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Редкие группы

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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: BigWalk   Дата: 01.06.18 16:31:58   
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2Жидков Сергей:

> про себя могу сказать,
>до 92го когда
>массово пошли сд, у меня были две винилки:
>-The Life And Times Of Country Joe And The Fish
>From Haight-Ashbury To Woodstock.

Мой первый их альбом был как раз Electric Music For The Mind And Body, я переписал его с ленты у соседа году в 75 - 76-м и, почему-то, просто влюбился в эту группу. Да, чтобы найти их альбомы нужно было потрудиться, популярностью они не пользовались, зато и стоили недорого.

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 01.06.18 17:04:42   
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2Жидков Сергей:
>Про саму же группу спрашивать было бесполезно,
>все отвечали или не знают, не слышали или что
>кантри музыкой не увлекаются.

Во времена . когда эта группа была популярна,(60-70-е), дела обстояли совсем по-другому, и ее знали многие. Мне, например, предложил ее послушать меломан, увлекавшийся совсем другой музыкой, французской. Он меня со временем к французам и приучил.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 01.06.18 19:21:37   
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2yellow submarine:
Я уже всё сказал про Country Joe & The Fish и добавить к этому,мне нечего.

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 01.06.18 19:41:08   
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>Мой первый их альбом был как раз Electric Music
>For The Mind And Body, я переписал его с ленты
>у соседа году в 75 - 76-м и, почему-то, просто
>влюбился в эту группу. Да, чтобы найти их альбомы
>нужно было потрудиться, популярностью они не пользовались,
>зато и стоили недорого.
Моё знакомство с этим альбомом тоже состоялось благодаря магнитофону, только на ленте его слышал.
Как только появилась возможность заказывать сд, заказал первые два альбома.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 01.06.18 20:09:33   
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Circus Maximus Circus Maximus / Neverland Revisited 1967/68Circus Maximus "Circus Maximus / Neverland Revisited" 1967/68

FUZZ, ACID & FLOWERS : "Hailing from Austin, Texas, this band played a mixture of hard rock, folk rock and West Coast with flower power lyrics. Their two albums are not easy to come by but they are not expensive and recommended for their excellent guitar work."
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 01.06.18 20:48:12   
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DR K's Blues Band - Rock The Joint! (SEECD 361)DR K's Blues Band - Rock The Joint! (SEECD 361)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 01.06.18 23:17:07   
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Bedlam '1973Bedlam '1973
Bedlam lasted for about eighteen months, splitting in April '74, but never seemed to get going. Musically they veered towards hard rock and it's worth noticing that their album was produced by Mountain's Felix Pappalardi. When they split the Ball brothers quit the music business, with Dennis starting a limo business and David supposedly joining the army. Powell stuck with Aiello for Cozy Powell's Hammer. Powell later went on to achieve considerable success as a member of Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow and was later tragically killed in a car accident in April 1998.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 01.06.18 23:25:07   
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B.F. Trike (1971)B.F. Trike (1971)
ACID ARCHIVES: "Post-Hickory Wind demo LP recorded in '71 for RCA. Rated highly by some, though not really top-level in my opinion, with a commercialized FM rock sound and dull fuzz riffs. Considerably less original and atmospheric than Hickory W. First LP on the Rockadelic label.
Superb heavy and melodic bumblebee fuzz rockers. If the lyrics were a bit more distinctive, this would be forever music. Recorded live-in-studio at RCA Studios in Nashville, Jan 1971 but not released."
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 01.06.18 23:29:57   
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Andwellas Dream Love And Poetry (1968)Andwellas Dream "Love And Poetry" (1968)
TAPESTRY OF DELIGHTS: "Love And Poetry is a highly-rated psychedelic album, which featured guest artist Bob Downes playing sax, flute etc. All the songs were written by Dave Lewis. The highlights are the opening track, The Days Grew Longer For Love, which like most tracks is slow and melodic but with killer guitar leads; the heavier psychedelic number Sunday and Cocaine and Shades Of Grey, two tracks which veer towards progressive rock with plenty of organ and jazzy guitar. CBS released three singles from the album including two non-album sides: Missus Man and Mister Sunshine. Of these, Sunday is a superb slice of psychedelic rock with some Hendrix-influenced guitar work."
Обожаю этот альбом. Шедевр на все времена ИМХО
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 02.06.18 08:39:37   
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>Bedlam '1973
>Bedlam lasted for about eighteen months, splitting
>in April '74, but never seemed to get going. Musically
>they veered towards hard rock and it's worth noticing
>that their album was produced by Mountain's Felix
>Pappalardi. When they split the Ball brothers
>quit the music business, with Dennis starting
>a limo business and David supposedly joining the
>army. Powell stuck with Aiello for Cozy Powell's
>Hammer. Powell later went on to achieve considerable
>success as a member of Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow
>and was later tragically killed in a car accident
>in April 1998.


>B.F. Trike (1971)
>ACID ARCHIVES: "Post-Hickory Wind demo LP recorded
>in '71 for RCA. Rated highly by some, though not
>really top-level in my opinion, with a commercialized
>FM rock sound and dull fuzz riffs. Considerably
>less original and atmospheric than Hickory W.
>First LP on the Rockadelic label.
>Superb heavy and melodic bumblebee fuzz rockers.
>If the lyrics were a bit more distinctive, this
>would be forever music. Recorded live-in-studio
>at RCA Studios in Nashville, Jan 1971 but not released."


