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Новые книги о "Битлз"

Тема: Битлз - книги, журналы и статьи

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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 19.10.05 22:35:16   
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И Это теперь есть в Москве... Обязуюсь отсканировать Д.И Это теперь есть в Москве...
Обязуюсь отсканировать
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 20.10.05 23:11:37   
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2Дед Алекс: >Теперь есть в Москве>

В розничной продаже через книготорговую сеть или по твоему местожительствУ? )
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Вад   Дата: 20.10.05 23:26:41   
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Кто нибудь пытался перевести в электронный вид книги Azing/Samuel Beatles Singles and sleeves from Europe vol.1 and from around the world Vol.2?
Догадываюсь, что без Acrobat Pro не справиться. Но книги заслуживают внимания!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 20.10.05 23:35:29   
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У меня их штук 12, но они ждут своего часа...
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.10.05 12:43:34   
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Добавлено в МА: Albert Goldman - Lives Of John Lennon - 1989 (на английском)
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 22.10.05 12:34:10   
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Получил сегодня Beatles Unseen. Мама дорогая! Очуменная книжка. Увидев в начале несколько "стандартных" детских фото Джона, несколько обиделся. Не фига себе Unseen! А потом дальше полистал и мнение свое слегка изменил.. Очень интересные фотки. Типа фото-сессии для обложки Help! Забавно - снимали это в теплое время года в каком-то парке на эстраде на фоне белого экрана. Вот ведь как! :)
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 22.10.05 22:06:05   
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John - Cynthia Lennon
Отсканировал, первым 10 адресатам вышлю, а потом размножайтесь...

Шлите свои адреса на мыоло:

Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 23.10.05 01:20:57   
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Уважаемый Дед!
Пожалуйста, вышлите мне скан этой книги на адрес:

Заранее спасибо!

Yours sincerely
(wasting away :)
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 24.10.05 03:50:51   
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Получил. Читаю. Большое спасибо!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: oea   Дата: 24.10.05 09:20:32   
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Привет всем.
Выставляю в Сеть последние работы уважаемого Деда_Alexa.
Сам готовлю к выходу первую из четырех книг Алана Клейсона. А именно о Ринго. Сканировал уже половину книги. Надеюсь к концу недели с ней закончу.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Jim (Л.А.)   Дата: 24.10.05 09:34:21   
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Книги получил. Читаю. Огромное спасибо!!!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 25.10.05 19:01:16   
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The Beatles Biography Released

Bob Spitz says that his book about the Beatles is only one-third as long as the manuscript that he submitted to Little, Brown. Even so, it spans nearly a thousand pages and is longer than major new biographies of Mao and Abraham Lincoln. Why?

Is it major news? A press release citing the book's big revelations includes "a full account of the day Ringo was stolen away from his previous band to join the Beatles." Keyhole-peeping? The gossip is kept at bay. A trove of musical minutiae? While the musical details will be new to some, many a Beatlemaniac already knows that it took three pianos and 10 hands to hit the walloping E chord at the end of "A Day in the Life."

Here's the new angle: Spitz means to outdo these conventional tactics by elevating the Beatles' story to the realm of serious history. "The Beatles" is written for the reader who seeks deep, time-consuming immersion in the past and can look beyond traditionally lofty subjects to find it. It means to meld the forces of personality, culture and art into a broad and emblematic story.

At first this is worrisome: Spitz goes back centuries to link the slave trade with American and West Indian exports shipped back to Liverpool. He locates John O'Leannain and James McCartney II as Irish refugees from the potato famine of the 1840s. He embroiders the atmosphere of his subjects' early years, imagining how young John Lennon (as the family name evolved) was awakened by "a clatter of hoofbeats as an old dray horse made milk deliveries along the rutted road."

But the built-in momentum of the material quickly takes over. And this book begins to exert its pull. With sweep already built into its story and the cumulative effects of the author's levelheaded, anecdotal approach, the book emerges as a consolidating and newly illuminating work. For the right reader, that combination is irresistible.

