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Bee Gees

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Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 23:20:39   
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August 18, 2005

Babyface is putting together a new tribute to the Bee Gees and hopes to release it in 2006. The performer and producer recently gave us a status report on the project and some of the bigger names who are taking part in it: "I'm doing a project for the Bee Gees. It's a Bee Gees tribute record, so we're working with a number of artists. So far we have Jagged Edge, I have Paul McCartney, Sheryl Crow, a number of artists that are coming to the table. Already recorded those three. A full tribute record to their career and how amazing their songwriting's been throughout the years. It's a cool project."

Babyface added that surviving Bee Gees Barry and Robin Gibb, as well as the family of the late Maurice Gibb, have endorsed the tribute.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.08.05 10:08:04   
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Теперь это называется Guilty Too... Ничччего не понимаю. Теперь это называется "Guilty Too"... Ничччего не понимаю.
1. Come Tomorrow - Duet with Barry Gibb
2. Stranger In A Strange Land
3. Hideaway
4. It's Up To You
5. Night Of My Life
6. Above The Law - Duet with Barry Gibb
7. Without Your Love
8. All The Children
9. Golden Dawn
10. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
11. Letting Go
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 25.08.05 10:18:50   
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На Амазоне можно уже посмотреть клип с нового альбома!
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.09.05 07:33:39   
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Bee Gees to rekindle Saturday Night Fever
Thursday September 1, 2005

Bee Gee Robin Gibb is to relaunch the music of the band he began with his brothers Maurice and Barry in a blizzard of promotional activity that includes a musical, a TV special, a tribute album and a big-ticket live show. There is even talk of a $30m Hollywood remake of the film that made them a household name, Saturday Night Fever.

Robin Gibb's co-manager, John Campbell, says the scheme was motivated in part by the death of Robin's brother Maurice in 2003. "I think Robin - obviously - took Maurice's death very badly, but he has since become really charged up," says Campbell. "He has turned a negative situation into very positive energy. His attitude is, 'There's no reason to stop.'" The Bee Gees are also about to gain access to their lucrative back catalogue for the first time in 10 years, when their deal with Universal comes to an end in 2006.

The Bee Gees stage musical, You Win Again, is already in production with a view to a 2006 premiere in the West End and on Broadway. The story, written by writers and Bee Gee fans Sidney and Maurice Greenberg, centres on a love affair between a model and a fashion designer, set to Bee Gees hits. However, Campbell promises the show will be very different from pop stage spectaculars such as the Abba show Mamma Mia! and Queen's We Will Rock You.

A tribute album is also under way, featuring A-listers including Sheryl Crow and rap stars Snoop Dogg and Wyclef Jean. According to Campbell, producer Babyface chose artists that would reflect the Gibbs brothers' impact on "every field of music". "Paul McCartney was very keen to get involved," he says. "[Beatles manager] Brian Epstein played the Beatles a tape of the very early Bee Gees. Paul apparently went, 'They write their own songs? Interesting!' He's loved them ever since."

And with regards to Saturday Night Fever, Campbell says that "early production talks are being held".

Meanwhile, an outdoor concert is scheduled for July 2006 in New York's Central Park. The event will be broadcast worldwide, recorded for a DVD and will be previewed by a documentary about the making of the concert and album. Production costs for the event are expected to top $5m.

Campbell says there will also be events in the brothers' home town of Manchester.,11711,1560353,00.html
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.09.05 07:47:07   
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BARRY GIBB is selling off the BEE GEES' Miami, Florida, studio after recording one final family album.

The singer/songwriter teamed up with sons ASHLEY and STEPHEN to record one last project before shutting the recording space down for good.

Gibb admits he finds it tough recording in the famed studio, where the Bee Gees recorded their biggest hits, without his late brothers ROBIN and MAURICE.

He says, "It was an incredible period of time for all of us and we had a great time here... but it's also very sad for me; it's difficult for me to work whenever I'm in this room, in particular. I think of all three of us. There's just too many memories."

Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.09.05 22:20:26   
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The Bee Gees' Barry Gibb, who wrote and produced Barbra Streisand's new Guilty Pleasures CD, says she helped him get over the loss of his brother and bandmate Maurice Gibb, who died in 2003 after complications from intestinal surgery. Gibb told ABC-TV's The Insider, "Barbra fired me up again and made me realize that I need to get on with what I was doing (since) I was a kid." The new disc, which is the sequel to the pair's first collaboration -- 1980's multi-platinum Guilty album -- features two duets between the singers.

