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The Police (+Sting)

Тема: Police

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Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: sweet   Дата: 19.07.04 23:39:14   
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лучшая группа 80-х это Ю2!И КуИН....имхо

Стинга обожаю,Полис люблю.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 19.07.04 23:43:51   
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И это правильно. (с)-))))))))))
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: sweet   Дата: 19.07.04 23:46:07   
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Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 20.07.04 00:19:31   
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извините за вмешательство, sweet, но Ю 2 ?????
лучшая группа ?????? это интересно.... ...мда.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: sweet   Дата: 20.07.04 00:24:28   
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ну я вот так считаю
и что?
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 20.07.04 00:30:44   
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В сущности, The Joshua Tree неплохая пластинка.
Но и другие неплохие тоже имели место.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 20.07.04 00:41:48   
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"лучшая группа 80-х это Ю2!И КуИН....имхо"
А как же ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНЫЕ альбомы, выпущенные, к примеру, King Crimson? Ну, Beat, например. Молодец Бруфорд, молодец Левин, молодец Фрипп, МОЛОДЕЦ Belew (не знаю, как его по-русски писать)
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: sweet   Дата: 20.07.04 00:42:58   
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Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: sweet   Дата: 20.07.04 01:10:20   
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все группы 80-х это группы 80-х
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 20.07.04 01:10:37   
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Взялся вдруг переслушивать Synchronicity.
Конечно, Mother вещь неординарная. А Every Breath You Take - великая.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: sweet   Дата: 20.07.04 01:15:57   
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King Crimson это,пожалуй,ЛУЧШАЯ ГРУППА ЗА ПОСЛЕДНИЕ ............летия
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 20.07.04 10:36:13   
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А почему лучше?

В конкурсе на лучшую группу (что бы это ни значило, а это не значит скорее всего ничего), отдаю свой голос за The Police.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 20.07.04 10:37:30   
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А почему лучше?

В конкурсе на лучшую группу конца семидесятых-начала восьмидесятых(что бы это ни значило, а это не значит скорее всего ничего), отдаю свой голос за The Police.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 20.07.04 10:38:03   
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Да. Вот так))
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 20.07.04 19:51:45   
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барабаны уносят ввысь. а соло гитара выворачивает наизнанку.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 21.07.04 12:06:01   
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У Хендрикса же: соло-гитара уносит ввысь, а барабаны выворачивают наизнанку. Совершенно иные ощущения)))

Нет, Little Wing - вполне достойный кавер. Естественный такой. Но я вот Стинга (сольного) слушать могу в довольно ограниченных количествах. Думаю, вы просто предпочитаете Стинга Джими Хендриксу, оттого и "лучше".
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.04 12:18:05   
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Sting and Annie Lennox share the spotlight Sting and Annie Lennox share the spotlight
Boston Globe July 18, 2004

Sting and Annie Lennox, besides sharing British roots, are two of the most enduring artists of their generation. Each started in a band that sold millions of records -- Sting with the Police, Lennox with Eurythmics -- then left for solo careers that soared as well. Each became a beloved star on MTV as Sting sang "I want my MTV," while Lennox became a synth-pop queen. Each later developed a social conscience that made other performers understand that record sales and video exposure need not be the only goals of the music business.

They're together in one of the best double bills of the summer Tuesday at the Target Center. To preview it, the dry-witted Sting and more ebullient Lennox agreed to a joint phone interview -- she from London and he from Cologne, Germany.

Sting: It was me. It was my idea. I'm a genius.

You're also neighbors in London, right?

Lennox: The thing is, we were, but we never saw each other, because he's never there and I'm always there. Then he says he likes to live there, but it's too late because I'm going out of town.

Sting: You'll be sick to death of me in about six weeks.

Lennox: Likewise, darling. But we'll have separate dressing rooms on opposite ends of the stadium

So this is going to be like Luther Vandross and Anita Baker when they avoided each other on tour?

Lennox: Yes, tempers and tantrums and tiaras. No, we're going to be very lovey-dovey, aren't we?

Sting: We really are. And we're going to sing together. People would be very disappointed if we didn't sing together. People like to come and see some fireworks.

Have you sung together before?

Lennox: Never. It's exciting. I'm really thrilled and honored to be part of it.

Annie, I saw you last year before your record ("Bare") came out. Did you think of going out again on your own -- or was this tour with Sting too good to pass up?

Lennox: When the invitation came through, I just thought that it sounded right.

Sting: Good girl.

Lennox: Really, I don't understand how Sting does so many dates. I'm only going to do 50 or so dates with him -- I'm a very small part of his five-year tour.

