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Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!

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Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 17.06.08 16:01:46   
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Сейчас гляну....
Мммм... да! Л.З. на первом месте
2. The WHO
3.Pink Floyd
5.Джими Хендрикс и т.д., что интересно, в список попали Radiohead 15 место. А "забойные" R.E.M. попали на 31 место. И даже "УБОЙНЫЕ" MUSE (место 49) есть (мать их), а вот
настоящим бойцам место не нашлось. У меня нет слов.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 16:15:35   
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Ну вот, а говорят, что никакого культа нет. И во всем то они лучшие, и самый-самый альбом то записали(4-ый насколько помнится), и самый то гитарист у них, и вокалист тоже такой же самый, а ударник ,земля ему пухом, и вовсе он богоподобный. Ну не рождаются больше такие гении на земле. Из номера в номер одна и та же фигня в Классик рок. Видимо засел там этакий любитель и всех LZ теперь кормит. За последние ПЯТЬ ЛЕТ !!! про Слейд была всего одна развернутая статья, про Назарет пара, про Чип Трик ни одной, не считая рецензии на альбом, про ну кого еще... Свит одна статейка, и т.д. Ну может еще DP часто освещают, хотя все равно меньше. Журналюг этих надо заставит журнал свой съесть с LZ,
пусть получат полное удовольствие :-) И я бы тоже порадовался за них.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 17.06.08 16:36:04   
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У меня тут появился вопрос.
А сколько всего достойных статей в наших журналах было про Слэйд?
Две публикации в Классик рок про фильм "Slade In Flame", Одна статья в этом же журнале.
Хорошая статья в Рок Сити. Еще Мюзик Бокс чуток вспоминал про Слэйд. Последний номер Ровесника.Маловато будет.Все это есть в наличии.Может отсканировать? и сюда?
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 16:43:09   
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2Михеев Павел (Снегири):

>У меня тут появился вопрос.
>А сколько всего достойных статей в наших журналах
>было про Слэйд?
>Две публикации в Классик рок про фильм "Slade
>In Flame", Одна статья в этом же журнале.
>Хорошая статья в Рок Сити. Еще Мюзик Бокс чуток
>вспоминал про Слэйд. Последний номер Ровесника.Маловато
>будет.Все это есть в наличии.Может отсканировать?
>и сюда

Было бы интересно, Рок сити я точно не читал, ну и Ровесник тоже. Если нетрудно это будет сделать, то гран мерси скажу :-)
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 17.06.08 16:47:50   
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Постараюсь в ближайшее время Рок сити положить.
Статья в нем замечательная.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:00:57   
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2Михеев Павел (Снегири):

>Постараюсь в ближайшее время Рок сити положить.
>Статья в нем замечательная.

А я могу скинуть, если интересно, статьи о Слейд из английской прессы разных лет, там правда много всякого. Кое-что перевел.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: realife   Дата: 17.06.08 17:01:39   
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>Ну вот, а говорят, что никакого культа нет. И
>во всем то они лучшие, и самый-самый альбом то
>записали(4-ый насколько помнится), и самый то
>гитарист у них, и вокалист тоже такой же самый,
>а ударник ,земля ему пухом, и вовсе он богоподобный.
>Из номера в номер одна и та же фигня в Классик рок.
>Видимо засел там этакий любитель и всех LZ теперь
>кормит. За последние ПЯТЬ ЛЕТ !!! про Слейд была
>всего одна развернутая статья, про Назарет пара,
>про Чип Трик ни одной, не считая рецензии на альбом,
>про ну кого еще... Свит одна статейка, и т.д.
>Ну может еще DP часто освещают, хотя все равно
>меньше. Журналюг этих надо заставит журнал свой
>съесть с LZ,
>пусть получат полное удовольствие :-) И я бы
>тоже порадовался за них.

