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Sean Lennon?!!

Тема: Sean Lennon (Шон Леннон)

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Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 14.04.02 18:19:17
Недавно разыскивая одну из песен Джона на mp3search, я наткнулся на песню Шона Леннона... Возможно что все здесь уже знают о существовании песни Queue. Имхо, песня вполне достойная получилась. Может есть те кто может рассказать как и когда эта песня появилась?
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 15.04.02 12:58:11   
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Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 11.10.02 10:41:02   
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А ведь вчера ему стукнуло 27...
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 11.10.02 19:29:59   
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Into the sun - вообще неплохой альбом
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Beatla   Дата: 06.07.04 16:00:05   
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согласна-мне ндравиться!
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.04 17:16:28   
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August 6, 2004 -- AP

'Hello Kitty' exhibition featuring pop artists to open in Tokyo

Contemporary art works featuring popular feline character "Hello Kitty" were shown to the press Friday in Tokyo before the official opening Saturday of an exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the cat brand.

More than 100 Japanese and overseas artists, designers and musicians provided a variety of Hello Kitty works including pictures, visual images, installation and print art to the exhibition "Kitty Ex.," which will be held until late August in two venues in Tokyo -- Roppongi Hills complex and Laforet Harajuku building.

Among the works is a speaker in the shape of the white cat, a sculpture imitating Venus de Milo with a Hello Kitty head and pebbles on which the feline character's face was drawn.

Works by Sean Lennon, son of the late John Lennon, and the late Japanese cartoonist Osamu Tezuka will also be exhibited.

In the press preview, Japanese model Ai Tominaga, 21, who designed a beaded belt featuring Hello Kitty, appeared with a life-size Kitty doll. "Since I was little, Kitty has been our symbol. I hope the brand will continue to prosper in the future," she said.

The exhibition will be also held in Osaka, Kobe and Sapporo between September and December.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 10.08.04 22:58:51   
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Можно и концерты его послушать:
Bowerly Ballero 09.06.99 & Osaka 20.10.99
Ltl = Дед.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:07:12   
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October 2, 2004 -- This is London

Godchildren to get Elton's millions

Victoria and David Beckham's eldest son Brooklyn is to inherit part of Elton John's fortune when he dies, it has been revealed. The pampered firstborn is one of the Rocket Man's godchildren, and as such is set to receive a share of Elton's £175 million ($320 million) wealth.

The flower-loving legend has no children of his own, and so plans to leave his money to his ten godchildren, who include Brooklyn, Elizabeth Hurley's son Damian and John Lennon's youngest son Sean.

David (Furnish) and I are godfathers to Brooklyn and Damian. I have about ten godchildren. I love kids," Elton said, reports The Sun.

"There was a part of me going 'Who am I going to leave this to?' It was going to be nobody. We have enough godchildren to leave everything to now. They're going to inherit a fair old whack, but they play a big part in our lives."
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:07:43   
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October 2, 2004

Sean Lennon, Alan Vega Join Ramones Tribute Show

Sean Lennon and Suicide's Alan Vega have come on board with the Strokes, Blondie, Sonic Youth, Andrew W.K. and David Johansen to perform Oct. 8 at a benefit show in New York. The Ramones tribute set will benefit Cedars Sinai Cancer Research Center and the Lymphoma Cancer Research Foundation, an organization Ramones guitarist Johnny Ramone was fighting for prior to his untimely death Sept. 15 from prostate cancer.

The event of the night just might be the performance from bassist CJ Ramone and producer Daniel Rey, who are leading the house band. A heart-wrenching moment is also certain to be had when drummer Tommy Ramone reads his special message to Ramones fans, who were, according to Johnny, the most important aspect of being in a band. "Everything you have you owe to your fans," Johnny said during a phone interview two years ago. "The only fun thing was playing for Ramones fans. Once every year or two, you had to go into the studio and make another album. But, to me, the fun part was playing the shows."

"The Ramones fans were terrific every night," he added. "They were all misfits like I was."

The tribute show ­ was organized prior to Johnny's death ­ will take place at New York City's Spirit night club and also show off a collection of Ramones memorabilia.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 03.04.05 22:54:18   
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Сегодня попался мне вот такой японский CD. На ОБИ указано, что выходил он только в Японии.Сегодня попался мне вот такой японский CD. На ОБИ указано, что выходил он только в Японии.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.04.05 21:43:21   
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JOHN LENNON's son SEAN tried to start a fight with a punk rock bassist during an appearance at Britain's ALL TOMORROW'S PARTIES festival this weekend (ends24APR05).

