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B.B. King - King Of The Blues

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Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.09.05 22:55:41   
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>Коммерческий подход к звуку сегодня - норма на всех(почти) лейблах. (а что, 10 баксов-то не лишние).
Вот. Мне это не нравится... Стоит ли меня обвинять! :)))))))))))))))))))))))
Вот это да!!!  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 24.09.05 23:09:32   
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по поводу копей:

Ну, шо Вы! :-)
Я в энти игры не играю давно, лет с пятнадцати, а мне уже почти 16 (Свит биг сикстиин).
Я к музЫкам, ващета, не обучен и в стилЯх профан... Я не знаю рок там не рок, правдиво, там , не правдиво, попса-непопса, кач не кач...
Тут уважаемый Сергей полностью праф...Да я с ним фсягда согласный...
Проста скучно как-то на сайте стало, вот и решил оживить, так сказать, "сонное царство"...А то "ромашка-не ромашка...Шедеврь последний Усик-Пусик, полный отстой..." Фигня фсё энто...Дело-то во фкусах...Вот мы с Сергеем и разыграли такой вот спор не о чём, на ровном месте о личностных пристрастиях...
А ыщо, просто скажу Вам по секрету, обещал энту лесполвальную пластинку ф презент одному хорошему человеку, а тут её ниже плинтуса, да ышо по голове солидно так солид-бадиевым стратом :-( Обидно за старость...

"Никакова почтения к классике" (с) "Деламоре, деламорте"
Я тащусь!  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.09.05 23:14:32   
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>Тут уважаемый Сергей полностью праф...Да я с ним фсягда согласный...

Это неправда, тк ЭТО Я всегда согласен с уважаемым классиком ДжыЛиХу!
Он же научил нас играть кантри (как написано в одном русском издании)!!! :)))

>солидно так солид-бадиевым стратом
Кстати, вот Бадди со стратом - хооооооооооорош!
Хотя звук тоже коммерческий слеганца! ;)))
Я тащусь!  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 24.09.05 23:17:25   
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У меня появилася слабая надежда, шо наша диспусия разбудит слабый интерес к последним работам двух достойных старцев...
Кста, приятная новость, ЛесПолево Создание попало в чартсы. Теперича есть планка , к которой можно стремиться :))):
Впервые в мире старикан в возрасте 90 ворвался в "Билбоард" ! :))))
Вот это да!!!  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.09.05 23:19:01   
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2john lee hooker:
>Впервые в мире старикан в возрасте 90 ворвался в "Билбоард" ! :))))
А точно такого не было????????????
Тогда - УРААААА!!!
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: sunset   Дата: 24.09.05 23:42:53   
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>>солидно так солид-бадиевым стратом
>Кстати, вот Бадди со стратом - хооооооооооорош

А это еще можно понять как solid body strat - типа, из цельного куска выструганного)))) и тяжелого:)
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 24.09.05 23:51:11   
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>>>солидно так солид-бадиевым стратом
>>Кстати, вот Бадди со стратом - хооооооооооорош
>А это еще можно понять как solid body strat -
>типа, из цельного куска выструганного)))) и тяжелого:)
Ну, уважаемый Сансет, я рад, шо Вы сразу жэ понимаете мой рязанско-англицкий хьюмор:
ессессно я на это и намекал (никаких хоул-бадиевых корпусоф)
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: sunset   Дата: 24.09.05 23:51:16   
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Спор ваш кстати и не спор, а полезная информация в оригинальной упаковке. Я вот не знал, что Клэптон считал Крим ошибкой на своем пути...спасибо за новость(для меня), Сергей.
Да, и об артрите....только недавно увидел пальцы Ричардса крупным планом на фото. Как парень еще играет...это просто героизм.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 25.09.05 00:24:37   
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>А это еще можно понять как solid body strat -

А еще СОЛИДНЫЙ БАДДИ! :)))))))))))))))))

>Спор ваш кстати и не спор, а полезная информация в оригинальной упаковке. Я вот не знал, что Клэптон
>считал Крим ошибкой на своем пути...
ну он же после КРИМ сделал, что хотел...

>спасибо за новость(для меня), Сергей.

В каком-то его интервью было много о том, что "я хотел блюзовое трио а-ля Бадди Гай, а получился психоделический бред, где никого не интересовало, что играет другой."
А после концерта КРИМ в 1993 году, Эрик сказал, что это больше не повторится...
Кстати ТАМ Бэйкер налажал так, как дети не лажают...
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: sunset   Дата: 22.10.05 19:25:48   
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Би Би Кинг - в Зал Славы Блюза Дельты

(Oct. 20)—Blues legend B.B. King is among four people being inducted tonight into the Mississippi Delta Blues Hall of Fame at Delta State University.

