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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"

Тема: Пол Маккартни - ремастированный каталог (2010-2020)

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Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.05.12 09:54:35   
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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом Ram11
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.05.12 09:55:17   
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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом Ram12
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.05.12 09:55:33   
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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом Ram13
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.05.12 09:55:47   
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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом Ram14
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.05.12 09:55:59   
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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом Ram15
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.05.12 09:56:07   
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Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом Ram16
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Maloh   Дата: 20.05.12 10:09:38   
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СЛушаю, ощущения — как в первый раз)). Cue файла пока нет и получилась одна большая гениальная суперпесня. Самая свинговая маккартниевская пластинка наверно, не считая конечно KOTB. И гитары здесь лучшие за всю его карьеру. Felix, Спасибо за ссылку и сканы.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: andre   Дата: 20.05.12 18:28:45   
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Первая ласточка

Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.05.12 14:56:54   
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Сегодня 41 год релиза Ram в Британии
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Vladimir C   Дата: 22.05.12 13:51:44   
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Сегодня открыт доступ для официального скачивания альбома. Я скачал в следующем виде
High Quality MP3 (320 kbps) - RAM: Remastered Digital Album + Bonus Audio + Digital-Only Bonus Tracks
RAM: Videos
Объем 1,7 Гб.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.05.12 14:04:53   
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Ram special on the radio this wednesday Ram special on the radio this wednesday
[Posted by Adam Forrest on Monday, 05/21/12 6:52 pm]

This Wednesday night Ken Michaels weekly radio show "Every Little Thing" will celebrate the release of the new remaster for Paul and Linda McCartney's Ram album by featuring an hour of music from the album, mixed with bonus tracks and material from the deluxe edition, along with an interview with Denny Seiwell, the drummer in the first lineup of Wings who began his relationship with Paul McCartney when he drummed on the Ram album.

About the Ram remaster Ken says, "It's the best I've ever heard the album. And I especially love the bonus tracks. It's been my experience that most Beatlefans I talk to are more passionate about the Ram album than most of Paul's solo-works. Many think it is his best album. To me, Paul's released great albums through all the decades, and Ram is certainly one of his best. It's arguably his best vocal album. For powerful, ballsy, screaming vocals, you don't get much better than Monkberry Moon Delight."

Ken will be spotlighting music from Ram and giving away copies of the Special Edition CD on both the live show on WNHU and his website for the next several weeks. Ken just celebrated his 30th Anniversary hosting radio programs on the Beatles, and, in addition to the live broadcast on WNHU, "Every Little Thing" is now syndicated as a one-hour show on 16 other radio stations.

The special Ram edition of "Every Little Thing" will be broadcast 8-10pm (est) on 88.7 WNHU, West Haven, CT, and can be streamed at . For more info, check out Ken's website at .
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.05.12 14:13:37   
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Paul McCartney Ram (Apple/EMI)Paul McCartney "Ram" (Apple/EMI)
By Jon Landau
July 8, 1971

Ram represents the nadir in the decomposition of Sixties rock thus far. For some, including myself, Self-Portrait had been secure in that position, but at least Self-Portrait was an album that you could hate, a record you could feel something over, even if it were nothing but regret. Ram is so incredibly inconsequential and so monumentally irrelevant you can't even do that with it: it is difficult to concentrate on, let alone dislike or even hate.

McCartney's work in the Beatles was always schizoid. On the one hand there were the rockers: "She's A Woman," "I'm Down," "If You Won't See Me," "Get Back," and "Lady Madonna"; on the other, the ballads and the schmaltz, including (in descending order), "Hey Jude," "She's Leaving Home," "Yesterday," "And I Love Her," "Taste of Honey" and "Till There Was You." Ram fulfills all the promise of "Till There Was You" and loses touch with the entire remainder of McCartney's own past. And it is so lacking in the taste that was one of the hallmarks of the Beatles that it strongly suggests Paul is not happy in his role as a solo artist, no matter how much he protests to the contrary.

The odd thing about it is that within the context of the Beatles, Paul's talents were beyond question. He was perhaps the most influential white bass player of the late Sixties, the only one of the Beatles with a keenly developed personal instrumental style. He was also the group's best melodist, and he surely had the best voice.

But, if it was Paul who used to polish up Lennon's bluntness and forced him to adapt a little style, it is by now apparent that Lennon held the reins in on McCartney's cutsie-pie, florid attempts at pure rock muzak. He was there to keep McCartney from going off the deep end that leads to an album as emotionally vacuous as Ram. Now left to their own devices, each has done what always came most naturally. Lennon has created a music of almost monomaniacal intensity and blunt style, while McCartney creates music with a fully developed veneer, little intensity, and no energy.

