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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.05.06 02:51:06   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 03:03:18   
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место пикник-концерта - замок Highclere!место пикник-концерта - замок Highclere!
Я тащусь!  
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 03:04:46   
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Роджер исполняет WYWH!   Сбоку от Роджа можно заметить и Энди Лоу! ;) Роджер исполняет WYWH!

Сбоку от Роджа можно заметить и Энди Лоу! ;)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.05.06 03:09:11   
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>Энди Лоу!
А вот и ни фига! Это Дэйв Бронз!
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 03:10:14   
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Родж исполняет Comfy Numb!Родж исполняет Comfy Numb!

..второе живое исполнение этой песни, где он на басу собственноручно за всю карьеру, попршу заметить! ;)) (первый был Live8)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 03:11:34   
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>>Энди Лоу!
>А вот и ни фига! Это Дэйв Бронз!

Ошибся... маленькие картинки... не разглядел :)
Добрый профессор  
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 03:12:33   
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Do it your own wayDo it your own way
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.05.06 03:19:13   
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На тебе Энди...На тебе Энди...
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.05.06 03:22:21   
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На тебе Роджера...На тебе Роджера...
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.05.06 03:23:00   
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На тебе парочку гениев!На тебе парочку гениев!
Остальное здесь:
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 16:11:12   
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Фотки из Brain-DamageФотки из Brain-Damage


Picture © Anne Wedge for Brain Damage. No unauthorised use.
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 16:12:37   
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Фотки из Brain-Damage


Picture © Robert Cooper for Brain Damage. No unauthorised use.
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 16:14:45   
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Фотки из Brain-Damage  2  Picture © Robert Cooper for Brain Damage. No unauthorised useФотки из Brain-Damage


Picture © Robert Cooper for Brain Damage. No unauthorised use
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 22:00:47   
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With Roger Waters' 2006 summer tour of Europe starting in exactly two weeks time, we learnt this evening that his friend and former Pink Floyd colleague Nick Mason has been added to a third full show!With Roger Waters' 2006 summer tour of Europe starting in exactly two weeks time, we learnt this evening that his friend and former Pink Floyd colleague Nick Mason has been added to a third full show!

Nick has been added to the Reykjavik, Iceland concert on June 12th, to go with his appearances at the concerts being held in Hyde Park, London (July 1st) and Magny-Cours, Nevers, France (July 14th). He is scheduled to play drums on all of the 1973 classic, Dark Side Of The Moon, and the encores.

The promoter of the Icelandic concert tells us that tickets sales are doing well, with area "A" at the venue almost sold out. The news of Nick's inclusion will no doubt ensure that remaining tickets sell quickly. They can be obtained through

Nick's first outing with Roger this time around actually occurs tomorrow evening, when they take part in the benefit concert at Highclere Castle in Newbury, Berkside in the UK countryside. However, Roger and Nick appear as part of a star-studded bill (which includes the likes of Eric Clapton, Bryan Ferry, and others) and it will not be a full length performance. We will be bringing you full details of the show, of course...

Our thanks to Finn (the promoter) for his help in bringing this information to you.
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.06 22:41:08   
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Last night, Roger Waters and his friend (and former Pink Floyd colleague) Nick Mason were amongst the artists participating in an event to benefit the UK's Countryside Alliance (CA), and we have a full review of the concert for you.Last night, Roger Waters and his friend (and former Pink Floyd colleague) Nick Mason were amongst the artists participating in an event to benefit the UK's Countryside Alliance (CA), and we have a full review of the concert for you.

The show, Highclere Rocks, was held at the castle of the same name in the Berkshire countryside on Saturday, May 20th. It was billed as a "picnic concert", running from 4pm until 11pm, and featured The Band Du Lac - made up of Gary Brooker, Mike Rutherford, Andy Fairweather Low and Paul Carrack.

Roger and Nick were amongst the special guests at the show, alongside other musical luminaries such as Eric Clapton, Georgie Fame (who appears on David Gilmour's On An Island album), Roger Daltrey, and Roger Taylor.

The Floyd connections started with the appearance of Bryan Ferry and his band, which includes Guy Pratt on bass (taking a break from his own solo shows, and David Gilmour's tour). However, there were a number of other musicians with a musical connection to the Floyd - including Jodi Linscott, Paul Carrack, and Andy Fairweather-Low.

A number of Roger's fans have expressed their concern over his participation in the event - as they did when he took part in the 2002 Whip Craic concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London. However, Roger gave his own point of view at that time, standing up for his democratic rights, supporting the work of the Alliance and also took part in one of their protest marches in London.

With strong views on either side of the argument, we will not enter into the rights and wrongs of things. Simply, we are covering the music and performances seen during the show... you can read our full review, with details of all the songs that Roger and Nick performed on, at our Highclere Rocks concert page, or by clicking on the castle to the right! Contrary to the information shown on various Eric Clapton sites today, they didn't just play on two tracks!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 01:55:12   
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А вот впечатления о субботнем концерте-пикнике от участника RWO Message Board SiА вот впечатления о субботнем концерте-пикнике от участника RWO Message Board Si

Мнение довольно смешанные, но судя по его словам все получали удовольствие!


