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Paul McCartney In Red Square. Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России

Тема: Пол Маккартни - концерт в Москве (2003/05/24)

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Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 23.07.03 21:33:34   
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Не зря мы старались!
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 24.07.03 13:20:17   
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Это фантастика! Как я сначала поклялся, что при любых обстоятельствах пойду на концерт Пола, так и сейчас клянусь, что приобрету этот фильм.

В принципе я всегда верил, что не может старина Пол так просто взять и забыть про эту акцию, и не выкачать из нее еще несколько миллиончиков зелени. Ему деньги, а нам - радость!
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Toha   Дата: 24.07.03 16:05:22   
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>Затем наши парни с Первого канала его закупят и покажут...
Как я слышал, Первому каналу ничего покупать не надо - фильм (по сути концерт целиком) же есть, готовый, снятый специально для показа. Только вот не показывают они его по каким-то причинам...
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 24.07.03 19:50:01   
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По поводу "российского" релиза :) В соотв. новости было написано, что одним из редакторов был Макс Капитановский - это что, легендарный барабанщик Машины Времени?
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Zayats   Дата: 24.07.03 21:14:48   
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Как не печально но не могу не подлить ложку дегтя. Это все хорошо. Фильм в Америке покажут, а кто захочет, то даже за Путина проголосует. Только вот концерт длился три часа, и больше половины мы не увидим. А хоцца. Концерт был классный.
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Маричка   Дата: 25.07.03 11:45:56   
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Да-а-а! Фильм - это просто СУПЕР!!! :))))) Но теперь самое интересное сколько за него заломят? Как думаете? Может для россиян сделаю дешевле, чем, например для американцев или англичан?
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: AlexIV   Дата: 25.07.03 13:28:42   
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Theodor, я думаю, да... Максов Капитановских у нас не так много, в отличие от Донов Педро в Бразилии.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 25.07.03 14:07:46   
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я бы даже сказал, как Lennon'oв на форуме :))
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: AlexIV   Дата: 25.07.03 14:21:04   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.08.03 10:59:51   
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His music helped to open Russia's closed society, but Paul McCartney never had the chance to perform there until now. This two-hour A&E SPECIAL PRESENTATION: "PAUL McCARTNEY: THE JOURNEY TO RED SQUARE" presents McCartney's critically acclaimed "Back In The World" Tour when the tour visited Russia on May 24, 2003. It marked the first time that McCartney had set foot on Russian soil, despite rumors and song titles to the contrary. In addition to the dazzing concert, the program also explores the history behind the secret, decades-long love between the Russian people and Paul McCartney.

A&E SPECIAL PRESENTATION: "PAUL McCARTNEY: THE JOURNEY TO RED SQUARE" tells the Russian people's story in their own words -- about how one man unknowingly helped shape the sociological and cultural future of an entire nation. The program is centered on the music from the live concert in Red Square, where nearly 100,000 people, including President Putin and former President Gorbachev, turned out for the historic event. From the opening bars of "Hello, Goodbye" to "Band On The Run," from "Back In The USSR" to "Hey Jude," the program is an event not to be missed.

Cameras also rolled to chronicle McCartney's three-day whirlwind trip to Russia, including conversations with respected members of the Russian cultural community, as well as footage shot during McCartney's visit to St. Petersburg, where he received an honorary doctorate from the esteemed Russian Conservatoire and dedicated a building for the future advancement of the arts for Russia's youth.

PREMIERE : September 1 at 8 p.m./12 a.m.; Encore at 10 p.m./2 a.m. ET and PT

LENGTH: Two hours.

PRODUCED BY: David Paradine Productions Ltd. for A&E Network

Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.08.03 11:00:45   
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Народ, не переведете для новостей, а?! Буду весьма признателен.
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.09.03 12:05:19   
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PAUL McCARTNEY IN RED SQUARE: Back in the U.S.S.R. .…or rather, Russia
Thursday, September 11, 2003


Imagine being prohibited from performing your music in a country run by communism, because free will is what your music represents.

During the era of communism in the now-defunct Soviet Union, authorities labeled the music a “dangerous Western influence” and banned The Beatles and Paul McCartney’s 1970s band, Wings. The Soviet government’s communist ideology was meticulously maintained, controlling all areas from economic to cultural, depriving the fans of witnessing firsthand the popular Beatlemania, although Beatles’ recordings were smuggled into the nation.

