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Bee Gees

Тема: Bee Gees

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Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Дедушка Брайан   Дата: 25.12.03 20:30:57   
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2 Sunflower
Перешел я не плавно, а резко, потому как я большой поклонник этих самых Бич Бойз, и всегда приятно встретить родственную душу!
Есть ли у Вас гениальный альбом Рождественских песен Бич Бойз?
Всего доброго! Счастливых праздников!

Всем поклонникам Bee Gees сердечный привет!
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Анна Сергеевна Колчеева   Дата: 26.12.03 16:06:37   
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Дедушка??? Вот уж не знала, что Вы тоже поклонник Бич Бойз!!! Супер! Я тоже нашла родственную душу.
А та кассета у меня до сих пор жива...
И я тоже пропускаю первую песню на том альбоме.
И овчарок с такими светящимися глазами я помню. Я даже помню ту фотку!
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Werz   Дата: 28.12.03 04:42:42   
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вот опять-же вкусная штука:

с новым годом наступающим!




First of May

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,
we used to love while others used to play.
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
some one else moved in from far away.

Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,
and you don't ask the time of day.
But you and I, our love will never die,
but guess we'll cry come first of May.

The apple tree that grew for you and me,
I watched the apples falling one by one.
And I recall the moment of them all,
the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine.


When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,
do do do do do do do do do...
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
some one else moved in from far away.

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 09.01.04 13:41:29   
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Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees has recorded a remake of the Bee Gees song "My Lover's Prayer" with Alistair Griffin, a runner-up on the British reality TV show Fame Academy. The single was released in the UK on Dec. 29 and a video for the song is available on Gibb's official website []. Gibb says he always wanted "My Lover's Prayer," which originally appeared on the 1997 Bee Gees album Still Waters, to be a a single, and he "hopes this new version will be a big hit!"
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Рауль Гонсалес Бланко   Дата: 13.01.04 01:00:02   
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Для Walrus: если вы действительно любите
Bee Gees, я бы порекомендовал фильм,по моему мнению,культовый - "Keppel Road" -
Жизнь и музыка. На DVD его,к сожалению,нет,
насколько я знаю,но на видеокассете найти
можно, а у меня он есть в формате DivX на
двух дисках,я его оцифровал с фирменной
Полиграмовской видеокассеты с высоким
качеством. Изображение не хуже DVD, звук,
конечно хуже. Зайдите в категорию "Видео"
в "Барахолке" - я давал там объявление,если
есть интерес...
Автор: Werz   Дата: 13.01.04 04:07:52   
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Hindsight, don't make it right
She give me trouble enough
And she's a ball of light
I'm in the tunnel of love
With the American dream
And I was born too soon
A little good luck, never stuck
She got me climbing the walls
Got me hard as a rock
Within a city of sin, she got a city block
And she was barkin' at the moon

She likes to show
So many sides to her
And I'd be the one to know

When am I gonna go to your dimension
When am I gonna go to where you are
When am I gonna go to your dimension
Dimensions of each other keep us goin' strong

Black knight, take a bite
She can double it up
And she's a way of life
And whether dead or alive
She got a fix on me
And I was dancin' in the fire
White steam, never seen
In every muscle and bone
She was a love machine
And she could wrestle me down
And get a taste of me
In her web of desire

She changed my world
How can the body know
It's touchin' me or her


fly high, man in the middle.....

Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Дедушка Брайан   Дата: 13.01.04 11:44:21   
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Анна Сергеевна, голубушка, пора написать дедушке Брайану, и рассказать про Bee Gees, ато ведь он ничего не слышал кроме: First, Horizontal,Idea, Cucumber Castle, Spirits и одного хита с Мэйн Коурс!
Жду сообщений!
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: MargoLennon   Дата: 13.01.04 20:51:17   
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2 Дедушка Брайан
Ты даже This Is Where I Came In не слышал???

Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Дедушка Брайан   Дата: 14.01.04 17:36:19   
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нет, не слышал у меня стоит нераспечатанная аудиокассета, которую мой дорогой друг не стал брать в подарок, а потомуже некому стало дарить. Я забыл сказать, что у меня есть еще "Still Waters", её я распечатал и слушаю уже год время от времени...
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: MargoLennon   Дата: 14.01.04 18:10:32   
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2 Дедушка Брайан
Дык распечатай и послушай:))

Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Дедушка Брайан   Дата: 15.01.04 18:17:25   
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Распечатал, начал слушать...
Сижу на работе играет "Pearl" Бадда и Ино...
Анна Сергеевна, Harold Budd - это ambient.
Музыка для усталых, Lost in the Humming Air.
Я записал ему "Ambient 1 Music for Airports" Брайана Ино, и он часто слушал ее, в тот период, когда первый раз лег в больницу, там, в маленьком городе.
Такие вот дела.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Анна Сергеевна Колчеева   Дата: 23.01.04 17:04:17   
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Ага, он мне рассказывал. Тамошние жители такую музыку не понимают и жаловались, что, мол, бесовщину он всякую слушает. А я не слышала ни разу. Но мне почему-то кажется, что такая музыка не сильно радостная.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Дедушка Брайан   Дата: 02.03.04 10:48:52   
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I started a Joke, уважаемая Анна Сергеевна!
Чего там тамошние жители думали теперь увы не важно, да и тогда я думаю было не важно, я знаю, что он был вымотан, и время в больнице воспринял как отдых и радость, музыка эта, может и не супервосторженная, но светлая, если интересно прочтите фрагмент интервью Мамонова , посвященный Харольду Бадду:
...And the lights all went out in Massachusetts -
я выхожу из форума Bee Gees, все что я написал, я написал для Вас, идите своей собственной дорогой, но не забывайте о тех, кому было сказано, не оставлять Вас.
Ваш Дедушка Брайан
P.S. "I looked at the skies, running my hands over my eyes..."
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.03.04 11:37:36   
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5 марта 1958 года в австралийском городе Брисбейне родился Энди Гибб, младший из братьев "Bee Gees"
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Werz   Дата: 05.03.04 14:21:31   
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Andrew Roy Gibb

Our dearest everlasting love

Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Werz   Дата: 13.04.04 01:07:34   
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Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.05.04 08:02:07   
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Bee Gees Honored In London Bee Gees Honored In London

During an emotional ceremony today (May 27) at Buckingham Palace in London, Prince Charles made the surviving members of the Bee Gees -- Barry and Robin Gibb -- Commanders of the Order of the British Empire, or CBE. Late member Maurice's son, Adam, received the award on his father's behalf.

"It's bittersweet. It would have been wonderful for all three of us to be here," Barry Gibb, 57, said afterward. "We have mixed feelings. Knowing Mo, this would have been right up his alley. He would have still had his hat on," a reference to the artist's beloved black trilby.

Gibb said the Bee Gees are now a thing of the past. "We are not the Bee Gees now, in respect for Mo," he said. "Maybe the time's just right for a bit of free flight. Maybe at some point we will do something together."

Adam Gibb, a 28-year-old film student, looked close to tears after collecting his father's award. "My mother was supposed to do it, but she wouldn't have been able to" because of the emotion, he said. Maurice's widow, Yvonne, watched from the audience.

Born on the Isle of Man, the Gibb brothers moved to Manchester, England, in the 1950s. As the Bee Gees, the trio scored disco-era hits such as "Stayin' Alive" and "Night Fever."

Maurice Gibb died in 2003 at age 53. He suffered a heart attack before undergoing emergency surgery in Miami for an intestinal blockage.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.08.04 07:40:12   
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Robin Gibb Sets German Tour
Mon Aug 30

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Bee Gees member Robin Gibb will kick off an eight-date tour of Germany Sept. 17 in Stuttgart.

Dubbed the Magnetic Tour after his 2003 solo release "Magnet," it will find Gibb performing songs from his solo career as well as hits from the Bee Gees' catalog.

The concerts will feature a four-piece backing band, four backing vocalists and a 30-piece philharmonic orchestra from Frankfurt.

Robin Gibb and elder brother, Barry, vowed to cease performing as the Bee Gees following the sudden death of Maurice Gibb, Robin's twin brother, in January 2003.
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.09.04 13:34:37   
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Tribute concert for Maurice Gibb

Late Bee Gee Maurice Gibb is to be honoured with a tribute concert with stars including Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake invited to perform.

The event, to be held in the US next year, is being organised by Maurice's twin brother Robin.

"Maurice loved life. We want to celebrate his life and talent the best way we know how - through music," Robin said.

Maurice died in January 2003 following surgery on his intestines.

Robin is also working on a commemorative album featuring artists singing classic Bee Gees hits.

Among those who have agreed to work on the album are Alicia Keys and the Black Eyed Peas. It is hoped both acts will appear at the tribute concert.

Actor John Travolta has been approached to host the event because of his starring role in Saturday Night Fever which featured a Bee Gees soundtrack.

The concert will also raise money for the Gibb Family Foundation, set up in the memory of Maurice and his brother Andy who died of a heart attack in 1988 at the age of 30.

The charity donates money to a number of charities including Diabetes Research Institute and National Drug Abuse Council in the US.

Robin admits following the death of his brother, who was 53, he gave up music, but has since began performing again and has just completed a tour of Germany. He said: "I have spent almost two years reconciling my personal life and determining my future. I am now looking forward to the many years to come and am very appreciative of the love, support and consideration that fans have shown since Maurice's passing."
Re: Bee Gees
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.11.04 17:40:09   
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Sixties star LULU will finally release her duet with late ex-husband MAURICE GIBB on her forthcoming album, after originally vowing to keep it hidden.

The SHOUT hitmaker, 56, married the BEE GEES singer in 1969 and divorced in 1973, but they became friends again during the last few years of his life, before his January 2003 death from a heart attack.

In the 2002 British TV show AN AUDIENCE WITH LULU the former spouses reunited to sing FIRST OF MAY, which was greeted with an enthusiastic response from fans.

Lulu explains, "When Maurice died, my manager at the time wanted me to release it as a single and I said, 'Absolutely no way.' I was not going to cash in like that. It would have been sick."

Nearly two years later, Lulu has decided to put the track on her next disc.

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