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Help! DVD

Тема: Битлз - Help! (1965)

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Help! DVD
Автор: DimA   Дата: 20.12.01 18:46:25
Отхватил Help! на DVD. Вещь! Help! я раньше видел только на VHS с русским переводом, так что ощущения непередаваемые. Ремастер отличный, правда почему-то не убрали точечки и черточки, которые появляются на кинопленке. Качество звука на песнях - однозначно лучше, чем на компактах; Ticket To Ride и Help! звучат качественнее, чем на сборнике 1. Дополнения - тоже ничего. В общем, отличный диск. Кстати, никто не знает, выпущена ли на DVD Let It Be? Также я слышал, что на DVD вышел концерт в Токио, причем есть возможность менять углы?

P.S. Особенно порадовал прикол в конце Ticket To Ride - Битлы стучат по крышке пианино, но рук у них не 8, а 9!
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 20.12.01 23:32:02   
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Рад за тебя. Но приколы, конечно, у RUTLES на DVD!
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Григорий Бегларян   Дата: 21.12.01 12:29:52   
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Let It Be есть на видеоCD.
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.07 09:14:55   
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deluxe DVD editiondeluxe DVD edition
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.07 09:15:31   
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deluxe DVD editiondeluxe DVD edition
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.07 09:24:43   
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standard DVD versionstandard DVD version
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.07 09:27:49   
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Official Press Release: PRNewswire: Stop Worrying ... Help! Is on the Way!

Stop Worrying...Help! Is On The Way! Apple Corps Ltd Proudly Announce the DVD Release of the Beatles Film 'Help!', October 30th (PRNewsFoto/Apple Coprs LTD)

Apple Corps Ltd Proudly Announce the DVD Release of the Beatles Film 'Help!', October 30th

LONDON, Sept. 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Apple Corps Ltd have announced the eagerly anticipated DVD release of The Beatles' second feature film 'Help!' on October 30th (October 29th ROW) which will be marketed and distributed by EMI Music.

Directed by Richard Lester, who also directed the band's debut feature film 'A Hard Days Night', 'Help!' made its theatrical debut in 1965. The story follows The Beatles as they become passive recipients of an outside
plot that revolves around Ringo's possession of a sacrificial ring, which he cannot remove from his finger. As a result, he and his bandmates John, Paul and George are chased from London to the Austrian Alps and the Bahamas
by religious cult members, a mad scientist and the London police.

In addition to starring the Beatles, 'Help!' has a witty script, a great cast of British character actors and features 7 classic Beatles tracks, including:
-- 'Help!'
-- 'You're Going To Lose That Girl'
-- 'You've Got To Hide Your Love Away'
-- 'Ticket To Ride'
-- 'I Need You'
-- 'The Night Before'
-- 'Another Girl'

The DVD will be a 2-disc set. Disc 1 will feature the original film digitally restored with a newly created 5.1 soundtrack, while Disc 2 contains an hour of extra features, including:
-- The Beatles in Help! -- 30 minute documentary about the making of the
film with Richard Lester, the cast and crew. Includes exclusive behind
the scenes footage of The Beatles on set.
-- A Missing Scene -- Featuring Wendy Richard
-- The Restoration of Help! -- An in depth look at the restoration
-- Memories of Help! -- The cast and crew reminisce
-- Theatrical Trailers -- 2 US trailers and 1 Spanish trailer.
-- 1965 US Radio Spots -- Hidden in disc menus.

There will be 2 editions of the DVD -- a standard digipack and a deluxe boxed set that will contain a reproduction of Richard Lester's original annotated script, 8 lobby cards and a poster, plus a 60-page book with
rarely seen photographs and production notes from the movie. Both the deluxe book and the standard booklet feature an introduction by Richard Lester and an appreciation by Martin Scorsese.