>Хм, стоит ли мне делать вывод о том,
>что регулярное прослушивание Слэйд приводит к
>развитию немотивированной агрессии?
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:13:27   
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Это видимо "цеппелинщик" нас вниманием удостоил? Насколько я помню немотиврованной агрессии были подвержены как раз ваши слащавые кумиры. Да кстати, еще излишествам всяким нехорошим предавались, for example: девочек малолетних тискали, на сцене как шизики себя вели, наркотой злоупоребляли и т.д. Господи, вспомнил ведь еще и трансвестизмом баловались, короче группа №1, пример для подражания.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 17.06.08 17:13:32   
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>А я могу скинуть, если интересно, статьи о Слейд
>из английской прессы разных лет, там правда много
>всякого. Кое-что перевел.

Это интересно.Буду благодарен.
С удовольствием почитаю.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:21:24   
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THE SLADE ARCHIVE PRESS SECTION - 1977 Slade on their way back ome by Colin Irwin in Denmark Copenhagen isn’t, perhaps, not at its best. They banned live sex shows here two and a half years ago, the Tivoli Gardens are still closed for the winter, the newspapers have been on strike here for over a month. And it keeps raining. Over at the Plaza Hotel, there at least appears to be some sort of action. A handful of young girls have been hanging around, peering through the windows for much of the day, watching a steady flow of journalists, Scandinavian and British, go inside. And inside, an impressive journalistic assault on the Plaza booze is interrupted by a raucous Wolverhampton voice, with a "Hya, howyadoing", in greeting to the assembly, Ladies and gentlemen, Neville Holder. Events of the last couple of years may have made it necessary to recap that Mr. Holder (or Noddy, if you’re feeling matey) was once the unchallenged king of the castle. The brash and arrogant singer who sounded like he vigorously scraped his tonsils every day with a toilet brush, and held the precarious status of prime hero of teeny hearts through a commendable series of Slade hits. Admittedly limited, Slade’s mis-spelt titles, from "Cos I Luv You", and "MamaWeer All Crazee Now" to "Cum On Feel The Noize" and especially "Gudby T’ Jane" made great rock ‘n roll singles. Slade themselves exploited the loveable yob image for all it was worth, but they knew their time would come and they attempted to anticipate this fading of devotion and adapt accordingly. Their movie, Slade In Flame, though not entirely successful, was unluckily overshadowed by the inferior Stardust. And the first signs of slip from the throne became evident as their music mellowed; the ballads "Every Day’ and "Far Far Away" were both top three singles, but "How Does It Feel" only made 15, and their most adventurous effort, the excellent "Thanks for The Memory", got to seven. "Thanks for the Memory" came out in May, 1975 and the obvious conclusion of what transpired since is that the band made a conscious decision to sacrifice what appeared to be a leaking boat, in an all or nothing bid to crack the big one, the States. They haven’t played in Britain for two years in their single minded concentration on America, and with the comparative failure of "Nobody’s Fools" and the recent "Gipsy Roadhog" single, it’s logical to assume that their once awesome following in Britain is now just a remnant. At the same time, they haven’t made too much of an impression on America either. So it all looks a bit grim. And so we are gathered in this hotel in Copenhagen for The Big Comeback. Slade, here as part of the build up for their crucial British tour, saunter into the room as cocky as you like. If we expected any remorse or acknowledgement of tactical error, then we should have known better; only a band with of the most infinite gall would come right out and try to turn to advantage their own slip from prominence with an album titled "Whatever Happened To Slade?" Later, with the excitement of journalists converging on Slade, the two never having had what you’d call a happy relationship, dies down, Dave Hill sits quietly in a corner talking with a fair degree of candour about the struggle they face. He accepts that they’ve blown it in Britain as far as a lot of people are concerned, but says they are all prepared for the fight back. As is evident later at the Falkon Theatre, they are basing their comeback on good old fashioned, rough edged rock ‘n roll. Noddy’s still the maniacal ranting vocalist, and Dave Hill, the arrogant, flash lead guitarist leaping on speaker stands, but musically they’ve stripped all the decorations, and gone back to the barest roots. It’s said their gig at the London Rainbow is already a virtual sell out, but make no mistake, Slade are going to have trouble restoring their previous status if this gig’s anything to go by. The new album is disappointing. Albums never were their strong point compared to the excitement they produce live - but tonight the sound is terrible, the music relentless - lacking the vitality they've had in the past. Their outstanding history decrees that we give them a decent chance, but there's no way of getting around it - the question that arises is whether it may have been better to have gracefully quit, while out of the limelight.
Certainly Noddy Holder revealed sufficient character and flair in Flame to suggest he could develop into a personality figure beyond Slade. Dave: "Sure, we got times when we down in America, but we never lost our sense of humour, we've always been able to laugh about a situation and we're not going to be too upset because we're not getting number one hits anymore. The Who, the Stones, bands like that, they've all had a dip at some stage in their career, but people don't remember that. Rock is now fighting its way back, but it's up against MOR music and disco music and all that "It's the same situation there was years ago when Engelbert and Tom Jones came through with the ballads and all that slow stuff. I remember my Mum saying to me, 'Why can't your Noddy sing a song like Tom Jones?'" Hill refuses to accept that they've been failures in the States. If nothing else he feels its been therapeutic, a stiff new challenge after a run of success in this country, and while they're not disappointed not to have had a ht record, he's adamant that they shouldn't have done things in a different way. The situation has suffered as a result, that's undeniable, but number one hits don't last forever if you're Slade, the Beatles or Abba - and they had to move onto something else.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:22:03   
