.

“[Around the time of The Wall, and the 1977 tour which lead to it] I was quite separated from myself and in consequence, quite separated from anyone else.” Improvements in his outlook has been a result of “getting rid of the judge that sits on your shoulder telling you you’re an a***hole. I mean, my judge was a powerful figure for my whole life. That’s why 30 years ago I was so hard on everyone else.”

With Roger due to perform the whole of Dark Side Of The Moon at Hyde Park tomorrow, accompanied by Nick Mason, he seems remarkably relaxed about the activities of his ex-colleagues. On being told that Pulse was coming out on DVD in July, which includes their live 1994 version of the album, he said “Is that the case?” he smiles. “I didn’t know. I gave up after I heard a reggae version of Money on (the 1988 live album) The Delicate Sound of Thunder. I remember lying on the floor howling with laughter with my feet in mid-air.”

With the London concert falling almost exactly a year after Live8, the question naturally arises of another collaboration. “From my point of view there is no impediment to doing more work together,” Waters says. “There would have to be some kind of emotional negotiation that would need to take place for us to do that, and I’m not sure that Dave wants to go down that road. He’s had this baby for 20 years and he doesn’t want to relinquish his grip on it.”

Still, Waters has got other things on his mind. After throwing a dinner party in honour of US economist Geoffrey Sachs (his book "The End Of Poverty" inspiring Live8), “I’ve put my money where my mouth is and decided to support a village in Senegal. Single-handedly? Well, yes, but really it’s just a matter of committing lots of money for the next five years and putting tons of fertiliser into the ground and buying nets for mosquitoes.”

“But, you know, it’s no one act that makes you feel happier. I’ve been through a personal journey of transformation — with parenthood and failed relationships and all the rest of things that change you.”

The fascinating interview can be read in full over at,,14932-2249066,00.html

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.07.06 00:41:42   
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Реклама концерта Уотерса в СтамбулеРеклама концерта Уотерса в Стамбуле
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.07.06 01:29:07   
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Уотерс у Израильской стеныУотерс у Израильской стены
Добрый профессор  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: andi   Дата: 08.07.06 09:08:34   
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2 Rosco:
>Реклама концерта Уотерса в Стамбуле

Ты ничего не напутал с афишей? В Турции уже лет 70 не применяют арабскую вязь. Это скорее похоже на иврит.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.07.06 10:20:16   
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>Ты ничего не напутал с афишей? В Турции уже лет
>70 не применяют арабскую вязь. Это скорее похоже
>на иврит

Pardon moi. Ошибся
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 08.07.06 11:33:03   
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>Уотерс у Израильской стены

"Первой" "Стеной" Уотерса (ещё вместе с Пинк Флойд) была - собственно та ещё "Стенка" (как мы её в те времена называли), "The Wall"... Она была чисто "концептуальной"...

"Второй" "Стеной" Уотерса (уже без Пинк Флойд, увы!..) была рушащаяся Берлинская стена... Так сказать, "The Wall - 2"...
Эта "стенка" была уже не только концептуальной, но и вполне осязаемой...

Что, бишь, я, собственно, хотел сказать-то? :)
Ах, да! Пора, думается, тов.Уотерсу (причём желательно, чтобы снова вместе с Пинк Флойд!..) создать "Третью" "Стену", так сказать, "The Wall - 3"... :)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 08.07.06 12:05:22   
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