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James Brown

Тема: Рок-н-ролльные корни The Beatles

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Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.12.06 09:39:34   
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Тело Годфазера будет доставлено во вторник на место его большого дебюта, в театр Аполло в Гарлеме. Гроб будет установлен на сцене и прощание будет проходить с 13 до 20 часов. Тело Годфазера будет доставлено во вторник на место его большого дебюта, в театр "Аполло" в Гарлеме. Гроб будет установлен на сцене и прощание будет проходить с 13 до 20 часов.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.12.06 10:10:20   
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Mick Jagger: His passing is a huge loss to music. He was a whirlwind of energy and precision, and he was always very generous and supportive to me in the early days of The Stones. I've always been a huge admirer of him as a performer and a band leader.Mick Jagger: "His passing is a huge loss to music. He was a whirlwind of energy and precision, and he was always very generous and supportive to me in the early days of The Stones. I've always been a huge admirer of him as a performer and a band leader."

Snoop Dogg: "I am hurt. That's my godfather, my soul inspiration, the hardest working man in show business of all time. He'll be missed, but his music and his legacy will live on through me, in every way you can imagine. Soul brother No. 1 ... we miss you James Brown."

President Bush: "Brown was an American original - his fans came from all walks of life and backgrounds. James Brown's family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers this Christmas."
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.12.06 10:13:37   
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Небольшой, но пестрый перечень музыкантов, бравших сэмплы из БраунаНебольшой, но пестрый перечень музыкантов, бравших сэмплы из Брауна

2 Live Crew: “Coolin’ “
Beastie Boys: “Shadrach”
Big Daddy Kane: “Mortal Combat”
De La Soul: “Oodles of O’s”
Depeche Mode: “My Joy”
Digable Planets: “Where I’m From”
DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince: “Pump Up the Bass”
Dr. Dre: “Let Me Ride”
Enigma: “Carly’s Song”
Eric B & Rakim: “Paid in Full”
Fine Young Cannibals: “I’m Not the Man I Used to Be”
GangStarr: “2 Deep”
George Michael: “Waiting for That Day”
Geto Boys: “Mind of a Lunatic”
Heavy D: “We Got Our Own Thang”
Ice Cube: “Endangered Species”
Ice T: “Original Gangster”
Kris Kross: “Jump”
Leaders of the New School: “Teachers, Don’t Teach Us Nonsense”
LL Cool J: “Mama Said Knock You Out”
Marky Mark: “Good Vibrations”
MC Lyte: “Brooklyn”
Milli Vanilli: “Girl You Know It’s True”
Mobb Deep: “Flavor for the Non-Believes”
Nas: “Get Down”
Naughty by Nature: “Ready for Dem”
New Order: “Ruined in a Day”
Nine Inch Nails: “Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)”
NWA: “F–k Tha Police”
Pete Rock & CL Smooth: “Go With the Flow”
Prince: “Gett Off”, “My Name Is Prince”
Public Enemy: “Bring the Noise”, “Fight the Power”
Redman: “Rated R”
Roxanne Shante: “Have a Nice Day”
Run-DMC: “Run’s House”
Salt-N-Pepa: “Let the Rhythm Run”
Scarface: “Born Killer”
Sinead O’Connor: “I Am Stretched on Your Grave”
Sir Mix-A-Lot: “No Holds Barred”
Slayer & Atari Teenage Riot: “No Remorse (I Wanna Die)”
Sublime: “Scarlet Begonias”
TLC: “Shock Dat Monkey”
Tupac ft Richie Rich: “Lie to Kick It”
Ultramagnetic MC: “Give the Drummer Some”
Vanilla Ice: “Stop That Train”
Re: James Brown
Автор: Bog   Дата: 27.12.06 16:35:34   
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Спайк Ли "воскресит" отца соула

Кинорежиссер Спайк Ли (Spike Lee) в 2008 году снимет полнометражный фильм о певце Джеймсе Брауне, "крестном отце" музыки соул, умершем 25 декабря 2006 года. Продюсировать байопик о музыканте взялся Брайан Грейзер (Brian Grazer), сообщает Reuters со ссылкой на издание Daily Variety. Права на будущую картину принадлежат компании Paramount Pictures.
Покойный Браун, автор знаменитых хитов "Sex Machine", "Living in America", "I Feel Good", был одним из самых влиятельных музыкантов 1960-х годов. Он заложил основы фанк-музыки, его считают провозвестником хип-хопа. Его сценический образ использовали Майкл Джексон и Мик Джаггер.

Байопики (биографические фильмы) о знаменитых музыкантах в последние годы пользовались благосклонностью критиков и зрителей в США. Картины о Рэе Чарльзе ("Ray") и Джонни Кэше ("Walk the Line") удоставивались премий "Оскар" американской киноакадемии.

