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Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!

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Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 20.10.08 15:27:56   
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Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!03
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 20.10.08 15:28:25   
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Ну вот так лучше :-)))
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 16:53:12   
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I knew Noddy and Phil Burnell from T.P. Riley School in Walsall and they were playing in a group called the Rockin' Phantoms. When they lost their bass player, I joined them and Noddy began teaching me the chord sequences etc. In that way we developed into the Memphis Cut-Outs."I knew Noddy and Phil Burnell from T.P. Riley School in Walsall and they were playing in a group called the Rockin' Phantoms. When they lost their bass player, I joined them and Noddy began teaching me the chord sequences etc. In that way we developed into the Memphis Cut-Outs."

A young Noddy Holder striking a legalistic pose while Pete Bickley seems intent on landing his guitar on Noddy's head!
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 16:54:04   
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As a member of the Mavericks Noddy Holder was regarded as a second, supporting voice. It was not long before he felt that the time was right for him to move on and take a more leading role in a group. Ultimately that was to mean as lead singer with Slade. As a member of the Mavericks Noddy Holder was regarded as a second, supporting voice. It was not long before he felt that the time was right for him to move on and take a more leading role in a group. Ultimately that was to mean as lead singer with Slade.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 16:58:22   
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Rockin' Phantoms. Rockin' Phantoms.
The group was a product of T.P. Riley School in Bloxwich. The original name was the Rockin' Phantoms with Noddy Holder on lead and vocals, Phil Burnell on rhythm, Mick Aulton on drums, Kenny Holland on bass and a second vocalist named John 'Tubby' Cooper.

Seen here with the prerequisite for all young groups, the van.
Sitting on top can be seen Noddy Holder. They are pictured somewhere on the Beechdale Estate in Walsall.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 17:01:50   
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Steve Brett & The Mavericks...Steve Brett & The Mavericks...
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 17:03:12   
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Ещё Rockin' Phantoms...Ещё Rockin' Phantoms...
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 17:15:21   
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Noddy tells us of his love for the early rockers such as Little Richard, Bill Haley and British superstar Cliff Richard (I wanted to learn all his songs, he says). By age 11, he had settled on a music career and was strumming his first guitar.
Noddy tells us of his love for the early rockers such as Little Richard, Bill Haley and British superstar Cliff Richard ("I wanted to learn all his songs," he says). By age 11, he had settled on a music career and was strumming his first guitar.

He tells of trying to form bands. Then along came four mop-top haired guys from Liverpool, The Beatles. Holder was like most British teenagers, totally captured by Beatlemania, noting, "To us, they seemed so fresh compared to the artists who had been hogging the charts for years."

He tells of seeing The Beatles perform live, long before they became worldwide stars, "all wearing leathers, which was unheard of at the time, and they all had messy bowl haircuts. It was as though they had stepped straight off the street."

Years later, while they were recording in a studio next to ex-Beatle John Lennon, Lennon asked their manager about Noddy Holder, saying, "Who is this? I love the bloke's voice. He sounds just like me." That compliment sent Holder "over the moon," he admits.

Holder details his 1960s' bands, including recording acts such as The Phantoms, The Memphis Cutouts, Steve Brett & The Mavericks and The 'N' Betweens. These are tales of first recording contracts (recording three singles with The Phantoms for Columbia Records in 1965), management problems and leaving your home country to tour overseas (in this case, performing in Frankfurt, Germany, where "Germans loved seeing English bands wearing leather because it reminded them of The Beatles," he says).

The 'N' Betweens - Evil Witch Man

Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 17:16:47   
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The new 'N Betweens comprised Noddy Holder/Dave Hill/Jimmy Lea/Don Powell. The record session took place in 1966."The new 'N Betweens" comprised Noddy Holder/Dave Hill/Jimmy Lea/Don Powell. The record session took place in 1966.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 17:21:02   
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The Inbetweens - You Better Run
The Inbetweens - You Better Run

Ambrose Slade - Journey To The Centre Of Your Mind (1969)

Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 20.10.08 17:50:16   
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Many years ago, at the height of his fame, Noddy Holder was walking down London's busy Oxford Street, alarming the populace with his incredible sideburns, when, walking towards him, he saw John Lennon.  Lennon simply pointed an acerbic finger at Noddy and said:
Many years ago, at the height of his fame, Noddy Holder was walking down London's busy Oxford Street, alarming the populace with his incredible sideburns, when, walking towards him, he saw John Lennon. Lennon simply pointed an acerbic finger at Noddy and said:

"Yeah! I know who you are too!"

That an ex-Beatle would recognize Noddy Hodler is not so surprising. For, Noddy Holder was vocalist for the first post-Beatles rock group to dispose of several chart records previously held only by the Beatles Paul McCartney had openly admited to being a fan of SLADE. Perhaps that is why John never acknowledged the group's existence.

Nevertheless, Noddy Holder and SLADE were certainly the first English band to innovatively mimick the Beatles. SLADE took certain elements of Beatles pop and amplified them horribly loud. Holder's voice was Lennon-esque to the point that it sounded as if the circus tents of Mr. Kite were being torn up by huge rusty, cockney giants. Melodies rode on hippo-sized descending chord sequences with a lack of subtlety previously confined to the scrap metal business. SLADE were The Beatles angry.

In 1973, SLADE out-fabbed the Fab Four when they released a Christmas single whose awesome tune and romantically cynical lyrics trashed John Lennon's own wimpish "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)". John Lennon started hanging out with Harry Nilsson soon after that.

Slade - Good Golly Miss Molly

Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 20.10.08 23:34:27   
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Приятно все-таки видеть такое количество людей разделяющих твои вкусы. Не знаю была ли такая фотка.Приятно все-таки видеть такое количество людей разделяющих твои вкусы. Не знаю была ли такая фотка.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 22.10.08 10:59:33   
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Заметка (или  вернее публикация) из журнала Classic ROCK № 7-8 (23) июль/август 2003г.Заметка (или вернее публикация) из журнала Classic ROCK № 7-8 (23) июль/август 2003г.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 22.10.08 11:00:46   
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...а это из №5 (56) май 2007г....а это из №5 (56) май 2007г.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 22.10.08 11:01:26   
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+  фото + фото
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: MikiFR   Дата: 22.10.08 21:40:54   
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2Holy Roller:2Holy Roller:

Спасибо за раритетные фотки и интересные статьи!
Интересно, откуда сии ценности?
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 24.10.08 10:23:43   
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Парочка фотографий....:-)))Парочка фотографий....:-)))
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 24.10.08 10:24:36   
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Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 25.10.08 12:33:02   
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Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!))
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 25.10.08 12:34:16   
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Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!))
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