Much of this information can be found in other accounts. There are nearly 500 Beatle books floating around. But Spitz means to be authoritative, to cut through the fictions and calumnies of earlier versions, and to put together a broad, incisive overview. Among the areas in which he succeeds startlingly well is the specifics of songwriting, performance and studio work that made the Beatles worth such scrutiny.

"The Beatles" amplifies and corrects some of what is known about the band's formative years. It shapes a particularly vivid picture of the young, surly John Lennon, with a particularly revisionist and haunting portrait of his mother. It also captures the exhilarating freshness of young English musicians ready to try any crazy thing with no clue about how far they might go. "It had never occurred to the Beatles that they might have fans," Spitz writes. And he transports the reader to the time when that could be true.

Like Martin Scorsese's recent documentary about the young, meteoric Bob Dylan, this book powerfully evokes both the excitement and the price of such a sudden rise. This book is with the Beatles as they hit upon a winning, hair-shaking performance style and as they watch the world go berserk over it. When the exhilaration begins to sour, it captures the frightening fishbowl sensation of their being imprisoned by fans' hysteria and critical acclaim.

Spitz contends that the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper" days were more remarkable for innovative recording tactics than for songwriting depth. He makes a fascinating case by describing the step-by-step construction of some of the best-known recordings in existence. George Martin, the Beatles' producer, is one of many figures who were close to them and wrote about his experience in detail. But Spitz is able to incorporate these and other memoirs into a bigger picture. By and large, it's a captivating picture that hasn't been seen before.

Length notwithstanding, "The Beatles" does not deign to describe certain things. It essentially ends with the group's breakup. It does not invade privacy by recounting the details of Lennon's death or George Harrison's. Time and again, it chooses perception over presumption in ways that set it off from the pack of Beatle stories.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 29.10.05 16:10:58   
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Благодаря Деду Алексу в медиа-архив выложены еще три книги:

George Harrison - I Me Mine (полная версия, с картинками, 152 Мб) - 2002

Paul McCartney - High in The Clouds - 2005

Cynthia Lennon - John - 2005
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 29.10.05 18:55:04   
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А нельзя ли "I Me Mine" "без картинок" выложить? Текстовичком, маленьким и скромным.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Halloween   Дата: 29.10.05 20:01:47   
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Прошу прощения, не хватило духу лопатить всю тему. Сегодня видела в книжном довольно стильно изданный четырехтомник про битлов (по одному тому на каждого, все вместе в картонной коробке), автор кто-то на букву К., и большущий черно-белый фотоальбом John Lennon. Кому-то это о чем-то говорит?
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 29.10.05 20:11:24   
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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Halloween   Дата: 29.10.05 20:18:57   
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Re: Новые книги о "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.10.05 11:58:40   
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Here's the cover for Geoff Emerick upcoming book to be released on March 16th, 2006. Here's the cover for Geoff Emerick upcoming book to be released on March 16th, 2006.
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз" 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.10.05 12:07:17   
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Review: The Beatles: The Biography by Bob SpitzReview: The Beatles: The Biography by Bob Spitz
Time Warner Book Group, 2005
983 pages; $29.95

Here's an idea for a new Beatles trivia game--take the new biography, The Beatles, by Bob Spitz, and try to see how many factual errors you can find throughout the book. A group of Beatle fans have already started the game and as you can see below, our list is quite extensive.

It's obvious that there was a gross lack of regard for editing and checking source material in the compilation of this book. As we began to notice glaring errors with some shock, we then began hearing from others, most notably Mark Naboshek who sent us quite a list, which we have included. Mark is a well-known Beatles collector and writer for Beatlology Magazine with a tremendous knowledge of Beatles history. He has also fact-checked Elizabeth Partridge's new book "John Lennon: All I Want is the Truth" as well as "Lennon Legend" by Jim Henke, no doubt helping them achieve the status they deserve, as well-researched books.

