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Редкие группы

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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 09:42:38   
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Yezda Urfa “Boris” (1975)Yezda Urfa “Boris” (1975)

YEZDA URFA blends influences from YES and GENTLE GIANT into wonderful, fast-paced, great symphonic prog. Another band that springs to mind when listening to their "Sacred Baboon" album is ECHOLYN. Although they played and recorded between 1973 and 1981 they didn't release any albums, aside from a demo album in 1975 called "Boris".
Their first demo didn't attract any interest from the record labels, so they financed and recorded an album by themselves, hoping it would help them in getting a record deal. They were only offered a bad deal by a small record company, so they declined (they kept the T-Shirts, they were handed out though). They finished "Sacred Baboon" as the album was called in 1976, but due to lack of funds they shelved it, and in 1981 called it a day, and the band split up to pursue other interests, mostly out of the music scene.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 09:45:39   
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Yezda Urfa “Sacred Baboon” (1976)
Yezda Urfa “Sacred Baboon” (1976)

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 09:52:14   
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Whistler “Ho Hum” (1971)
Whistler “Ho Hum” (1971)

Behind the name Whistler there is an illuster group of musicians from the late sixties and the seventies:
For example: with Jimmy Hastings (Caravan); Clem Cattini (Hungry Wolf, Ugly Custard, John Schroeder, Fancy), but also Gordon Huntley (Ian Matthews Southern Comfort).
Whether Eric Bell was the first guitarist of Thin Lizzy is not really known, but may be expected, because the Lizzy - Bell also played in some other bands.
The sound of this album goes into the direction of UK-Country-Rock (Cochise, Quicksand, Southern Comfort Quiver) and singer/songwriters (Mike Maran, Pete Atkin, Tony Hazzard).

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 10:00:46   
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Warpig (1970)
Warpig (1970)

Большой вопрос - что было раньше, этот альбом канадской группы Warpig или Fireball DP ?

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 17.06.18 10:30:39   
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>Вопрос к коллегам. Группа, выпустившая всего
>одну пластинку, считается редкой? Или критерий
>редкости заключается в чём-то другом?

Это зависит от нескольких факторов. Первый - тиража пластинки. Если она попала в хит-парад на высокое место, то о какой редкости тут можно говорить? И второй фактор: место релиза пластинки. Одно дело, если это, например, Лондон, и совсем другое, если Копенгаген, да еще пластинка на датском языке. Тем более, если какой-нибудь Парагвай.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 17.06.18 10:40:47   
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>2yellow submarine:
>>Вот наконец пошли действительно редкие у нас группы:)))
>Вы обещали свой список 60-х,
>альбомы, которые не смогли найти.

Я обещал "как-нибудь". Потому что объем не маленький: 26 страниц 3х4 (на каждой странице в среднем по 20 композиций) в каталоге. Оригиналы записаны на шесть 8-часовых видеокассет. Всего, таким образом, более 500 записей. Количество исполнителей никогда не считал, но уж точно больше сотни. Но не все подпадают под понятие "редкие". Редкие не столько исполнители, сколько конкретные их альбомы и композиции.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 17.06.18 14:41:52   
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Terry Knight & The Pack - Terry Knight & The Pack/Reflections  (CDCHD 1274)Terry Knight & The Pack - Terry Knight & The Pack/Reflections (CDCHD 1274)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 16:20:56   
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Terry & The Pirates The Doubtful Handshake (1980)
Terry & The Pirates "The Doubtful Handshake" (1980)

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 16:28:57   
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The Siegel - Schwall Band R.I.P. (1974)
The Siegel - Schwall Band "R.I.P." (1974)

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 16:37:15   
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Seatrain Watch (1973)
Seatrain "Watch" (1973)

Seatrain was an American roots fusion band based initially in Marin County, California, and later in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Seatrain was formed in 1969, subsequently drawing some members from the Blues Project when it broke up. Seatrain recorded four albums and disbanded in 1973.

