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White Stripes

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White Stripes
Автор: Lucifer Sam   Дата: 22.05.03 15:56:41

Hotelos' bi yznat' vashe mnenie O subj.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Archie   Дата: 22.05.03 18:29:33   
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мне нравится.
недавно купил себе die stijl. очень неплохой альбом. музыка довольно простая, гитарная, без особенных наваротов, почти нет соляков, но всё-таки здорово.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Warlus   Дата: 11.12.03 22:34:26   
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Вытаскиваю эту тему, посколько в мае о группе в России ещё никто не знал. А теперь я уверен, что у многих уже есть Elephant, кроме того на EMA 2003 её признали лучшей рок-группой 2003 . Меня White Stripes заводят очень даже сильно ! Хотя лучшей в 2003 я назвал бы The Darkness !
Ироничная ухмылка  
White Stripes
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 14.12.03 15:51:50   
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К сожалению, я только и слышал на MTV (редкий случай, когда что-то хорошее показывают) Seven Nation Army. Потрясающая вещь. Убеждён, что мы услышим не один кавер на эту песню.
Хотелось бы послушать целиком этот диск, но покупать жалко.
Walrus, если тебе не лень, то найди мою тему "The Darkness". Я был очень разочарован, что никого она не заинтересовала. На меня они тоже произвели наибольшее впечатление в этом году.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Warlus   Дата: 14.12.03 22:05:29   
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Гарринча ! Я читал твою тему, сразу после того как нашёл эту тему о White Stripes ! Я в зтот день искал все темы, связанные с современными хард-рок группами, и решил все по-очереди повытаскивать ! Почему-то про них никто ничего не знают !
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Jay Parker   Дата: 14.12.03 23:21:55   
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У меня есть 4 альбома White Stripes. Вроде ничего так команда, хотя прослушать все альбомы от начала до конца терпения пока не хватило :)
Ну ничего, вернусь к ним как-нибудь потом. Но, в принципе, впечатление благоприятное.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: BuuSuuSuuSuuS   Дата: 22.12.03 22:04:19   
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Да крутой бенд. Лучшее что есть сегодня, Джек и Мег просто супер. Правда многие закоренелые битломаны, от который пахнет нафталином не поймут сие творение.
Есть все 4 диска,
плюс пару синглов,
плюс пару бутов, есть суперский концерт в Германии в Мае сего года.
И виде просто кучка, по мимо всех клипов, есть и рарететы.
Строчи, куму не лень а вось поделюсь.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: BuuSuuSuuSuuS   Дата: 22.12.03 22:05:23   
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Кстати у гого есть навый саунтрек к фильму Cold Moutin с Джеком
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Lucifer Sam   Дата: 25.03.04 11:17:36   
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White Stripes + Bob Dylan
Вот это да!!!  
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Brian   Дата: 25.03.04 21:05:33   
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Классная группа! К сожалению на нашем сайте не так много людей способных искать музыку в самых разных стилях и направлениях. Впрочем, это их проблемы.
Я тащусь!  
Re: White Stripes
Автор: roxy   Дата: 25.03.04 22:37:47   
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Мне очень близко их творчество, даже заезжанная "7..."
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.04.04 07:49:43   
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Loretta Lynn and Jack White To Perform Together On LettermanLoretta Lynn and Jack White To Perform Together On Letterman

Country music legend Loretta Lynn and White Stipes Jack White are going on promo tour together to promote her new album 'Van Lear Rose'.

The road trip will start on May 3 when they will perform the song 'Portland Oregon' from the album on The Late Show with David Letterman.

'Portland Oregon' is the only track from 'Van Lear Rose' that Lynn and White duet on. White's main role on the album was behind the desk as producer. He arranged the album and also plays guitar, organ, piano and percussion as well as contributing backing vocals.

During the week they will also pop up on various shows including Today and Larry King Live.

The pair met in 2001 after Loretta's manager gave her a copy of White Stripes 'White Blood Cells' album. White dedicated the album to the country superstar. She invited him to her ranch to meet and not long after performed together for the first time in New York City.

