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Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!

Тема: Ravi Shankar

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Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.03.02 12:42:28
Legendary Artist Ravi Shankar Receives Grammy Award For Latest Album: 'Full Circle/Carnegie Hall 2000'

Captures Maestro Shankar's Carnegie Hall Concert Performance in a Rare Live Recording that Features the Sitar Master with His Daughter Anoushka Shankar

Live CD Signals Beginning of a New Phase of Shankar's Life & Career

NEW YORK, March 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Legendary sitar master Ravi Shankar has won a Grammy Award for his latest release, ``Full Circle/Carnegie Hall 2000,'' in the category of ``Best World Music Album.'' It was announced on Wednesday at the 44th Grammy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles.

As his life and career take a new direction, Shankar celebrates an international concert career of more than 60 years with Angel Records' ``Full Circle/Carnegie Hall 2000.'' This rare live recording -- document of a critically acclaimed concert in New York's Carnegie Hall on October 6, 2000 -- also features Shankar's 20-year-old daughter and disciple, Anoushka, assisting him on sitar.

``Full Circle/Carnegie Hall 2000'' takes its title from Shankar's ongoing world tour, a summation of his remarkable international performing and recording career that began in the 1930's. Shankar has introduced audiences all over the world to the luminous beauty of Indian classical music. Shankar celebrates his 82nd birthday April 7th, while continuing to prepare for the opening of a new center for Indian music in New Delhi, which has been created by the foundation that bears his name. The center will become both a repository for his legacy and a major resource for future generations of Indian classical musicians.

``Full Circle/Carnegie Hall 2000'' features Shankar in two extraordinary, richly embroidered ragas -- the formal night raga ``Kaushi Kanhara,'' which bears the influence of his guru Baba Allaudin, and the more romantic ``Mishra Gara,'' reflecting the Khyal and Thumri forms, to which Shankar brings his own inimitable interpretive stamp.

The presence of his daughter Anoushka gives the Carnegie Hall concert and this recording even greater meaning for Ravi Shankar. The two often perform together on the ``Full Circle'' tour, and Anoushka's already acclaimed solo recording and concert career has become a source of pride and satisfaction for her father. ``I bless Anoushka!'' he writes, in the recording's liner notes.

"Unlike Western classical music, Indian classical music is not generally written down. Instead, it is an oral tradition, handed down from еeacher to student, with portions improvised at every performance. This is where Shankar's extraordinary skills take the music to another level. His virtuosity allows him to easily move the piece from ethereal to aggressive, his hands attacking the sitar's strings one moment and
caressing them the next. The interplay between Shankar and his daughter, as well as tabla players Bikram Ghosh and Tanmoy Bose, was equally dramatic, as he raised the intensity level then eased back again with hand signals and facial expressions ... the display showed why world beat music continues to gain popularity. Though Indian raga has been played for nearly 2,000 years, in the right hands it can still surprise an audience ... the younger Shankar shows that while her father may have come 'Full Circle' with his current tour, her journey is only beginning." -- OCTOBER 2000, Carnegie Hall Concert Review, NEW YORK NEWSDAY

"Most people are musicians simply because they play a certain instrument; when they play that instrument, the music appears but Ravi -- to me, he is the music; it just happens to be that he plays the sitar. And it's like that with Anoushka. She just has that quality. She could play the banjo, and it wouldn't matter -- she is the music." -- GEORGE HARRISON
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.03.02 22:09:47   
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Sitar maestro Ravi Shankar plays for peace as sectarian violence rocks India

.c The Associated Press

NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Sitar virtuoso Ravi Shankar made a plea for peace by
performing at a special concert Monday as India slowly recovered from the
country's worst sectarian riots in a decade.

More than 700 people have died in the western Indian state of Gujarat over
the last two weeks following Hindu-Muslim riots.

Shankar, 82, who won a Grammy last month for his album ``Full
Circle/Carnegie Hall 2000,'' was accompanied at Monday's ``Concert for Peace
and Harmony'' by his daughter, Anoushka Shankar.

New Delhi's Siri Fort hall was packed to capacity, with people filling the
aisles, standing in the back and crowding the entrance. Nearly 200 fans,
including many Westerners, were accommodated on the huge stage, sitting
cross-legged on the bare stage floor, while scores of people waited outside
the hall clamoring to be let in.

When Shankar walked onto the stage, the entire hall resounded with a
standing ovation. Shankar, dressed in a white silk kurta, or tunic, and
sarong, accepted the crowd's felicitations with folded hands.

But a hush descended as Shankar began strumming the sitar, accompanied by
Anoushka, also playing the sitar, and two percussionists playing the tabla,
or Indian drum.

Shankar and Anoushka played together for nearly two hours, building up a
musical dialogue and playing with complementary harmony.

