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Одри Хепберн

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Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 10.09.06 20:07:26   
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Princess Ann (Hepburn) is a royal princess of an unspecified country. She is on a widely publicized tour of several European capitals, including Rome. One night, she rebels against the strenuous demands of her official duties, where every minute of her time is scheduled. Her doctor gives her a sedative in order to calm her down, but she secretly leaves her country's embassy and goes out alone to experience Rome.

The injection eventually takes effect and she falls asleep on a public bench where Joe Bradley (Peck), an expatriate American reporter, meets her, but does not recognize her. He offers her money so that she can take a taxi home, but "Anya Smith", as she calls herself, refuses to disclose where she's from, saying that she should be taken to the Colloseum.

Bradley finally decides, for safety's sake, to let her spend the night in his apartment. Her regal manner and Bradley's amused reaction to it is the source of much humor. The next morning, he leaves the sleeping woman and goes to work, where his boss asks him if he had attended the scheduled press conference with the princess.

Bradley lies and gives details of the alleged interview until his boss tells him that the princess had suddenly "fallen ill" and the conference had been cancelled. He then shows a picture of her to Bradley, who recognizes the young woman he had left sleeping in his apartment...
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 10.09.06 20:09:46   
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One of the most famous scenes in the movie is when Peck puts his hand into the Mouth of Truth (La Bocca della Verità), a stone face in Rome that legend says will bite your hand off if you tell a lie. In the film, when he pulls his hand out it is missing, causing Anya/Hepburn to scream. He then pops his hand out of his sleeve and laughs. Hepburn's shriek was not acting — Peck had decided to pull the gag he had once seen Red Skelton do, and had not told his co-star of it before.One of the most famous scenes in the movie is when Peck puts his hand into the "Mouth of Truth" (La Bocca della Verità), a stone face in Rome that legend says will bite your hand off if you tell a lie. In the film, when he pulls his hand out it is missing, causing Anya/Hepburn to scream. He then pops his hand out of his sleeve and laughs. Hepburn's shriek was not acting — Peck had decided to pull the gag he had once seen Red Skelton do, and had not told his co-star of it before.

Shortly after Princess Ann and Joe Bradley meet, she quotes him some poetry and insists it is by Keats. He insists it is by Shelley, and they have a bit of an argument. The quote is in fact from Mary Shelley's play Proserpine.

A now-legendary screen test resulted in Hepburn being cast as Ann. After performing a dignified, subdued scene from the film, the director called "cut" but the cameraman actually left the camera rolling as the young actress suddenly became animated as she chatted with the director. The candid footage of Hepburn that resulted won her the role.
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 10.09.06 20:12:02   
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In the 1970s, both Peck and Hepburn were approached with the idea of a sequel to Roman Holiday which would have seen Anya and Joe reunite; the idea never came to fruition. The original film was remade for television in the early 1980s.In the 1970s, both Peck and Hepburn were approached with the idea of a sequel to Roman Holiday which would have seen Anya and Joe reunite; the idea never came to fruition. The original film was remade for television in the early 1980s.

The role that Peck played was originally written with Cary Grant in mind. However, Grant turned the role down, believing he was too old to play Hepburn's love interest. Later, the studio convinced Grant to play opposite Hepburn in Charade, where it became obvious that the chemistry between the two was as good as Grant had had with another Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn. However, Audrey Hepburn and Grant never appeared in another film together, although they became good friends and Grant considered her one of his favorite actresses to work with.

The movie was filmed in Rome, on location, and at Cinecittà Studios.

It is sometimes stated that Roman Holiday was Hepburn's first American acting job. In fact, she appeared at least once on US television in 1952 — a CBS Television Workshop production of Rainy Day in Paradise Junction .

Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 10.09.06 20:13:50   
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Gregory Peck — Joe Bradley
Audrey Hepburn — Princess Ann ('Anya Smith')
Eddie Albert — Irving Radovich
Hartley Power — Mr. Hennessy, editor
Harcourt Williams — Ambassador
Margaret Rawlings — Countess Vereberg
Tullio Carminati — Gen. Provno
Paolo Carlini — Mario Delani, hairdresser
Claudio Ermelli — Giovanni, landlord
Paola Borboni — Charwoman
Alfredo Rizzo — Cab driver
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory PeckLaura Solari — Secretary
Gorella Gori — Shoe seller
Heinz Hindrich — Dr. Bonnachoven
John Horne — Master of Ceremonies
Andrea Esterhazy — Embassy staffer
Ugo De Pascale — Embassy staffer
Diane Lante — Lady in waiting
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 10.09.06 20:16:23   
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Award winsAward wins

Academy Award for Best Actress (Audrey Hepburn)
BAFTA Award for Best British Actress (Audrey Hepburn)
Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture Actress — Drama (Audrey Hepburn)
New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress (Audrey Hepburn)
Academy Award for Best Costume Design, Black-and-White (Edith Head)
Best Writing, Motion Picture Story (Ian McLellan Hunter and Dalton Trumbo)
Writers Guild of America Award for Best Written American Comedy (Ian McLellan Hunter and John Dighton)
In 1999 the film was deemed "culturally significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

Award nominations

Academy Award for Best Picture
BAFTA Award for Best Film from any source
Best Director (William Wyler)
DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures (William Wyler)
Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (Eddie Albert)
BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Actor — (Eddie Albert)
BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Actor — (Gregory Peck)
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White (Hal Pereira & Walter H. Tyler)
Best Cinematography, Black-and-White (Franz Planer & Henri Alekan)
Academy Award for Film Editing (Robert Swink)
Best Writing, Screenplay (Ian McLellan Hunter & Dalton Trumbo)
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: Green_N2   Дата: 16.09.06 19:10:48   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 15:18:16   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 15:20:00   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 15:20:54   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 15:23:51   
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Я тащусь!  
Video ;-)
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 15:45:40   
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Part 1
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Audrey Hepburn Remembered - Roman Holiday

Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: Konduktor   Дата: 17.09.06 15:51:51   
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Аааах, я ее обожаЮ!!!!
Я тащусь!  
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 16:27:33   
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Audrey's childhood drawings   Audrey's pencil of her mother, 1944Audrey's childhood drawings

Audrey's pencil of her mother, 1944
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 16:28:57   
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  A drawing signed A.h., 1944

A drawing signed "A.h.", 1944
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 16:32:34   
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Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 16:37:56   
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Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.09.06 16:40:23   
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Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: Green_N2   Дата: 17.09.06 18:54:09   
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Если интересно, то на есть полностью фильм
"Вспомним о Римских каникулах", фрагменты из которого приведины в
Ваших ссылках. Там еще есть фильмы о сьемке фильма "Моя прекрасная леди"
и документальный фильм "Биография Одри Хепберн".
А вот если Вы встретите полную тест-пробу Одри перед сьемками "Римских каникул", где якобы выключается камера, а на самом деле сьемка продолжается, пожалуйста оставте на этой теме ссылку.
Буду очень благодарен.

P.S. А фотки, помещенные Вами - просто,замечательные!!!
Где Вы их находите?
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: Марьяночка   Дата: 19.09.06 14:15:31   
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Несколько замечательных фотографий:
Re: Одри Хепберн
Автор: Марьяночка   Дата: 19.09.06 14:16:02   
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 Одри Хепберн1.
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