Mark, in his email to us, expresses the dilemma any Beatles fan would feel after just looking at the errors in the photo captions alone: "When the photo captions in a book are this grossly incorrect, it makes me wonder how much of the book's text is incorrect….An elementary knowledge of the band, a little research, would have taken him (Spitz) far. If I found several errors in one photo section, I shudder to think how many errors the text will have. The bookmark (I saw in the book) stated, "This is the book you've been waiting for!" Thanks, but I think I'll wait for Mark Lewisohn's three-volume Beatles bio. Now THAT'S something worth waiting for!"

Another friend who picked up on many of the text errors right off the bat, commented that these are the easy ones; anyone could have spotted them. He said, "I don't want to miss the forest for the trees, but at this point in Beatles scholarship, there's really no excuse for some of these errors. I'll send a complete list when I'm done. I have a feeling it's going to be rather long."

A comment from a music forum echoes these sentiments. After saying "quite a few errors and plain wrong information", adds, "Nothing new here, no tremendous insight." It continues, "I had a couple of laughs at some of the mis-heard interview transcriptions…". He refers to Spitz talking about the Beatles eating 'chick butties' and Bob indicates in the book that he thinks these are "chicken sandwiches". This amused reader ends with, "I'm a born and bred Liverpudlian and we never ate such a thing as chick butties. CHIP butties, yes…."

Some errors in Beatle books can be forgiven, like mistakes due to memory loss by the people who were actually there. But when a new mega- biography on The Beatles comes out that claims to offer new, inside information to The Beatles story, you bet it's going to get examined. Bob Spitz has made a purposeful effort at consulting many different published sources to write a Beatles history. So he should have gotten it right.

Regarding Terry Ott's commentary on "Beatle Bits" on the Abbey Road site on October 23, it seems Ott must have gone to the same writing school as Bob Spitz. Instead of generating an educated opinion on the subject of whether Beatle "experts" have become too picky or not, he spews insults at those who might care if a book is accurate or not, citing the uproar over Bob Spitz's errors.

In his eyes, people like us are "dopey get-a-lifers" who "wank about mundane points of view". We are now "Beatle fetish freaks" who are "dissing any author who dares to make a mistake" and now have nothing to do but "post snotty comments." I guess in his eyes it's OK to do a sloppy job without checking source material, and forget that the work should be fact checked by several experts prior to pressing "print" for the last time and having it bound. Even self-published books with fewer resources have retained a higher standard of accuracy-- and astonishingly this book is published by Time Warner!
Re: Новые книги о "Битлз" 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.10.05 12:07:37   
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The list of errors follows:

Please remember these are at "first glance" since these errors were found within minutes of picking up the book and thumbing through it. It is in no way meant to be all-inclusive. We believe that if we have found this many errors already, there must be pages more. But as we see it, you the fans should have this information as we are getting it, as soon as possible.

Photo captions:

1. Numerous photos from their fall 1960 visit to Hamburg were captioned as being taken at the Star Club. Interesting...since the Star Club didn't open until 1962. We all know that on their first trip to Hamburg in 1960, they played the Indra and Kaiserkeller.

2. Photos taken in Hamburg in 1961 were ALSO captioned as shots from the Star Club when, in fact, they were taken at the Top Ten Club. Again, the Star Club didn't open until 1962.

3. Even Astrid's famous "Hugo Haas" fairground photo taken in Hamburg in 1960 was captioned as being taken after they played a gig at the Star Club! Again, no cigar!

4. There's a photo showing Gerry Marsden, George's friend Arthur Kelly, George and Pattie. It's captioned as having been taken at Paul's 21st birthday party (which would have been in June 1963). Hmmm. George and Pattie didn't meet until the spring of 1964 when "A Hard Day's Night" was being filmed.