Now, for the first time in his extensive career, former Beatle Paul McCartney was allowed to come to Russia and perform — a momentous show in the history of rock ’n’ roll — and Montclair director Mark Haefeli was right there, capturing the magic on film.

The soon-to-be-aired A&E music special “Paul McCartney in Red Square” is something that Haefeli is more proud of than anything he’s previously done in his career.

No stranger to producing and directing live concerts, Haefeli has an impressive rйsumй of handling more than 100 concerts for television including the Rolling Stones, U2, Janet Jackson, Aerosmith and Rod Stewart, as well as commercials for L’Oreal and Tommy Hilfiger. He produced and directed the Emmy-nominated ABC television special “Paul McCartney: Back in the U.S.,” which was the largest DVD-seller in the history of Capitol Records.

Haefeli, who has resided in Montclair for the past 13 years, got his foot in the show business door as a child actor. He later became a security guard at CBS News, then an executive producer at CNN, and finally went into business on his own, focusing on rock music.

“I had a good feel for the music scene and pop culture and combined that with journalistic training. I was very fortunate. I worked very hard and one thing led to another up the career path,” said Haefeli.

Through the years, Haefeli worked with McCartney and went on his last U.S. tour with him last year.

“He went on tour shortly after 9/11. I think the kind of music he was playing had a very soothing nature during a difficult time in the United States. It was somewhat of a healing process for people who attended. A very special vibe was going on that Paul and I decided to capture. We just started off shooting some of the happenings behind the scenes of the tour. Insight into what goes on backstage as well as the music of Paul and The Beatles. That evolved into a two-hour TV special ‘Back in the US.’ It sold over 500,000 copies and is still going strong,” said Haefeli.

Following the U.S. tour, McCartney went over to Europe to perform at the Red Square.

“We knew it would be very special,” said Haefeli. “There have been years of cultural exchanges between the U.S.A. and Russia. The U.S. sent jazz musicians over in the 1950s. But The Beatles were too much of a threat. The Beatles and Paul’s music had been banned by the Russian government. Other rock bands had actually performed in Russia, such as Elton John in the late 1970s.

“But Elton John was a performer. The Beatles were a lifestyle. Other bands played rock ’n’ roll music. The Beatles started a culture. They influenced fashion, the way we thought. They said things other people didn’t dare say. They were truly innovators.”

Haefeli and McCartney decided to bring to life the story about why The Beatles were banned.

“We started to research the subject matter,” said Haefeli. “We discovered very respected and well-known authors on this subject. How people smuggled in their records. Kids would spend their monthly wage on a black market Beatle record.”

With the downfall of the Soviet government, and no longer banned from the country of Russia, McCartney was filmed giving a master class in music at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. “It’s the most prestigious classical music school in the world,” said Haefeli. “It’s where Tchaikovsky went.”

The story ends with Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, greeting Paul McCartney, and McCartney playing in Red Square. “The important thing is how significant the film is. It’s probably the last great Beatles story. It’s a story that’s never been told before. It couldn’t be told until now. It was only now that Paul was allowed to come to Russia. People in the Soviet Union have only been free for the last 10 to15 years or so.

“This is the story that is being told by the people who lived the story, who lived through communism, the deprivation of cultural awareness, and came out the other side able to tell their story. It really is an amazing story. It’s not a story that is being told by journalists or the pop culture theorists.”

Of all the different recordings artists Haefeli has worked with, he doesn’t think anyone measures up to Paul McCartney. “I don’t think there’s anyone that comparable in terms of achievement, legitimate genius, versatility, longevity and impact than Paul McCartney. It’s an absolute privilege to be part of his legacy.”

Haefeli is more proud of this film than anything he’s ever done in his career. “To have been there, to have heard Paul singing ‘Back in the USSR’ in the Red Square was more than just a dream.”

“Paul McCartney in Red Square” will be aired on A&E, Thursday, Sept. 18, at 9 and 11 p.m.

Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.09.03 12:01:40   
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На официальном сайте ПОла появилась страничка об этом фильме.
На ней есть несколько фотографий (на однойнекоторые узнают себя, есть пара небольших видео. :)
Это текст с сайта
His music helped to open a closed society, but Paul McCartney never had the chance to perform in Russia … until this year. A&E Network presents the 2-hour world premiere concert/documentary film A&E In Concert: Paul McCartney in Red Square, Thursday, September 18 at 9pm/8C.