Watch the 'Help!' DVD trailer here:

The Beatles:
John...................................................John Lennon
Paul...................................................Paul McCartney
George.................................................George Harrison
Ringo..................................................Ringo Starr
Clang..................................................Leo McKern
Ahme...................................................Eleanor Bron
Foot...................................................Victor Spinetti
Algernon...............................................Roy Kinnear
Superintendent.........................................Patrick Cargill
Bhuta..................................................John Bluthal
Jeweller...............................................Peter Copley
Doorman................................................Alfie Bass
Abdul..................................................Warren Mitchell
Lawnmower..............................................Bruce Lacey
Cross channel swimmer..................................Mal Evans
Women in street....................Dandy Nichols and Gretchen Franklin

Director...............................................Richard Lester
Producer...............................................Walter Shenson
Screenplay.................................Marc Behm and Charles Wood
Story by...............................................Marc Behm
Director of Photography................................David Watkin
Production Manager.....................................John Pellatt
Art Director...........................................Raymond Simm
Colour Consultant and Titles...........................Robert Freeman
Costume Designer.......................................Julie Harris
Musical Director.......................................Ken Thorne
Songs composed by........................John Lennon and Paul McCartney
and by George Harrison
Songs performed by.....................................The Beatles
Songs produced by......................................George Martin

SOURCE Apple Corps Ltd
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.09.07 21:08:09   
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Ричард Лестер: "Мы не могли снять фильм о том, чем "Битлз" занимались по ночам, иначе бы его сочли порнографическим".,25197,22482277-12335,00.html
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.10.07 13:08:04   
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Help! is Delayed
(PR) The DVD release of The Beatles' second feature film 'Help!' has been rescheduled to November 6, 2007, which will be marketed and distributed by EMI Music.

Directed by Richard Lester, who also directed the band's debut feature film 'A Hard Days Night', 'Help!' made its theatrical debut in 1965. The story follows The Beatles as they become passive recipients of an outside plot that revolves around Ringo's possession of a sacrificial ring, which he cannot remove from his finger. As a result, he and his bandmates John, Paul and George are chased from London to the Austrian Alps and the Bahamas by religious cult members, a mad scientist and the London police.

In addition to starring the Beatles, 'Help!' has a witty script, a great cast of British character actors and features 7 classic Beatles tracks, including: 'Help!', 'You're Going To Lose That Girl' 'You've Got To Hide Your Love Away' 'Ticket To Ride' 'I Need You' 'The Night Before' 'Another Girl' - DVD Trailer
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 15.10.07 11:42:03   
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>Help! is Delayed

Начинается, ёрш твою медь. Потом до февраля отложат, и. т.п.
Буду рад, если окажусь неправ.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.10.07 17:47:26   
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ICPN 50999 5095209 0
Format 2DVD
Genre POP
Release Date November 05, 2007
Type Album
Repertoire Owner EMI RECORDS (UK)

Представляем специальный дорогой вариант ДВД The Beatles "Help". Во второй ДВД входит - 30-минутный документальный фильм о съемках фильма с участием режиссера Ричарда Лестера и других участников съемочной группы; сцена, не вошедшая в оригинальный вариант фильма; фильм о восстановлении "Help"; воспоминания съемочной группы; 2 американских и один испанский трэйлер. К ДВД прилагается 60-страничная книга с редкими фотографиями, вступление, специально написанное Ричардом Лестером для этого издания, статья Мартина Скорцезе, 8 открыток, постер, а также оригинальный сценарий фильма.
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Expert   Дата: 23.10.07 23:38:29   
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В том числе обещали вот такую выставку:

And starting November 16, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will feature a "Help!" memorabilia exhibit to coincide with the DVD release of the restored version of the 1965 movie.

The exhibit will include George Harrison's original script and, reportedly, archives of material including artifacts and photography documenting the making of the film.
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.10.07 10:23:44   
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October 25, 2007October 25, 2007

Beyond Help
The director of two Beatles’ films, Richard Lester, reveals the laugh lines left by the Fab Four
Wendy Ide

The fifth Beatle – it’s a sobriquet bestowed on a series of individuals who, over the years, got close enough to the Fab Four to be irradiated by their celebrity. For three years in the mid-Sixties, Richard Lester, the director of A Hard Day’s Night and Help!, found himself close enough to the eye of the hurricane to earn auxiliary Beatle status.

On the eve of a DVD reissue of a dazzlingly restored print of Help!, Lester muses on the impact of Beatle-mania on those caught in its slip-stream. “I suppose for everyone who has been through it, however briefly, you’re never as innocent as you were before. I keep the drawbridge up even now, when my son is better known in the business than I am.”