Thus the dissolution of the Beatles reveals that their compromises had always been psychological first, and musical second, and that without each other they both drift naturally to their own emotional-musical extreme. Lennon has the better of it for the moment, but he may falter yet: "Power to the People" was as awful in its own way as anything on Ram, and only a fool would write off a man of McCartney's past accomplishments on the basis of two albums (I'm not much of a fan of the last one either).

All of which makes it no less easy to deal with this very bad album from this very talented artist. For myself, I hear two good things on this record: "Eat At Home," a pleasant, if minor, evocation of the music of Buddy Holly (with some very nice updating), and "Sitting in the Back Seat of My Car," the album's production number.

The album's genre music—blues and old rock—is unbearably inept. On "Three Legs" they do strange and pointless things to the sound of the voice to liven it up; it doesn't work. "Smile Away" is sung with that exaggerated voice he used for the rock & roll medley in Let It Be: it is unpleasant. The "When I'm Sixty-Four" school of light English baubles is represented by "Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey," a piece with so many changes it never seems to come down anywhere, and in the places that it does, sounds like the worst piece of light music Paul has ever done. And "Monkberry Moon Delight" is the bore to end all bores: Paul repeats a riff for five and a half minutes to no apparent purpose.

The lowest point on the album, and the one that most clearly indicates its failures, is "Heart of the Country." It is an evenly paced, finger-picking styled tune, with very light jazz overtones, obviously intended as Paul's idea of "mellow." Somehow, his lyrics about the joys of the country ring false. Rather than a sense of self-acceptance or pride, I get a feeling of self-pity and self-justification from this cut, feelings that are almost masked by music so competent, in fact routine, that it all seems to slip away. Compare it to an earlier piece of music somewhat in the same vein, "Blackbird." That song has all the charm and grace "Heart of the Country" tries for, but also the depth, purpose, and conviction, which are the missing ingredients from Ram as a whole.

These days groups are little more than collections of solo artists. The idea of a group as a unit with an identity of its own has become increasingly passe as groups become less and less stable: they seldom stay together long enough to achieve such an identity. But the Beatles were obviously a true group and history is now proving that it was greater than the sum of their parts. Collectively, the Beatles had a way of maximizing each of their individual strengths and minimizing each of their individual flaws. Individually, none of them can create on the same level, no matter how good some individual recordings may be.

For none of the Beatles is a truly self-sufficient artist and therefore none of them seems to function at his best as a soloist. In this light, Paul has simply proven to be the most vulnerable: the group hid most of his weaknesses longer and better than they did the others so that they were the most unexpected now that they have finally become visible. But now they have become visible and the results can scarcely be more satisfying to McCartney himself than they will be to the many people who will find this record wanting. McCartney and Ram both prove that Paul benefited immensely from collaboration and that he seems to be dying on the vine as a result of his own self-imposed musical isolation. What he finally decides to do about it is anybody's guess, but it is the only thing that makes Paul McCartney's musical future worth thinking about and hoping for.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.05.12 16:26:57   
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Открылся "персональный сайт" Перси Триллингтона:
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: ЮВ   Дата: 22.05.12 19:44:43   
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Пока что скачал с торрента...

Не преминул взять да и записать cd1 и сd2 на 1сd - влезают на один диск тык в притык замечательно ...
Слушаются восхитительно.

Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: илюха   Дата: 22.05.12 19:50:56   
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Так еще бы они на 1 СД не влезали, это было понятно наперед.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 23.05.12 20:15:38   
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Paul & Linda McCartney - Ram (Archive Collection Hi-Res Unlimited/WEB)
C двумя дополнительными треками!!! Ура! Круто!
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 23.05.12 21:16:34   
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>Ура! Круто!
Увы, пока flac. Я дождусь ДВД-аудио.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Felix   Дата: 23.05.12 21:19:48   
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>>Ура! Круто!
>Увы, пока flac. Я дождусь ДВД-аудио.

Дык, можно самому перегнать.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 24.05.12 00:09:31   
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Перегнать flac в wav я умею, а как слепить DVD-Audiо, не знаю.
Re: Новые переиздания дисков Пола Маккартни - альбом "Ram"
Автор: Delon   Дата: 24.05.12 03:58:25   
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а зачем что-то лепить? почему бы не приобрести такую приятную вещицу в оригинале? Думаю можно 1-2 раза в год позволить себе делюксовое издание:)
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