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U2: История одного проекта

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Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 17.02.05 12:54:57   
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Альбом не нравится. То же занудство как и в 2000. Вертиго-супер, хотя куплетами сильно напоминает Элевэйшн. Лучшие годы явно позади.
Куда делась энергия песен Streets,Bad,Pride,Discoteque, замечательных песен с Ахтунг и Fire?
Вот уже пять лет пусто, кроме захвальных статей в прессе. Ах, новый альбом, ах лучшая музыка на свете, ах как все тонко и умно! Да ерунда это все!
ЗЫ: Отношение к группе РЕМ у меня теперь точно такое же.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: WKH   Дата: 17.02.05 15:12:32   
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2Flaming Rain:

>Альбом не нравится. То же занудство как и в 2000.

Ну счет 2000 не соглашусь. Одна In the little while вытягивает весь альбом, а есть еще ... Day и Elevation
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 22.02.05 12:02:55   
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Кавер Keane на "With Or Without You"
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.03.05 23:08:54   
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U2 отыграли первый концерт в Сан-Диего в рамках Vertigo World Tour/U2 отыграли первый концерт в Сан-Диего в рамках Vertigo World Tour/
City of Blinding Lights - From "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004)
Vertigo - From "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004)
Cry / The Electric Co./I Can See For Miles From "Under A Blood Red Sky" (1980)/The Who outro.
An Cat Dubh - From "Boy" (1980)
Into The Heart - From "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2004)
Beautiful Day - From "All That You Can't Leave Behind" (2000)
New Year's Day - From "War" (1983)
Miracle Drug - From "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004)
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - From H'ow To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004)
Love and Peace or Else - "From How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" - (2004)
Sunday Bloody Sunday - From "War" (1983)
Bullet In The Blue Sky/The Hands That Built America - From "Rattle and Hum"/"Gangs of New York Soundtrack" (1988/2001)
Running To Standstill - From "The Joshua Tree" (1987)
The Declaration of Human Rights - on the screens
Zoo Station - From "Achtung Baby" (1991)
The Fly - From "Achtung Baby" (1991)
Elevation - From "All That You Can't Leave Behind" (2000)
Pride (In The Name Of Love) - From "The Unforgettable Fire" (1984)
Where The Streets Have No Name - From "The Joshua Tree" (1987)
One - From "Achtung Baby" (1991)
All Because Of You - "From How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004)
Yaweh - From "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004)
"40" - From "War" (1983)
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 08.04.05 10:39:04   
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По этим ссылкам по идее должны находиться треки с концерта в
Anaheim, Калифорнии, 1 апреля 2005г. Но файлы более 100 мб, поэтому не проверял:
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: nedelin   Дата: 08.04.05 11:18:23   
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2Flaming Rain:

>Вот уже пять лет пусто,
>кроме захвальных статей в прессе. Ах, новый альбом,
>ах лучшая музыка на свете, ах как все тонко и

Вообще-то, последний альбом вызвал довольно сдержанную (если не сказать больше) реакцию многих критиков, во всяком случае в США.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.05.05 15:40:37   
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U2 are backing their new single with a host of classic live tracks.

The stadium overlords, currently in the thick of a mammoth world tour, release ‘City Of Blinding Lights’ on June 6, the third single to be taken from new album ‘How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb’.

Along with a Killahurtz Fly Mix of ‘All Because Of You’, CD formats include live versions of ‘The Fly’ and ‘Even Better Than The Real Thing’ recorded at the Stop Sellafield concert in Manchester in 1992.

The DVD features footage recorded at the band’s guerrilla gig at New York’s Brooklyn Bridge last November.

‘City Of Blinding Lights’ is the opening track on U2’s Vertigo Tour, which arrives in the UK next month.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.05.05 22:08:04   
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U2 Shoot DVD At Chicago Run U2 Shoot DVD At Chicago Run

U2 filmed two of the shows during its four-night run earlier this month in Chicago for future DVD release, according to the band's official Web site. The gigs were overseen by director Hamish Hamilton, who directed the two DVDs that chronicled U2's Elevation tour: "Elevation: Live From Boston" and "U2 Go Home: Live From Slane Castle."

No release date has been set for the upcoming DVD, although it presumably will not appear until after the Vertigo tour wraps. U2 begins a thee-show run in the New York area tomorrow (May 17) in East Rutherford, N.J.

In related news, the band has selected "City of Blinding Lights" as the third U.K. single from its 2004 album "How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb." The track will be released in two CD incarnations, one with Killahurtz Fly's mix of "All Because of You" and the other with live versions of "Even Better Than The Real Thing" and "The Fly" taped at a June 1992 show in Manchester, England.

