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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Я тащусь!  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 09:49:50   
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18 апреля SAV ENTERTAINMENT подали заявку на проведение концерта в
Мэнеджмент Уотерса, но пока не получили разрешение на проведение концерта на Красной Площади от московских властей, но уже раструбили, что концерт подтвержден, хотя подтверждена только заявка со стороны Уотерса.
SAV ENTERTAINMENT прославился в 2005 году организацией московского LIVE 8
за три дня, так что контора работать умеет.
Ждем развитие ситуации.
Roger really is unique
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 10:23:07   
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Интересное мнение о предстоящем Туре

Roger really is unique
Posted by higgy on 4/20/2006, 9:28 pm

Roger's upcoming tour could be the tour that really shows the world what Roger is as a solo artist.He's had a tough time of it ,from touring the same time as his old band and not many turning up to his solo albums not really selling well.His last tour really made him happy cos he took it around the world and fans were comeing out in numbers.
What i mean by unique is that he's not even bringing out an album for this just like his last tour,not many artists can do that.
Roger's 2 upcoming albums could really be the iceing on the cake for his solo career.Like he said many years ago that by going solo he will get a head start on Dave and co.
With his new political album this couldn't come out a better time with whats happening in Iraq.
Could we be getting another Dark Side from Roger.
Lyrically i think we will.

Я тащусь!  
Роджер Выступит в России!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 10:25:24   
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А теперь и в Новостях!  -А теперь и в Новостях!

А вы знаете, что...  
Ian Ritchie - RW Sax Player
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 11:02:22   
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Блоги саксофониста Уотерса Яна Ричи:Блоги саксофониста Уотерса Яна Ричи:


In The Flesh Live re-release!!!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 11:11:15   
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According to this site, In The Flesh is being re-released on 29 May (I assume in the UK) with an extra DVD.According to this site, In The Flesh is being re-released on 29 May (I assume in the UK) with an extra DVD.
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 11:17:28   
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2 концерта добавлены - Москва и Норвегия! 1 отменён - Италия, Velodromo!
As Roger Waters' 2006 summer tour of Europe moves ever closer, we have news for you today of a show cancellation, and of two shows that have just been added to the schedule.

The tour promises a complete run-through of the 1973 Pink Floyd classic, Dark Side Of The Moon, which for the Magny-Cours concert, boasts Nick Mason on drums! The album will be performed alongside a selection of other Floyd classics, together with a number of Roger's solo material.

Roger was due to be performing at the Velodromo, in Palermo, Sicily on June 6th, but sadly, due to technical difficulties, this has had to be cancelled. A full refund can be obtained from the ticket agents.

Turning to the additional shows, these are being held in Moscow's legendary Red Square on June 24th, and at the Viking Stadium, in Stavanger, Norway, on June 26th. We understand that tickets for the latter show go on sale on April 25th, but are still waiting on confirmation of this. Our Roger Waters 2006 Tour Room will be updated with full details of these two new dates imminently.

We're also hoping to bring you full details of his proposed North American tour very shortly. Our thanks (as ever) to Roger's manager for his help...


Date news posted: 20 April 2006
Гитара Уотерса на аукционе!!!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 11:34:06   
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на аукционе eBay выставлена гитара Роджера Уотерса Washburn 'Roger Waters' RW-300!на аукционе eBay выставлена гитара Роджера Уотерса Washburn 'Roger Waters' RW-300!

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.04.06 12:06:54   
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>на аукционе eBay выставлена гитара Роджера Уотерса
>Washburn 'Roger Waters' RW-300!

Создай отдельную тему о концерте в Москве, плз.
P.S. Я офигеваю, дорогая редакция, Стоунз, Клэптон, Уотерс!!!!!!!!!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Ian Ritchie
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 12:09:13   
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Ещё про Яна Ритчи, не по-деццки занятого в этом году выступлениями... помимо Уотерса!.. Ещё про Яна Ритчи, не по-деццки занятого в этом году выступлениями... помимо Уотерса!..