Got to the gig about 4:30pm, its was FULL of people with tables set up with food all over them walking round in green wellingtons and barbour jackets drinking champagne and eating salmon and cucumber sandwiches!
We didnt see any other fans at all! most of the crowd stayed back at their tables and chairs in the fields surounding the stage, i'd say there were only about 1500 people round the stage. About 6 feet from the stage to stop anyone charging it was a 3 foot highwhite wooden picket fence! I kid you not.

Roger and Nick came on at the same time after Clapton had done his 30 minute solo set, Roger wearing his trademark jeans, white shirt and blue blazer, however this time he had a long wool scarf wrapped ropund his neck, BRIGHT pink in colour.

They played WYWH and Comfy Numb, probably the worst versions of each i've ever heard but thats what you get with "house" bands! Clapton was fantastic on the last Comfy Numb solo, he just didn't go on long enough though.

Roger then came back on as the band started to play Bob Marleys "Get Up Stand Up", he walked over to the percussion stand and was offered a tambourine, he refused it and picked up a half empty beer can and a drumstick!!! He then proceeded run round the stage for the whole track banging the can to the music! the can wasn't mic'ed so you couldnt hear it but i don't think he was bothered one bit. As he kept hitting the can beer would fly out of the open end onto the stage! By the end of the track the can was crushed. He also came on with an acoustic and strummed along with Clapton to the track Cocaine.

Whilst it wasn't the best performance, it was certainly entertaining and the 4 of us had an excellent day out.

Нафото: скан приглашения на вечер
Муз. фестиваль Rock In Rio охватит мировую аудиторию
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 05:56:48   
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Муз. фестиваль Rock In Rio охватит мировую аудиториюМуз. фестиваль Rock In Rio охватит мировую аудиторию

By Leila Cobo
Вс. 21 Мая, 5:57 PM ET

MIAMI (Billboard) - C тех пор как Rock In Rio был запущен в 1985г., он являлся крупным событием, собирая сотни тысяч поклонников музыки на каждом фестивале. Теперь он может стать крупным мировым брэндом.

Событие этого года - два уикэнда музыки, включая выступления Red Hot Chili Peppers, реформированных Guns N' Roses и Роджера Уотерса, который исполнит "Dark Side Of The Moon" - будет вещаться в прямом эфире по многочисленным средствам коммуникации по всему миру благодаря новому партнёру Network Live. В ближайшие годы также планируется, что фестиваль будет проходит по всему миру.

Первые три события Rock In Rio (в 1985, 1989 и 2001 гг.) проходили в Рио де-Жанейро. В этом году он пройдёт в Лиссабоне, Португалия, как и в 2004г. Основатель фестиваля Роберт Медина (Robert Medina) работает над тем, чтобы утвердить Испанию как место проведения фестиваля в 2007г. Он планирует вернуть фестиваль опять в Португалию в 2008г., и, как он заявил, сейчас идут окончательные решения по поводу того, чтобы предоставить лицензию австралийскому промоутеру Майклу Чаггу (Michael Chugg) на проведение фестиваля в феврале 2008г.

"Моя цель - создать международный брэнд и привести этот прооект во многие места в качестве проекта мировых средства общения," говорит Медина.

Каждое событие собирает более 1 млн. долларов на благотворильные программы по защите окружаюшей среды и детей.

Первый фестиваль Rock In Rio собрал более чем 1,3 млн. человек, перед которыми выступили Queen, AC/DC, Род Стюарт и Джеймс Тэйлор, чья песня "Only a Dream in Rio" навеяна воспоминаниями события.

В этом году фестиваль пройдёт с 26 по 27 мая и со 2 и по 4 июня с составом участников, превышающим 40 исполнителей.

Около 70 стран будут транслировать Rock In Rio по ТВ со заказными спец. каналами вещаниями, созданными для специфичной местности.

Network Live планирует предоставить вещание концерта в реальном времени 113 млн. ежемес. посетителей интернет-ресурса AOL, 6 млн. подписчикам Спутникового Радио XM Satelite, более чем14 млн. зрителей телеканала DirecTV и др. информац. партнёрам. "С таким событием как это, мы достигнем аудиторию в размере 100 млн. чел.," говорит главный исполнительный директор Network Live Кевин Уолл (Kevin Wall).

Уолл говорит, что Rock In Rio есть смысл расширять. "В Южной Америке это было подобно Вудстоку (Woodstock)," говорит он. "Может ли он теперь стать мировым? Мы заключили контракт с этими людьми, потому что мы считаем, что он может таковым."

