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Beatles на немецком языке

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Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 23.09.05 03:06:56
Кто-нибудь знает сколько всего песен спели Битлы на немецком языке и где их можно качнуть? У меня есть две штуки. Sie Liebt Dich и Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand.
Re: Beatles на немецком языке.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.09.05 10:18:40   
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The Beatles in Germany and in German The Beatles in Germany and in German

Die Beatles: Die erste Platte

Most Beatles fans know that the Fab Four polished their craft in Germany in the early 1960s, but did you know that the first commercial recording the Beatles ever released was partly in German? Back in the days when popular music was sold on a thin black vinyl disc called a "record" (eine Platte), the early Beatles played backup for a singer named Tony Sheridan. During a recording session in Hamburg's Friedrich-Ebert-Halle that lasted several days in the summer of 1961, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and drummer Pete Best recorded eight songs with Sheridan. Two of those songs were released as a 7-inch single 45 produced by the German musician Bert Kaempfert for the German Polydor label.

The A side was "My Bonnie," the traditional Scottish tune the Beatles often performed for fun in the clubs in Hamburg's Reeperbahn red-light district. The B side was another traditional tune, "When the Saints Go Marching In," shortened on the record label to just "The Saints."

Released in October 1961, the "My Bonnie/The Saints" single made it to fifth place on the German music charts. That Polydor record by "Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers" (later labels had "...and The Beatles") is now considered the first commercial record by the Beatles. It was the first time anyone could buy a record with the sounds of the Beatles. On the version released in Germany, Sheridan sang a few introductory German verses for "My Bonnie." The "Mein Herz ist bei dir nur" lines are followed by the traditional English "My Bonnie lies over the ocean" lyrics. Today anyone with a copy of that original German release—with German lyrics by Charles Pratt—has a valuable collectors item. Several later Polydor releases, with only the English lyrics, are less rare and less valuable, but they also offer the same early Beatles sounds (pre-Ringo Starr).

An LP album released in 1962 with more songs from the Hamburg recording session included two songs by the Beatles alone: "Ain't She Sweet" (vocal by John Lennon) and "Cry for a Shadow" (by Lennon and Harrison). In 1994 a CD version entitled "The Early Beatles Tapes" was released. It is a newer version of the 1962 vinyl LP, which had 14 titles, some added after the first Hamburg recording session.

But other recordings by the Beatles have been more shrouded in mystery for over 30 years. The so-called "lost" EMI tapes turned up in a raid by Dutch and British police in January 2003. By some estimates, the 500 original tapes recovered in Holland (they were stolen in the 1970s) have enough Beatles music and chatter for 17 CDs. However, various bootleg copies of the Beatles' "lost" recordings have circulated for years, so it's not certain how much truly new material the Dutch tapes may contain. But these "Get Back" tapes recorded in London do contain at least one other song recorded by the Beatles auf Deutsch, in German!

Get Back - Geh raus

In 1969, while working on the music for the Beatles "Let It Be" movie, the group recorded an improvised, rather odd version of "Get Back" in German. (Watch for the Let It Be DVD release soon.) In early 1969 the Beatles were on the rocks; the official announcement of the split-up came only a few months later. But the recording sessions show at least some fun amidst the strife and tension. The Beatles must have picked up a little German during all that time in Hamburg, and the German heard in "Geh raus" is a sort of pidgin German that doesn't really follow the rules of standard German or even colloquial German. But Paul McCartney's German pronunciation isn't that bad. Paul seems to have been the linguist in the group, and there's even a smattering of French at the end of "Geh raus." It's an amusing take-off on "Get Back" (itself a satire of British immigration laws) that evokes the Beatles' early Hamburg days. McCartney even throws in a spoken German phrase: "Danke für die Blumen." (Thanks for the flowers.)
Re: Beatles на немецком языке.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.09.05 10:21:38   
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The Beatles in HamburgThe Beatles in Hamburg

The Beatles spent most of their early years performing in clubs along the Reeperbahn and Große Freiheit streets in Hamburg's infamous red-light district. During that period they also played at clubs in their native Liverpool. Alan Williams, a Liverpool club owner, had arranged the Hamburg gig for his fellow Liverpudlians. In August 1960, too short on money to afford the train, the Beatles hitched a ride in a van with Williams. (At that time Stuart Sutcliffe was the fifth member of the band, but he had dropped out by the summer of 1961.) The first Beatles appearances in Germany began at the Indra Club (Große Freiheit 64). By the time most of the Beatles had been deported back to England in November 1960, they had also worked their way up to the tonier Kaiserkeller (Große Freiheit 38) and the Top Ten Club (Reeperbahn 136). George Harrison was kicked out of Germany because he was underage (17) and in violation of German child protection laws. Paul McCartney and Pete Best were deported after being charged with arson. All of the Beatles' problems arose out of a contract dispute with the rather unsavory German club operator Bruno Koschmider.
After Lennon and Sutcliffe also returned to England in late 1960, the Beatles began making many appearances in England, most notably at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, where they had some 300 performances. But soon they would return to Germany.