On May 24, 2003, Paul McCartney’s critically acclaimed “Back In The World” Tour visited Russia. Despite the various rumors and tales, it marked the first time that he had set foot on Russian soil. Paul McCartney In Red Square is not only the story of that trip, but is also the history behind a secret love affair that existed for decades between the Russian people and McCartney. Paul McCartney In Red Square will tell their story, in their words, of how, without knowing, one man helped shape a sociological and cultural future for an entire nation.
Paul McCartney In Red Square is highlighted with music from the nearly three-hour live concert, which took place in Moscow’s Red Square. Nearly 100,000 people, including President Putin and former President Gorbachev, turned out for the historic event and the 26- camera production team captured every moment. From the opening bars of “Hello, Goodbye” to “Band On The Run” to “Back In The USSR” and “Hey Jude” the show was a concert event not to be missed.
Cameras were rolling as McCartney’s three-day whirlwind trip to Russia was chronicled. Paul McCartney In Red Square will include conversations with respected members of the Russian cultural community, as well as footage shot during McCartney’s visit to St. Petersburg, where he received an honorary doctorate from the esteemed Russian Conservatoire and dedicated a building for the future advancement of the arts for Russia’s youth.

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.09.03 12:04:30   
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You Say You Want A Revolution ...
In the Middle East, unlike in the U.S.S.R., young rebels are the enemies of the West. Bin Laden’s picture is the forbidden icon Sept. 22 issue — Edward Teller and Paul McCartney didn’t know each other, but maybe they should have. The nuclear physicist and father of the H-bomb, who died last week at 95, was the model for Dr. Strangelove. A fierce anti-communist, his advice to Ronald Reagan to launch Star Wars is credited by some conservative analysts with sweeping the Soviet Union into the dustbin of history.
AND THE CONNECTION between Teller and the Beatles would be ... what? That Ringo starred in a movie with Peter Sellers? Actually, many Russians themselves believe that the Western cultural forces symbolized by Beatles music helped hollow out communism, slowly eroding its authority until it collapsed. That it disintegrated without a huge war is the greatest blessing of the last half of the 20th century. In other words, “hard power” (Western strength and resolve) and “soft power” (Western ideas of freedom) worked together, with plenty of help from brave refuseniks, a pragmatic, bumbling and ultimately peace-loving Mikhail Gorbachev—and the numbing effects of vodka.
This week, A&E network will air “Paul McCartney in Red Square,” a concert film that chronicles McCartney’s first-ever trip last May to Russia, where he was greeted like a conquering hero. McCartney’s first world tour in a decade was surprisingly big—close to half a million turned out for him in Rome—but the rapturous throngs of Muscovites below the onion domes at sunset were there to celebrate more than just the music. “The only person in Red Square who wasn’t moved was Lenin,” one Russian critic reported. As he sang “Back in the U.S.S.R.,” originally a spoof, “that’s when the volts went through them,” McCartney told me last week. The song plays to a Russian national pride that is no longer frightening.
The film explains how young fans in the mid-1960s would spend half a month’s salary on contraband albums, or disassemble public telephones to build “electric” guitars. Old pictures of the Fab Four were passed around like icons. Gorbachev turns up to recall how the Beatles “taught the young that there was another life.” Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov says that as an ambitious young party member he was “moderated” by the music. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, attending the concert flanked by goons who boogie like crazy, says the Beatles gave people “a gulp of freedom.” (He might consider giving them a few more gulps now.)
Even discounting the usual exaggeration in these films—and the fact that other bands toured the Eastern bloc while no Beatles ever did—there’s something instructive here. McCartney makes no claim to being a geopolitical thinker, but suggests, “When somebody comes in with an alternate idea that’s just a little looser—that’s powerful ... [The people] are thinking ‘If only, if only ...’ And it starts to spread.” Periodic Soviet crackdowns on rock fans, including the confiscation of memorabilia, continued into the 1980s, each one creating yet more “inner immigrants”—Russians fleeing Lenin for Lennon without leaving home.
The music was more important to them than it was to us. I remember visiting Moscow in 1987 and seeing hippies still there more than a decade after the whole thing disappeared in the West. It was a way of rebelling without becoming a full-fledged dissident. Songs of love and freedom helped make ordinary Russians ideologically undependable in the eyes of their rulers. The Red Army’s pathetic failure in Afghanistan showed a certain lessening of the old Russian fighting spirit. By the end in 1989, victory for the West was like walking through a door that was already open.
So what does any of this have to do with today’s challenges? On one level, nothing. “I don’t think they smuggled Beatles records into the Arab world,” McCartney says. In fact, today’s Islamic fanaticism is in part a reaction against Western popular culture. In the Middle East, unlike in the U.S.S.R., young rebels are the enemies of the West. Bin Laden’s picture is the forbidden icon, not some Western rock star. And the whole “soft power” bit can be overdrawn in other ways. In Canada last week, the National Post editorialized that the soft focus has become a handy excuse for the Canadians to avoid the hard work of helping the United States catch terrorists. It doesn’t sound promising in North Korea, either, where if anyone smuggled in CDs, the strange imports might get used as tiny plates on which to serve their tiny food portions.
None of which is to suggest that soft power can’t work today. But perhaps McCartney’s most important observation was that “we did it without knowing it ... It all begins with whispers and then ideas are launched and spread on the wind.” Cultural and even political ideas are more appealing, particularly to the young, when governments are not trying to push them on people. The Russians’ second-favorite song in Red Square was “All You Need Is Love.” Yet if the Bush administration were sponsoring the show—or if the Johnson and Nixon administrations had been big rock-and-roll fans—the Beatles’ reception would have been very different, even back in the U.S.S.R.