Starbucks New Oxford Street
2005 Monday 25th and Thursday 28th July 8.00-9.00pm

Ian Ritchie
Flexibility and the Professional Musician (or ducking, diving and surviving the music business)
Ian Ritchie has been a professional musician for 30 years. In the course of that time he has worked as a jazz musician, jingle writer, film and tv composer, session player, record producer, busker, arranger, programmer, songwriter, recording engineer, author and recording artist.
As a result of his varied experiences in the world of music, he has come to the conclusion that flexibility is an important attribute for anyone hoping for a long term career in music. His talk, aimed primarily at young musicians starting their career, will illustrate this using a series of anecdotes featuring some of the well known musicians he has worked with including Roger Waters, Stevie Wonder, Laurie Anderson and The Beach Boys amongst others.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Сироткиндт   Дата: 21.04.06 12:10:25   
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Все офигевают, дорогие товарищи! А эти, как сговорились, чуть ли не в один день!
Москвичи, ситуация с билетами на Вотерса под Вашим контролем!!!!
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: On_the_Hill   Дата: 21.04.06 12:31:22   
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Они все свихнулись с Красной площадью. Больше выступить просто негде :) "В очередь, сукины дети, в очередь!" (C)
А вы знаете, что...  
Ian Ritchie
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 12:34:36   
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А вот и даты выступлений Яна Ритчи:

Ian Ritchie Upcoming Shows
Apr 16 2006 3:00P the green London
May 6 2006 8:00PWedding in Wandsworth - Holly Penfield Quintet London
May 23 2006 8:00P 606 Club - SOHO Project London
May 25 2006 8:00P Chester TBA - Deaf School Chester
May 27 2006 8:00P Liverpool TBA - Deaf School Liverpool

Если он примет участие в майских студийных сессиях Роджера, то только
в первой половине мая.
Снесло крышу  
В МОСКВЕ выступит Роджер Уотерс !
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 12:38:20   
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Ещё немного информации!Ещё немного информации!
В МОСКВЕ выступит Роджер Уотерс !
Пока программа называется "Обратная Сторона Луны на Красной Площади" !
Концерт начнется в 20-00 и окончится в полночь (кто следит за лунным календарем ответьте - будет ли Лунное затмение???).

Свет и сцену оформит команда "Группа F" Марка Фишера (дизайн )(он проектировал The Wall in Berlin 1990 и недавнее открытие и заключительные
церемонии Туринских Зимних Олимпийских Игр в Италии)
Группа F - занималась пиротехникой на Олимпийских Играх. В программе - флойдовские и сольные хиты, а также расширенная новая версия сюиты "Обратная Сторона Луны" !!!

Сейчас ведутся переговоры с Москвой, сможет ли Уотерс привести свое шоу в полном объеме.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.04.06 15:51:46   
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Ян Ритчи утверждает что концерт будет в два часа дня

Jun 24 2006 2:00P
Red Square - Roger Waters Moscow


June, 24 2006 at Red Square - Roger Waters
Not Available, Moscow,
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.04.06 16:19:24   
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Reviving a 33-year-old art-rock landmark that spent 15 years on the Billboard chart, Roger Waters will perform Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon on his 19-date tour opening Sept. 6 in Holmdel, N.J.

The iconic prog-rock band's co-founder plans to perform the entire song cycle as the second set of each concert, utilizing theatrical staging, oversized video projections and a 360-degree quadraphonic sound system. He'll open shows with selections from Floyd's Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall and The Final Cut, plus material from his 1992 solo Amused to Death.

Stops include Sept. 8 in Boston, Sept. 12-13 in New York, Sept. 29 in Chicago, Oct. 3 in Phoenix, Oct. 5 in Los Angeles and Oct. 10 in San Francisco. The tour ends Oct. 12 in Seattle.
Найдите различия.
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.04.06 16:26:31   
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опять путаница(((((((((((((
08 Sep Tweeter Center Mansfield, MA
09 Sep Tweeter Center Mansfield, MA
20 Sep Toronto Air Canada Center, Canada
24 Sep post Gazette Pavillion, PA
27 Sep Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland
29 Sep First Midwest Bank, Tinley Park, IL
30 Sep Verizon Wireless Center, Indiana
03 Oct Cricket Pavilion, Phoenix AZ
05 Oct The Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles
А это 9 из 19(?) дат из вчерашней USA TODAY
Sept. 6 in Holmdel, N.J
Sept. 8 in Boston,
Sept. 12-13 in New York,
Sept. 29 in Chicago,
Oct. 3 in Phoenix,
Oct. 5 in Los Angeles
and Oct. 10 in San Francisco.
The tour ends Oct. 12 in Seattle.
Roger goes to Israel 2006!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 17:12:59   
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Проесс-релиз к Израильскому выступлению!