читаем и смотрим субботний пикник
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 23.05.06 14:26:48   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Roger Waters @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 22:54:49   
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Ещё статья по Сб. концерту в замке HighclereЕщё статья по Сб. концерту в замке Highclere


Concert starts: 4pm
Address of venue: Highclere Castle, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 9RN. MAP

Venue website:

Roger Waters and Nick Mason were amongst the artists participating in a show to benefit the UK's Countryside Alliance (CA).

The show, Highclere Rocks, was held at the castle of the same name in the Berkshire countryside on Saturday, May 20th. It was billed as a "picnic concert", running from 4pm until 11pm, and featured The Band Du Lac - made up of Gary Brooker, Mike Rutherford, Andy Fairweather Low and Paul Carrack.

Roger and Nick were amongst the special guests at the show, alongside other musical luminaries such as Eric Clapton and Georgie Fame (who appears on David Gilmour's On An Island album).

Many of you will recall that Roger last performed at a CA show back in 2002, at the Royal Albert Hall, where he premiered The Overture from Ca Ira. The Alliance are known to condone fox hunting, and a number of Roger's fans at the time of the show were unhappy about his participation. However, Roger gave his own point of view at the time, standing up for his democratic rights, supporting the work of the Alliance and also took part in one of their protest marches in London.

A similar number have expressed their views about Roger and Nick's involvement in this show; with strong views on either side, we will not enter into the rights and wrongs of things. Simply, we are covering the music and performances seen during the show...

With the sun finally breaking through the earlier grey and chilly sky, and with the impressive profile of Highclere Castle to the left of the stage, the main concert started around 8pm with a spirited performance from Bryan Ferry and his band.

Guy Pratt was the first of many Floyd related appearances, popping up as Bryan's bassist on the short four song set. Needless to say, Guy seemed to be enjoying himself as usual (flirting with one of the slinky backing vocalists!).

Following a short break, the Band du Lac took the stage at around 8:50pm. The band is led by Gary Brooker (Procol Harum) and usually appears annually for a charity event in the South East of England. The core of the band tonight was Gary on electric piano, Mike Rutherford on guitars, Paul Carrack on vocals and Hammond organ (the second Floyd connection of the evening - vocals on The Wall, Berlin), Geoff Whitehorn on lead guitar and Jodi Linscott on percussion (the third Floyd connection of the evening - percussion on About Face tour).

The band played for about an hour with various guests before Roger and Nick made their appearance. Interestingly, all three guests had strong Floyd links - Andy Fairweather-Low (Roger's band); Georgie Fame (Hammond organ on David's On an Island) and Eric Clapton (guitarist for Roger's 1984 Pros & Cons tour).

When Roger and Nick finally appeared at around 9:45pm, they were both very relaxed (Roger looking very dapper in dark jacket, white shirt, pink scarf and light blue jeans). As Roger strapped on an acoustic guitar and Nick settled in behind his familiar twin bass drum kit, Roger invited Mike Rutherford to kick off the first song and he began to strum the familiar chords of "Wish You Were Here". The unique element to this version of the song was that Eric Clapton had not left the stage at the end of his guest appearance and stayed to provide David's lead guitar lines (albeit on his Strat, rather than acoustic) - a unique event for any Floyd fan! More was to follow.

At the end of the song, Roger switched to bass and led the introduction to "Comfortably Numb". After a slightly hesitant start, the song gained momentum, with Roger handing the vocals on the verse and Paul Carrack picking up the chorus.

Geoff Whitehorn played lead on the first solo and the first section of the final solo. The highlight of the evening came when Eric picked up the lead for the remainder of the song - a really enthralling emotional few minutes. However, all too soon, the song was over and Roger left the stage.

However, Nick stayed behind his kit for the remainder of the evening, starting with Procol's landmark song, "Whiter Shade of Pale". Roger re-emerged with acoustic guitar as Eric took centre stage again for a great version of his classic JJ Cale song, "Cocaine". Roger strummed along enthusiastically and looked to be having a great time!

At the end of the song, Roger again left the stage as Gary led the band into Bob Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up". However, part way through the song, Roger re-appeared stage right and asked Jodi Linscott for a percussion instrument. He rejected the offer of a tambourine and ended up with a drumstick and percussion block which he energetically hit for the remainder of the song! (Patrick emailed us to say that it wasn't actually a block, but a beer can!) At one stage he was exhorting the audience to clap and sing along - definitely a very relaxed Roger.

The band left the stage to enormous applause and were persuaded back on stage for an encore, unfortunately without Roger. However, Nick led the song with a drum roll intro to a great version of Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35" with everyone taking a share of the vocals.

All in all, a tremendous evening with many unique memories, especially for Floyd fans.

Thanks to our friend Mark for his views on what sounds like a great, unique performance...
Roger & Nick @ CA Benefit - 20.05.2006
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 23:23:48   
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А вот и фоторепортаж   Авторства Si  1   How I Wish You Were HereА вот и фоторепортаж

Авторства Si


How I Wish You Were Here
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