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I’m the Greatest

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I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 03:41:40
The “Ringo” album is noted for being the only solo album by an ex-Beatle that has all members of The Beatles appear on it.  Before this album, Ringo Starr had played on both John Lennon and George Harrison’s first solo albums. Harrison, in turn, had played on Lennon’s second album. But then all four Beatles subsequently contributed to different parts of Starr’s 1973 release with Lennon, Harrison & McCartney all writing a song as well as performing.The “Ringo” album is noted for being the only solo album by an ex-Beatle that has all members of The Beatles appear on it. Before this album, Ringo Starr had played on both John Lennon and George Harrison’s first solo albums. Harrison, in turn, had played on Lennon’s second album. But then all four Beatles subsequently contributed to different parts of Starr’s 1973 release with Lennon, Harrison & McCartney all writing a song as well as performing.

The album’s producer Richard Perry, recalled the session for “I’m the Greatest”,
“Just like that; no planning. The three ex-Beatles recorded one of John’s songs. Everyone in the room was just gleaming … it’s such a universal gleam with The Beatles”

“I’m the Greatest” (written by: John Lennon) – 3:21
Ringo Starr – lead vocal, drums
John Lennon – piano, harmony vocal
George Harrison – electric guitars
Billy Preston – organ
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 03:44:01   
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Источник вдохновения для Леннона - слова Мухаммеда АлиИсточник вдохновения для Леннона - слова Мухаммеда Али

"I'm the Greatest" is a song written by English musician John Lennon that was released as the opening track of the 1973 album Ringo by Ringo Starr. With Starr, Lennon and George Harrison appearing on the track, it marks the only time that three former Beatles recorded together between the band's break-up in 1970 and Lennon's death in 1980. Lennon wrote the song in December 1970 as a wry comment on his rise to fame, and later tailored the lyrics for Starr to sing. Named after one of Muhammad Ali's catchphrases, the song partly evokes the stage-show concept of the Beatles' 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 03:47:57   
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I'm the Greatest? It's the Muhammad Ali line ... I couldn't sing it, but it was perfect for Ringo. He could say, I'm the greatest and people wouldn't get upset. Whereas if I said I'm the greatest, they'd all take it so seriously."I'm the Greatest"? It's the Muhammad Ali line ... I couldn't sing it, but it was perfect for Ringo. He could say, "I'm the greatest" and people wouldn't get upset. Whereas if I said "I'm the greatest," they'd all take it so seriously.
– John Lennon, 1980
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 03:53:17   
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Одной из причин темы собственного величия стала первичная терапия Янова. Если в первом сольнике он собирал себя по частям, то теперь Джон находился в состоянии полностью противоположном. Но продолжая анализировать себя, свой статус в былые времена битломании.

On 28 December 1970, a week after learning that McCartney intended to sue his bandmates in the British High Court, Lennon began writing "I'm the Greatest". He was inspired to write the song after watching the first UK television broadcast of the Beatles' 1964 film A Hard Day's Night.

Through much of 1970, Lennon had undergone primal therapy with Arthur Janov, a process that unearthed in him long-suppressed feelings of resentment and inadequacy relating to his childhood. For Lennon, according to author Peter Doggett, viewing the Beatles' film in this context "felt like a postcard from a previous century: there he was, acting out the role that had become his life". He set about writing "I'm the Greatest" as a sarcastic comment on his past. Lennon took the song's title from a catchphrase adopted by boxer Muhammad Ali, whom the Beatles had met in February 1964, shortly before filming A Hard Day's Night.

Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 03:55:53   
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Working at his home studio at Tittenhurst Park, Lennon taped demos of the new composition and also of "Make Love Not War", a song he recorded formally as "Mind Games" in 1973. In July 1971, towards the end of the recording sessions for his Imagine album, Lennon taped another demo of "I'm the Greatest". He then put the composition aside until early 1973, when Starr approached his three former bandmates for songs to record for his first pop solo album, Ringo. In response, Lennon tailored the track to suit Starr's perspective. Lennon later said that, with the song title being a well-known saying of Ali's, he did not feel he could sing it himself without attracting controversy, whereas "people wouldn't get upset" if the statement came from Starr. Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, assisted in completing the lyrics, by contributing lines about Starr's wife and children.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 04:28:07   
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Текст весьма забавен. Особенно когда Старр поет от себя то, что первоначально говорил о себе Леннон. Автор весьма немилостиво проезжается по битломании, говоря, что все это величайшее шоу "ничего не стоило":

I was in the greatest show on earth,
For what it was worth.

"Я был в величайшем мировом шоу,
Но все ради чего".

Рефреном песни выступает:

And all I want to do, is boogaloo!

Похоже на ссылку на второй сингл Старра "Back Off Boogaloo". В том числе "Все что я хочу - исполнять бугалу" - как стиль музыки.

When I was a little boy,
Way back home in Liverpool,
My mama told me, I was great.

Then when I was a teenager,
I knew that I had got something going,
All my friends told me I was great.

And now I'm a man,
A woman took me by the hand,
And you know what she told me, I was great.

I was in the greatest show on earth,
For what it was worth.
Now I'm only thirty-two
And all I want to do, is boogaloo!

I looked in the mirror,
I saw my wife and kids,
And you know what they told me, I was great.

Yes, my name is Billy Shears,
You know it has been for so many years.
Now I'm only thirty-two
And all I want to do, is boogaloo!

Hey, hey, hey, (hey, hey, hey) yeah!
(hey, hey, hey)
I'm the greatest and you better believe it, baby!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
I'm gonna be the greatest in this world, (ho!)
In the next world and in any world! (hey!)
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, all right!
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.19 05:12:41   
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Еще в Ливерпуле, когда я был ребенком, мама звала меня "великий".
Затем я стал подростком и думал, что-то должно происходить,
Все друзья говорили мне, что я великий.

Теперь я здоровый мужик,
Одна поклонница взяла меня за руку,
Знаете, что он мне сказала - "Ты – великий!".

Я участвовал в величайшем шоу на планете,
Стоило ли оно того?
Мне 32 ныне и все что я хочу это петь "Бугалу".

Я посмотрел в зеркало
увидел свою жену и детей,
Что они мне все сказали - "Папочка, ты – великий".

Ну да, меня зовут Билли Ширз,
Вы же знаете, все это было много лет назад.
Теперь мне 32 и все что хочу это петь "Бугалу".

Я – величайший. Поверь мне, дорогая.
И я останусь величайшим в этом мире.
В следующем мире, в любом мире!
Величайший всегда и везде!
Я тащусь!  
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: ‘Polythene Pam’   Дата: 16.06.19 13:42:18   
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>... I couldn't sing it, but it was perfect for
>Ringo. He could say, "I'm the greatest" and people
>wouldn't get upset. Whereas if I said "I'm the
>greatest," they'd all take it so seriously.
>– John Lennon, 1980

Точно!!! И Полу бы с рук не сошло! А на Ринго кто обидится? Он такой миииииилый! ))))
И наДжорджа, мне кажется, не обиделись бы! )))
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 19.06.19 07:17:47   
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>Еще в Ливерпуле, когда я был ребенком, мама звала
>меня "великий".
>Затем я стал подростком и думал, что-то должно происходить,
>Все друзья говорили мне, что я великий.
>Теперь я здоровый мужик,
>Одна поклонница взяла меня за руку,
>Знаете, что он мне сказала - "Ты – великий!".
>Я участвовал в величайшем шоу на планете,
>Стоило ли оно того?
>Мне 32 ныне и все что я хочу это петь "Бугалу".
>Я посмотрел в зеркало
>увидел свою жену и детей,
>Что они мне все сказали - "Папочка, ты – великий".
>Ну да, меня зовут Билли Ширз,
>Вы же знаете, все это было много лет назад.
>Теперь мне 32 и все что хочу это петь "Бугалу".
>Я – величайший. Поверь мне, дорогая.
>И я останусь величайшим в этом мире.
>В следующем мире, в любом мире!
>Величайший всегда и везде!