The Guilty Pleasures disc has turned out to be a full circle for Gibb. Back in 1980, the Guilty album was the first project recorded in the Bee Gees' Middle Ear Studios in Miami and its sequel was the last. Gibb explained why he decided to close down the studio, which has been the group's creative home for the past 25 years: "(After Maurice's death) It's difficult for me to work... I think of all three of us. I need to move on. I need to let go."

Gibb added that Maurice would be the album's biggest fan, adding that, "Maurice would love it, because he's a romantic. The theme is definitively romantic. It's definitely for lovers."
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 24.09.05 22:45:35   
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С удовольствием послушал новую Барбру. Молодец, курносенькая. Пластиночка удалась. Зачот..С удовольствием послушал новую Барбру.
Молодец, курносенькая. Пластиночка удалась. Зачот..
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 24.09.05 23:37:47   
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Primal Scream: Новость о продаже студии, конечно, печальна - но то, что они по ходу "похоронили" и Робина, - наряду с Морисом, - тоже, шокирует похлеще.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 24.09.05 23:38:53   
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Хукер! Этот нос курносым не был никогда!
Каким угодно, но не курносым...
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 24.09.05 23:45:09   
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Это такая "шутка юмора"!.. Вполне в духе нашего дорогого JLH...
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 25.09.05 01:25:16   
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2john lee hooker:

>С удовольствием послушал новую Барбру.
>Молодец, курносенькая. Пластиночка удалась>

Я, хотя "пастернака" пока и не читал (то бишь эту новую "Барбра энд Барри") ещё не слышал, но предполагаю, что второй "Влюблённой женщины" им уже, увы, не выдать... Не так?
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 25.09.05 01:44:29   
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>2john lee hooker:
>>С удовольствием послушал новую Барбру.
>>Молодец, курносенькая. Пластиночка удалась>
>Я, хотя "пастернака" пока и не читал (то бишь
>эту новую "Барбра энд Барри") ещё не слышал, но
>предполагаю, что второй "Влюблённой женщины" им
>уже, увы, не выдать... Не так?

Альбом получился ровненький, симпатичный, мелодичный.
Новых "фтюрифшихся вуманоф" нету... Я думаю, лет через 25 она (любофь) опять-таки придет к любвиобильной "смешной дефчёнке"
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 25.09.05 01:49:24   
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Непгеменно пгидёт! В старости многие впадают в детство, вот наша "смешная старушка" снова и почувствует себя "смешной дефчёнкой" (как ты выражаешься)!..
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.05 22:39:18   
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Barry Gibb, who's back on the charts with Barbra Streisand's new Guilty Pleasures CD, which he wrote and produced, will be chatting live with fans this week on his official website. The site's chat room will be open from today (Monday, October 1st) through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. ET. Gibb will be popping in from time to time to answer fans' questions.

Since launching the site earlier this summer, he's had two chats with fans and took time out to slam brother Robin for performing mostly Bee Gees songs on his recent solo tour. Gibb also went on record saying that he disapproves of the Broadway show that Robin is planning, which is based on the group's career.

Gibb has also revealed plans for an upcoming retrospective CD of his late brother Andy Gibb featuring unreleased material.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 04.10.05 03:05:55   
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Что за пошлая манера обсуждения?!..
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.10.05 22:57:35   
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Paul McCartney says his participation in the upcoming Bee Gees tribute album is a case of quid pro quo. The former Beatle told us he recorded a version of "Too Much Heaven" for the set as a favor to the Bee Gees' Robin Gibb, after Gibb agreed to speak at the Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts (LIPA) at McCartney's request: "It's kind of a favor for a favor, you know. I was asking Robin if he would do a sort of talk there for the kids, and he every kindly agreed to do that. Then he said to me, 'Well, would you do this,' and I said 'Sure,' so I did."