It’s a typically self-effacing comment from a man whose diverse career includes the Goons’ television show, The Knack . . . And How To Get It, Petulia and Superman II and III. Fans in the industry range from Steven Soderbergh to Brad Bird, Hal Hartley to Martin Scorsese. His work with the Beatles was so inventive and so influential in carving out the vernacular of the modern music video that he was named “the father of MTV” by the channel. Famously, Lester immediately wrote back asking for a paternity test.

Lester witnessed first hand the voracious press attention that surrounded the Beatles in the mid-Sixties and how they coped with it. “They were very protective of each other. If somebody was feeling off, the others would kind of compensate and surround them. It was a very warm thing to see.” Who was most likely to get depressed? “I think that the one that seemed to be suffering at the time probably was Ringo. But they all dealt with it in different ways.”

Although associated with the British film industry, Lester was in fact born in Philadelphia. Something of a child prodigy, he started school at the age of 3 and went to university at 15, where he found himself surrounded by people “three years bigger, smarter and better dressed”. Disillusioned by his course in clinical psychology, Lester spent his time playing the piano and perfecting the ultimate martini.

A television director by the age of 19, Lester left America. “I felt that there was a huge world that I felt more in tune with. I went to Europe and lived by my wits for about a year.” He arrived in Britain by a happy accident six months before the launch of ITV, when TV directors were in demand.

A stint directing three series of the Goons’ television show was good grounding for Lester’s collaboration with the Beatles, who shared with him a taste for the surreal and the downright silly. “If the film holds up,” Lester says of Help!, “it’s probably because silliness doesn’t date.” It was a silliness that, certainly during the filming of Help! in the Bahamas, was assisted by the Beatles’ consumption of vast quantities of the local herb.

“I didn’t demand a standard of professionalism and get stroppy with them,” says Lester. “If they wanted to indulge in certain substances, well, that’s fine.” He’s quick to put things into perspective however. “They weren’t lying in some sort of stupor, it’s not heroin that we’re talking about. They were giggling.”

Lester recalls a seven-hour transAtlantic flight during which the Beatles were higher than the aeroplane for most of the journey. “The boys were giggling, and my son was three at the time. And there’s nothing a three-year-old likes better than to see people laughing, so he laughed for seven hours as well. At that time, it was very popular for Paul to be given teddy bears by his fans. So suddenly, a little tractor pulling two wagon loads of teddy bears turned up in front of the plane. My son just disappeared for the rest of the journey under this mound of teddies.”

Lester has been retired from film-making for about 15 years, a decision he says that was prompted partly by the advent of digital technology. “I don’t understand computers and I’m a terrible neo-Luddite. I snarl when I go past my wife’s computer. I don’t own a mobile phone.”

Watching Help! again for the first time in 35 years – the restored print was screened at the San Sebastian Film Festival – was a bittersweet experience for Lester. “I deliberately don’t see the films. It’s painful. I’m constantly trying to correct them. I said once, long ago, that looking at one’s films is like a series of tombstones held together by editing tape.”

Lester is a consummate story-teller, and he clearly enjoys revisiting the memories that the film arouses. Scenes purporting to be at Buckingham Palace, he recalls, were shot at the home of Lord Astor, who was then bed-bound, convalescing from a heart attack.

The crew of Help! decided to organise a relay race around the boxwood maze in the gardens, causing much derision from the Beatles. Lord Astor was sufficiently interested to offer a prize to the winning team – a bottle of vintage champagne from his cellar.

“Come lunchtime, everybody has changed into their trainers. Suddenly the Beatles have turned up, the gun goes off and they wipe the floor with the lot of them. Then we all trooped up to collect the prize which John immediately rejected, ‘Forget that, can I have a try on your oxygen?’ So they all sat around on his bed, chatting, and finished his bottle of oxygen.”