Любопытный текст.
Интересно, Джон адаптировал его под Ринго или так и отдал ему первоначальный вариант?
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 19.06.19 17:43:10   
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Похоже песня была сначала чисто автобиографической и о Ринго автор не думал. А вот когда подумал, то пришлось вставить и Бугалу и Билли Ширза. То есть теперь текст стал автобиографическим для Ринго.

Lennon recorded a home demo containing two takes of I'm The Greatest in late 1970, following the completion of John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. It's possible that he considered including the song on the Imagine album, although it was never tackled in the studio at the time.

The 1970 recordings showed how Lennon originally conceived the song with a jazz-style piano backing. At this stage the lyrics were largely unwritten, and lacked much of the final version's self-deprecating humour. It is feasible that he wanted it to be a confessional song about his childhood, judging by the original lyrics: "Long time ago, way back home in Liverpool, my mama told be I'd be great..."

In February 1971, during the session for Power To The People, Lennon tried out the song in the studio for the first time. This time his band included Klaus Voormann on bass guitar and Jim Gordon on drums. Although he later claimed he'd never considered recording his own version, this studio attempt featured a telling line: "Yoko told me I was great."

Early in 1973 Lennon was invited by Ringo Starr to go to Sunset Sound Recorders in Los Angeles to help contribute to Ringo, his third studio album. Starr had sent requests to each of the former Beatles for new material, and Lennon revived I'm The Greatest. He rewrote several of the lines to make them relevant to Starr, and helped arranged the recording.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 19.06.19 20:02:50   
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Большое спасибо.
Эта версии с вокалом Джона еще круче предыдущей демоверсии.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 01:14:03   
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В вики имеется подробный рассказ о сочинении на основе книги Уоффиндена:

Working at his home studio at Tittenhurst Park, Lennon taped demos of the new composition and also of "Make Love Not War", a song he recorded formally as "Mind Games" in 1973.In July 1971, towards the end of the recording sessions for his Imagine album, Lennon taped another demo of "I'm the Greatest". He then put the composition aside until early 1973, when Starr approached his three former bandmates for songs to record for his first pop solo album, Ringo. In response, Lennon tailored the track to suit Starr's perspective. Lennon later said that, with the song title being a well-known saying of Ali's, he did not feel he could sing it himself without attracting controversy, whereas "people wouldn't get upset" if the statement came from Starr. Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, assisted in completing the lyrics, by contributing lines about Starr's wife and children.

И демок было сделано в течение работы над песней немало.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 01:17:44   
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2‘Polythene Pam’:

>А на Ринго кто обидится? Он такой миииииилый!

Текст в основном с юмором написан, дабы Ринго стал таким "милым" :)

По поводу возможной реакции публики автор ох так тактичен и мягок: "people wouldn't get upset". То есть народ просто малость "расстроится". Вместо того, чтобы посоветовать сочинителю лечь в психушку с осложненной манией величия :)
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 13:11:04   
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Воспоминания о записи песни из книги Come Together: Lennon and McCartney in the Seventies

Ringo sang ‘I’m The Greatest’, a tongue-in-cheek Lennon song which, according to producer Richard Perry, was a chronological outline of their shared careers. “The night we were going to record it, Ringo, John, Klaus and myself grouped around a piano in the studio to put the finishing touches to the song.” Having witnessed John’s live guitar acumen on countless occasions in Hamburg, Voormann was still impressed by Lennon’s abilities as a vocalist and rhythm guitarist in the studio in the early seventies. “John’s playing was very simple. He didn’t play long runs. He didn’t know many chords either. He’d find something and say, ‘That sounds nice.’”