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"We could have gone on churning out hit records forever. I remember when one of the singles came out and only made two and one of the jocks said, 'Oh well that's it they're finished' just because it didn't get to the top. That's an impossible standard. But we haven't been together for 11 years for no reason - we had to do something new - a challenge. "It was a real back to the roots thing in America, going on stage in jeans and tee shirts, turning up at the gig in an ordinary car and not a limousine and playing support to bands like Aerosmith, ZZ Top and Kiss. "Support bands always get their arses kicked but we had to swallow our pride and stick with it. We've always worked against the odds - when we were skinheads nobody would book us; we've never done anything the easy way." He even claims they got more kicks out of roughing it, for want of a better word, in the States. Maybe he has a fair point - most of the supremo bands have yearnings to get back to basics from time to time, not just musically, and in the last two years Slade have been doing exactly what they'd been doing years before in England. They were originators of football crowd symbolism, with an extraordinary close rapport and identification with their audience who, apart from the screaming weenies, tended to be the aggressive (though not offensive) yob, (a legacy, Hill thinks, of the skinhead image era). Noddy, in particular, has suggested the good time boozy mate, and the band has been consistently free of posing. So perhaps Hill’s spoken affection for life at ground level is more than a euphemistic viewpoint of the struggle they’ve had. "People called us superstars but we always thought that was rubbish. We couldn’t understand people mobbing us. We never thought of ourselves of anything more than working blokes. "When we were sitting in a Rolls Royce and there were kids outside, it didn’t feel right at all, we’d had felt much happier in a cheap car. We’ve never been super cool." They made "Nobody’s Fools" he says as an experiment. It was an attempt to broaden their scope to appeal in America, and was particularly aimed at getting American airplay. It didn’t, and although he won’t say as much, the suggestion is that he doesn’t think too much of the album now. So they’ve gone back to being an out and out good old rock and roll band with no pretensions otherwise. "Okay, we’re arrogant performers and so on, but we’ve never flipped our lids. You’ve just got to follow your nose and we think most of the people in the audience just want a good night, a good experience. "What’s a good night out? Having a good time and pulling a bird. It’s not sitting with your head between your legs and thinking, ‘This is really cool’, when it’s really very boring. I’ve checked that all out and it is boring. If you can’t say it in a three minute song you can’t say it at all. It doesn’t take half an hour to say it in a song. "We’ve never been orchestrated or anything like that, but we did try a few things out on "Nobody’s Fools" and what we are doing now is raving. Not a boogie band but true rock.
"In the old days, people used to dress up like us, we don’t expect that now and we don’t necessarily expect to get hits again, but we’re a good band on stage and when a kid spends his money coming to see us he’ll get value for money. Basically, we’re a street band." Much store seems to be made on the public’s assumed desire to forgo the trimmings and get back to the basics, an attitude that’s popularity in vogue right now. The most cynical might even suggest that they are attempting to ride back to the top of the new wave bandwagon; the old skinhead photos of the band appear on the cover of "Whatever Happened to Slade?" might, at first glance, to be the Clash or the Damned. Don Powell looks especially evil. By the same token the band's own ironic attitude towards punk is understandable. "It always goes in circles like this. Like the Shadows getting to number one - Christ, I bought that album. Everybody wanted to play guitar like Hank Marvin. At one time the Shadows were uncool but now it's all this nostalgia thing and it's cool to like them. "I remember when echo chambers came in with the Shadows and all that, then the Beatles came in and blew it all out with very forward vocals, and that was the real thing. People didn't want a pretty vocal sound." As a fan of long standing (and suffered all manner of ridicule for admitting as much) I prayed Slade would turn on a good show during the evening. But even taking into account their stated aim to get back to street music, it was a dreadful concert. The band sweated profusely and maintained a furious pace, but there was an element of desperation about it, not helped that much by the appalling sound which obliterated much of even Noddy's terrifying vocals. The new album was there in force, naturally but only "Lightning Never Strikes Twice" had any real impact. The kids dutifully called them back for three encores, but it didn't obscure the sad reality of the concert. Maybe it was just one of those nights, but I fear for them in England. MELODY MAKER, APRIL 30, 1977
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: sergero   Дата: 17.06.08 17:32:03   
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2 LM: послушайте Slade Alive! 1972 года издания......это просто чумовой концертник2 LM: послушайте Slade Alive! 1972 года издания......это просто чумовой концертник
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:34:53   
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>2 LM: послушайте Slade Alive! 1972 года издания......это
>просто чумовой концертник