© 2003 Newsweek, Inc.
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.09.03 12:06:06   
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McCartney stays on the run in Russia

Sunday September 14, 2003

By Jay Bobbin

Paul McCartney never had visited Russia before, but he says it felt like home once he got there.

The legendary, knighted ex-Beatle made a delayed three-day trip in May, dedicating a St. Petersburg building for the arts, receiving an honorary degree from the Russian Conservatoire and performing a concert in Moscow's Red Square.

The almost 100,000 fans included Russian President Vladimir Putin and former President Mikhail Gorbachev. McCartney's historic and emotional trek is traced in the two-hour A&E Network special "Paul McCartney in Red Square" Thursday.

More than a music special -- although it offers a wealth of songs from "Hey Jude" and "Band on the Run" to (of course) "Back in the USSR" -- the program explains the impact of McCartney and the Beatles on Russia's population.

An opening quote credits Liverpool's "Fab Four" with doing "more for the fall of communism than any other Western institution."

Those interviewed confirm that simply knowing the Beatles existed helped many young Russians find their voices against an oppressive regime.

McCartney says, "We knew that the Beatles were kind of known over there, and that gave us a lot of pleasure, the idea that we were popular there."

Not only could the Beatles be creative in that atmosphere, others could appreciate their creativity, even as KGB officers looked over their shoulders. "I'd meet Russians on the street in New York or in England, and I'd always feel a sort of family bond with them," McCartney reflects. "I don't know why; maybe it had something to do with the wars and that feeling of being allies, but that really made it feel like I was an old friend returning when I went to Russia."

Not surprisingly, "Back in the USSR" got an enormous response when McCartney performed it in Red Square. "For years, I had been itching to do that," he confirms.

McCartney originally intended to go to Russia in 2001, but the terrorist attacks on the United States altered his plans.

His overseas visit was initiated by Anthea Eno, musician Brian Eno's wife, who invited McCartney to teach a master class at her St. Petersburg charity, which benefits musically talented, underprivileged children.

"I really wanted to experience Russia, and it was beautiful. I first got sort of a personal tour, then we got into the charity thing, and then we went to Moscow for the concert. That allowed me to touch Russia, and to let it touch me."

Accompanied by his wife, Heather, who is expecting their first child together, McCartney also appreciated the chance to discuss the international land-mine situation with President Putin.

"Part of me is still a school kid looking at history, but as it unfolds, I'm now a part of it. That's uncanny to me, but it is great to realize that hopefully, I can make some small difference."
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Вад   Дата: 15.09.03 23:29:24   
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Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Серг ЦветкOFF (Ph.D.)   Дата: 17.09.03 09:23:31   
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Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.09.03 12:20:27   
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Форум на сайте телекомпании A&E, посвященный фильму "Paul McCartney in Red Square":
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Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.09.03 12:22:25   
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И главная новость. Завтра Пол примет участие в 30-минутном чате на

As part of the A&E World Premiere Paul McCartney will also taking part in 30 minute Live Web Chat on between 6pm and 8pm (BST) on Thursday 18th September.

Check the news section on for more announcement details.
Re: Фильм о пребывании ПМ в России
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.09.03 12:24:21   
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