In a statement at Loretta's website Jack says "I'm impressed but not surprised that she sings better now than she ever has. She proved to me again and again that she was the greatest female singer-songwriter of the twentieth century, and she's got more to say and an amazing way to say it than most people nowadays. Her stories are cuttingly acute and witty -- she's a clever angel. Her songwriting is impeccable, She's so real I don't know whether to laugh or cry."

'Van Lear Rose' was released worldwide this week.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.06.04 21:32:42   
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THE WHITE STRIPES are distancing themselves from a documentary on the band that’s recently been shown in the US.

The film, ’Nobody Knows How To Talk To Children’, was shot by director George Roca during the band’s residency at the New York Bowery Ballroom in 2002.

The band have issued a statement on their website, claiming the film, which was recently shown at the Seattle Film Festival, was not cleared by the band, and they own the rights to the footage and music.

The statement reads: "We never authorised, released, or legally allowed in any way for the video to be shown."

MTV news reports that Roca has been sent a cease-and-desist order telling him not to show the film any more.

The White Stripes are planning to release their own DVD, recorded on their recent UK tour, later this year.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Dasha   Дата: 30.06.04 01:51:11   
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На церемонии вручения какой-то премии (Греми, возможно) выступали и White Stripes, и The Darkness. Первые мне показались интереснее. Да, музыка простая, но звучит необычно. Альбома у меня нет. Весь ли он хороший или держится только на хите «7…»? Как вы думаете, много они ещё смогут сделать в дуэтном формате? Я скептик, но мне кажется, в них правда что-то есть.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Kurt Donald Cobain   Дата: 30.06.04 09:04:00   
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To Dasha:To Dasha:

Обязательно послушай эту группу. Причем начинать рекомендую с альбомов Elephant и White Blood Sells. Музычка - просто супер, а стиль я бы назвал адской гремучей смесью гранджа и блюза. Есть и просто акустические вещи - они тоже весьма неплохи (e.g. You've Got Her In Your Pocket). Единственное что мне не очень нравится в White Stripes это то что Мэг стучит довольно коряво, да и голос у неё тоже так себе.(Впрочем большинство песен все равно поет Джек).

А вообще это наверно главная загадка современного рока, кем же друг другу приходятся Джек И Мэг. Даже песня Yes It's True That We Love One Another ничего
не объясняет, потому что во второй строчке Мэг поёт I love Jack White like a little brother. Короче дело ясное, что дело темное.

Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.06.04 19:43:55   
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Ясное дело, что они не супруги. Как известно, в прошлом годе Джек был бойфрендом моей обожаемой Рене Зеллвегер. Не знаю, что там между ними теперь происходит, но на горизонте нарисовалась Лоретта Линн.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.04 14:11:44   
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JACK WHITE has spoken out about fighting, the new WHITE STRIPES album and his broken finger in a Q&A session with his fans.

In a frank interview published on, the guitarist opened his heart following a dramatic year which has seen him in court, hospital and on stages around the world.

Speaking about the bust-up with The Von Bondies singer Jason Stollsteimer in Detroit's Magic Stick club last year, White claimed Jason "completely exploited" the situation by releasing a photo to the press.

He claimed: "Take a look at it again. It's a black eye once you wash the dried blood off. His face isn't full of cuts."

He continued: "I was so nice to Jason and his band you wouldn't believe it. I let them rehearse in my house for free. I got them signed. I produced their album for free."

The White Stripes are set to play this year's Carling Weekend: Reading and Leeds festivals between August 27-29 following their cancelled appearances last summer due to Jack breaking his finger in a car accident.

The guitarist had to undergo surgery on the injured digit and there was speculation that he may not be able to pick up his instrument again.

Looking back, White said: "After a lot of consideration I decided to not undergo a second surgery and just live with what I've got. It has made playing guitar a great deal more difficult. I had to relearn how to play chords with my other fingers, but in the end I think it's made me a better player, if not just a sorer one!"