Спайк Ли и Брайан Грейзер вместе работали над фильмом "Inside Man" (в российском прокате - "Не пойман - не вор"), вышедшем на экраны в 2006 году. Они планируют снять сиквел этой картины.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Bog   Дата: 27.12.06 16:45:50   
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Вспомнил в эти дни, ролик из известной BMW серии, действительно казалось, Браун будет жить вечно. Смерть Брауна и недавняя Рей Чарльза, ставит точку в истории целого направления в музыке – теперь это история:

Обогнать дьявола / Beat the Devil

Режиссер: Тони Скотт
Сценарий: Дэвид, Картер, Грег Хан, Винсент Нго
В ролях: Клайв Оуэн, Джеймс Браун, Гари Олдман, Дэни Трехо, Мэрлин Мэнсон

В ноябре 1954 Джеймс Браун заключил сделку с дьяволом: его душа в обмен на славу. В ноябре 2002 Браун решил пересмотреть условия сделки, заключив с князем тьмы весьма любопытное пари…
Спросите у людей, которые смотрели The Hire, какая из короткометражек запомнилась им больше всего, и, наверное, большинство ответит Beat the Devil. Это не значит, что она лучшая из восьми, но точно самая запоминающаяся и необычная.
Beat the Devil нужно смотреть не из-за финального дрэг-рейсинга (кстати сказать, отлично поставленного), а из-за сцены переговоров между Гари Олдманом (дьявол) и Джеймсом Брауном.

Beat the Devil [91,2 Mb]
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 09:51:41   
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Pall bearers carry the casket carrying James Brown's body into the Apollo Theater Thursday, Dec. 28, 2006 in New York. Fans of the late ''Godfather of Soul'' began lining up outside Harlem's Apollo Theater early Thursday to pay their last respects as James Brown's body was driven from Georgia for his last date on the historic stage.Pall bearers carry the casket carrying James Brown's body into the Apollo Theater Thursday, Dec. 28, 2006 in New York. Fans of the late ''Godfather of Soul'' began lining up outside Harlem's Apollo Theater early Thursday to pay their last respects as James Brown's body was driven from Georgia for his last date on the historic stage.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 10:00:46   
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Legendary singer James Brown's gold casket arrives at the Apollo Theater in Harlem by horse drawn carriage before the start of a public viewing of his body in New York December 28, 2006.Legendary singer James Brown's gold casket arrives at the Apollo Theater in Harlem by horse drawn carriage before the start of a public viewing of his body in New York December 28, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 10:02:11   
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Friends and members of singer James Brown's family stand in front of Brown's coffin during a public viewing at the Apollo Theater in New York December 28, 2006. Friends and members of singer James Brown's family stand in front of Brown's coffin during a public viewing at the Apollo Theater in New York December 28, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 10:04:50   
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Legendary singer James Brown lies in his coffin at the start of a public viewing of his body at the Apollo Theater in New York December 28, 2006. Legendary singer James Brown lies in his coffin at the start of a public viewing of his body at the Apollo Theater in New York December 28, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 10:06:43   
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Reverend Al Sharpton addresses mourners during a public viewing of legendary singer James Brown's coffin at the Apollo Theater in New York December 28, 2006.Reverend Al Sharpton addresses mourners during a public viewing of legendary singer James Brown's coffin at the Apollo Theater in New York December 28, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 10:07:57   
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People walk past the body of The Godfather of Soul James Brown, on stage at the Apollo Theater in the Harlem section of New York, during a public viewing.People walk past the body of "The Godfather of Soul" James Brown, on stage at the Apollo Theater in the Harlem section of New York, during a public viewing.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:03:57   
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Pallbearers carry the casket of James Brown from the Carpentersville Baptist Church after a private funeral service in North Augusta, SC., Friday, Dec. 29, 2006.Pallbearers carry the casket of James Brown from the Carpentersville Baptist Church after a private funeral service in North Augusta, SC., Friday, Dec. 29, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:05:27   
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The casket holding the body of James Brown is removed after his funeral service at the Carpentersville Baptist Church in North Augusta, SC., Friday, Dec. 29, 2006. The casket holding the body of James Brown is removed after his funeral service at the Carpentersville Baptist Church in North Augusta, SC., Friday, Dec. 29, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:06:32   
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Tomi Rae Hynie (R), the companion of singer James Brown, and son James Brown Jr. arrive for the singer's private service at Carpentersville Baptist Church in North Augusta, South Carolina, December 29, 2006.Tomi Rae Hynie (R), the companion of singer James Brown, and son James Brown Jr. arrive for the singer's private service at Carpentersville Baptist Church in North Augusta, South Carolina, December 29, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:08:11   
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Джеймс Браун мл. Чудо!Джеймс Браун мл. Чудо!
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:11:01   
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Mourners walk by the casket of James Brown during the viewing at the public funeral ceremony for the singer at the James Brown arena in Augusta, Ga., Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006.Mourners walk by the casket of James Brown during the viewing at the public funeral ceremony for the singer at the James Brown arena in Augusta, Ga., Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006.
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:26:35   
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Celebration of life!  1967: James Brown performing at the Olympia Hall in Paris Celebration of life!

1967: James Brown performing at the Olympia Hall in Paris
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:27:46   
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1968: James Brown performed for American troops during the Vietnam War1968: James Brown performed for American troops during the Vietnam War
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:29:06   
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1977: James Brown at a Polydor Records luncheon in New York1977: James Brown at a Polydor Records luncheon in New York
Re: James Brown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 19:30:17   
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1979: James Brown on the streets of New York1979: James Brown on the streets of New York
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