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Тема: Quarrymen

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Автор: Manzie   Дата: 18.10.01 15:53:37
Vot ya chital chto v seredine 90x The Quarrymen - Pete Shotton, A. Griffit (?) i dr. - reshili obyedinitsa i zapisali i vypustili novyy album The Quarrymen. S teh por nikakih novostey ne postupalo... Ya iskal etot album i bezrezultatno.. Mozhet byt* kto to v kurse sobytiy i znaet ob etom podrobnee?
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.10.01 18:54:41   
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The Quarryman :
Charles Hart
John Ozoroff
Richie Gould
John Duff Lowe
Rod DAvies

В этом составе они записали диск
"Open For Engagements" (1994)

The Quarryman :
Len Garry
Eric Griffiths
Rod Davies
Colin Hanton
Pete Shotton

В этом - "Get Back Together" (1997)

Они часто выступают на Beatlefes-тах, а так же в фильме Two Of Us звучит в их исполнении
песня Come Go With Me.

Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 19.10.01 07:43:04   
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Lemon,какая-то странная фамилия у John-Ozoroff (!?).Озеров что ли ?Он что русского происхождения?
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 19.10.01 13:05:41   
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Точно нет.
Но тема России в первом диске "Open For Engagements" присутствует.

Песня "Tanya"
A true story of young girl who managed to get out of Russia, just after World War II, hoping to build a new life in the west. She met and married a British soldier and between them they had a son, who later became a friend of John Ozoroff.

Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 19.10.01 13:56:39   
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Так ты уверен?Может поуточнять ?Действительно наводит на мысль о "русском следе".Кстати ,может нам открыть дискуссию о теме России в творчестве Битлз?Одной Back In USSR наверное дело не ограничилось7
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 19.10.01 14:15:38   
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Уверен. Я только что проконсультировался с Сергеем Шмелевым (BeatlesBeat). Все точно.

Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 19.10.01 14:28:22   
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Спасибо!Кстати если ты так часто с ним общаешься то передай ему пожалуйста от меня привет.К сожалению он мне не отвечает ни письмом ,ни по Емеле...
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 19.10.01 14:33:10   
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OK ! передам.
Кстати, в одном из номеров журнала BeatlesBeat, была подробная статья о диске Open For Engagements (точно номер сейчас вспомнить не могу)

Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 19.10.01 15:22:34   
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Да я помню этот номер.А как насчёт моего предложения?Россия в творчестве Битлз.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.01.05 10:01:46   
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January 14, 2005 -- BBC NewsJanuary 14, 2005 -- BBC News

Lennon "almost gave up on guitar"

John Lennon almost gave up playing guitar after just two lessons, one of his early bandmates has revealed.

The Beatles legend found the instrument too difficult, according to drummer Colin Hanton, who played with Lennon in school band The Quarrymen.

Lennon tried lessons but "decided it was going to take forever to play music properly", Hanton said.

He only changed his mind after seeing skiffle king Lonnie Donegan, who proved anyone could play an instrument.

Hanton told BBC World Service's The Music Biz program, "It was just a school band really - I don't think any of us saw any great future in it, or great talent.

"Once Eric [Griffiths, guitarist] and John Lennon actually tried to learn to play guitar properly, they went to a music teacher for two lessons - and decided it was going to take forever to play music properly. But then Lonnie Donegan came on the scene and said 'all you need is three chords and something you can bang' - a rhythm section or whatever - so overnight everybody joined a skiffle group. They realised you didn't have to be particularly musical or talented, as long as you could keep a tune."

The Quarrymen were founded by Lennon with Griffiths and Pete Shotton at Quarry Bank School, Liverpool, in 1957.

Paul McCartney joined them after watching them perform at a church fete, followed by George Harrison.

Of the "great meeting" between Lennon and McCartney at the church fete, bassist Len Garry said, "We've all got different versions of this. I remember Paul doing a Little Richard impersonation, and I said to John 'that's good - let's get him in.'"

Banjo player Rod Davis said the fact McCartney could play guitar properly won his place in the group.

"I was actually playing a banjo, so I was allowed to play banjo chords, but John and Eric played guitars tuned like banjos," he added. "When Paul turned up, he eventually taught them how to play guitar chords. That was a great improvement to the sound."

But he admitted McCartney - who has said he secured his place in the line-up after playing a song called "Twenty Flight Rock" - "remembers better than us".

"I don't think I was even there at the time," Davis added. "I must have gone for a pee. The greatest moment in rock 'n' roll history, and I missed it."

Once McCartney and Harrison joined, the founding members began to drift away - leaving the core that briefly became Johnny and the Moondogs before changing to The Beatles.

Hanton, Griffiths, banjo player Rod Davis and bassist Len Garry are now releasing their first studio album. "Songs We Remember," featuring music they played when they first formed, is released in the UK on Monday.

