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Pete Best / Пит Бест

Тема: Pete Best (Пит Бест)

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Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 24.11.12 17:00:30   
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Автограф Пита - 100% оригинал. КТо в темме.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 24.11.12 17:01:32   
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Ты чего это заставил старика на Мэджикале расписываться?!
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 24.11.12 19:57:10   
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Это не я)) У меня его автографы на CD с Шеридановскими записями, и на билете.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.11.12 20:48:45   
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С Днём рождения,Пит!С Днём рождения,Пит!
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Бри   Дата: 24.11.12 21:22:39   
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Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday!
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 12.12.12 23:16:10   
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NEWS LETTER 12.12.2012


Leanne Best is to play Astrid Kircherr (the lead female role) in the play Back Beat at the Alhambra Theatre in LA, USA. Back Beat starts in January 2013. Well done Leanne.

A Cd is in production at present of the Star Club 50th Anniversary concert. Rumour has it the Pete Best Band will have three tracks on the album. We’ll keep you posted.

Roag has signed a very young band to management. They are called Tiro Lark. You can see them performing on Saturday the 29th of December at Phil’s pub in Liverpool City Centre, JR’s Bar and Grill..


BEST FEST 5 (Saturday the 24th of August 2013)

BEST FEST 5 – A Tribute To The Beginning’ at the Casbah Coffee Club on Saturday the 24th of August 2013 featuring, The Pete Best Band, The Quarrymen and the Blackjacks. Details and tickets are available at Best Fest always sells out fast. Only 130 tickets. So if you want to be there book now.

Pete Best and the Casbah Coffee Club will be launching a Podcast series starting in February 2013. We are doing a quote on day from the forthcoming podcast series at and


The Pete Best Band will be wrapping 2012 up with a concert in the Czech Republic on Saturday the 15th of December at Dum Kultury Mesti Usti nad Labem-Velky Sal, Velka Hraden 1025/19, 400 01 Usti nad Labem.

Paul Parry of the Pete Best Band and co-writer of the ‘Haymans Green’ album, has had a song entitled ‘We’ve Got Rights’ accepted by UNICEF. It will soon be on the UNICEF site for all to hear. Well done Paul.


A competition has been launched on A rare collectable piece is up for grabs. We will be announcing the winner on the 20th of December.So check it out and join in.

Pete has joined faced book. If you would like to see what’s going on is really proving to be a lot of fun. So if you are not already following Pete.


The Casbah Coffee Club is and has been Liverpool's No1 tourist attraction for 62 weeks during 2011/12.
The World's No2 (which we don't agree with of course) Beatles attraction 2012 (Daily Telegraph)
Keep up with the news on

The Casbah Coffee Club will be launching a jewellery range shortly. We’d like to hear your thoughts. What would you like to wear. Let Pete know at You’ll be hearing some of our ideas not only on his twitter, but at

The Casbah Coffee Club will be publishing its own books in the New Year. The first book planned for release is entitled ‘Halloween’ by Roag Best.

Restoration work has started at the Casbah Coffee Club. No changes. We are simply enhancing.


Another member of the familyr to hit the stage/screen.You can see Nell on the 26th of December in the David Walliams film, ‘Mr Stink.’
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: casbah   Дата: 13.03.13 16:10:38   
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Вот так выглядит билет Вот так выглядит билет
Я тащусь!  
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 16.03.13 00:19:23   
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Видно, к Джорджу (если это Джордж, конечно) у Пита больше всего накипело...Видно, к Джорджу (если это Джордж, конечно) у Пита больше всего накипело...
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 15.06.13 23:38:41   
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"Мне не за что прощать их. Но я научился не быть таким наивным и не доверять людям в такой степени."
Конечно, для Перу, далекого и милого, где ничего не происходит, приезд Пита - событие.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Бри   Дата: 08.02.14 20:00:32   
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Неплохое документальное кино.Неплохое документальное кино.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 18.12.14 12:18:53   
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Попался такой снимок со следующей подписью: BEATLES in 1962 with Pete Best on drums and George Harrison just in front of John Lennon in the background.Попался такой снимок со следующей подписью: BEATLES in 1962 with Pete Best on drums and George Harrison just in front of John Lennon in the background.
Интересно, это действительно затылки Джорджа и Джона или кого-то из новой группы Пита?
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 11.11.16 10:23:53   
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Смотреть видео:Смотреть видео:
Flashback: Original Beatle Pete Best Appears on 'I've Got a Secret' in 1964
At the height of Beatlemania, the group's original drummer appeared on the popular game show
Being original Beatles drummer Pete Best has never been easy, but it was especially tough in 1964 when Beatlemania swept the world and he had to watch from the sidelines. In March of 1964, the Beatles had the top four songs on the Hot 100: "She Loves You," "I Want to Hold Your Hand," "Twist and Shout" and "Please Please Me." They were four of the most famous people on the planet, but when Pete Best walked onto the set of I've Got a Secret that month nobody knew who he was.