For immediate release


Roger Waters


At Roger Waters’ request, his concert has been moved from Yarkon Park to Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam. Over 35,000 tickets have already been sold.

Roger Waters, founder of the legendary Pink Floyd:

“I moved the concert to Neve Shalom as a gesture of solidarity with the voices of reason - - Israelis and Palestinians seeking a nonviolent path to a just peace between the peoples.”

From the Waters press release issued for the global media:

“Roger Waters, star of Pink Floyd, is changing the venue for his appearance in Israel to the Village of Peace. The new venue, Neve Shalom [“Oasis of Peace”], is home to a community that has dedicated itself to a dialogue enabling people of different religions and nations to live in peace.”

Scheduled to appear at Yarkon Park, Waters changed the location after discussion with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists, writers, and artists who urged him to take a stand for peace and coexistence between the two peoples.

“The suffering caused by 40 years of occupation is incomprehensible to the Western world and I support the struggle for freedom. I moved the concert to Neve Shalom as a gesture of solidarity with the voices of reason - - Israelis and Palestinians seeking a nonviolent path to a just peace between the peoples.

“A few weeks ago, I watched for the second time Martin Scorsese’s film documenting the final concert by The Band, and I was inspired to write a few words that seemed fitting to me:

I just want that thing
When voices join in harmony
And in that fleeting moment,
Meaning coalesces on the ear,
All dark, dissolving, clouds the alleyways no more
And fresh bread scent of home pervades the air

No sandal soles
In dust of broken homes
Nor callused toes peep bloody from the garment hem,
And all the big parades
And shock and awe
And swagger on the carrier decks and medals
Jangle helpless in the face of what is fair

I just want that thing
When friends draw in, some living some begone,
Some brittle, none forgotten
All beloved everyone.

Then dash the glass into the fire
Then well up unashamed my heart
Beyond the reach of fear
Of faith, blind, bigoted and drear

And then across the great divide
Rise men and women unafraid
To dash in loss their bracelets at the wall,
And hearing them
Hope holds me in its thrall.

I just want that thing
When empathy prevails
When man evolves beyond the crass
And reason comes of age
When dogma, cant, and witchcraft
All are banished to the past
When voices join in harmony at last.

The concert’s producer, Shuki Weiss, was highly sympathetic to Waters’ request and instructed his staff to prepare the area adjacent to Neve Shalom for the concert. “The village of Neve Shalom, near Jerusalem, is an emblem of peace and brotherhood. The residents have chosen to live together and establish a dialogue that lets them share their lives, despite their differences, and with respect for difference. I believe there’s great importance in supporting what the Neve Shalom community stands for, demonstrating in practice that the right way to deal with the Jewish-Palestinian conflict is through peace and dialogue. I am proud to take part in sending a message of dialogue and I hope that Waters’ appearance at Neve Shalom will open a window for some serious thought for everyone involved.”

The event’s designer, Mark Fisher, who designed all of Pink Floyd’s concerts and recently the opening and closing ceremonies at the Turin Winter Olympics in Italy, will arrive with Group F, the team that produced the pyrotechnics at the Olympics, to mount the event. Six giant cranes at the site will handle the special effects. In the picturesque valley below the Latroun Monastery, a small city will be set up on an area of more than 100 acres, with the stage, audience area, parking, food and beverage areas, etc. Most of the stage, about 1,500 square meters of it, will arrive by air freight with the band.

To reach the site from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem will take about 20 minutes, and from Ben-Gurion Airport, about 7 minutes. Transportation will be made available via bus and train.
Roger goes to Israel 2006!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 17:14:15   
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The Dark Side of the Moon 2006

June 22, 2006

Neve Shalom / Wahat Al-Salam


As part of his current world tour, Roger Waters, founder and guiding spirit behind the tremendous creativity of Pink Floyd, will perform a single concert at a new venue in the valley below the Latroun Monastery next to Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam – to be created especially for his appearance. Included in the program will be the powerful “The Dark Side of the Moon” performed in its entirety.