The Quarrymen reformed for a one-off benefit gig in 1997, which was followed by a tour and a live album, but "Songs We Remember" is their first studio release.

However, they did record a single in the late 1950s.

A double A-side, it featured a cover of Buddy Holly's "That'll Be The Day" on one side and a song written by Lennon and McCartney, "In Spite Of All The Danger," on the other.

The tracks survive, and recently re-emerged on the "Beatles Anthology."
Автор: Broox   Дата: 15.01.05 12:59:46   
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Кстати, битломане! Если кто в курсе - помогите найти перечень песен, вошедших в Get Back Together. Конкретно интересуют названия 6,9 и 15 трэков. Заранее благодарен.
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 05.07.05 14:27:45   
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Мой исторический экскурс о старых и новых Quarry Men вошёл в #6 журнала "Эплоко" Уральского Битлз-клуба.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.08.05 00:33:15   
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Plaque marks Quarrymen recording  Plaque marks Quarrymen recording

A little-known site where the band which was to become The Beatles made their first recording is to be marked with a plaque.

John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison recorded a version of Buddy Holly's That'll Be The Day as The Quarrymen at the Percy Philips studio.

A plaque has been installed by Kensington Regeneration at the site where the recording was made in 1958.

The band paid 17 shillings and sixpence to use the studio.

The skiffle group also recorded a Lennon-Harrison song, In Spite Of All The Danger.

The plaque was unveiled by fellow Quarrymen John Duff Lowe and Colin Hanton, who played piano and drums respectively on the Buddy Holly cover.

Mr Lowe said: "They should have done this 20 years earlier. This was the start of The Beatles' recording career.

"This was where it all began."

Mr Hanton said: "I remember we all had to chip in three shillings and sixpence to use the studio.

"Mr Phillips suggested the best thing to do was to put it on a tape. John (Lennon) asked how much that would cost, and Mr Phillips said it would be one pound.

"John and Paul's faces just went white at that price, so we stuck to the record.

'Little bit extra'

"It all worked out in the end, because Apple used it on the Beatles Anthology.

"We all owned a share of it, so we got our three-and-sixes back, plus a little bit extra, in the royalties."

The only copy of the record is owned by McCartney.

The plaque was organised by Kensington Regeneration, which hopes it will put the area on the Beatles tourist map and help revive the area.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 28.08.05 11:40:35   
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У меня такой: 1994, Kewbank Records, 15 trax Д.У меня такой:
1994, Kewbank Records, 15 trax
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.05 09:14:12   
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Former 'Quarry Men' musicians, Colin Hanton, left, and John Lowe, right, join Julia Baird, John Lennon's half-sister outside the former Percy Phillips recording studio in Kensington, Liverpool, England, Friday Aug. 26, 2005. The group recorded 'That'll be the Day' on July 14 1958 at the address. Liverpool plays host to Europe's largest free city centre music festival, the Mathew Street Festival this weekend, the annual event that sees Beatles fans from across the world return to the bands home city.Former 'Quarry Men' musicians, Colin Hanton, left, and John Lowe, right, join Julia Baird, John Lennon's half-sister outside the former Percy Phillips recording studio in Kensington, Liverpool, England, Friday Aug. 26, 2005. The group recorded 'That'll be the Day' on July 14 1958 at the address. Liverpool plays host to Europe's largest free city centre music festival, the Mathew Street Festival this weekend, the annual event that sees Beatles fans from across the world return to the bands home city.
Автор: Mister FIX   Дата: 02.09.05 14:25:10   
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Ваще незнаю на кой чёрт писать на русском :( Это Битлз.ру или не ру?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.09.05 14:12:15   
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Кликайте по фоткеКликайте по фотке
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 27.09.05 14:31:54   
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Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 09:14:41   
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Автор: Erixon   Дата: 26.10.09 22:09:05   
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занятная подборка:

Автор: Corvin   Дата: 27.10.09 11:18:37   
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"The Quarrymen: The Band That Started the Beatles" a documentary DVD about the original Quarrymen, will be released Dec. 1 in PAL (and apparently not NTSC, which is the American TV format). Many American players will not play PAL so make sure yours does before you order this. We're trying to find out if it will be released in NTSC. It's available for pre-order through a German outlet. The film was first broadcast in June on Star Club TV in June. It features interviews with Colin Hanton, Len Garry and Rod Davis, three original members of the Quarrymen, It also includes newly discovered photos of the day John met Paul at the St Peter’s Church Fete in Woolton, Liverpool, together with live footage of a modern-day concert by the remaining Quarrymen and the sound of their first new single for over 50 years - “Never Stop Rockin’ ‘n’ Rollin’”.
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