Voormann also believed that Lennon had a complementary, and well-developed, musical bond with Starkey. “Rhythm guitar is very important. It’s the feel of the song, but it can’t be rock’n’roll without the drums. That rhythm guitar really lays down where you’re going. Whatever he did, he did it well. It was nothing to do with technique, it was all feeling.” As a drummer, Keltner also rated Starr as one of the greatest studio players he ever had the pleasure to work with. “It’s like that thing John said about Ringo not being the best drummer in The Beatles, and people took that as a big put-down of Ringo. It was a humorous joke,” insists Bill Harry. “But people tend to take it seriously. Ringo was generally thought of as a drummer for hire initially, and he wasn’t even regarded as part of the group. Basically it was George who wanted Ringo there. He got on well with Ringo right from the start.”

Having arrived in Los Angeles a day or two earlier and learnt news of the session, Harrison was keen to join his friends. Perry was duly called out of the studio to take an important phone call. “I said to John, ‘George is on the phone and wants to come down to record with us. Is it OK?’ ‘Yes,’ John said. ‘Tell him to get down here right away and help me finish this bridge.’” “It was the first time the three ex-Beauties had played together since – well, since they last played together,” Lennon joked in a mock press release in early 1973.

“George arrived,” Perry remembered, “and without saying a word, he joined in on the same wavelength we were on. He played guitar and John played piano, and they complemented each other perfectly. There was The Beatles’ magic unfolding right before my eyes. Everyone in the room was gleaming,” Perry purrs. “It’s such a universal gleam with The Beatles.”

“They knew how to compartmentalise their feelings, setting business differences aside in favour of deeper emotional connections,” Du Noyer informed me. “And as artists I suspect that curiosity would have impelled them, sooner or later, to see what magic might be re-ignited.” Perry’s work on the Ringo album helped it to achieve best-selling status for Starkey. Asked about the Starkey/Perry union in the studio, Lennon insisted their collaboration was an unqualified success.

“Perry’s great, Ringo’s great, I think the combination was great and look how well they did together. There’s no complaints if you’re number one.” In a mock press release the same month, Lennon joked about the producer, and the surfeit of rumours inevitably arising from the news of the session. “Richard Perry, who planned to take the tapes along to sell them to Paul McCartney, told a friend: ‘I’ll take the tapes to Paul McCartney.’” Paul would most probably have joined in, Lennon suggested after the session, but he wasn’t around to do so. “The extreme humility that existed between John and Paul seems to have evaporated,” Lennon joked in the same mock press release. “‘They’ve spoken to each other on the telephone – and in English, that’s a change,’ said a McCartney associate.’”

Having worked successfully with Ringo, Perry’s studio experience with Lennon remains firmly imprinted in his memory. “It was probably the greatest thrill of my career. He had amazing energy and electricity. He worked at a fast pace, and it spread to everyone else. He loved the record-making process as much as anyone in the business, and whenever he was in the studio, he was smiling.” Despite the contractual wrangles which rendered reunion speculation somewhat premature, the question remained: just how valid were these songwriting contributions to Ringo in prompting a more formal studio collaboration? It seems an enduring mutual affection for the drummer had persuaded the remaining Beatles to contribute in the first place. “All three of them could relax when they were working for Ringo, in a way they couldn’t have done if they were being ‘The Beatles’ again. I think that one didn’t necessarily act as a stepping-stone towards the other, though it didn’t hurt, either,” Peter Doggett claims. “It was a case of three old friends helping a mate out,” Keith Badman insists. “They all knew Ringo could suffer on his own, so they chipped in with compositions.”

Perhaps due to Starkey’s limited songwriting abilities, he accepted a number of acting roles during the seventies. His commendable part in Ray Connolly and David Puttnam’s That’ll Be The Day, which also featured David Essex and Keith Moon, earned the drummer welcome plaudits in the same year as his Ringo hit. Connolly takes up the story of Starkey’s part in a defining film on late fifties society. “Me and David Puttnam went to ask Ringo what it had been like to be at Butlin’s, because Ringo used to play there with Rory Storm. So I rang Derek Taylor at Apple, and we went along one lunchtime. We sat there with Neil Aspinall, Derek and Ringo. They amused us, and Ringo told a few funny stories. And on the way out, I suggested to David Puttnam that we should offer him the part of Mike. And David said: ‘Do you think he can do it?’ And I said: ‘Well, he was good in A Hard Day’s Night!’