The others were guitar greats Eugene "Sonny Boy Nelson" Powell and Richard "Hacksaw" Harney. This year's special honoree is John Tefteller, a record collector and music historian.

The inductions are part of the annual Peavine Awards ceremony held at the museum.

The event will be held at Delta State's Bologna Performing Arts Center.
Source: WPMI 15
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 23:59:20   
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Legendary blues entertainer B.B. King listen as he appeared to autograph his combined new book and CD collection 'The B.B. King Treasures,' before a posters-sized replica of the cover, in New York, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005.Legendary blues entertainer B.B. King listen as he appeared to autograph his combined new book and CD collection 'The B.B. King Treasures,' before a posters-sized replica of the cover, in New York, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.11.05 00:00:06   
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Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.11.05 00:01:33   
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Legendary blues entertainer B.B. King listens as he appears at a book store to autograph his combined new book and CD collection 'The B.B. King Treasures,' in New York, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005. Legendary blues entertainer B.B. King listens as he appears at a book store to autograph his combined new book and CD collection 'The B.B. King Treasures,' in New York, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.01.06 09:30:06   
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И снова труба позвала Би Би в еще один прощальный мировой тур. 60 лет гастролей. Могучий старик!И снова труба позвала Би Би в еще один прощальный мировой тур. 60 лет гастролей. Могучий старик!
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.01.06 11:47:09   
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B.B. King plans one more world tour
LOS ANGELES (AP) — While other 80-year-olds might dust off their rockers, blues dynamo B.B. King will be rocking and rolling when he launches what he says will be his final world tour later this year.

King will begin an international "Farewell Tour" in March, part of a domestic tour that starts Feb. 16 in Chicago, King's publicist, Jerry Digney, said in a news release Wednesday.

King said he will continue to make U.S. concert appearances after the tour.

"I hardly remember I'm 80 unless I have to run up a hill or stairs," the singer and guitarist said. "As long as people buy my records and come to my concerts, I don't see anything else I'd like to do."

King has toured every year for 60 years, Digney said Thursday.

The musician celebrated his 80th birthday in September and released an album, B.B. King & Friends — 80, featuring Eric Clapton, Elton John, Sheryl Crow and other musicians.

A $10 million B.B. King museum is slated to open later this year in the Grammy winner's native Mississippi.

"I think the clock is ticking, yes," King said. "In fact, I know it is. Frank Sinatra sang about the September of (his) years. I think I'm in the November of my years."
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.02.06 08:24:53   
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 B.B. King Offers Guitar As Reward for Dog Mon Feb 6 B.B. King Offers Guitar As Reward for Dog Mon Feb 6

LOS ANGELES - B.B. King's dog, Lucille, has disappeared, and the legendary bluesman is offering an autographed copy of one of his signature "Lucille" guitars in an effort to get her back.

The 2-year-old white female Maltese, named after King's signature guitar, went missing about 10 days ago in West Hollywood while she was under the care of his co-manager, Matthew Lieberman.

"We're not sure how she got out of the yard, perhaps a gate was ajar," Lieberman said in a statement Monday.

Canvassing nearby animal shelters and putting up some 500 signs failed to turn up any trace of Lucille so the 80-year-old musician decided to offer a signed guitar as a reward.;_ylt=As35zm3eGFP5kjhLuDuCu...
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.02.06 15:38:12   
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B.B. King - Sings SpiritualsB.B. King - Sings Spirituals
Due for release on 27/03/2006

1. Precious Lord
2. Save A Seat For Me
3. Ole Time Religion
4. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
5. Servant's Prayer
6. Jesus Gave Me Water
7. I Never Heard A Man
8. Army Of The Lord
9. I Am Willing To Run All The Way
10. I'm Working On The Building
11. A Lonely Lover's Plea (Bonus Track)
12. I Am (Bonus Track)
13. The Key To My Kingdom (Bonus Track)
14. Story From My Heart And Soul (Take 1) (Bonus Track)
15. In The Middle Of An Island (Take 7) (Bonus Track)
16. Sixteen Tons (Bonus Track)
17. Precious Lord (Alt) (Bonus Track)
18. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Alt) (Bonus Track)