Взгляд в прошлое: Битл оригинального состава Пит Бест появляется в ТВ шоу "У меня есть секрет" в 1964 году
В разгар битломании, барабанщик первого состава группы появился на популярном игровом шоу
Бывшему участнику оригинального состава The Beatles барабанщику Питу Бесту никогда не было легко, но это было особенно трудно в 1964 году, когда битломания охватила весь мир, и он просто должен был наблюдать за происходящим со стороны.
В марте 1964 года четыре песни группы Битлз "She Loves You", "I Want to Hold Your Hand", "Twist And Shout" и "Please Please Me" были на вершине хит-парадов. Они были четвёркой самых известных людей на планете, но когда Пит Бест пришёл на ТВ шоу "У меня есть секрет", то никто не знал кто он.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: PFC   Дата: 10.12.17 15:57:37   
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Sunday Express сегодняSunday Express сегодня
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: PFC   Дата: 30.03.18 17:41:52   
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Daily Express сегодня.Daily Express сегодня.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 30.03.18 19:12:13   
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>Daily Express сегодня.

The drummer sacked from The Beatles as they were on the brink of stardom says he still doesn’t know why he was given the boot. Pete Best, 76, pictured front with the band, was replaced by Sir Ringo Starr in 1962 before they had their first chart hit. He says: “To this day, hand on heart, I don’t know the actual reason. My life has progressed the way that it has in showbusiness and I’m happy. I’ve got my own band and do performances around the world. I love it.” Next month Pete is playing himself in new play Lennon’s Banjo at the Epstein Theatre in Liverpool.

Барабанщик уволенный из Битлз когда они были на пороге славы, говорит, что он все еще не знает, почему ему дали пинка. Пит Бест (76 лет), изображенный на фото вместе с группой, был заменен сэром Ринго Старром в 1962 году, перед тем как у них появился первый хит. Он говорит:
- До сего дня, положа руку на сердце, я не знаю истинной причины. Моя жизнь развивалась как в шоу-бизнесе, и я счастлив. У меня есть своя группа и мы выступаем по всему миру. Мне нравится это.
В следующем месяце Пит сыграет самого себя в новой пьесе "Банджо Леннона" в Театре Эпштейна в Ливерпуле.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 30.03.18 19:13:36   
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>Sunday Express сегодня

Fifth Beatle to star in play about Lennon
By Clair Woodward

FORMER Beatles drummer Pete Best is to take to the stage for the first time, as himself in a new play about the late John Lennon.
Lennon's Banjo opens at Liverpool’s Epstein Theatre in April, with Best, often referred to as the Fifth Beatle, due to appear on April 25 and May 5.
Best was a member of the Fab Four in their early days playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg.
He stayed with the band until they signed a record deal in 1962 and he was replaced by Ringo Starr.
Mr Best said: “It’s a chance to reconnect with my old friend John.
“I'd read the book Julia’s Banjo by Rob Fennah, which is about the hunt for the banjo John's mother Julia taught him to play on, and said to Rob, ‘If you ever get the chance to do something with the book, I’d love to be a part of it’. And lo and behold, here I am.”
Julia Lennon was killed in a road accident when John was 17.
Best thinks he was one of the few' people John opened up to.
He said: “There were times in Germany when we were propping the bars up and he’d open up about things like the tragedy of losing his mother. I saw a different side to him - the inner John. I felt privileged to have him open up about his life.”
John Lennon was shot dead by a disturbed fan in New York in 1980.

