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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Dhani Harrison (Дани Харрисон)

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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.03.10 02:06:20   
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да, я не рассказала о данном в ноябре на программе Sound Opinions (Chicago Public Radio) акустическом концерте, вот, пожалуйста:да, я не рассказала о данном в ноябре на программе Sound Opinions (Chicago Public Radio) акустическом концерте, вот, пожалуйста:
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.03.10 02:06:40   
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This week’s guests are Dhani Harrison and his band Thenewno2. The current incarnation of the fluid group consists of Dhani on guitar, Jonathan Sadoff and Jeremy Faccone on guitar, Nick Fyffe on bass and Frank Zummo on drums. But the group’s constant is Dhani, son of the late Beatle George Harrison. The story of famous rock children going out for their own musical glory is nothing new, but Dhani actually resisted this path. After studying industrial design and physics at Brown, he entered the car-racing world. Now he’s returned home in a sense with Thenewno2’s debut album You Are Here. As Dhani discusses with Jim and Greg, he chose the band’s cryptic name in order to give the music some anonymity. He hopes listeners love or hate it based on the music alone, rather than his celeb status. So you be the judge: check out Thenewno2’s performance live on the show.This week’s guests are Dhani Harrison and his band Thenewno2. The current incarnation of the fluid group consists of Dhani on guitar, Jonathan Sadoff and Jeremy Faccone on guitar, Nick Fyffe on bass and Frank Zummo on drums. But the group’s constant is Dhani, son of the late Beatle George Harrison. The story of famous rock children going out for their own musical glory is nothing new, but Dhani actually resisted this path. After studying industrial design and physics at Brown, he entered the car-racing world. Now he’s returned home in a sense with Thenewno2’s debut album You Are Here. As Dhani discusses with Jim and Greg, he chose the band’s cryptic name in order to give the music some anonymity. He hopes listeners love or hate it based on the music alone, rather than his celeb status. So you be the judge: check out Thenewno2’s performance live on the show.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.03.10 02:07:06   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.03.10 02:08:12   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.03.10 02:32:50   
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+ они выложили на клип "Give You Love Final" -, скачать можно тут:
Я тащусь!  
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 12.03.10 18:36:35   
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Конечно странно, но голос очень похож на Харрисона!
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 05.04.10 20:37:18   
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Пять минут назад прислали:
happy monday.. check out some behind the scenes footage of the pirate tour at now
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 05.04.10 22:25:40   
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Thank you very much!
(И что за майка Cat`s Club?)
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 06.04.10 00:06:04   
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>Конечно странно, но голос очень похож на Харрисона!

Да чего уж странного - сын родной, как-никак.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 06.04.10 01:37:09   
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03.04.2010 — Dhani Harrison from thenewno2 talks about his KP3 KAOSS Pad

Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.08.10 01:28:13   
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Lollapalooza 2010 Lollapalooza 2010

A year after playing the parent fest, Dhani Harrison brought thenewno2 to a near-capacity crowd at Kidzapalooza this afternoon.
Dad George Harrison’s genes are readily evident in Dhani’s vocals, but the band’s no Beatles descendant. Their set started a bit behind schedule, but thenewno2 delivered their high-energy acoustic-guitar pop with aplomb.
The band debuted a new song for the assembled families, which may be called “Happens All the Time,” judging by the chorus. Catchy hook, but not much more happening there so far. (The martial snare work could be toned down a bit.)
After overcoming a sound outage, Harrison said, as he did last year, that he was sorry for the earlier rain, and it was because they hadn’t arrived earlier. Here comes the son?
But it was all right, as thenewno2 kicked into the third song of their short set, a cover of “Psycho Killer,” which was perhaps an odd Kidza choice, but well-performed nonetheless, giving a better hint of Harrison’s vocal chops and getting the crowd to sing along.
Harrison then brought out Lolla founder Perry Farrell along with Porno for Pyros’ Peter DiStefano, who’d earlier played his traditional fun rock set with Kidza mastermind Tor Hyams.
Farrell, DiStefano and Harrison then jammed on an old Pyros number, “Pets,” crooning to the kiddies about getting “fucked up.” (Hey, it’s rock n roll, people. And they’re just words.)
Farrell then introduced “Sweet Jane,” saying they wanted to be like him when they grew up until they met him face to face and then didn’t want to be like him so much anymore, an allusion perhaps to Reed’s prickly performance at Lolla last year.
Perry nailed it—”it’s classical music, kids!”—and showed how a rock star should come into the land of Kidz. “It sounded like I ripped my pants,” Farrell shouted at the end of the brief Porno for Pyros reunion. “But I didn’t!”
Well done, sir.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 14.04.11 13:55:09   
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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 14.04.11 13:55:50   
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Nick FyffeNick Fyffe
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 14.04.11 13:56:36   
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Jeremy and DhaniJeremy and Dhani
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 14.04.11 13:56:49   
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Jeremy and DhaniJeremy and Dhani
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 14.04.11 13:57:11   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 14.04.11 13:57:46   
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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.04.11 23:27:44   
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похоже, новый альбом близится :)похоже, новый альбом близится :)

Дхани принял участие в проекте "Last night in Detroit", организованном Esquire, в результате которого презентуется новая песня "One Way Out", кусочек клипа на которую можно посмотреть по ссылке:
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.04.11 23:29:23   
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For the uninitiated: You won't find the song he wrote and recorded for Esquire on iTunes under his own name — you'll see him listed as thenewno2, a rotating collective that Harrison cofounded in 2006 and that seamlessly fuses alternative rock, electro, and blues. And even though lately he's been busy with a side project — he's part of Fistful of Mercy, a Crosby, Stills and Nash — styled ensemble with Ben Harper and Joseph Arthur — Harrison and his collaborators at thenewno2 are back in the studio working on their next album, The Fear of Missing Out, which Harrison refers to as FOMO.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.04.11 23:29:57   
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FOMO? Everything in life boils down to FOMO. It's what makes you go to a party when you're tired. It's behind broken relationships. And war. And I have FOMO about music. I like so many disparate types of music, so by understanding FOMO I can bring whoever I want to an album. Why not put it all together and see what happens?FOMO? "Everything in life boils down to FOMO. It's what makes you go to a party when you're tired. It's behind broken relationships. And war. And I have FOMO about music. I like so many disparate types of music, so by understanding FOMO I can bring whoever I want to an album. Why not put it all together and see what happens?"
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