• The eleventh and final volume in Ace Records' acclaimed mid-price series based on B. B. King’s Crown LPs with original, colourful artwork.
• The "Spirituals" was B.B. King’s fourth Crown LP, recorded in 1959 as a dedicated gospel album.
• The song selection literally represents a "greatest hits" package of the time, ranging from classics such as ‘Precious Lord’ and ‘(Swing Low) Sweet Chariot’ to no less than six staples from the repertoire of the highly respected 5 Blind Boys of Mississippi.
• The eight bonus tracks represent a mix of singles that are not currently available on CD, together with previously unissued tracks from the vaults.
• As before, notes and compilation come courtesy of "The Vintage Years" B.B. King box set producer John Broven.
• Now the vast part of B.B. King’s important catalogue for Modern Records is readily available on Ace CD in fabulously re-mastered sound.
Снесло крышу  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 21.04.06 00:28:40   
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BB King performing "When Love Comes to Town" on Monday 4/17/06 at his Blues Club & Grill in NYC.

BB King performing "Bad Case of Love" at his Blues Club & Grill in NYC on Monday, 4/17/06.

BB King performing at his Times Square Bar & Grill on Monday 4/17/06. "The Thrill is Gone"

B.B.'s 80th birthday tour stops at Crown
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 27.04.06 01:52:29   
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FAYETTEVILLE - The King of Blues isn't ready for a rocking chair quite yet.

B.B. King is celebrating his 80th birthday with a year-long tour that stops Monday at the Crown Theatre.

Before the tour began, word spread that it would be the last nationwide tour for the performer, who has averaged more than 200 concerts a year for 52 years. Blues fans aren't so sure.

“I think he'll be like a retired boxer who can't stay out of the ring,” said John Spivey, a Lumberton guitarist. “It's in his blood. That's about like me saying I'll never play my guitar again. That's just not going to happen.”

King's guitar playing influenced such icons as Eric Clapton, Mike Bloomfield, Jeff Beck, George Harrison and Jimi Hendrix.

“B.B.'s goal has always been to be an American ambassador of blues music to the world, much like Louie Armstrong and Frank Sinatra are to the jazz world,” said Sidney Seindenberg, King's former manager.

King did that by mixing traditional blues with jazz, swing and pop in more than 50 albums.

From the 1950s to 1970s, King's music was huge with R&B and blues aficionados. After his first hit, “Three O'clock Blues” in 1952, King played the chitlin' circuit - small-town cafes, ghetto theaters, jazz clubs, dance halls and honky-tonk bars.

Between 1951 and 1974, 74 of his songs made Billboard R&B charts.

King became a crossover artist shortly after divorcing his second wife when his 1970 hit, “The Thrill is Gone,” went to No. 15 on the Billboard pop charts.

While “Thrill” is his signature song, concert-goers can look for staples such as “Payin' the Cost to be the Boss,” “How Blue Can You Get,” “Every Day I Have the Blues” and “Why I Sing the Blues.”

King has garnered 11 Grammys, including one in 1987 for Lifetime Achievement. He entered the Blues Hall of Fame in 1980 and the Rock Hall of Fame in 1987.

King, whose real name is Riley King, was born outside the Mississippi Delta town of Indianola in 1925. By age 7, he had a reason to sing the blues - his father had abandoned him and his brother was in a Texas prison.

King lived with his mother and grandmother, both struggling sharecroppers. They insisted he attend church, where King joined the St. John's Gospel Singers. He wanted the group to leave Indianola to seek fame and fortune. That didn't sit well with his boss, Johnson Barrett, who wanted King hooked up to a plow.

But King, with his guitar and $2.50, headed to Memphis, where he hooked up with his cousin, Bukka White, who tutored King in the blues played in the city's Beale Street section.

King has been married three times, but his longest relationship is with Lucille, his guitar that was so named in 1955. While King was playing a dance club in Twist, Ark., two men knocked over a kerosene stove, setting the hall on fire and patrons fleeing. King left, but remembering he forgot his $30 guitar, went to retrieve it. Later he found out the two men were fighting over a woman. Her name was Lucille.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.04.06 22:02:10   
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Joan Baez & BB King: I Shall Be ReleasedJoan Baez & BB King: I Shall Be Released
Due for release on 08/05/2006

Track Listing:
1.Fly Bird Fly
2.I Shall Be Released
3.Mi Corazon
4.Three Stories
5.I Got The Blues
6.Somebody Really Loves You
7.I Think You're Cheating On Me Baby
9.I'll Be Your Heaven
10.Sing Sing Ossining
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