>Andwellas Dream "Love And Poetry" (1968)
>TAPESTRY OF DELIGHTS: "Love And Poetry is a highly-rated
>psychedelic album, which featured guest artist
>Bob Downes playing sax, flute etc. All the songs
>were written by Dave Lewis. The highlights are
>the opening track, The Days Grew Longer For Love,
>which like most tracks is slow and melodic but
>with killer guitar leads; the heavier psychedelic
>number Sunday and Cocaine and Shades Of Grey,
>two tracks which veer towards progressive rock
>with plenty of organ and jazzy guitar. CBS released
>three singles from the album including two non-album
>sides: Missus Man and Mister Sunshine. Of these,
>Sunday is a superb slice of psychedelic rock with
>some Hendrix-influenced guitar work."
>Обожаю этот альбом. Шедевр на все времена ИМХО

Очередное открытие редких групп.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: Жидков Сергей   Дата: 02.06.18 08:40:16   
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Remo Four - The Pye-Singles (REP 4186-WZ)Remo Four - The Pye-Singles (REP 4186-WZ)
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 09:18:08   
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Бельгийская группа Banzai Hora Nata (1974)Бельгийская группа Banzai "Hora Nata" (1974)

Scented Gardens Of The Mind: "Banzai's album contained high-quality symphonic rock in a style reminiscent of Fruupp, Genesis, Yes and Gentle Giant. Their enjoyable compositions were carefully segued into mini-suites with some traces of creativity and invention (including the use of vibes and marimba). Outside musicians provided tasteful brass and strings on some short parts. This is a lot better than their more famous compatriots Machiavel."
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 09:28:14   
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David Cross Low Flying Aircraft (1987)David Cross "Low Flying Aircraft" (1987)
- Dan Maurer / drums, EMU II, whirled tube
- Jim Juhn / guitar, bass, EMU II, percussion, whirled tube
- David Cross / violins
- Keith Tippett / piano
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 10:07:17   
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Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 12:50:47   
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Dharma Blues Band Dharma Blues (1969)Dharma Blues Band "Dharma Blues" (1969)
TAPESTRY OF DELIGHTS: "This blues-rock album is now rare and sought-after by collectors. It's rumoured to have included Hawkwind's Dave Brock playing under a pseudonym, but I can't confirm this. The album's value seems more due to its rarity than its music, for it consists of blues standards and the playing isn't wonderful."
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 12:55:36   
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Dull Knife Electric indian (1971)Dull Knife "Electric indian" (1971)
COSMIC DREAMS AT PLAY: "Another of those hitherto unknown groups that made only one album which has recently shot up in price on the collector's market. I have no information about the musicians involved, as they are not mentioned on the album sleeve. The composition credits for all tracks went to Gottfried Janko, who later became the organist and vocalist on Jane's 1975 album Lady. Dull Knife are often mentioned in second hand record lists as 'killer heavy progressive' or something like that, hut sometimes played a dreadful sort of soul-rock. The album opened promisingly enough with the hard rocking "Plastic People", putting you into the right mood, hut unfortunately the rest of the music on this side will scare the shit out of you, if you're not keen on artists like Joe Cocker or Tina Turner! Side two improved again, but far too late to save the album. This was another Rainer Goltermann production in the Dierks studio. August 1971 (mixed at Windrose, Hamburg)."
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 02.06.18 13:04:58   
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Австралийская группа Absent Friends. Просуществовала всего один год, выпустила всего один альбом и четыре сингла, а в ее составе сменилось аж 10 музыкантов. Есть, правда, информация, что группа собирается в турне в Лондон, где после 19 лет после распада вновь воссоединится.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 02.06.18 13:07:46   
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А вот картинка их единственного альбома.А вот картинка их единственного альбома.
Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 13:08:55   
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Ertlif (1972)
Ertlif (1972)

RATEYOURMUSIC: "Swiss band Etrlif,named after a mysterious magician and alchemist, was found at the dawn of 1970 in Basel by ex-Egg & Bacon guitarist Danny Andrey and bassist Teddy Riedo, while the following auditions led to the original line-up with Hanspeter Boerlin on drums, Martin Ruder on guitars and James Mosberger on keyboards.In August 1971 Ertlif was the only Swiss band to participate in the Pop Concert in Munchenstein, but three months later Ruder quit to be replaced by Englishman Richard John Rusinski on lead vocals.Their eponymous debut was recorded in just three days in August 1972, released in October of the same year on Tell Record International.

Their style was a powerful Psychedelic/Hard Rock with strong progressive overtones, heavily influenced by the likes of DEEP PURPLE, PROCOL HARUM and ATOMIC ROOSTER.Do not expect though frenetic and furious grooves with mindblowing solos.Ertlif based their sound on long, grandiose organ themes and crunchy, low-tempo guitar riffing with a rather hypnotic rhythm section.A good number of tracks contain some nice Mellotron parts and smooth piano lines, while Rusinski's voice seems perfect for the very British-sounding style of the band.There are also occasional acoustic breaks of limited interest and inspiration, but the weakest point comes from the production, which is very amateur and makes the album sound very dated.Compositionally however Ertlif stand at a good level, without being that original.Cool organ-driven themes and solos, lots of energy and some nice, memorable ideas result a fine and decent early-70's Proto Prog album.

The album has been reissued by Black Rills Records some twenty years later and surprisingly this new edition opens with an unreleased bonus track, recorded by the band in 1974 with a slightly different line-up, featuring Robi Sueffert on guitars instead of Danny Andrey.With no tremendous changes, the track follows the vein of ''Ertlif'', being a good piece of keyboard-driven Psych/Prog with lots of versatile keyboard/piano themes and nice guitar parts.

A lost and forgotten pearl of early-70's Swiss Prog.Pretty standard musicianship with a few surprises, but still well-executed and performed.Recommended."

Re: Редкие группы
Автор: havefun69   Дата: 02.06.18 13:11:54   
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