Help! is released on DVD on Nov 5 by Apple Corps Ltd/EMI Music
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.07 11:57:42   
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Новый DVD со вчерашнего дня уже лежит на складе Gala Records. Значит сегодня-завтра должен появится во всех музыкальных точках Москвы.
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 02.11.07 12:41:36   
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Выкладывайте сканы открыток и страниц книги из делюкса - я не успел заказать, хоть так посмотрю:)
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Beatlesfan   Дата: 02.11.07 20:02:49   
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В Пурпурном Легионе лежит deluxe DVD edition за 3800 руб, и standard DVD version за 1007 руб!
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 02.11.07 20:54:54   
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А какая в Лондоне реклама висит на Shepherd Bush Street!А какая в Лондоне реклама висит на Shepherd Bush Street!
Не в себе  
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 02.11.07 21:18:06   
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>В Пурпурном Легионе лежит deluxe DVD edition за 3800 руб

"По блату" можно чуть дешевле...

А крику то было...
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 03.11.07 19:10:46   
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Я, конечно, ожидал, что это будет красивое издание. Но не настолько. Просто супер!
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Expert   Дата: 04.11.07 03:57:56   
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US DVD release of The Beatles film 'Help!'

Apple Corps Ltd.'s eagerly anticipated DVD release of The Beatles' second feature film Help! on November 6 will be accompanied by several high-profile television, radio and online promotions. AOL Music, Yahoo! Music,, Clear Channel Online,, Sundance Channel, QVC, and public television affiliates are among the DVD's major promotional partners.

Saturday, October 27: Sundance Channel exclusively premieres Help! at 10pm ET/PT, with repeated airings scheduled through November.

Week of October 29: exclusively premieres The Beatles' full-length performance of You've Got To Hide Your Love Away from the film. AOL Music exclusively premieres The Beatles' full-length performance of Help! from the film.

Thursday, November 1: exclusively premieres The Beatles' full-length performance of Another Girl from the film.

Friday, November 2 through Sunday, November 11: Apple Corps Ltd.'s Help! radio special, hosted by Michael Palin with insights from the film's director Richard Lester and other Help! principals, to air on more than 200 radio stations across the U.S.

Monday, November 5: Yahoo! Music exclusively premieres The Beatles' full-length performance of I Need You from the film. Clear Channel Online presents Apple Corps Ltd.'s Help! radio special on more than 400 locally branded Clear Channel Radio Network station websites.

Tuesday, November 6: Help! is released in standard 2-DVD and deluxe 2-DVD boxed set packages.

Monday, November 12: QVC will offer the Help! DVD (QVC Item #F04485) during the "Great Gifts" show at 11 PM (ET)/8 PM (PT).

Thanksgiving weekend: select public television stations across the U.S. begin airing 'Help!'(airdates vary through December, check local listings).

Directed by Richard Lester, who also directed the band's debut feature film A Hard Days Night, Help! made its theatrical debut in 1965. The story follows The Beatles as they become passive recipients of an outside plot that revolves around Ringo's possession of a sacrificial ring, which he cannot remove from his finger. As a result, he and his bandmates John, Paul and George are chased from London to the Austrian Alps and the Bahamas by religious cult members, a mad scientist and the London police.

In addition to starring the Beatles, Help! has a witty script, a great cast of British character actors and features 7 classic Beatles tracks, including: Help!, You're Going To Lose That Girl, You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, Ticket To Ride, I Need You, The Night Before, and Another Girl.

The DVD will be a 2-disc set. Disc 1 will feature the original film digitally restored with a newly created 5.1 soundtrack, while Disc 2 contains an hour of extra features, including:
The Beatles in Help! – 30 minute documentary about the making of the film with Richard Lester, the cast and crew. Includes exclusive behind the scenes footage of The Beatles on set.
A Missing Scene – Featuring Wendy Richard
The Restoration of Help! – An in depth look at the restoration process.
Memories of Help! – The cast and crew reminisce
Theatrical Trailers – 2 US trailers and 1 Spanish trailer.
1965 US Radio Spots - Hidden in disc menus.

There will be two editions of the DVD - a standard digipak and a deluxe boxed set that contains a reproduction of Richard Lester's original annotated script, eight lobby cards and a poster, plus a 60-page book with rarely seen photographs and production notes from the movie. Both the deluxe book and the standard booklet feature an introduction by Richard Lester and an appreciation by Martin Scorsese.
Re: Help! DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 06.11.07 00:04:03   
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