CONFIDANT: Best said he was one of the few people Lennon opened up to
Picture: RICHARD GARDNER/Rex/Shutterstock

Пятый Битл сыграет в пьесе о Ленноне
Клер Вудворд

Бывший барабанщик Битлз Пит Бест впервые выйдет на сцену в качестве самого себя в новой пьесе о покойном Джоне Ленноне.
Пьеса "Банджо Леннона" начнется в Театре Эпштейна в Ливерпуле в апреле, с участием Пита Беста, которого часто называют Пятым Битлом, и продлится с 25 апреля по 5 мая.
Бест был членом Великолепной Четверки в свои ранние годы, играя в клубах в Ливерпуля и Гамбурга
Он был с группой, пока они не подписали контракт на запись в 1962 году когда его заменил Ринго Старр.
Мистер Бест говорит:
- Это шанс снова соединиться со своим старым другом Джоном.
Я прочитал книгу "Банджо Джулии" Роба Фенна, которая рассказывает о том, как Джулия, мать Джона, научила его играть на банджо. Тогда я сказал Робу "Если у тебя когда-нибудь будет возможность что-то сделать с книгой, то я бы хотел быть частью этого". Так что, вот я и тут.
Джулия Леннон погибла в результате дорожно-транспортного происшествия, когда Джону было 17 лет.
Бест полагает, что он был одним из немногих людей, которым Джон открывался.
Он рассказывает: В те времена в Германии, когда нам приходилось заколачивать окна, он рассказывал о таких вещах, как трагедия потери матери. Я видел его другую сторону - Джон, каким он был изнутри. Для меня было большой честью то, что он открывался мне.
Джон Леннон был застрелен помешанным поклонником в Нью-Йорке в 1980 году.

Задушевный друг: Бест говорит, что он был одним из немногих людей, кому открывался Леннон
Фото: Ричард Гарднер
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: PFC   Дата: 04.04.18 15:46:48   
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The Daily Telegraph 2 April 2018.The Daily Telegraph 2 April 2018.

By James Hall

As he stars in a new play about The Beatles, sacked drummer Pete Best tells James Hall there is still unfinished business between him and Paul McCartney

Pete Best leads me into a cupboard under the stairs of his family’s former home in the West Derby suburb of Liverpool. We descend a narrow staircase and arrive at a warren of dark vaults. Beatles posters cover the walls. In one corner, the word “John” is crudely carved into the wooden panelling. A stretch of ceiling is painted in multicoloured strips, the handiwork of a teenage {Paul McCartney}.

This is the Casbah Coffee Club, a club opened by Best’s mother, Mo, in 1959. And before the Cavern, the Casbah was The Beatles’ home. “We ran riot here,” says Best of that period, when queues would form down the road. “The foresight my mum had for the Liverpool music scene was incredible.” As the one-time Beatles drummer, Best performed with the band 76 times at the Casbah. However, in August 1962 – just weeks before Love Me Do kick-started the band’s journey to megastardom – McCartney, {John Lennon} and {George Harrison} sent manager Brian Epstein to tell Best they wanted to replace him with Ringo Starr. Not for nothing is the 76-year-old grandfather dubbed the unluckiest man in music.

Best joined another group, but events obviously affected him. He attempted suicide in the mid-Sixties and gave up showbusiness in 1968, going on to work in a bakery and then at an employment exchange as a civil servant. He married, had children and, in the late Eighties, started playing again – Merseybeat songs, original material and even the occasional Beatles number – as the leader of The Pete Best Band.
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: PFC   Дата: 04.04.18 15:48:46   
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Pete Best interview: ‘Let’s have it out – just me, Paul McCartney and a bottle of Scotch’  Pete Best interview: ‘Let’s have it out – just me, Paul McCartney and a bottle of Scotch’

He’s keeping his Beatles connection alive in other ways, too. Later this month, he will appear as himself in Lennon’s Banjo, a play at Liverpool’s Epstein Theatre, about the search for the long-lost instrument on which Lennon learned to play. Best says it’s based on fact and full of pathos and “Scouse humour”.

But it’s clear that some rawness from that fateful day in 1962 still lingers. He doesn’t know who made the decision, and it still rankles Best that the band members didn’t sack him themselves, face-to-face.

“I’m not saying I’d change the outcome, but at least give me the decency of being there and [letting me] confront them,” he says. After the firing, Lennon admitted they’d been cowards. While Best stops short of repeating the accusation, he says they clearly felt guilty afterwards.