Hamburg, Bert Kaempfert, and the Polydor Recordings

The Beatles' second stay in Hamburg lasted from late March 1961 until July of that same year. It was during this second engagement in Hamburg that the Beatles made their first professional recordings. In June 1961 the Beatles (minus Stu Sutcliffe) went to Hamburg-Harburg, about 30 minutes from Hamburg's center, for a recording session in the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle (auditorium/hall). They were paid 300 marks (about $75) for the recording session as a backup band for Tony Sheridan, with no royalty rights—not a lot of money, even in the 1960s. They also recorded two songs of their own, but these Polydor recordings are the only ones that the Beatles estate still has no control over. In 2001, Germany's Bear Family Records released a CD box set of these Hamburg recordings entitled "Beatles Bop - Hamburg Days" - 38 tracks on two CDs, "The Beatles with Tony Sheridan" complete with the German version of "My Bonnie."

Hamburg-born Bert Kaempfert (1923-1980), a well-known German musician, composer, and producer was in charge of the production for Polydor Records. Kaempert is best remembered in the U.S. for his big instrumental hit "Wonderland by Night" ("Wunderland bei Nacht"), which reached number one in 1961, the same year he produced the Sheridan/Beatles recordings. Kaempfert also composed the music for the 1966 Frank Sinatra hit, "Strangers in the Night" and "Danke schoen" for Wayne Newton.

Under Kaempfert's direction, the Beatles made what most people consider the first commercial record ever made by the Beatles. The original Polydor 45 rpm singles released in Germany are true collectors items. On July 2, 1961 the Beatles returned to Liverpool, but in 1962 they would return to Hamburg for an engagement at the Star Club, their last club appearance in Germany. (The Star Club itself went out of business in 1969.) They would soon be much too big to play in any nightclub.
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.09.05 10:23:27   
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Die Beatles in Deutschland 1966. The Beatles Bravo-Blitz-TourneeDie Beatles in Deutschland 1966. The Beatles Bravo-Blitz-Tournee

By the time the Beatles returned to Germany in 1966 they were huge international rock stars. For the "Bravo-Blitz-Tournee" the Beatles flew from London to Munich on June 23, 1966. (No more riding in vans!) The opening acts for the sold-out German concerts, two in each of three cities, included The Rattles and Peter and Gordon. The Beatles traveled by train from Munich to Essen for two more performances. From Essen a special train took them back to Hamburg for the first time since 1962. On Sunday, June 26th the Beatles gave two concerts in Hamburg's Ernst-Merck-Halle in the Planten un Blomen park (the hall was demolished a few years later), managing to hold a press conference in between performances.

There are bootleg audio and video recordings of the concert and the Beatles trying to speak Deutsch for the German media (Die Beatles in Deutschland, 1966). Some over-exuberant fans caused minor street riots in Hamburg, but it was mostly a case of broken glass.

For the German concerts, George Harrison sang an old jazz number from 1929, "Am Sonntag will mein Süßer mit mir segeln gehen" (On Sunday my sweetie wants to go sailing with me). The Beatles performed their usual songs, including "I Feel Fine," "Yesterday," "Nowhere Man," and "Paperback Writer." The former Hamburg residents didn't find time to visit their 1962 venue, the Star Club, or the Reeperbahn at all, before they boarded a special Japan Airlines flight to Tokyo the next day. The "Blitz" tour was truly a blitz: the Beatles had spent just three days in Germany.

The Beatles' first manager, Alan Williams, regretted his decision to stop managing the Beatles after the early Hamburg days. He later wrote a book entitled The Man Who Gave Away the Beatles. After Bert Kaempfert (the first of the "men in suits"), the Beatles' next manager would be the famous Brian Epstein. Epstein managed the Fab Four until their infamous breakup in 1969-70. But the Beatles had become a true part of German and musical history.
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 24.09.05 14:29:33   
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Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Вад   Дата: 25.09.05 00:05:38   
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Кроме этих двух наименований, других композиций на немецком языке не существует.
Подробную историю немецких записей Битлз уже выложил Corvin. Пожалуй, лучше об этом ничего уже и не скажешь.
Единственное, что могу – это отсканировать виниловые диски, на которых эти записи возродились в 1979 (Великобритания) и 1980 году (США).
На компакт-дисках обе песни появились в 1988 году на сборнике Past Masters.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 25.09.05 00:15:40   
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При более внимательном чтении обнаружил одну фактологическую неточность: cледовало, конечно, сказать: "...Epstein managed the Fab Four until HIS DEATH in 1967", а не то, что написано в последнем абзаце: "...until their infamous breakup in 1969-70..."
Я тащусь!  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 25.09.05 13:49:46   
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>Кроме этих двух наименований, других композиций
>на немецком языке не существует.

А как же Geh Raus?
Кстати, я нашла песню My Bonnie с интро на немецком языке))
Ладно, а тогда какой-нибудь рок-н-рольчик на немецком языке не посоветуете??

Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Вад   Дата: 25.09.05 18:38:27   
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Geh Raus - это баловство Леннона во время сессии Get Back. Официально никогда не издавалось. И, кажется, кроме этой фразы там больше ничего на немецком Джон не выкрикивает. Но точно уже не помню.
My Bonnie, действительно имеется с вступлением на немецком, но я бы не относил это к Битлз. Все-таки это только вступление, да и сами ребята тогда были всего лишь сессионными музыкантами у Тони Шеридана.
Точно также можно отметить, что у Леннона в вступлениях в одной студийной записи и на концертах можно встретить отсчет на немецком – «Айн, цвай, драй…».
Добрый профессор  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 25.09.05 19:18:28   
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В тексте на английском, который процитировал Corvin 23.09.05 10:23:27 (в последнем абзаце) буквально (если перевести на русский) написано следующее:

"Эпстайн руководил Знаменитой Четверкой до их позорного распада в 1969-70."
Следовало, конечно, сказать: "Эпстайн руководил Знаменитой Четверкой до его смерти в 1967".
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 25.09.05 19:20:40   
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Ага, айн цвай драй, я тоже на какой-то записи слышала:) А Gehe Raus, по крайней мере на той, что имеется у меня, почти весь текст на немецком.
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 25.09.05 19:21:03   
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Вот вам и пресловутая немецкая точность и аккуратность! :))) Кто же, интересно, автор этого "ляпа"?
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 28.09.05 20:22:39   
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Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand

Oh, komm doch,
Komm zu mir,
Du nimmst mir den Verstand.
Oh, komm doch,
Komm zu mir,
Komm gib mir deine Hand.
Komm gib mir deine Hand.
Komm gib mir deine Hand.

Oh, du bist so schцn,
Schцn wie ein Diamant,
Ich will mit dir gehen,
Komm gib mir deine Hand.
Komm gib mir deine Hand.
Komm gib mir deine Hand.

In deinen Armen bin ich glьcklich und froh;
Das war noch nie bei einer andern
Einmal so.
Einmal so.
Einmal so.

Oh, komm doch
In deinen Armen bin ich glьcklich und froh
Oh, du bist so schцn
Под кайфом  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 29.09.05 01:09:32   
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2Maryleen Foxy:
А у меня почему-то умлауты не показывает комп.. русские буквы показывает вместо них((
За текстик спасибо большое:)
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 30.09.05 20:40:19   
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не за что, все ок.
еще есть один
Sie Liebt Dich

Sie liebt dich
Sie liebt dich
Sie liebt dich

Du glaubst sie liebt nur mich?
Gestern hab' ich sie gesehen.
Sie denkt ja nur an dich,
Und du solltest zu ihr gehen.

Oh, ja sie liebt dich.
Schцner kann es gar nicht sein.
Ja, sie liebt dich,
Und da solltest du dich freu'n.

Du hast ihr weh getan,
Sie wusste nicht warum.
Du warst nicht schuld daran,
Und drehtest dich nicht um.

Oh, ja sie liebt dich. . . .

Sie liebt dich
Sie liebt dich
Denn mit dir allein kann sie nur glьcklich sein.

Du musst jetzt zu ihr gehen,
Entschuldigst dich bei ihr.
Ja, das wid sie verstehen,
Und dann verzeiht sie dir.

Sie liebt dich
Sie liebt dich
Denn mit dir allein kann sie nur glьcklich sein.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Кир Гуцков   Дата: 30.09.05 20:53:14   
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>Geh Raus - это баловство Леннона во время сессии Get Back...
>кажется, кроме этой фразы там больше ничего на немецком Джон не выкрикивает.

Это Маккартни был. И спел он целых два куплета по-фрицевски. А последний припев - еще и по-французски забабахал. Полиглот :)))
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: BEATLES НАВСЕГДА   Дата: 01.10.05 02:59:21   
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Полиглот ист зер гут:) Вот бы он еще и на русском че-нить спел))
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Дмитрий Россолов   Дата: 16.07.10 11:45:28   
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Здравствуйте всем!
Хочу возродить тему, заявленную в первом посте, т.к. совсем недавно узнал, что существует немецкоязычная версия Can't Buy Me Love! Источник информации - архив передачи "История песен Битлз" Владимира Ильинского на Радио Эхо Москвы.
Цитирую: "...эта вещь существует и в немецкоязычной версии. На немецком Битлз пели нечасто, во всяком случае, история сохранила лишь три подобные записи".

Ищу любую уточняющую, наводящую, подсказывающую информацию по данному поводу (хотя б заголовок песни на немецком - для поиска):)
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.07.10 12:09:47   
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2Дмитрий Россолов:

>Здравствуйте всем!
>Хочу возродить тему, заявленную в первом посте,
>т.к. совсем недавно узнал, что существует немецкоязычная
>версия Can't Buy Me Love! Источник информации
>- архив передачи "История песен Битлз" Владимира
>Ильинского на Радио Эхо Москвы.

Первый раз слышу.
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Пол Мак   Дата: 16.07.10 18:22:00   
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А где можно услышать Geh Raus ?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Beatles на немецком языке
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 16.07.10 19:18:08   
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2Пол Мак:

>А где можно услышать Geh Raus ?

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