“So we went down to the Isle Of Wight, and he only had a 10-day window to shoot it in. When the film was in the projection room, people were laughing when Ringo said his lines, and this is always a good sign. He was extremely easy to get on with, he was no trouble and he did the job. He also brought his own wardrobe. He’d worn some of the clothes at The Beatles fancy dress party for the Magical Mystery Tour. He worked well with David Essex, and it was a great experience. He brought a common touch to it, and he added great presence. And when the reviews came out, he stole the reviews from David. I think he should have gone on and done more films.” In retrospect, Starr’s acting roles appeared to be a valid move, one which duly helped to enrich his sense of a post-Beatles identity.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 13:35:13   
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Сессия Six o’clock. Авторы и исполнитель с продюсером Ричардом Перри, ставшим в 70-ых старрмэйкером. Сессия Six o’clock. Авторы и исполнитель с продюсером Ричардом Перри, ставшим в 70-ых старрмэйкером.
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 14:21:16   
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Еще один момент сотрудничества Пола и Перри. Запись бэк-вокала для альбома Карли Саймон:Еще один момент сотрудничества Пола и Перри. Запись бэк-вокала для альбома Карли Саймон:

Hitachi says:
March 24, 2013 at 12:44 am
Sept/Oct 1972 Trident Studios. Recording backing vocals for Carly’s “No Secrets” album, Produced by Richard Perry. Couple on the right of pic are Delaney & Bonnie.
Interesting story is that on “You’re So Vain” (on this album) Harry Nilsson was to do the backing vocals but was so drunk they couldn’t use him and so they asked Mick Jagger who you can clearly hear on the song.

Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 14:38:06   
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Tiny Tim, Ringo and Maureen Starkey at the Laugh-In Show, 1970. Miss Vicky, Tiny Tim, Carol Channing, Ringo and Maureen.Tiny Tim, Ringo and Maureen Starkey at the Laugh-In Show, 1970. Miss Vicky, Tiny Tim, Carol Channing, Ringo and Maureen.

Возможно знакомство Ринго и Перри состоялось по причине Тайни Тима, которого хорошо знали Битлз. Продюсером его главного альбома "God Bless Tiny Tim" и хита "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" был как раз Перри.

Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 14:41:54   
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Richard Perry, Tiny Tim, Mo OstinRichard Perry, Tiny Tim, Mo Ostin

Perry was launched on his career as a producer, with early projects including Captain Beefheart's debut Safe as Milk and Fats Domino's Fats Is Back. In 1967, Perry moved to Los Angeles and in 1968 produced God Bless Tiny Tim, the debut album of Reprise Records artist Tiny Tim. The album was Perry's first charting hit, reaching #7 on Billboard magazine's Pop Albums chart.

1970s and 1980s
Perry was well established as a producer by 1970. His credits during the decade include albums by Harry Nilsson, Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon, Art Garfunkel, Diana Ross, Martha Reeves, Manhattan Transfer, Leo Sayer, Andy Williams, and Percy Faith. Among his notable projects in the period was the 1973 album Ringo, by former Beatles member Ringo Starr. The album featured work by each of the other Beatles and peaked at #2 on the Pop Albums chart. Another high point was his work with Fanny. Perry produced the group's first three albums, which included Fanny (1970), Charity Ball, which featured the Top 40 title track (1971) and Fanny Hill (1972).

According to Allmusic's Bruce Eder, the 1970s found Perry "the most renowned producer in the field of popular music"; Eder goes on to indicate that "his mere involvement with a recording project was enough to engender a mention in the music trade papers and even the popular music press, and the array of gold- and platinum-selling albums with which he was associated made his name synonymous with success." As early as 1973, Village Voice said of Perry that "the rungs on the ladder of success seem so much closer together when Perry is your guide."
Re: I’m the Greatest
Автор: adh   Дата: 20.06.19 14:45:04   
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Fats Domino recording his album Fats is Back with producer Richard Perry in 1967Fats Domino recording his album Fats is Back with producer Richard Perry in 1967
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