Some 35,000 tickets have already been sold for this performance.

A map of the new site will be published in the near future, along with parking and transportation arrangements, a map of the VIP areas, etc.

Producers in Israel are Shuki Weiss and Muli Shesh.

Waters will perform a three-hour concert in Israel. The opening third will include the best of his renowned repertoire, including a comprehensive survey of the early years of Pink Floyd. Among other things, Waters will perform hits from the timeless albums “Animals,” “The Wall,” “Wish You Were Here,” and material from his solo career. After that, Waters and his group will perform a new, complete version of the magnificent “The Dark Side of the Moon,” one of the iconic, formative works in the history of rock music worldwide. Only 41 minutes in its original form, the piece has been specially revised by Waters. The complete version of this new, longer arrangement with a contemporary sound will be performed at Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam, backed up by additional technical effects on the specially-constructed stage, with giant screens, animation, and quadraphonic sound and light media.

Fans will remember that “The Dark Side of the Moon” first appeared in 1973, creating a new standard of excellence as a concept album with its unique mix of innovative rock, philosophical content, and an exploration of new audio boundaries. Brilliantly arranged by Waters, this work delves into the riddle of human existence in a technocratic world.

The songs encompass themes of sadness, pessimism, alienation, cynicism, and madness. The meaning of money in a world of capitalist consumption; the quest for self-determination; insanity; and war – it’s all there on this album – a conceptual, avant-garde, almost theatrical work.

“The Dark Side of the Moon” achieved unprecedented artistic and commercial success and became one of the best-selling albums of all time worldwide. It remained a “Billboard” top-selling album for a record 15 years (741 weeks). As recently as 2004, the album was still selling 8,000 copies a week. An estimated one out of every 14 Americans under the age of 50 is the proud owner of a copy of this album.

In 1979, Waters wrote the partly autobiographical album, “The Wall” – and the title track immediately became an international hymn for the younger generation. The group’s concerts turned into complicated mass events employing sophisticated lighting constructions, animated films, destruction of objects, falling walls, etc. After “The Wall,” the group’s members decided to devote time to individual projects and solo albums. “The Final Cut” (1983) rounded out their work as a group.

In 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Waters presided over one of the largest and most significant rock events of all time – a one-time performance, with guest artists, of “The Wall” in the place where the wall had stood only months beforehand.

Waters’ first solo album, “The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking” (1984) was a solid commercial success, and the next, “Radio K.A.O.S” in 1987, added another notch to his solo career and brought him back to the concert stage. His last solo album, “Amused to Death,” ironic and downbeat, which he released in 1992, was widely considered on a par with “The Dark Side of the Moon” and “The Wall.” In 2000, a DVD and double album “In The Flesh” documented Waters’ first live tour in 12 years in the USA, during which he performed top Pink Floyd hits. Not long ago, after laboring for more than twenty years, Waters issued a double album with his opera “Ca Ira,” set in France during the revolutionary era.

Tickets at Kastel, Kla’im and the other ticket agencies; price: NIS 375.
Оазис Мира Концерт Роджера Уотерса
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.04.06 20:46:35   
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Прееса о концерте Уотерса в Израиле!


Оазис Мира

Концерт Роджера Уотерса

Neve Shalom - Оазис Мира (Невe Шал-ом (иврит) / Вaaх-aт и-сал-аам (араб)) - деревеня в Израиле, совместно созданная евреями и палестинскими Арабами израильского гражданства и вовлеченная в образовательный процесс ради мира, равенства и понимания между двумя народами.

Роджер Уотерс, которого 22-го июня ждут в Израиле с гастролями, переносит свой концерт из парка "А-Яркон" в Тель-Авиве на бобовое поле вблизи поселка Невe Шал-ом, который находится как раз посередине между Иерусалимом и Тель Авивом на израильской береговой равнине..