The DVD single will include a video for the lead track shot during U2's impromptu show underneath the Brooklyn Bridge last fall, plus the clip for "Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own."
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.05 21:35:21   
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BONO has revealed that U2 are considering releasing a new version of the band's 1997 album, ‘POP’.

Bono claims that the record was released in an unfinished and unsatisfactory state due to touring commitments.

"There is still talk about the band going back in and fixing ‘Pop’, actually going in because the bones of a great album are there," he said in an interview with the Chicago Tribune. "It didn't communicate the way it was intended to. It became a niche record. That's not what it was intended to be. If we'd just had another month, we could have finished it."

he continued: "We did a really bad thing. We let the manager book the tour, known in this camp as the worst decision U2 ever made, and we had to wrap up the album sooner than we wanted. There were great ideas on that album... we didn't have the discipline to screw the thing down."

The band are currently touring their new album, ’How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb’, in North America.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 21:32:14   
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U2 frontman BONO loves impersonating OZZY OSBOURNE - because it gives him a chance to swear at his own children.

The VERTIGO singer's daughters JORDAN, 15, and EVE, 13, make fun of their rockstar father when he is tired, because he starts to employ Osbourne's trademark shuffle.

But Bono doesn't mind being teased, as it means he can respond in the same way the BLACK SABBATH star would - by swearing at them.

He says, "It's very Osbourne in our house.

"The girls, if I'm very tired, if I had a very late night, they see me shuffling.

"They say, 'You're shuffling like Ozzy.' And I say (impersonating Osbourne) 'F**k off! F**k off!'

"I don't swear at my children in my own voice, only in Ozzy's. That's what great about Ozzy, I get to swear at my children in his voice."

Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 21:42:08   
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Bono Stumps For African Aid In Brussels

U2 lead singer Bono urged the European Union today (June 9) to prove its relevance to young people by doing more to help the poor and hungry in Africa. Speaking in Brussels after meeting European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, Bono said the EU was facing a crisis of confidence because people did not share the ideas promoted by political leaders.

He said Africa "offers us a chance to redescribe ourselves, our value systems," and he urged leaders to make a tangible difference to the planet's poorest. "I am in a band and we travel around Europe and around the world and what we pick up from our audiences is a lack of vision from Europe," he said. "People don't feel Europe. I think they don't see the vision of Europe because they don't feel Europe is a vision they can relate to."

Bono said the current EU crisis about its planned constitution, rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands, was of little consequence compared to the tens of thousands of deaths every day in Africa from easily avoidable hunger and disease. This failure to act, he said, has disillusioned people and distanced them from their leaders. "If we allow this, then we do hold no sway," he said.

Although the global Live 8 concerts on July 2 will raise awareness of African poverty, Bono urged the leaders of the EU's 25 member nations to do more than just pay lip service to the issue. "We have to create a sense of momentum, of occasion," he said. "There is a long way from politicians signing checks to cashing them. I'm in the check business."

Bono said the resources were there to deal with poverty and illness. "People are dying for the most stupid reasons," he said. "It's not wide-eyed, misty-eyed Irish nonsense. It's a winnable war. Describe Everest and we'll climb it."

But Bono played down the current EU constitution worries. "All this fighting in the European family feels so Irish," he said. "The European family is strong because of its diversity and its narkiness."

Barroso welcomed Bono's efforts to raise the profile of debt and aid, and to mobilize political leaders. And he promised that despite Europe's own complex agenda, Africa would not fall back in the political landscape.

"We are the biggest aid donor in the world, contributing 55% of the aid," he said. "We have the resources. We have the strength of popular feeling. And in 2005 we have a chain of events that have given political leaders a window of opportunity to achieve an historic deal for Africa's development. What we need now is political will and leadership to turn this into action."
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 12.06.05 18:19:07   
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А в Питере во время концерта Пол прям-таки сказал: "I love U2"
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.06.05 22:53:22   
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>А в Питере во время концерта Пол прям-таки сказал:
>"I love U2"

Это ты верно подметил!
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:53:33   
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U2 get lifetime achievement award

Irish rock band U2 have been presented with a British music industry lifetime achievement award in London.

The group, who formed in 1977, were given the prize at the 30th Nordoff-Robbins Silver Clef Awards, which raise money for music therapy.

Frontman Bono attended the ceremony and said: "I'm standing here as the lucky member of a great band."

Veterans The Who won a 30th anniversary award. Bob Geldof got an international award for his work in Africa.

Bono urged the nation to get behind Live 8, co-ordinated by Geldof.

