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Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих

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Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:11:17
the very heart of the Beatles.the very heart of the Beatles.
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:13:20   
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joint В7joint В7
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:16:03   
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by Harry Bensonby Harry Benson
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:17:49   
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by Lindaby Linda
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:37:56   
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Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:38:44   
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Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:53:40   
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by Albert Marrionby Albert Marrion
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 21:59:54   
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Paul turned up for appointments on time, looking well turned out; he was a perfectionist and you always knew he'd washed behind his ears. John arrived late, looking as though he'd just fallen out of bed. But they complemented each other. John needed Paul's attention to detail and persistence; Paul needed John's anarchic, lateral thinking. When they wrote songs together, Paul's gentler melodies blended beautifully with John's more rousing, challenging tunes and lyrics.Paul turned up for appointments on time, looking well turned out; he was a perfectionist and you always knew he'd washed behind his ears. John arrived late, looking as though he'd just fallen out of bed. But they complemented each other. John needed Paul's attention to detail and persistence; Paul needed John's anarchic, lateral thinking. When they wrote songs together, Paul's gentler melodies blended beautifully with John's more rousing, challenging tunes and lyrics.
In those days Paul tried hard to impress John, posing and strutting with his hair slicked back to prove that he was cool, because John was very much the leader. It was his band, and he had the final say about who got in and who didn't, and what they played. Then, he was everything Paul wanted to be—laid-back, self-assured and in charge. As the schoolboy he still was, Paul could only aspire to those things.

by Cyn
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:12:16   
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John's relationship with each of the other Beatles was different. He was at his most relaxed with Ringo, who often had him in stitches with his jokes. He treated George with the mix of fondness and disdain he might have shown a younger brother. He was closest of all to Paul, but their relationship was more complex. They spent a great deal of time composing together, one sitting at the piano, the other jotting down lyrics or strumming a guitar, both calling for vast amounts of sarnies and tea, totally immersed in what they were doing. The time they spent working together was intense, and when it was over they needed to let off steam and relax apart. John spent less of his free time with Paul than with either of the others.John's relationship with each of the other Beatles was different. He was at his most relaxed with Ringo, who often had him in stitches with his jokes. He treated George with the mix of fondness and disdain he might have shown a younger brother. He was closest of all to Paul, but their relationship was more complex. They spent a great deal of time composing together, one sitting at the piano, the other jotting down lyrics or strumming a guitar, both calling for vast amounts of sarnies and tea, totally immersed in what they were doing. The time they spent working together was intense, and when it was over they needed to let off steam and relax apart. John spent less of his free time with Paul than with either of the others.

by Cyn
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:17:52   
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Похоже чуть ли не на спец.сессию специально для Джона и Пола (центральные фото). РабберСольный период. Похоже чуть ли не на спец.сессию специально для Джона и Пола (центральные фото). РабберСольный период.
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:29:26   
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John and Paul had always been competitive. Although the other band members—and the audiences—knew that John was the group's leader, Paul wanted to be involved in all the decisions, whether they were about which venue to play or which songs to use. The two sang alternately on stage and each had his own style. John exuded pent-up energy and sexuality, strutting and pacing the stage with his head tilted back, as if he was looking down his nose at the crowd. Most people took this for arrogance, and John had plenty of that, but he actually did it because he was so short-sighted. He was relatively aloof from the audience—he did most of the announcements and took the mickey out of people in suits or smart clothes, taunting rockers, students, older people—whoever was there. The more outrageous he was, the more popular the Beatles became.John and Paul had always been competitive. Although the other band members—and the audiences—knew that John was the group's leader, Paul wanted to be involved in all the decisions, whether they were about which venue to play or which songs to use. The two sang alternately on stage and each had his own style. John exuded pent-up energy and sexuality, strutting and pacing the stage with his head tilted back, as if he was looking down his nose at the crowd. Most people took this for arrogance, and John had plenty of that, but he actually did it because he was so short-sighted. He was relatively aloof from the audience—he did most of the announcements and took the mickey out of people in suits or smart clothes, taunting rockers, students, older people—whoever was there. The more outrageous he was, the more popular the Beatles became.
Paul was also energetic on stage, but his style was more seductive than John's. He wooed the crowd, made friends with them, and the girls loved his big eyes and baby face. He was the most popular with girls, but John didn't mind—all of the boys attracted plenty of attention and loved the fans coming to tell them how great they were. John and Paul always had a special link between them, a chemistry that added to the heat; they knew intuitively how to share the stage and the limelight, how to spar with each other and how to play the audience so that the girls went wild. George, who played lead guitar, was quiet and serious. If anyone asked him why, he'd say that he couldn't afford to make a mistake. Stu and Pete were quiet too, so the way was clear for John and Paul to take center stage.

by Cyn
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:36:24   
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После Битлз вторым увлечением Джона была пантомима. После Битлз вторым увлечением Джона была пантомима.
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:49:39   
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В момент изобретения электро-контрабаса. В момент изобретения электро-контрабаса.
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:52:55   
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I'm A LoserI'm A Loser
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:54:09   
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I'm A Loser take 2I'm A Loser take 2
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.10.06 22:56:46   
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Все же это Baby's In Black. Так как в Лузере больше сольного Джона, чем его дуэта с Полом. take 3Все же это Baby's In Black. Так как в Лузере больше сольного Джона, чем его дуэта с Полом. take 3
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Expert   Дата: 28.11.07 04:23:30   
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It's a tug of war,It's a tug of war,
What with one thing and another,
It's a tug of war.
We expected more,
But with one thing and another,
We were tryin' to outdo each other
In a tug of war.
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 28.11.07 10:50:23   
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2 Expert: 4ая фотка - запись Abbey Road?


>Все же это Baby's In Black. Так как в Лузере
>больше сольного Джона, чем его дуэта с Полом.
>take 3

Как вариант What are you doing. Ранние дубли они дуэтом полностью пели.


>Похоже чуть ли не на спец.сессию специально для
>Джона и Пола (центральные фото). РабберСольный
В Роллинг Стоун русском за прошлый год видел эту фотку, но Битлов там четверо, я решил тогда что снимали во времена Help.
Спасибо за фото!
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 28.11.07 11:00:39   
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Одна из моих любимых фотографий...Одна из моих любимых фотографий...
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Мечтатель   Дата: 28.11.07 15:23:31   
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2Holy Roller:

>Одна из моих любимых фотографий...

Re: Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих
Автор: Lenuska Lennon   Дата: 29.11.07 04:14:42   
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Фото Леннона-Маккартни взаимодействующих)
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