К сожалению это не совсем оригинальный концерник, поскольку исполнялось все в студии, и приглашенной публики было совсем немного. А кроме того здесь нет самых сильных их вещей которые появились на следующих живых альбомах.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:37:02   
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Songs recorded or played live by Slade that had previously been released by other artists :
Ain't got no heart - Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
Angelina - Neil Innes
Auld lang syne
Born to be wild - Steppenwolf
Bony Maronie - Larry Williams
Coming home - Delaey and Bonnie
Coloured Rain - Traffic
Could I - Bread
Crying in the rain - Everly Brothers (recorded by Nod and Dave as Blessings In Disguise)
Darling be home soon - Lovin' Spoonful
Everybody's next one - Steppenwolf
Feed the world (Do they know it's Christmas?) - Band Aid
Feel so good - Shirley and Lee
Fly me high - Moody Blues
For your love - Yardbirds
Get down (and get) with it - Little Richard / Bobby Marchan
Getting better - Beatles
Going back - Dusty Springfield
Good golly Miss Molly - Little Richard
Good old Desk - Harry Nilsson
Groovin' - Young Rascals
Hear me calling - Ten Years After
Hiho silver lining - Jeff Beck group
Hold tight - Dave Dee, Dozy Beaky, Mick and Titch
I'm a rocker - Chuck Berry
I take what I want (Evil Witchman) - Sam and Dave
If this world were mine - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrill
It's the same old song - Four Tops
It's Alright Ma, It's Only Witchcraft (aka 'This is the season') Fairport Convention
Johnny B Goode - Chuck Berry
Journey to the centre of your mind - Ted Nugent & the Amboy Dukes
Just a little bit - The Undertakers
Knocking nails into my house - Idle Race
Let the good times roll - Shirley and Lee
Let's dance - Chris Montez
Let's have a party - Wanda Jackson
Love is like a rock - Donnie Iris
Martha my dear - The Beatles
My baby left me - Arthur Crudup
Move over - Janis Joplin
Nights in white satin - Moody Blues
Okey Cokey
Omaha - Moby Grape
People get ready - Curtis Mayfield
Pistol Packin' Mama - Al Dexter and his Troopers
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Aretha Franklin
Santa Claus is coming to town
Security - Otis Redding
Shapes of things - The Yardbirds
Sixty minutes of your love - Homer Banks
Somethin else - Eddie Cochran
Sugar shack - The Fireballs
That's alright Mama - Arthur Crudup
The letter - The Box Tops
The shape of things to come - Max Frost and the Troopers
Waiting for the bus - ZZ Top (part)
Whole lotta woman - Marvin Rainwater
Yellow Bird - Brothers Four
You better run - Young Rascals
You keep me hangin' on - Diana Ross and The Supremes
You'll never walk alone - Gerry and the Pacemakers
Thanks to other sites for assistance with this list. I have had a few inaccuracies that I have reproduced as a result pointed out to me and have corrected these. Cheers.