Это решение было принято в связи с протестами палестинцев, и невзирая на огромную компенсацию (миллионы шеккелей), которую придется выплатить аграриям за порчу плодородных земель.

Роджер Уотерс, автор альбома "Стена" группы "Пинк Флойд" участвовал в кампании организации War On Want против этой незаконной постройки стены между Палестиной и Израилем, "Строительство стены вызвало нищету, стало критическим ударом по палестинцам", говорил Уотерс в 2004 году.

10 марта 2006 года Роджеру Уотерсу было направлено послание Объединения палестинских артистов. "Рекомендуем вам не приезжать в Израиль до тех пор, пока не прекратится строительство защитной стены", – гласило письмо. Палестинские артисты считают, что концерт певца в Тель-Авиве будет истолкован, как отказ от своих слов. "Как такое возможно, что певец, известный своими выступлениями против строительства незаконной стены, будет сотрудничать с людьми, воздвигающими ее?! Это строительство было признано незаконным на суде в Гааге", - пишет Объединение палестинских артистов.

Тем не менее, как сообщает 16 апреля газета Jerusalem Post со ссылкой на воскресный выпуск новостей израильского телеканала Channel 2 TV, Роджер Уотерс перенес свой концерт из Park Hayarkon в Tel Aviv на бобовое поле вблизи деревни Neve Shalom из-за протестов палестинцев.

Уотерс объявил, что шоу надо перенести, чтобы показать солидарность с израильскими и палестинскими 'голосами благоразумия', которые неотступно следуют к миру ненасильственным путем.

Где-то 35,000 билетов уже продано. Поезда и автобусы будут заранее подготовлены, чтобы доставить публику к месту проведения концерта.

Концерт будет длиться около трех часов. Исполнятся будет флойдовская классика и сольные номера, также Уотерс целиком исполнит 'Dark Side of the Moon.' Дизанером сцены и света будет Марк Фишер, сценический дизайнер прошедшей Зимней Олимпиады 2006 года и шоу Стена в Берлине 1990 года.

Поселок Неве-Шалом, избранный музыкантом, известен как эксперимент по совместному проживанию евреев и арабов. Его очень любят приводить в пример левонастроенные граждане Израиля, подкрепляя этим примером тезис о возможности мирного сосуществования, но в последние годы, совпадая с недавним ростом палестино-израильской напряженности, напряжения в отношениях очевидны и там...

Неве-Шалом расположен в самом центре страны, неподалеку от Латрунского перекрестка, на середине пути между Иерусалимом и Тель-Авивом. Его основали представители израильской и палестинской интеллигенции. Главой администрации поочередно избирается то араб, то еврей, все судьбоносные решения принимаются Советом, в котором заседают в равных количествах представители обоих народов.

Организатор концерта Шуки Вайс (Shuki Weiss) уберет бобовое поле под концертную площадку вблизи деревни Neve Shalom,говорится в репортаже израильского телеканала Channel 2 TV, что будет ему стоить миллионы шеккелей, чтобы удовлетворить просьбу Уотерса.

Телерепортаж показал мэра деревни Neve Shalom, Райака Ризика (Rayak Rizik), на том самом бобовом поле, пока желанный Уотерс планирует там выступление. В репортаже сказано, что около 50,000 человек, как ожидают, посетят концерт.
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USA Today 4/21 little mention, fall us tour
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.04.06 02:53:55   
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А вот и сама статья в USA Today А вот и сама статья в USA Today
See you on 'The Dark Side' during Waters' fall tour
Reviving a 33-year-old art-rock landmark that spent 15 years on the Billboard chart, Roger Waters will perform Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon on his 19-date tour opening Sept. 6 in Holmdel, N.J.

The iconic prog-rock band's co-founder plans to perform the entire song cycle as the second set of each concert, utilizing theatrical staging, oversized video projections and a 360-degree quadraphonic sound system. He'll open shows with selections from Floyd's Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall and The Final Cut, plus material from his 1992 solo Amused to Death.

Stops include Sept. 8 in Boston, Sept. 12-13 in New York, Sept. 29 in Chicago, Oct. 3 in Phoenix, Oct. 5 in Los Angeles and Oct. 10 in San Francisco. The tour ends Oct. 12 in Seattle.
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