Does he think McCartney owes him an apology? “Ask him.” Would he like one? Best, who is dressed in a very un-rock’n’roll uniform of baggy blue jeans, white trainers and a hoodie, says he’d like to meet him – he hasn’t spoken to McCartney (or Starr) since his sacking.
“Paul has always hinted that he’d like to meet up. The door’s always been wide open. I’m not the guilty person, you know? Whether he wants to do it on a public basis or a private one, it’s his call.”

I wonder what Best would say to him? His answer is wonderfully conciliatory: “We’re senior statesmen now. How many years we’ve got left on the planet is really predictable. Let’s talk about things in general. Stick a bottle of Scotch on the table and let’s have a good old bash.”
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: PFC   Дата: 04.04.18 15:50:05   
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Pete Best interview: ‘Let’s have it out – just me, Paul McCartney and a bottle of Scotch’ Pete Best interview: ‘Let’s have it out – just me, Paul McCartney and a bottle of Scotch’

Best was born in Madras, India, in 1941, returning to England with his family in 1945. Back in Liverpool, his father, Johnny, ran the family boxing promotion business while Mo, the free-spirited daughter of an Irish major in the Bengal Lancers, launched her club. The Quarrymen, an early incarnation of The Beatles, played the opening night. Best says Mo would “mesmerise” the young band with tales of India around the kitchen table, perhaps seeding their later fixation. But after a fallout over money, the band disappeared to Scotland. Meanwhile, Best’s own band, The Blackjacks, took off. When The Silver Beatles, as they’d become, returned and were offered a residency in Hamburg (with additional member Stuart Sutcliffe), they needed a drummer. Best was recruited. In August 1960 they went to Germany.
Everything about Hamburg was “a culture shock”, Best says, from the journey over ­– 10 people were crammed into an Austin J2 van, including Lord Woodbine, a renowned Liverpudlian eccentric – to playing for seven hours a night, to the St Pauli red light district where they were based. They were giddy teenagers surrounded by neon lights, clubs and a 24-hour city. “We’d never seen anything like it,” Best recalls.

Digs were backstage in a fleapit cinema, the Bambi Kino. “John, George and Stu were the first in, so they got ‘the palatial suite’ with a camp bed and sofa. Paul and I looked at [promoter] Bruno Koschmider and said ‘Where are we staying?’.” Koschmider pointed towards two concrete alcoves. “No lights, no doors, they looked like converted coal bunkers with beds. There was a hole knocked out in the middle of the wall so that Paul and I could talk to each other.”

They improved hugely as a band, stretching out rhythm and blues standards for 30 minutes. Other band members took slimming pills called Preludin, or “Prellies”, to stay awake during their mammoth sets, but not Best. Living in close quarters, life was one long teenage escapade. Best recalls how he, Lennon and McCartney were in the same bedroom as Harrison the night he lost his virginity. “At the end, we all stood up and applauded.”
Show more
Back in England in 1962, record labels circled. Decca famously turned the Beatles down. It was when the band recorded for EMI that Best was sacked. “Unbeknownst to me, they’d approached Ringo,” he says. After a Cavern gig one night in August, Epstein asked to see Best the following morning. Best expected a normal business meeting, but Epstein was jittery. “He said, ‘Pete, I don’t know how to tell you this. The boys want you out’ – those were the words – ‘and it’s already been arranged.’ That was another key word. Arranged. Ringo joined the band on Saturday.
“It was a closed shop. I asked why and he said, ‘Because they think he’s a better drummer’. The bomb was dropped.”

Conspiracy theories abound about why he was sacked: Paul was jealous of his looks, Best kept his Tony Curtis quiff while the others got “Beatles haircuts”, he was aloof in Hamburg, they did drugs and he didn’t.

Although he thinks about what could have been, Best says he wouldn’t change his life for “all the tea in China”. He’s glad he’s not a “showbusiness commodity”. Besides, as the fifth Beatle he will always have his own place in rock’n’roll history. “Yes, they are the most famous musicians in the world. And regardless of what happened, I played a key part in that.”

Lennon’s Banjo runs at the Epstein Theatre, Liverpool, from April 24 to May 5. Go to for details of Best’s appearances
Re: Pete Best / Пит Бест
Автор: PFC   Дата: 07.11.19 20:37:13   
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Music Legends No 3 2019.Music Legends No 3 2019.
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