The Ambrose Slade setlist
Included these songs (and no doubt a great many others....... )
"People Get Ready" - Curtis Mayfield
"Reach Out I'll Be There" - The Four Tops
"It's The Same Old Song" - The Four Tops
"I Hear A Symphony" - Diana Ross and The Supremes
"Cherry Cherry" - (a Neil Diamond song, sung by Jim)
"The Letter" - The Box Tops
"Goin' Back" - Dusty Springfield
"Nights In White Satin" - The Moody Blues
"I Saw Her Last Night" - The Mamas and Papas
"Monday, Monday" - The Mamas and Papas
"Land Of A Thousand Dances" - Chris Kenner
"Green Onions" - Booker T. and The MG's
"Put Yourself In My Place" - The Elgins
"Groovin'" - Young Rascals
"Beggin'" - Timebox
"Respect" - Aretha Franklin featuring (Dave Hill on vocals!!!)
"Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" - The Beatles
"Martha My Dear" - The Beatles
'She comes in colours' - Love
'Sixty minutes of your love' - Homer Banks
"You Keep Me Hanging On" - Diana Ross and The Supremes
"Take a Look " - Irma Thomas
'Theme from Skippy the bush kangaroo'
"Good Old Desk" - Harry Nilsson
"I Take What I Want" (Evil Witchman) - Sam & Dave
'Yellow Bird' - The Brothers Four
See also the 'BBC sessions' page of this site.
Slade-written songs that were recorded later on by other artists:
Burning in the heat of love:
Jim Lea
Coz I luv You:
Go Crazy,
Noddy Holder,
Bohze Onkelz
Cum on feel the noize:
Noddy Holder (solo performance to camera in the Grimleys),
Quiet Riot,
70s All Stars
Doc Eisenhauer
Quiet Riot and Sir Mixalot
James Last
Flashback Band
Twisted Sister (allegedly)
Hole (Live only)
The Hobos
The Glitter Band
Bram Van 2000 or 3000, whatever
Alive and well
One Way System
Little Jack Melody and his young Turks
Ian Hall (on TV programme 'Stars in their eyes' only)
Kiss My Jazz
The Crack
The Twins
Dirty Foot Lane
Dr Rock
Do you want me :
Slade II
Claudine Winter
Go Crazy
Four jets
Studio 99
Far far away
Pretty maids
Red 2
Rock Ghosts
The Cloggs
Find yourself a rainbow:
Max Bygraves
Genesis :
Die Local Matador
Get on up :

Great big family (aka Together in front of the fire - a Jim Lea song)
Mama's Jasje

Gudbuy T Jane :
Mission (as Metal Gurus)
Van Halen (live only)
Britney Fox
Flashback Band
Redbeards From Texas
Stiv Bators (demo version)
The Men They Couldn't hang
The Sirens

High and dry :
How can it be? :
Canned Rock
Antonia Rojas

How d'you ride :
Die Local matador
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 17.06.08 17:37:51   
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Блин, у меня блокируется последнее сообщение.:-(((
Хотел сказать про Classic Rock, в английском журнале за апрель месяц в статье "65 лучших британских песен" имеется хорошая фотография Слэйд, да и вообще, родное издание к этой группе относится лучше, чем русскоязычная редакция.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:38:00   
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How does it feel :
Chris Farlowe (Slade Remade)
I don' mind :
The Hobos

I'm mee I'm now and that's orl :
Go Crazy
It ain't love - it ain't bad :
The Dummies