Sting: I figure that your fans will be immensely grateful to me for getting you out.

Lennox: That's true, because I really do have to be winkled out of my shell. I really am quite a homebody, and it's hard to keep doing it because I have my kids. I've only actually been out on tour twice in the last 13 years -- once with Dave [Stewart in Eurythmics].

Any favorite songs of each other's through the years?

Lennox: Honestly, I'm not being sycophantic; I'm just being frank when I say that Sting's catalog is just so outstanding. ... I'd be glad to take any of his songs.

Sting: My opinion of Annie is that she's become a timeless artist. An album like "Diva" will be considered one of the great albums of all time. And she has continued to progress as an entertainer who is an adult.

On your last albums, for both of you, you shared a lot of personal insights.

Lennox: You share your innermost feelings and thoughts and you know that you're not alone that way. . . . Some people say, "Oh, how can you sing such personal things?" Well, I've always sung personal things.

Sting: You don't have a choice, really, do you?

Sting, your record also had a lot of political commentary after 9/11. There was a lot of uncertainty that you expressed. Any thoughts about the political climate right now? It's an election year in America.

Sting: I think it's an election year in the world. I think with America being the predominant power in the world, it's really that the power in America affects all of us, whether you live there or not. Personally, I think foreign policy at the moment is a complete mess. I'd like to see that dealt with in a much more inclusive way than it has been, and that's being polite.

Annie, how about your political sense? You continue to help out Amnesty International and Greenpeace.

Lennox: We donated our income on our last [Eurythmics] tour to Amnesty and to Greenpeace. These are two incredibly important causes, and it was an opportunity to do that and to bring awareness to them. . . . I was very concerned when I came to America the last time, because I felt that everything was becoming increasingly censorial in the media. And that was very interesting because I thought, "Wow, America is supposed to be the land of the free." But I felt that was no longer the case when certain artists spoke out and gave their views and were absolutely lambasted for it.

Are you talking about the Dixie Chicks, for example?

Lennox: Yes, I am. It was interesting to watch, but it made you realize that it was no longer a place where one can really speak one's mind.

Both of you had a tremendous push from MTV at one time and were video pioneers. What do you think of MTV today?

Lennox: We also pushed MTV. Don't forget that they played our videos and made lots of money. . . . Artists like us created MTV.

Sting: She's feisty, isn't she? But I don't think we're on MTV anymore. ... We don't really watch it.

Lennox: My kids watch it.

Any thoughts about where the record industry is right now?

Lennox: I think it's good for people who don't have record contracts and can maybe make their own thing. I don't know exactly. I'm not in the position where I'm a struggling artist anymore. I've been through every hurdle, and now I'm in a different place.

Sting: I don't think music is in trouble. I think music is fine and healthy. The marketing plan is what has gone a little awry.

Is there a future to Eurythmics?

Lennox: Well, I never know the answer to that question, because I only do what I feel like doing at the time. But it's always something that's possible as long as Dave and I are on the planet. I never put that out of the realm of possibility.

Sting, you did a reunion with the Police last year when you were all inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Was that just a one-shot thing? Should people think of a future for the Police?

Sting: I think there's more chance of me joining Eurythmics than the Police, to be honest.

Lennox: Oh really? I always thought that was sad, because I was a huge Police fan. I really loved that trio. But, hey, therein lies a tale, I guess.

Sting: A long, involved tale.

Lennox: You'll tell me on the tour, no doubt.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 21.07.04 15:25:43   
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Sting: I think there's more chance of me joining Eurythmics than the Police, to be honest.

Н-да-с!.. Представить Стинга вместе с Коплендом опять - вещь не для слабонервных. Для начала лица друг другу начистят. А потом?-)))
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.09.04 13:25:30   
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Sting Strips For The RainforestsSting Strips For The Rainforests

Sting literally gave the shirt off his back for a fundraiser for The Rainforest Foundation in Atlanta on Wednesday (Sept 1).

Together with wife Trudi Styler, Sting attended the first annual benefit for the Foundation. Sting and Trudi are co-founders of the charity.

India.Arie and Alison Krauss also performed at the event. "When I heard India perform, it made me proud to be a human being" Sting said.
Alison Krauss was joined by Dan Tyminski who sang their 'O Brother Where Are Thou' hit 'Man of Constant Sorrow'.

Sting donated a Fender Sting Signature bass guitar for the auction. The guitar raised $33,000. The event raises a total of $150,000 for the Foundation.
Re: The Police (+Sting)
Автор: BuuSuuSuuSuuS   Дата: 05.09.04 12:11:40   
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Клево, моя тема зацепила народ!Клево, моя тема зацепила народ!
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