The Bee Gees tribute is being coordinated and produced by Babyface and is expected to be released in 2006. The full track list has not yet been revealed, but Sheryl Crow is among the other artists taking part.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.10.05 11:26:57   
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BC-NY-CCETV ( BW)(NY-CCETV) Clear Channel Entertainment TV Announces Deal with Robin Gibb for 2006 Multi-Tier Plans Honoring the Bee Gees' Maurice Gibb Business Editors/Entertainment Editors

NEW YORK(BUSINESS WIRE)Oct. 21, 2005 Including Special Television Series, DVD Release and Special Live Tribute Concert Featuring Paul McCartney, Sheryl Crow, Beyonce and more

Clear Channel Entertainment Television (CCETV) has announced today its plan to participate in a multi-platform media project that will pay tribute and celebrate the life of Maurice Gibb, organized by Robin Gibb, both of whom were members of the world renowned Bee Gees. All activities will revolve around the special tribute album, produced by award-winning, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, planned for a major release in June 2006. The announcement was made today by President of Clear Channel Entertainment Television, Joe Townley.

Clear Channel Entertainment TV's plans include producing a television show from a live tribute concert featuring top music artists performing some of the Bee Gees' 1 hit songs, in addition to a behind-the-scenes television series and DVD releases of both.

In memory of the untimely death of Robin's twin brother, Maurice, the project will recognize his life and his impact on fans and music the world over. A major tribute concert, being held in conjunction with the CD release, will be broadcast live on a major television network. Artists performing on the CD include Paul McCartney, Snoop Dogg, Sheryl Crow, Black Eyed Peas, Wyclef Jean, Beyonce, Leann Rimes, Eric Clapton & Rascal Flatts and it is hoped that many will participate in the proposed concert. Notable charitable entities will be beneficiaries of the event.

The "making of" television series is already being shot as the artists and producers are in the planning, recording and mixing stages of the tribute album. The episodes will document the making of the album and live concert, and will include exclusive interviews with the recording artists. Each show will lead up to the finale which showcases the actual live concert. In conjunction with the television series, CCETV will also release a DVD to include all episodes of the series as well as the broadcast of the concert performances.

"This project brings yet another dimension to the hugely successful Bee Gees history and is a part of the vision which Robin has for keeping Maurice's and the Bee Gees' legacy alive to fans new and old. We are proud to be playing a part in this grand plan," says Steve Sterling, Senior Vice President of CCETV.

John Campbell, under the GC Management banner, in which he is partnered with Gibb co-manager Ken Graydon, adds, "Robin Gibb and the Bee Gees have been recognized around the world for decades, and now both their long-time fans, and new ones, will celebrate their music through a whole new variety of media distribution, capturing the urban, hip hop, country & pop genres of today."

The Bee Gees have won 7 Grammy awards, a long list of industry and consumer recognitions honoring their songwriting, recording and performances, including induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Their "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack was one of the best selling of all time. Among the classic hits on that album are "Stayin' Alive," "More Than a Woman" and "How Deep Is Your Love." They have sold over 130 million records worldwide and are credited with having the most successful song catalogue of all time."
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.11.05 23:45:28   
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А пластиночка у Барбры с Барри очень и очень задушевная получилась! Сплошь красота и мелодизм.А пластиночка у Барбры с Барри очень и очень задушевная получилась! Сплошь красота и мелодизм.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.11.05 12:30:28   
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November 28, 2005November 28, 2005
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.11.05 07:48:10   
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BEE GEES brother BARRY GIBB is heartbroken after being told his late brother MAURICE's family want him to play no part in a planned tribute album.

Gibb reveals he and siblings, Maurice and ROBIN, had fallen out five years before Maurice's sudden death in 2003 - and the feud continues two years after the tragedy.

The singer explains, "I have been deliberately disinvolved. People have actually excluded me from that process.

"Certain things were done by the people who look after my brother to stop me from being involved.

"It much more involves exploiting the Bee Gees than it does paying tribute to Mo (Maurice), and that's what's sad."

And, speaking exclusively to US news show Entertainment Tonight, Barry Gibb reveals he's more than used to family feuds he and his singing brothers rarely got along.

He blames the death of the brothers' youngest sibling ANDY in 1988 for sparking the family squabbles, and tragedy is still breaking them apart.

He says, "It (death) either fuses you together or it blows the family apart. I think it's very sad. It wasn't good for our family, to lose Andy and then Mo.

"The sense of loss that stays in the family... is the void that stays. It's real, it's touchable."

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