Jeannie Jeannie :
The Dummies
Keep on rocking :
The Hobos

Knuckle Sandwich Nancy :
Not Fragile

Last day of spring (aka July to September - a Jim Lea song)
Mama's Jasje

Let's call it quits
Noddy Holder with Frank Skinner and Katy Hill (below average TV show performance only)
Lock up your daughters :
Not Fragile

Look at last nite
The Hobos

Look wot you dun
Appears on the budget LP '16 chart hits Volume 1'
The Puhdys
Steve Overland (Slade Remade)
Mama weer all crazee now:
Mama's Boys
Metal Gurus (The Mission)
John Springate
Quiet Riot
The Runaways
The Big 6
Angelo Del Infierno
Flashback Band
Merry Xmas everybody:
Metal Gurus (The Mission)
Noel Gallager - Oasis
Mostly Autumn
Cure (Live version)
Four Skins
Die Toten Hosen
4 skins
Ian Hall
JImmy Barnes
Mek and the Xmas Peks
Spice Girls
Kim McAuliffe (Girlschool)
Max Bygraves
Mark (during 'Pop Idol' TV show 2003)
Dexy's Midnight Runners
Missing link
Studio 99
James Last
Eastenders TV show cast plus Suggs from Madness
Baron Knights (different lyrics)
Miles out to sea:
Not Fragile
My Friend Stan :
The Romans
My oh my:
John Holt
Alex Rosen
Kai Kill (Voi a voi)
K & K Studio Rock Set
Oxford United & Prism.
Hurrah Torpedo
Combo Colossale
Hamburg Football Team
Nobody's fool:
Light Fantastic
The Dummies
Sue Scadding

Radio Wall of sound :
Mick White

Red Hot :
Slade II

Rock and roll preacher

Run runaway:
Great Big Sea
Go Crazy
Cool Feet
Kai Kill
Dominoo (three mixes available)
Musegghuuler Lozarn
Dusty Cowshit
Acid Drinkers
She did it to me:
Go Crazy
Johnny Danton
Shooting me down:
Chrome Molly (no known Slade version)
Skweeze me pleeze me
James Last
Glam rock all stars
Doogie White (Slade Remade)
Simple love:
Sue Scadding
So far so good
Michael Bruce (ex - Alice Cooper Band)
Standin' on the corner
Still the same
Mama's Jasje
Thanks for the memory :
Go Crazy
Not Fragile
This girl :
Andre Verhage
We'll bring the house down
Jim Lea - as The Clout
Marshall Law
Not Fragile
Victoria's Secret advert
When I'm Dancin'
The Wall.
The Dummies
When the lights are out
Bob Segarini
The Dummies
Who are you? (a Jim Lea song) :
Mama's Jasje
The current line up of Slade II naturally play a number of Slade's greatest hits in their set today.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:40:26   
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2Михеев Павел (Снегири):

в английском
>журнале за апрель месяц в статье "65 лучших британских
>песен" имеется хорошая фотография Слэйд

Если не трудно сделайте снимочек сюда. Кстати как списочек их каверов? По моему впечатляет, даже Спайс Гелз потрудились.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: sergero   Дата: 17.06.08 17:41:26   
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2 Rom:...всё, что Вы написали вполне может быть и правда...но для меня важнее эффект производимый на МЕНЯ этим альбомом..., поэтому от меня как всегда чистое ИМХО
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: Rom   Дата: 17.06.08 17:53:00   
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>2 Rom:...всё, что Вы написали вполне может быть
>и правда...но для меня важнее эффект производимый
>на МЕНЯ этим альбомом..., поэтому от меня как
>всегда чистое ИМХО

Это правда, поскольку Холдер в одном из интервью сам об этом рассказывает. А альбом конечно замечательный, кто ж спорит. Послушайте все ж еще 1975.
Re: Slade — великая группа, а как думаете вы?!
Автор: sergero   Дата: 17.06.08 18:01:12   
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>Послушайте все ж еще 1975.
дык слышал я его.....слышал....в этом всё и дело, что каждому своё нравится то....
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