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Beatles fans tell of 'final chat with George Harrison'

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Beatles fans tell of 'final chat with George Harrison'
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 19.12.01 16:44:53
Beatles fans tell of 'final chat with George Harrison'

Two Beatles fans claim they spent half an hour chatting with George Harrison just days before he died.

Howie Square and his friend Josh drove to Staten Island University Hospital hoping they might get to meet their idol.

They say Harrison let the pair into his room, and Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr also called in for their last meeting.

Howie said: "George meant so much to our generation, we felt we ought to try to see him."

Charity worker Howie said the New York hospital receptionist said Mr Harrison was receiving visitors and sent them up.

"We knocked at the door, and George said, 'Come in.' He was sitting there in his hospital gown, reading a book on Eastern religion.

"When we expressed concern about his health, he told us, 'I will transcend this body. I will have a new beginning after I leave this shell. I will be amongst the living. I will watch over Olivia and Dhani (his wife and son). I will live with them and through them.'

"He seemed tremendously optimistic."

Howie said he and his friend left when Paul and Ringo arrived.

"They looked great," said Howie. "Paul introduced himself as Paul McCartney as if we might not know."
Re: Beatles fans tell of 'final chat with George Harrison'
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 19.12.01 22:30:53   
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