5. Page 6 of photos the caption reads: "George with Pattie Boyd, soon after they met on the set of Help!" Wrong: refer to #4 above

6. One of Albert Marrion's famous leather suit photos from December 1961 was labeled as The Beatles in 1962. Nope.

7. There's a photo identified as a shot of The Beatles playing one of their final gigs at the Cavern in 1963. It's clearly NOT taken at the Cavern, making this a gross faux paux!

8. Page 16 of photos: "The Beatles last appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show in August 1965" is wrong. The photo is from their Feb. 1964 appearance.

9. Page 5 of photos: "In a rare display of fatherhood, John shows off Julian, age two, to Uncle Paul and Uncle Ringo". That photo is from the Central Park, NYC photo shoot in Feb. 1964, where John was holding someone else's daughter. Julian, John's ten month old son was in Liverpool at his aunt's house. (For the record, the little girl's name was Debbie Fyall and her father was a London Daily Express reporter following the Beatles. Of course, Bob could have found that out with simple research. There was a 40th anniversary story about that little girl and it can be seen at )


10. p 419: Twist and Shout was the "first EP ever to enter the top 10."

How's that? What about the 13 EPs Cliff Richard had in the top 10, the 6 by The Shadows, 2 by Adam Faith and 1 by Peter Sellers, to name just a few, all prior to August 1963, when Twist and Shout entered the top 10.

11. p587: Run For Your Life was "one of the last songs recorded for the album."

It was actually the very first.

12. p588: Rubber Soul was to have "an unheard of 14 cuts."

All their UK albums thus far had 14 cuts, except A Hard Day's Night, with 13.

13. p591: George Martin was "not a pianist by training."

Piano was a required instrument of all students at Guildhall, easily checkable in All You Need Is Ears, which Spitz cites repeatedly.

14. p604: "layers of overdubs on take 5 of Got To Get You Into My Life."

This is on Anthology 2, just two tracks of the four were used, no tape reductions.

15. p605: backward sounds on Taxman and She Said She Said.

Not exactly sure what Ringo is doing on She Said; it sounds backward at certain points, but there's no evidence to support that anything was backward on that song, and the way it was recorded left no room for backward additions. Ditto Taxman.

16. p612: George Martin recorded Spike Jones!

I guess he's older than we thought.

Of course we must acknowledge that many Beatle books in the past have been known to contain a factual error or two. As the author himself, Bob Spitz, writes:

"One of the drawbacks in preparing a definitive biography of the Beatles is the stunning lack of reliable source material. Most of the nearly 500 volumes that make up their canon lack proper citations, and even in those remarkable cases where sources are offered, the accuracy remains suspect . . . For better or worse, misinformation has always been a key element of the Beatles' legend."

But who would've thought he was describing his own book?

There may be some good aspects of this book as reported by the New York Times' Janet Maslin (one only wishes Allan Kozinn was the one to review the book). However, in her one-sided review, she failed to mention that the book contains inaccuracies.

Something else must be noted. Outside of a blatant disregard for accuracy, we are appalled by Mr. Spitz's lack of professionalism when confronted with our concerns over his book. Daytrippin's editor, Trina Yannicos, sent a letter to him, outlining just a few of the errors in his book. This was Bob Spitz's response, quoted word for word: "You need an enema. Really! Do something useful with your life."

Did his publicist advise him that a response like this would be good promotion for his book?

The bottom line is this: We, as Beatle fans and journalists, feel a responsibility for getting the history of the Beatles correct, for this generation as well as the ones to come. We've seen the horrors that myth and error can cause for historical legends. With so many resources available to us now, the "truth is out there", so let's not foul it up.

We think we'll take Bob Spitz's advice, and do something useful--we won't be wasting time reading his book, looking for more inaccuracies. We've got better things to do.

--Trina Yannicos and Shelley Germeaux
Daytrippin' Editor-in-Chief and Daytrippin' West Coast Correspondent
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