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 17.06.18 16:41:36   
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Skin Alley Two Quid Deal? (1972)
Skin Alley "Two Quid Deal?" (1972)

Formed in the fall of 68, Skin Alley turned professional when they signed to Clearwater Productions as managers (whom also handled High Tide, The Trees and a bit later Hawkwind), on word from an ex-member that was now in the firm. Gigging around regularly for free (concerts organized by their management firm) in order to find a following, this West-London quartet developed a different kind of rock that drew much from jazz and blues. Built around keyboardist Juskiewicz and part-time guitarist, but sax and flute player Bob James, Skin Alley had a distinctive sound, which made them stand out at the many free concerts they played. Having been spotted by the legendary John Peel, they recorded a BBC session for the Top Gear programme, which in the short term landed them a recording contract with the English branch of CBS. Recorded in November of that year, it was released in March 70 coupled with a non-album single. The critical acclaim and encouraging sales lead CBS to allow Skin Alley (who suffered the departure of Crimble during the recording and was partly replaced by ex-Atomic Rooster bassist Nick Graham) to release a second album, From Pagham And Beyond, later that same year.

For some reasons (the album was not as successful as the debut), CBS decided not to invest further in the band, and Skin Alley had to find another label, which took a while. It wasn't until early 72 that their third album was released on the small folk Transatlantic label (and amazingly enough, the soul Stax label in the US), but by that time Skin alley was a different band, drummer Pope had left the group, replaced by Tony Knight, and the SA had a much rockier approach aimed at the US, even enjoying some success with the track Skin Valley Serenade. Their third album Two Quid Deal offers much prog while they recorded the last album Skintight in Memphis, Tennessee (home of Stax Record), maybe a hint that they had axed everything towards America, because of its country rock flavours. They disbanded the following year and outside Graham, none were to make much waves in the music industry.

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 17.06.18 21:21:16   
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>Terry & The Pirates "The Doubtful Handshake" (1980)
>The Siegel - Schwall Band "R.I.P." (1974)
>Seatrain "Watch" (1973)
>Skin Alley "Two Quid Deal?" (1972)
Отличные команды.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 18.06.18 11:41:02   
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The Scorpions - Hello Josephine:30 Rhythm & Beat Classics 1964-1966 (retro 945)The Scorpions - Hello Josephine:30 Rhythm & Beat Classics 1964-1966 (retro 945)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: опосити   Дата: 18.06.18 11:59:05   
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Вот эти Скорпионы, лучше тех, других, популярных.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 18.06.18 12:21:16   
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>Вот эти Скорпионы, лучше тех, других, популярных.
Эти из Манчестера, а есть и из Лондона.

The Scorpions - Anthology 1959-1965 (Wooden Hill WH 004CD)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 18.06.18 17:48:49   
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The V.I.P.'s - Beat Crazy (PL 601)The V.I.P.'s - Beat Crazy (PL 601)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 19.06.18 08:50:52   
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Castanarc Journey to the East (1984)
Castanarc "Journey to the East" (1984)

Obscure neo-proggers from the UK mid-80's scene, CASTANARC only stuck it out for four albums. The sound is a mixture of GENESIS and YES, but the vocalist sounds so much like John Waite that if you're a fan of his or the BABYS, it can tend to be a distraction. However, the music is more keyboard-oriented and less guitar-dominant than MARILLION, and reminds at times of SAGA. Overall, CASTANARC is a fairly decent neo-prog band, comparable in quality to PALLAS or PENDRAGON and not as good as JADIS. "Journey To The East" is a real cult prog classic and is a great album to sit and listen to.

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 19.06.18 08:56:12   
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Castanarc Rude Politics (1988)Castanarc "Rude Politics" (1988)

Castanarc's second album finds their sound evolving significantly over their debut. The major change is in the use of keyboards and synthesisers on the part of David Powell and Steve Beighton, which are often much more in tune with the sounds and textures of synthpop than classic prog, allowing Rick Burns' atmospheric guitar work and the occasional keyboard flourish to keep the neo-prog side of the band's sound going. The end result is an intriguing hybrid sound - soft, calming, even at points romantic - which suggests the sort of combination of prog chops and cutting-edge sounds which would pay off in spades for Porcupine Tree a few short years later. Not for neo-prog purists, but a very interesting album nonetheless.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 19.06.18 14:08:40   
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Jack London & The Sparrows (RRCD139)Jack London & The Sparrows (RRCD139)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 19.06.18 16:22:11   
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John Kay and The Sparrow -  Collector's Item (REP 4878)John Kay and The Sparrow - Collector's Item (REP 4878)
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