The son of the BEATLES legend, who was joined by his mother YOKO ONO at PONTIN'S holiday resort in England's Camber Sands, took exception to the JAYNE COUNTY AND THE ELECTRIC CHAIRS bassist because he was sporting a stereotypically punk hairstyle.

And the pair almost came to blows before security at the venue stepped in and defused the situation.

Singer JAYNE COUNTY says, "It angers me that Sean Lennon, son of John - a member of The Beatles, who I love - can be so drunk and narrow-minded to pick a fight with my bass player because he has a mohawk.

"He was surrounded by girls and thought my bass player was competition so he started picking on him. He was out of order and was slagging him, saying he was old and had a crap haircut.

"I think he's insecure. Security had to step in and separate them or blood would have been spilled. The gig went brilliantly but Sean Lennon spoiled it for me. He's a loser."

Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.05.05 23:59:37   
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May 5, 2005 --

Elizabeth Jagger rekindles romance with Sean Lennon

Elizabeth Jagger and Sean Lennon have been spotted on holiday - sparking speculation the pair are back together.

But the celebrity pair were pictured shopping in Amsterdam at the weekend with Elizabeth's mother, former model Jerry Hall.

Elizabeth's famous parents have always been supporters of Elizabeth, 20, and 28-year-old Sean's relationship because they believed he was a great influence on her - unlike the catwalk model's former lovers.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.11.05 12:11:23   
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Шон в соавторстве с Джорданом Галландом написал сценарий сатирического фильма ужасов Smile for the Camera о культе, в котором используются допотопные камеры, чтобы фиксировать души жертв. Фильм был показан на нью-йоркском международном фестивале независимого кино и видео.Шон в соавторстве с Джорданом Галландом написал сценарий сатирического фильма ужасов Smile for the Camera о культе, в котором используются допотопные камеры, чтобы "фиксировать души" жертв. Фильм был показан на нью-йоркском международном фестивале независимого кино и видео.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 17.11.05 14:24:17   
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На этой фотографии Шон больше похож на сына... Паваротти.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.01.06 09:22:15   
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16 January 200616 January 2006

JOHN Lennon's son Sean has been dating actress Lindsay Lohan.

He had a night out with the teen beauty, who is to star in Chapter 27, a film about his dad's murder.

They enjoyed a romantic meal at smart restaurant Bette in New York, it was reported yesterday.

Sean, 30, and Lindsay, 19, then met up with Lohan's mum Dina at the Bungalow 8 club.

Lindsay's on-off boyfriend is Jared Leto, 34, who plays Mark Chapman - Lennon's killer - alongside her in Chapter 27.

Sean may be hoping to lure her and has made no secret of his hunt for love.

Last month he told a newspaper he was looking for any woman from 18- 45 with an IQ above 130.

He said: "They must not have any clinical, psychological disorders - and have a kind heart. I'm completely alone and I'm completely miserable."

Lennon's four-year affair with actress Bijou Phillips, 25, ended in 2003 after she had a fling with one of his best friends.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 18.01.06 12:18:03   
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Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.01.06 12:28:17   
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Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.02.06 13:01:10   
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Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.06 12:06:00   
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Sean Lennon and Elizabeth Jagger spent the night together at a hotel recently - sparking rumours they are dating again.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 17.03.06 12:48:51   
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"...Sean Lennon and Elizabeth Jagger spent the night
together at a hotel recently..."

...И пели при этом:

Let's spend the night together,
Now I need you more than ever,
So come together!
Right now!!
Over me!!!

Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.03.06 23:13:26   
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Шон накладывает последние штрихи на второй сольный альбом.

March 26, 2006

New Lennon album coming out

At long last, Sean Lennon is putting the final touches on the follow-up to his stellar 1998 debut, Into the Sun.

"I'm just finishing the cover design," he tells the Smoking Section of the upcoming Friendly Fire. "Then it's up to the label [Capitol] as to when it comes out."

In the meantime, Lennon has two more projects in the works. The first is a movie adaptation of a Japanese best seller, Coin Locker Babies. Lennon co-wrote the script and appears with Val Kilmer, Vincent Gallo and Asia Argento.

Project two: a series of shorts Lennon shot to accompany the tunes on his album. "They're not conventional music videos, in that they look like a movie," he says, "and have a narrative thread throughout." Lennon is not sure in what form they will be released, but he's stoked about the results.

"The notable cameos are from Money Mark, Bijou Phillips, Jordana Brewster, Lindsay Lohan, Harper Simon, Carrie Fisher and Devon Aoki," Lennon says, adding that one animated short is being produced by Jim Henson's daughter, Heather.

"We had a lot of fun making them, and they're gonna be fun to watch."
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