Shankar, who greatly influenced the Beatles, especially the late George
Harrison, has been performing for over six decades and is primarily
responsible for popularizing Indian music abroad.
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 14.03.02 22:27:04   
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Кто-нибудь слышал этот диск Шанкара!
Дело в том, что Шанкар за долгую карьеру так затоварил полки магазинов своей продукцией (в этом с ним может соревноваться, пожалуй, лишь Боб Дилан и Элвис Костелло), что не совсем понятно много ли нового в этой его продукции. При этом не поймите меня неправильно, я отношусь к старику с великим почтением и купил его Celebration дорогущий альбом к его 80-ти-летие, изданный Джорждем.
Но все же прежде, чем покупать Полный круг хотелось бы узнать мнение более осведомленных товарищей.
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 15.03.02 11:32:14   
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Я альбом не слушал, но какое-то чутье подсказывает мне, что правильнее будет купить одноименный альбом 1981 года группы NAZARETH.
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.03.02 12:25:01   
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IMHO - не для любителей индийской музыки, интерес представляют только те диски, где участвовал Джордж. Навскидку это:
- Tana Mana
- Shankar Family And Friends
- Chants Of India
- In Celebration
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Manzie   Дата: 15.03.02 13:08:22   
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Chants Of India - genialnyj disk! Tam George byl producerom i igral na glockenspiele:-)

Takzhe sovetuyu:
Portrait of genius
Concert in London
Masters Of India
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Бека   Дата: 15.03.02 21:47:26   
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А у меня есть диск Рави Шанкара Genesis. Тоже неплохая вещь, хотя некоторые композиции мне не очень понравились.
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 15.03.02 23:19:29   
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а Тана Мала, что за зверь и когда он вышел и где.
Я из дисков Шанкара рекомендую тот, который вышел на Эппле с Али Акбар Ханом - концертный, потом на Эппле, тоже важный аргумент.
Насчет Индийских напевов - полностью солидарен с Манзи - действительно без аналогов диск - существует Нью Эйдж - это сплошные американцы и по большому счету подделка (есть исключения), есть индусы (но это в основном либо классическая музыка ситар, другие инструменты или музыка из кинофильмов), но таких настоящий и подлинных мантр, выпущенных "носителем культуры" больше я не знаю. Если кто-нибудь знает, пусть мне подскажет - буду благодарен.
Ravi Shankar's "Chants of India"
Автор: Галина   Дата: 28.07.03 16:05:44   
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Не может ли кто-нибудь прояснить мне, на чем играл Харрисон на "Chants of India"? То, что он был продюсером - это понятно...
И существуют где-либо подробности о том, где и как
альбом записывался?
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 07.04.04 11:06:14   
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Сегодня у Рави день рождения 84 года!
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.04.04 12:08:48   
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Дата фото March 24, 2003 Дата фото March 24, 2003
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.07.04 00:23:49   
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Sitar star: Ravi ShankarSitar star: Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar is to perform as part of the London Symphony Orchestra's centenary celebrations in London on Friday.

BBC News Online looks at the life and career of the man George Harrison described as "the godfather of world music".

Born in Varanasi, northern India, on 7 April 1920, legendary sitar player and composer Ravi Shankar is arguably India's greatest musical ambassador.

Much of the calm spirituality evident in his music is rooted in his childhood in the holy city of Varanasi, on the banks of the River Ganges.
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.07.04 00:24:38   
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Growing reputation Growing reputation

"There used to be so much entertainment, singing, dancing, little dramas going on," he once said.

"You saw everything of life, from birth to death. It was really like magic."

Originally a dancer with his brother's troupe, he gave up dancing to study the sitar - a long-necked Indian lute - at the age of 18.

For seven years Shankar studied under Baba Allauddin Khan, founder of the Maihar Gharana style of Hindustani classical music, and become well-known in India for his virtuoso sitar playing.

Allaudin was a strict disciplinarian, expecting his pupils to renounce material comforts to avoid distraction from their music. Shankar went on to marry his daughter.

Despite his growing reputation as a composer and teacher, he was generally unknown outside of India until Beatles star George Harrison began experimenting with the sitar on the film set of Help in 1965.

After flirting with the instrument on the track Norwegian Wood, Harrison travelled to India to study with maestro Ravi Shankar.

It was a friendship that was to endure, despite Shankar's objection to the Beatles' experiments with drugs and the hippie generation's misrepresentation of India.
Re: Рави Шанкар получил Грэмми!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.07.04 00:25:55   
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International touring International touring

George Harrison went on to produce a number of Shankar albums, including Shankar Family and Friends and Festival of India.

In the mid-1950s Ravi Shankar became the first Indian instrumentalist to undertake an international tour in Europe, Canada and the US.

The sitar player went on to perform at such diverse venues as the Edinburgh International Festival, Woodstock and most memorably the Monterey Pop Festival in California in 1967.

In 1972, Shankar and Harrison inspired the Concert for Bangladesh - the first major rock charity fundraiser.

Since then, he has maintained a steady and acclaimed career as a musician and recording artist, collaborating with leading stars of the day.

As a composer, Ravi Shankar has written two concertos for sitar and orchestra, plus violin-sitar compositions for Yehudi Menuhin, who paid tribute to Shankar's unique talents.

"Through him I have added a new dimension to my experience of music. To me, his genius and his humanity can only be compared to that of Mozart," said Menuhin.

He has also composed a number of film scores - notably India's celebrated Apu trilogy (1951-55) and Richard Attenborough's Gandhi (1982) - and collaborated with US composer Philip Glass in Passages in 1990.

An honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Shankar has received a host of awards from around the globe, including two Grammys.

In 1999 he was awarded the highest civilian citation in India - the Bharat Ratna, or 'Jewel of India'.

Shankar was presented with the CBE for his services to music in 2001, and former culture secretary Chris Smith said his influence had enabled "bridges to be built between Indian music and Western classical and pop music".

Currently a professor of music at the University of California, San Diego, the 84-year-old musician now lives in Encinitas, California.

His daughters Anoushka Shankar and Grammy award winner Norah Jones are also acclaimed musicians.
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