White also revealed details of the band's follow-up album to 2003's 'Elephant' and his wish to see more of Meg both on the record, and in person.

"I can't tell you much," he said. "I have some songs written and me and Meg may record this summer, but not too much is definite. I must say though that the time off has made me very inspired to write, and I've been writing for sure. What else is a boy to do? I ask you?"

He also hinted that there is currently the possibility of the band releasing a rarities and B-sides collection, saying: "There will definitely be a CD of all of The White Stripes' B-sides and what not coming out in the future. And possibly (a) whole record of the Italy catalogue. Possibly live Detroit things here and there, and possible (sic) a legal Peel Session record. All things when the time is right I suppose."

(на фото: Джейсон Столлстаймер из The Von Bondies, избитый Джеком Уайтом)
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.04 14:35:22   
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White Stripes 'Inspired' By Time Off

After taking a break from major touring in recent months, the White Stripes are itching to return to the studio. "I have some songs written, and me and [drummer] Meg [White] may record this summer, but not too much is definite," frontman Jack White said in a Q&A with fans on the Web site. "I must say though that the time off has made me very inspired to write, and I've been writing for sure. What else is a boy to do?"

White also admitted he still has residual pain in left index finger stemming from a 2003 car accident, which has forced him to alter his guitar playing style. "After a lot of consideration I decided to not undergo a second surgery and just live with what I've got," he said. "It has made playing guitar a great deal more difficult. I had to re-learn how to play chords with my other fingers, but in the end I think it's made me a better player, if not just a sorer one."

Beyond the planned release of a live DVD, White says the Stripes are pondering a compilation of B-sides and rare tracks released as singles for the Sub Pop, Sympathy For The Record Industry and Italy Records labels.

"There will definitely be a CD of all of the White Stripes B-sides and whatnot coming out in the future, and possibly [a] whole record of the Italy catalog," he said. "Possibly live Detroit things here and there, and possibl[y] a legal 'Peel Session' record. All things when the time is right I suppose."

White also lashed out again at director George Roca, who the Stripes claim is circulating "Nobody Knows How To Talk to Children," an unauthorized documentary taped during a four-night stand in 2002 at New York's Bowery Ballroom. The band has sent a cease-and-desist order to Roca to stop the spread of the film.

"He has no right to screen that film and definitely no right to send copies to anyone," White said. "Yes, we have the legal means to stop him. He's making a big mistake. The terrible part is that we have some great footage if it's edited and mixed properly of some interesting shows. The version he's putting out there is very amateurish and doesn't reflect the usual work, time, style and quality of finished product that we like to produce."

The Stripes will return to the live stage with several August festival appearances, beginning Aug. 1 at Japan's Fuji Rock festival and wrapping Aug. 28-29 at the U.K.'s Reading and Leeds event.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: BeatleJude   Дата: 07.07.04 16:42:58   
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Здоровская группа! Удачный альбом Elephant.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.09.04 07:42:29   
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The White Stripes will release their first live DVD, "Under Blackpool Lights," Oct. 26 via V2. The set was taped earlier this year in Blackpool, England, and features performances of such tracks as "Seven Nation Army," "The Hardest Button to Button" and "There's No Home for You Here."

The Stripes just wrapped a run of seven European festival dates and are not expected to perform for the rest of the year. However, group member Jack White will likely turn up on Beck's in-progress Geffen album, due this fall.
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.04 10:37:21   
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White Stripes to record a new album

Jack White says the White Stripes are to record a new album and will not be splitting in the near future.

He told the NME that songs were currently being written for the follow-up to Elephant and the duo could be back in the studio as early as next month.

When asked about persistent rumours about the group's future, he said: "Well, we'll know when it's over. I don't think we're going to last ten years, I don't think Stripes will last 20 years.

"It's not that kind of a band where we have five or six guys, kick the bass player out and get a new member.

"It's only going to be me and her (Meg) in the band. At some point we'll stop, but we've no plans to now at all. I've got a lot of ideas for records for us coming up and the time off has been really re-inspiring."
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