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Редкие группы

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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 08.06.18 17:01:28   
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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 12:22:07   
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>Ronnie Lane - Anymore For Anymore (1974)
>Ронни Лэйн из Small Faces. Обожаю его!
Онологично и Small Faces и Ронни Лэйн в частности
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 12:25:42   
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>The Honeycombs (1964)
В бит музыке, много интересного.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 12:29:07   
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Очепятка - аналогично.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 12:30:45   
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John Dummer's Oobleedooblee Band - Oobleedooblee Jubilee  (WH 90347)John Dummer's Oobleedooblee Band - Oobleedooblee Jubilee (WH 90347)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 09.06.18 12:55:35   
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>The Honeycombs (1964)

В 60-е я эту группу слышал и записывал не раз. Но потом она пропала и появилась уже в наше время в виде сборников. Я ее редкой не считаю, просто это одна из групп 60-х второго или даже третьего плана. Все, что мне у нее тогда нравилось, я без особого труда переписал заново.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 14:29:04   
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John Dummeґs Famous Music Band - John Dummer's Famous Music Band  (30809042)John Dummeґs Famous Music Band - John Dummer's Famous Music Band (30809042)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 18:43:29   
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The John Dummer Blues Band Cabal (1969)  The John Dummer Blues Band "Cabal" (1969)

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 18:44:16   
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The John Dummer Band Blue (1972)The John Dummer Band "Blue" (1972)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 18:48:49   
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Jody Grind One Step On (1969) Jody Grind "One Step On" (1969)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 18:50:50   
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Jody Grind Far Canal (1970)Jody Grind "Far Canal" (1970)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 19:32:01   
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>The John Dummer Blues Band "Cabal" (1969)
У меня сдвоечка.
John Dummer Band/The John Dummer Blues Band (BGOCD911)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 09.06.18 19:33:37   
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>Jody Grind "One Step On" (1969)
Ещё одна замечательная редкость.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 20:51:39   
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Arc this (1969)Arc " this" (1969)

This progressive blues/rock album involved some former members of Skip Bifferty and is now a minor collectable. They formed the band in 1970 when Graham Bell joined Every Which Way but never really made a living on their own and later joined Graham Bell in Bell and Arc.
Three parts Scottish and one part Australian their band now clearly stands up as a progressive rock outfit, but manages to avoid most of its pitfalls and the results are generally rather impressive. Most importantly they succeed in restraining themselves, without losing any emotional impact. They have the ability to write memorable tunes and arrange them well. The vocals are a strong point, often oddly harmonized and never overstated. Heavier tracks alternate with more poetic ones, although this at times acts to the detriment of the album's coherence. All in all a very pleasant album to listen to, but not essential to own.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 20:54:22   
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Bell + Arc (1971)Bell + Arc (1971)

Bell, Gallagher and Turnbull had all previously played together in Skip Bifferty and Gallagher and Turnbull were both in Arc when Graham Bell who'd gone solo after he left Skip Bifferty asked them to back him on demos for a new solo album. In the end everything was so hunky dory that they combined as Bell and Arc and produced the above album and 45.

Tait left during the recording of the album to be replaced by John Woods (ex-Jackson Heights); when Woods left to join Vinegar Joe, Alan White depped for the Nov-Dec '71 leg of a US tour; he then left to go on to session work, a tour with Chris Stainton and finally Yes; Ian Wallace, who was in King Crimson at the time, drummed with them until they split in Feb 1972. In the final month of the band Gallagher was replaced by Ken Craddock (ex-Ginger Baker's Airforce).

After the band's demise, John Turnbull joined Glencoe, Graham Bell continued as a solo artist releasing an album in 1973. Gallagher eventually recorded and toured with Parrish and Gurvitz before joining Peter Frampton. Duffy went on to Gary Wright's Wonderwheel and Craddock recorded/toured with The Alan White Band.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 20:56:01   
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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 20:56:52   
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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 20:58:41   
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Пардон, альбом Arc " this" на самом деле 1971 года
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 21:05:19   
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Ars Nova Sunshine &  Shadows (1969)Ars Nova "Sunshine & Shadows" (1969)

In a sometimes almost desperate search to elevate the standard of rock, many groups shared the desire to marry their music with classical compositions. Ars Nova succeed better than most in making a convincing attempt, since their brand of cross-over incorporates not only baroque instrumentation in a psychedelic environment, but also baroque composition techniques such as fugas, chorales and pavanes, often scored for brass and guitar. On their first album, produced by Paul Rothchild and Arthur Gorson, they also write lovely tunes and the whole album does, surprisingly enough, not become as pretentious as it could have been, the name of the band notwithstanding. Two of the tracks even get covered (Fields Of People by The Move and I Wrapped Her In Ribbons by Galliard, both U.K. bands!). Other highlights include March Of The Mad Duke's Circus, with vaguely renaissance-like harmonies and General Clover Ends A War, a bitter and driven satire on military affairs. Most tracks were penned by Wyatt Day, sometimes helped by Jon Pierson. Greg Copeland, a young songwriter also working with Steve Noonan and Jackson Browne, wrote the lyrics of four songs.
The formation changed after the first album and among the departing members, Maury Baker went on to play on Tim Buckley's Starsailor, Janis Joplin's Kosmic Blues and Augie Meyer's Head Music albums. Bill Folwell guested on the second Insect Trust album and Jonathan Raskin appeared on Tom Rush's Circle Game.
Their second effort Sunshine and Shadows in a completely revised line-up still finds them in good form regarding the playing, but they seemed to have lost their interest in the subtle art of their first. Some unusual harmonies are still to be found, but nevertheless more in a conventional rock frame.

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 09.06.18 21:06:20   
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