"I don't think it's the pop stars or the musicians that the politicians are afraid of, it's the audience," he said.

Rock auction

"They are young people and they can change things."

Welsh opera star Katherine Jenkins won the classical award.

Other winners included Natasha Bedingfield, Lemar, Razorlight and McFly.

An auction of rock memorabilia raised a record £338,000 for the charity.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.05 07:38:42   
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Bono to make movie about Irish Vegas singer

Bono is developing a new movie about an Irish musican who emigrates to the US to work with a showband in Las Vegas.

The comedy-drama titled A Version of Las Vegas, deals with the attempts by the son the musician abandoned in Ireland when he left his native land in the 60s to track down his father in the gambling capital.

The U2 singer has teamed up with fellow Irishman Barry Devlin to makethe movie, according to Variety.

Devlin, an ex member of Horslips and former writer on BBC's Ballykissangel series, previously worked with U2 on television films about the band including the 1998 show The Making of the Movie Rattle and Hum.

Bono previously wrote the screenplay for Million Dollar Hotel, a Mel Gibson-produced movie, released in 2001.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.06.05 20:10:49   
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U2 thrill 80,000 at Dublin venue

Thousands of U2 fans from around the world gathered to witness the Irish band perform a homecoming concert at Croke Park in Dublin.

Friday's performance was the first of three sell-out gigs at the venue, expected to be witnessed by a total of 250,000 fans.

Singer Bono yelled "hello, hello" to the crowd as the band took the stage, to the roar of around 80,000 fans.

Some fans had camped out overnight to be the first inside the stadium.

The band opened with Vertigo, their recent number one hit, before delving into their back catalogue with I Will Follow.


Pouring rain had failed to dampen the spirits of the excited crowd as they waited for U2 to take to the stage and a Mexican wave glided around the stadium.

A German fan, who said he waited four weeks to obtain tickets, called it "one of the biggest days for me".

The band's manager Paul McGuinness said they were "apprehensive" but "very confident" about playing their home city.

"Playing Dublin is always extra excitement, extra pressure," he added.


U2 were supported by Snow Patrol and The Radiators, while The Thrills and Paddy Casey will be performing with them on Saturday.

Monday's final concert in the Irish Republic's capital will see The Bravery and Northern Ireland band Ash share the bill with the veteran superstars.

Tickets for the three gigs have been going for as much as 500 euros (£330) on the internet after they sold out within hours of being released.

Hotels in Dublin have been sold out in the run-up to the concerts, and extra traffic measures have been put in place around the Croke Park stadium.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.06.05 20:12:10   
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U2 played songs from their early career as well as latest hits U2 played songs from their early career as well as latest hits
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.06.05 18:06:34   
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U2 To Donate Millions To Charity

U2 are to donate over £3million of their own money towards the ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign.

Each member of the band is to make a donation from the profits of their current ‘Vertigo’ tour.

A source told FemaleFirst: "The band and their manager Paul McGuiness are giving about one million euro each.

"It would seem hypocritical if they were asking people to help the charity effort and weren't doing something themselves.

"But their personal gesture is not something they are going to boost."

U2 are to perform at the Live 8 event in Hyde Park on July 2.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.07.05 07:33:39   
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U2 have topped Pollstar's 2005 Mid-Year Top 100 Tours list after grossing $48.4 million in concert revenues in North America. Elton John (No. 4) and the Eagles (No. 5) also were among the highest-earning acts.U2 have topped Pollstar's 2005 Mid-Year Top 100 Tours list after grossing $48.4 million in concert revenues in North America. Elton John (No. 4) and the Eagles (No. 5) also were among the highest-earning acts.

In other U2-related news, frontman Bono met with G8 leaders Wednesday in Gleneagles, Scotland. That same day, he performed with Irish pop group the Corrs at the final Live 8 concert in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Re: U2 : История одного проекта
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 19:53:52   
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Fans Of U2 To Star In New Live DVD  Fans Of U2 To Star In New Live DVD

Fans of U2 in Milan, Italy will tonight get the chance to star in the video for on eof the bands future DVD releases.

Director Hamish Hamilton, who has already shot the bands live DVD releases for their gigs at Slane Castle on Elevation tour, will be filming at the San Siro concert this evening. He will be working with longtime U2 video producer Ned O’Hanlon.

O’Hanlon told U2’s official website: “One of the main reasons for coming to Milan is the Italian audience. Italian U2 fans are among the noisiest and most passionate U2 fans anywhere in the world. We're expecting that they'll lift the roof of the stadium tonight!”

“The San Siro is an incredible place; it's just so dramatic from a filming point of view.” Added O’Hanlon.
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